Ukraine Drone Strikes By James Reed

The danger here is that Ukraine drone strikes deep into Russian territory comes with the ever-present existential threat, that strikes upon the nuclear mechanisms of Russia may well provoke a response from Putin. He has recently indicated that Russia will now consider a nuclear first strike if mother Russia is attacked, and Putin has said that hundreds of missiles will be rained upon Russia’s enemies, much I suppose, like the scene from the movie 300, where the Spartans face an barrage of arrows from the Persian forces of Xerxes at the battle of Thermopylae (480 BC):


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Civil War, French Style By Richard Miller (London)

Pierre Brochand, the former director of the General Directorate for External Security (DGSE), France’s secret service between 2002 and 2008, has said that uncontrolled mass migration which France, and much of Western Europe is experiencing will threaten civil order, with the possibility of civil war. This chaotic immigration had produced “a cross-cutting impact on all of our collective life, which I consider to be generally negative,” with France having no-go areas, as seen across Europe, most notably in Sweden. This has led to a “creeping third-worldization of French society,” as well as “regression in key areas, such as education, productivity, public services, safety, and civility.” This is a problem of biodiversity and the incompatibility of people’s and cultures that does not have a simple economic reform answer, since increasing affluence of the diverse does not seem to improve matters, only to deepen matters, as many predicted earlier:

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Just Stop Climate Change Hypocrites! By James Reed

I have been following the Just Stop Oil climate change activists, who glue themselves to artworks, and sit on roads blocking traffic. I wondered how they managed to get around; buses, public transport, or push bikes? No, it seems that may drive petrol-driven cars! But, they have an answer to this pragmatic inconsistency; namely that they are “victims’ of the system. Well, no, they could do what hippies in th 1960s did and just drop out, get a  cart and have it pulled by dairy sheep, living off milk and weeds found along the way, like 123


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Money Totalitarianism, Cometh! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Centralised monetary totalitarianism is moving ahead, with major developments in America, that will necessarily impact upon the rest of the world. The US Federal Reserve is busy preparing for its central bank digital currency (CBDC), with the promotion of it allegedly facilitating transactions and enhancing economic activity. But in reality, the motive was seen in the test case in India, and to some degree, the power wielded over the Canadian trucker’s protesters, to control utterly the financial transactions of all individuals, including the freezing of funds. This is not easy to do with cash: hence, the war on cash. China is already on the path to a digital yuan, giving the CCP vast powers of control in its “social credit” program. The problem is if the CBDC is implemented in the US, that gives an impetus for other countries like Australia to follow, and makes it much harder to defeat. Hopefully, something can be done to prevent this all happening here in the US, to make Australia’s battle against the end of cash agenda not as difficult to defeat, and give Aussies a fighting chance. But, you need to keep alert to fast-moving developments.

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Election Fraud, Arizona Style By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Republican candidate Kari Lake has filed a law suit to contest the Arizona midterm election. The law suit, of 68 pages, details “intentional misconduct” regarding illegal vote counts, signature requirement failures for mail-in ballots, tabulation machine malfunctions, and free speech violations by Secretary of State Katie Hobbs. The most amusing thing about this is that Hobbs had the conflict of interest as also being the actual Democrat who got elected, so she certified her own appointment! The claim is that hundreds of thousands of illegal votes were cast, most for Hobbs. But, will this law suit be dismissed like all others, for technicalities, such as “lack of standing”? It is what is to be expected in the age of decline and corruption.

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Age of Cultural Decadence in the Race to Collapse By Chris Knight (Florida)

Is it too harsh to speak of a parasitic generation, as Victor Davis Hanson does at American What would past greats in the study of civilisational decline, such as Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), think? No doubt there would be full agreement when what we see each and every day is an increasingly rapid move away from traditional values and sanity. This is made clear by all that has happened in recent times, from the Covid mandates and lockdowns, the destruction of small business, and now the Great Rest and transhumanism agendas. There is also the wild card of global nuclear war, which cannot be ruled out. The problem here for conventional conservatives, is that many of these developments take on a globalist geo-political dimension, which makes the typical grassroots strategies of opposition, seemingly impotent. The political weapons of the past, many from the pre-War War II era, may not be adequate to meet the utterly radical challenge of the times, where there is an assault upon everything, on all fronts. What is new is that the elites this time are using the breakdown of society, at a most fundamental level as a means for their agenda, to “build back, better,” but not “better” for us.

