Countdown to Nuclear War: Paul Craig Roberts By James Reed

Paul Craig Roberts has given his take, confirming all that I have said about the world sliding into World War III as the US seems to have approved the Ukraine using its donated weapons to strike deep into the heart of Russia. It is only so long before Russian has had enough, and the red line is crossed. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said that war in Ukraine may “get out of control, and spread into a major war between NATO and Russia." Putin has said that nothing will remain of “the enemy” if Russia is attacked, as hundreds of nuclear missiles will be launched.


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Deep State Social Engineering By James Reed

Dr Mercola continues to produce excellent pieces on the psycho-political warfare that has guided the Covid establishment. The media showed their power of social control and manipulation with the vax rollout, and now with skyrocketing excess deaths, stillbirths and miscarriages, covered elsewhere at the blog today, still continue their game of deception. But, the media are only part players, in a system comprising corporates and government, all who pushed for the same agenda.

For example, in the US the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is the principal coordinator of illegal government censorship. While it was supposed to defend the nation against foreign cybersecurity threats, it soon morphed into an entity dealing with domestic threats, that have been now redefined to include those challenging any aspect of the present tyrannical regime, including the Covid vax mandates. There is a type of social mutation going on, which is parallel to the mutation of the SARS-CoV-2, or better yet, the gain-of-function research tht cooks these things up in the beginning.

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The Living Hell of the Vax Injured By Mrs Vera West

Dr Robert Malone has given a detailed account of another tragic Covid vax injury. Like so many people, Mr. Fusaro took a Covid injection for a job opportunity that required international travel. After a second Pfizer shot, he developed medical conditions such as complete heart block, blood clots, and pericarditis, among others.  This led to him having three heart surgeries and was put on a pacemaker. So, what exactly was this all for; was Covid a new Black Death leading to bodies being piled 10 high in the streets? From the media at the time, one would have thought so.


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The Machinations of the Deep State By Chris Knight (Florida)

We have seen the machinations of the Deep State with the Covid adventure, perhaps the greatest scam in human history.  Oher scams, by comparison seem somewhat mild, if not a tad boring. But, the latest revelation is that the FBI held weekly meetings with social media companies prior to the 2020 and 2022 elections, to cook the books for the Democrats. Musk has already admitted that Twitter has interfered with elections. Any society with a functioning rule of law should be prosecuting, but under the Democrats, this is the new normal. Democracy has fallen, long ago.


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Behind Communist China’s Covid Lockdowns By James Reed

The lockdowns in communist China, tried multiple times, did not work, so why did they persist? One view has it, and I think that it has merit, that the lockdowns were never about public health, but social control. China’s lockdowns were an experiment in Xi’s power, as he ascended to god emperor status. But things in the West were not much different as the same experiment as conducted to see how much social control could be pushed upon a public, subjected to a fear campaign, and the iron fist of social domination and oppression. And the oppressive state now knows that most people will be easily bent. It reaches into deep philosophical questions about free will and agency, that most people took an experimental vaccine, purely upon trust of the government, who, what, never lie to us?

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The Yanks are Coming! Over There! By James Reed

I had feared that with the Labor government, and so much sympathy of the Left for anything communist, that the new government would undo the defence commitments made by the previous Sco Mo bozo Liberal government. Fortunately, the coming war with China has led to a circling of the wagons, which is a comfort in these scary times. There will continue to be a deepening of Australia and US defence relationships. Yes, we need plenty of nuke missiles here, ringing the coast like a pin cushion. Here is an old theme song, “Over there,” soon to be hummed by us all as we wave our stars and stripes flags:


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“The People Who are Under the Age of 50 who Took the Vaccine Now have a 49% Higher Mortality Rate.” Discuss By Brian Simpson

The statistics are sobering. In the UK, people who took the Covid vax have a 26 percent higher mortality rate, and those who are under the age of 50 who took the vaccine now have a 49 percent higher mortality rate. The people who only took one dose of the vaccine have approximately 145 percent worse mortality rate.” It is not clear if the mortality rate for multiple vaxxed is actually worse, but I expect so, with a compounding effect occurring.


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Can Big Pharma be Made Accountable? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Our governor Ron DeSantis, who should replace Donald Trump as presidential candidate, wants to make Pfizer and Moderna accountable for their Covid shots, as they were not up front about the issue of side effects. If he can do this, he deserves a wheelbarrow full of Nobel Prizes. It will be a quest of Hercules, given how well legally protected they are. But at least his heart is in the right place, unlike Mr Vaccine, Operation Warp Speed Donald Trump, who gave us the vax and Operation Warp Speed, and still thinks it is the best thing since sliced bread.


