Fighting Albanese Labor Government’s Digital ID Bill By James Reed

The following is an important message from George Christensen about the dangers to freedom posed by Albanese’s Digital ID Bill. To meet the demands of their globalist masters of the UN, World Economic Forum, World Health organization, and others, the Labor government is introducing this  Bill which will bring in a vast digital identity system to be unleashed upon Australians. This will be far beyond what was intended with the past, failed, Australia Card in 1985, as technology has moved so far ahead now and allows the elites control beyond anything contemplated in the last century.

There are many reasons to oppose the digital ID system, including security issues, privacy violations, but above all, this is going to create a Big Brother dystopia: “The powers that be want to turn us into Communist China, with a social credit system that controls our every move and thought! A digital ID system is always the basis for a social credit system. And if they ever bring in a social credit system, your social credit score will likely determine what services you can access. Under such a system, the government holds you hostage.”

Follow the URL below to get access to a petition one can sign, and pass the information on.

“Dear friend,

As you might be aware, along with editing Nation First, I am also the national campaign director for the conservative grassroots organisation CitizenGO in Australia.

Every so often, I share a CitizenGO campaign with readers of Nation First, but only when they touch on the most important of issues.

The current campaign to stop the Albanese Labor Government’s Digital ID Bill from being passed by the Australian Parliament is one such issue.



  • Stop the Digital Identity Bill now! Protect your privacy and personal liberty from government overreach and potential misuse.
  • Say NO to the Albanese Labor Government's nationwide digital identity system.
  • Prevent the risk of surveillance and control.
  • Sign to demand that Finance Minister Senator Katy Gallagher abandons this invasive proposal!
  • Since 2015, with little public knowledge or consent, there has been a push from Canberra (with the backing of globalist outfits like the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization) for a vast, nationwide digital identity system to be set up in Australia.
  • Without any fanfare or significant media reporting, the Albanese Labor Governmentannounced in September it would be moving forward with drafting a Digital Identity Bill and gave the public only 14 working days in which to comment.
  • That's unacceptable.
  • Any proposed digital identity system carries major risks for both privacy and freedom.
  • Demand that the Albanese Labor Government and its Finance Minister Katy Gallagher abandon their intrusive Digital Identity Bill. Sign the CitizenGO petition now!
  • There are a whole host of reasons as to why setting up a national digital identity system is a bad idea.
  • For starters, digital ID threatens our privacy. With big government and big corporations wanting to know more and more about us, it is clear that, right now, we are on the frontlines in a war against our privacy. And a digital identity system will be like a vulture, ready to snatch up our private information and secrets... and who knows what they'll do with them? It's a clear and present danger!
  • They will capture your biometric data with digital ID.The government is going to request your biometric information to verify your digital identity. This will likely include a scan of your face, but could also include scans of your retinas, or your fingerprints. They say this biometric data will only be used to verify one's identity and that it will be deleted after verification. But will that always be the case or will the government change the rules down the track? Going by past experience, it is likely the latter option.
  • This system will be mandatory.There's no consent in this system. It's basically forced compliance. Participation in the digital ID system should be a choice, but they're making it mandatory, robbing us of our autonomy and making us feel powerless!
  • You lose control of your personal data.While the government claims your data will only be shared with agencies with your consent, we all know by now that governments have ways to force your consent. Once they have your personal data, the government then has the power to “justify” doing whatever they see fit with it.
  • Big corporations will get your personal data.The government has already flagged that they will expand their proposed digital ID system in the future so that corporations can participate in the scheme. This is big government working hand in hand with big corporations, and your privacy is what they are trading.
  • Your personal information could be stolen. Without a doubt, centralising our data will put it in peril. Centralised data systems are like honey to the bees for cybercriminals and hackers. And once they're in, they've got the keys to our lives. That's a disaster waiting to happen! The government claims they will ensure that your data is protected but past privacy breaches raise doubts. The best way to keep your personal information secure is to not digitise it in the first place.
  • Digital ID paves the way for a social credit nightmare.This is the real kicker, and quite possibly the endgame for a digital ID system. The powers that be want to turn us into Communist China, with a social credit system that controls our every move and thought! A digital ID system is always the basis for a social credit system. And if they ever bring in a social credit system, your social credit score will likely determine what services you can access. Under such a system, the government holds you hostage.
  • Most importantly, nobody ever asked for a digital identity system. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night worried that you didn't have a digital identity? Have any of your family members, or friends ever told you they wanted a digital identity? Do you really think any average Australian has ever written to or phoned their Member of Parliament asking them for a digital identity? You have to wonder why the government is going ahead with this agenda. To force something on a public that hasn't asked for it is the antithesis of democracy and representative government.
  • But the globalist elites want digital ID!The digital ID agenda is being pushed by the likes of the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. Such a top-down globalist push isn't democratic. But the bigger issue is that these globalist entities want our digital identity system to be globally-aligned, meaning that they want governments and corporations right around the world to have access to the system. With their digital identity plan, the Australian Government is sacrificing not only our national sovereignty but our personal sovereignty on the altar of globalism! We need to protect our interests and not let international forces mess with our data -- and potentially our “social credit” -- on the world stage!
  • Sign the CitizenGO petition to stop the globalist elites from forcing a digital ID on you!
  • If you and a whole host of others let the government know that if they pass the Digital ID Bill then you will vote against them at the next election, then there very well could be a revolt of government backbench politicians against this agenda. Your action today could herald the death of the Digital ID Bill, protecting Australians from the greatest incursion into their privacy that the nation has ever seen.
  • But if we lose this fight, the Albanese Labor Government will impose a digital identity on every Australian, invading their privacy, and potentially impacting their freedom. We know that digital ID is the pathway to a social credit system. That could be the future for our nation.
  • There is hope. But only if we make a big effort now. We need as many signatures as possible to let the Albanese Labor Government know we're not going to take this without a fight.
  • Don't wait – sign the CitizenGO petition now, and demand that Finance Minister Senator Katy Gallagher and the Albanese Labor Government halt their plans to impose a digital identity system on Australians.
  • Until next time, Godbless you, your family and nation.
  • Take care,
  • George Christensen
  • S. After you've signed, please share this email with as many people as possible. We can stop this digital ID nightmare and protect our freedom and privacy, but only if we stand together!”





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