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The REAL Story of the 21st Century By James Reed

As noted by Tyler Durden, the mask head of, the biggest story of the 21st century is the vast mass censorship, that Musk has revealed the very tip of. There is merit in this, but really there is no point in ranking these tyrannies as if they are separate entities. Indeed, all of them form part of an oppressive system. Thus, censorship was vital for electoral fraud that ended Trump, but also of fooling people, who at the best of times are sheeple, into taking an experimental gene therapy. What we have today is not separate attacks coming at us, but a perfect storm of globalist problems.


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Covid Vaxxes Sterilising an Entire Generation! By Mrs Vera West

At the roundtable discussion held by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Dr. Janci Lindsay warned that the COVID-19 jabs could “potentially sterilize an entire generation” or else “be passed on to next generations as inadvertent gene transfer.” As the mRNA toxins reach many organs, including the testicles and ovaries, according to Lindsay, the jabs have the potential for extreme reproductive harm. As noted by other Covid vax critics, such as Dr Naomi Wolf, many of these adverse reproductive effects are now being seen, with an explosion in the miscarriage and stillbirth rates.

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My Pronouns are: Prosecute/ Fauci: Elon Musk By James Reed

Elon musk has been dropping what some call “bombshells,” but which most of us who do research already know, about suppression of conservatives. What is new and interesting today is a tweet by Musk, having a dig at the trans agenda re pronouns and Covid king, Dr Fauci: my pronouns: prosecute/ Fauci. That is pretty amusing, and at least gets it out into the public that this Fauci guy must have been up to no good, shutting down economies, locking up people because of his love for the policies of CCP China, and all the financing of gain-of-function material. Why, there are entire books about what Dr Fauci has got up to, such as The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. But, my bet is that like most bad guys, he will swim away, as the system is run by those even worse than him.

Me, I am a divine judgment type of bloke these days. I have faith that at the end of days, justice will reign. I do not believe that God will allow evil, without sincere pleas for forgiveness will go unaddressed. After all, the Covid jabs have been seen by experts in toxicology, poison science, as potentially sterilising an entire generation, covered in another post.

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Masks as Symbolic Shows of Subservience to Big Pharma By Mrs Vera West

I have documented articles at this blog showing the ineffectiveness of the Covid vaxxes, and the harms, especially to children of wearing masks. But, I have said in passing that there is probably a social-psychological aspect to mask wearing, relevant today when we see people at no risk of Covid continuing to wear masks. Mask wearing has a symbolic aspect, showing obedience and compliance to the Covid establishment. Not else make much sense.

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What the Rasmussen Poll Revealed By Chris Knight (Florida)

The most significant result from a recent US Rasmussen poll of 1,000 Americans, was that 32 percent were not vaccinated, probably a much higher figure than in more compliant Australia, but 7 percent of the Covid vaxxed had a major side effect, requiring hospitalisation. As noted in comments by Steve Kirsch, this is unprecedented, and in the past, if any drug had that level of side effects, it would have been pulled quick smart from the market, as occurred with ranitidine products, used to treat heartburn. That this did not occur shows very clearly the political nature of the Covid vaxxes. The narrative of them being “lifesaving,” is maintained at all costs. It was only some decades back that doctors promoted cigarette smoking, and featured in advertisements.