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Russia’s Banning of LGBT+ “Propaganda” Cause Alone for World War III or IV! By James Reed

So, he warned about it, and now he has done it. Putin has completely banned LGBT+ “propaganda,” as the Russians define it, “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations, gender reassignment and pedophilia.” And, there are stiff penalties for those who break the law too. Putin said: “Do we want our schools to impose on our children, from their earliest days in school, perversions that lead to degradation and extinction?” he continued. “Do we want to drum into their heads the ideas that certain other genders exist along with women and men and to offer them gender reassignment surgery? Is that what we want for our country and our children? This is all unacceptable to us. We have a different future of our own.”

See, that is one reason why some peole think nuclear war is necessary.

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Miscarriage and Stillbirth Rates Skyrocketing By Mrs Vera West

Here is the story the lamestream media is not touching, the skyrocketing rates of miscarriage and stillbirth rates across the world. There has been a decrease in birth rates of 12 percent in Germany, 9 percent in Britain, 11 percent in the Netherlands, and 27 percent in Taiwan. Scotland saw a 123 percent increase in newborn baby deaths in September 2022. In the United States, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has miscarriage and still birth reports at 4,070 percent over the average from years’ past. There is little public or scientific discussion of this, since the phenomenon does not have a conventional explanation, and is perfectly correlated with the Covid vax rollout. Correlation does not prove causation, but in the absence of an alternative comprehensive explanation, parsimony indicates that the vax is the likely cause.

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Chaos in America By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is true; chaos has come to America, as detailed by Mike Adams, who has his finger on the pulse here, or is it trigger? With attacks upon critical infrastructure, such as power substations, and increasing looting of stores, businesses are hiring armed guards, even at gas (petrol) stations. The bullet-proof vest is becoming more than a fashion accessory, but an important component of daily life. Why I think there are even vests for the LGBT+ community. I wear one now, which is quite unpleasant in the humanity of Florida, but better than getting shot.

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IPA Analysis of the Voice to Parliament in New Zealand By James Reed

With the Voice referendum intended to be rolled in by the Left and woke, as was done with the same sex marriage vote, it is good to see high quality critiques now appearing, with the doing well. One recent report discusses what we can expect from this race-based change to the constitution by looking at the New Zealand experience. Contrary to what the prime Minister has said, if Australia follows the New Zealand road, which seems to be what the elites want, the Voice will not be merely advisory but will become a third chamber of parliament, with politicians from Labor and Liberal never daring to challenge their dictates, for fear of the ultimate weapon of today, to be hit with the racism bomb, more deadly than nuclear weapons in a woke culture. I just typed that sentence and Word shut down, and I could not even find my file on my USB (had a second backup). The Voice will be deceptive like Microsoft Word, and even more deadly to the files of the rule of law.


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Zombie Climate Change Viruses from the Ice! By Brian Simpson

It sounds like some horrible mish mash of a movie with a killer virus released from the ice. That is one take that has been given by a few climate change fanatics with the news that scientists, in their wisdom, have revived 48,500-year-old viruses found in the ice, or rather thawing tundra in Siberia. The revived viruses, although groggy, are still infectious, but not for humans, but target amoebas. Still, that has set the climate change fanatics off, claiming that climate change is melting the permafrost, releasing potentially dangerous pathogens.


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On the Spikey End of the Spike Proteins By Brian Simpson

Dr Ryan Cole has warned that the mRNA spike proteins, generated by the Covid vaxxes, can cause blood cells to erode the heart’s main artery the aorta. Dr. Cole has said, “That’s spike protein literally causing the lymphocytes to chew a hole in the aorta. This is the biggest blood vessel in your body, coming off your heart. When that ruptures, you’re gone in minutes.”

“So, that’s just another example of what deposited spike protein and the induced inflammation can do.” Grim stuff indeed. As yet there has been no solid program of reversing all of this, and maybe there cannot be. Hence the need to keep informing people of this information, to save who we can.

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The New World Order Agenda of Bill Gates By James Reed

Dr Mercola has given an excellent take on the agenda of Bill Gates. There has been so much written about this that it would take entire books to chart what he is up to. There is the vaccine agenda, and the claims of depopulation. Gates has proclaimed that a new pandemic, which will dwarf Covid, is coming. Then there are his buy ups of prime US farmland, done with the drive to put in place artificial meat, all to deal with some manufactured climate change crisis. Dr Mercola also details Gates' philanthropic endeavours, which work to make his organisations rich.

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Australia’s “Incredibly High” Excess Deaths By Mrs Vera West

Now even the mainstream media is covering the issue of the rise of excess deaths in Australia, 13 percent in 2022, above the expected mean value; an extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data. Karen Cutter of the Actuaries Institute said that this was way outside the normal and needs investigation. However as observed at  there  are 10 reasons why the official data on vaccine injury and deaths is unreliable, and things are worse than than ABS data:

  1. “Lack of education around side effects. Many injured report their doctors/vaccinators "googling" their side effects. This lack of education likely applies to coroners as well.
  2. Misinformation flowing from government and offical health sources. E.g.: assurances that vaccines can't affect menstrual health (subsequently, studies showed that they do).
  3. Prejudice against those reporting side effects. Categorising concerned patients or families of deceased as "crazy anti-vaxxers" and dismissing their concerns.
  4. Health professionals not wanting to appear "anti-vax", which would damage their reputations and possibly jeopardise their licence to practice.
  5. Most peri- and myocarditis injured who I interviewed were initially diagnosed as "anxious" and prescribed anti-depressants (for their myocarditis!). Similarly, misattribution of deaths to natural, unknown or other causes, such as in the case of Aseem Malhotra’s fatherand Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
  6. The autopsies required to establish causal links between vaccination and death are not being conducted.
  7. Lack of distinction between Covid, vaccine AEs, Long Covid and Long Vax.
  8. The very low bar for recording unexplained illness and deaths as Covid, or Long Covid related if a loose link can be established. This is manifested in both the attitudes of the health professionals who are predisposed to view Covid as a primary threat to public health, and in the minimal protocols required to classify events as Covid related.
  9. The very high bar for recording unexplained illness and deaths as vaccine related, even if a strong link can be established. This is manifested in both the attitudes of the health professionals who are predisposed to view vaccine critics as crazy and/or anxious, and in the multitudinous protocols required to classify events as vaccine related.3
  10. The AU reporting system is passive. Underreporting is a widely acknowledged bug (or feature, depending on your degree of capture by Big Pharma or your own ego) of passive surveillance systems.”


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Trudeau Bans Guns: Will Australia be Next? By John Steele

Canada under the son of Castro, maybe even a biological son, Justin Trudeau, first moved to ban handguns, then pushed through an amendment, banning almost all guns, even hunting rifles. There has been more pushback against this than occurred in Australia in 1996 under pretend liberal John Howard, but I fear that if something like this was implemented then the Covid-compliant sheeple would be even weaker than in 1996. That year marked my disappointment with the ordinary people in not taking a stand against tyranny, and we all know how the Covid story went.

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When Will Russia use Tactical Nuclear Weapons? By Richard Miller

Some argue that Russia will not use tactical nuclear weapons because of the fallout factor, the radiation going over Russia. It is a good argument, but not decisive. The attack will need to be timed correctly so that the winds are not blowing to Russia, but back to Europe. Or, the Russians will go to their vast underground bunkers, and sit it out, while all others die. The Russians and Chinese believe that nuclear war is winnable, let alone survival.

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China’s Star Wars Strategy By James Reed

The coming war with communist China, something China is eagerly preparing for, will not only be in the air, on the water, and on ground, but also in space. China, based upon the wealth given to it by the globalist economic system, is now building space-based weapons. According to a Pentagon paper: “The [People’s Liberation Army] continues to acquire and develop a range of counter-space capabilities and related technologies, including kinetic-kill missiles, ground-based lasers, and orbiting space robots, as well as expanding space surveillance capabilities, which can monitor objects in space within their field of view and enable counter-space actions.” A key weapon will be space-based kinetic weapons and lasers. And, the communists appear to be far ahead of the West, who has been more concerned with burying its culture and nation, rather than saving it.

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Chris Merritt on the Dangers of the Voice Referendum By Paul Walker

Chris Merritt, vice-president of the Rule of Law Institute of Australia, and a contributor to the Connor Court book, Beyond Belief: Rethinking the Voice to Parliament (2022), edited by Peter Kurti and Nyunggai Warren Mundine, has an excellent piece on the vagueness of the Voice referendum, which has been kept in secret by the government. As pointed out, the Voice will be able to examine all aspects of policies, and that will require an enormous bureaucracy, which is not being detailed or revealed. And, by constitutional changes, the woke courts, not parliament, will be controlling the Voice Body, or rather, being “advised” what to do. It really will be the end of Australia as we know it. Will this go the way as the same sex vote, with guilt of “racism,” thumped into the minds of the population over generations? Or will, at long last, the masses take a principled stand?

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