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Non-Binary Biden Nuke Official Steals Lady’s Luggage; Model Modern Citizen By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I was just getting ready to give a profound philosophical spin on the issue of the non-binary Biden administration nuclear official stealing a lady’s suitcase, when an item came up saying that said person was involved in a second theft of women’s luggage. Well, said person must have a bias towards lady’s luggage, but shouldn’t said nuclear official have taken men’s luggage as well, just to be non-discriminatory? Russians must be sitting back now in the bitter winter, toasting marshmallows, or whatever they toast over fossil-fuelled fires,  fuels saved from export to Europe, washed down with gallons of vodka, firing the odd volley of an AK 47 into the otherwise silence of the night.

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The Behind the Great Prison Swap Issue By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Among social critics there has been puzzlement over the Us/Russia prisoner swap, where Russian arms dealer, Viktor Bout, was swapped for Brittney Griner, an LGBTQ professional women’s basketball player who hates America. The comment was that she was the perfect image of woke America. But Natural has dug deeper and revealed that Bout has a history working with American covert operations, flying more than 1,000 supply missions into Iraq on behalf of U.S. forces there. So, Bout is probably of use to the globalists on both sides of the conflict, one which by definition, international finance, win. They have something planned for Bout.

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The Coming Crash of the Climate Cult By Viv Forbes

The Climate Cult worships two green idols – electric vehicles and wind-solar energy. This is part of a futile UN scheme promoting “Net Zero Emissions” which aims to cool the climate of the world by waging war on CO2 plant food.

Green worship is the state religion of all western nations. It is promoted by billionaires with other agendas, and endlessly repeated by the UN, the bureaucracy, all government media, state education and most big business leaders.

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Bill Gates’ Catastrophic Contagion By Brian Simpson

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), conducted a pandemic tabletop exercise in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022. Previously they had conducted Event 201 in 2020 which predicted a corona virus pandemic. This time round, the simulation is SEERS (Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025), which has a higher mortality than Covid-19, and impacts primarily upon the young, probably by “storming.”  I imagine that some biolab somewhere, maybe in the Ukraine is getting ready to toss this one out their backdoor.


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Countdown to Nuclear War: Paul Craig Roberts By James Reed

Paul Craig Roberts has given his take, confirming all that I have said about the world sliding into World War III as the US seems to have approved the Ukraine using its donated weapons to strike deep into the heart of Russia. It is only so long before Russian has had enough, and the red line is crossed. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said that war in Ukraine may “get out of control, and spread into a major war between NATO and Russia." Putin has said that nothing will remain of “the enemy” if Russia is attacked, as hundreds of nuclear missiles will be launched.


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Deep State Social Engineering By James Reed

Dr Mercola continues to produce excellent pieces on the psycho-political warfare that has guided the Covid establishment. The media showed their power of social control and manipulation with the vax rollout, and now with skyrocketing excess deaths, stillbirths and miscarriages, covered elsewhere at the blog today, still continue their game of deception. But, the media are only part players, in a system comprising corporates and government, all who pushed for the same agenda.

For example, in the US the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is the principal coordinator of illegal government censorship. While it was supposed to defend the nation against foreign cybersecurity threats, it soon morphed into an entity dealing with domestic threats, that have been now redefined to include those challenging any aspect of the present tyrannical regime, including the Covid vax mandates. There is a type of social mutation going on, which is parallel to the mutation of the SARS-CoV-2, or better yet, the gain-of-function research tht cooks these things up in the beginning.

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The Living Hell of the Vax Injured By Mrs Vera West

Dr Robert Malone has given a detailed account of another tragic Covid vax injury. Like so many people, Mr. Fusaro took a Covid injection for a job opportunity that required international travel. After a second Pfizer shot, he developed medical conditions such as complete heart block, blood clots, and pericarditis, among others.  This led to him having three heart surgeries and was put on a pacemaker. So, what exactly was this all for; was Covid a new Black Death leading to bodies being piled 10 high in the streets? From the media at the time, one would have thought so.


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The Machinations of the Deep State By Chris Knight (Florida)

We have seen the machinations of the Deep State with the Covid adventure, perhaps the greatest scam in human history.  Oher scams, by comparison seem somewhat mild, if not a tad boring. But, the latest revelation is that the FBI held weekly meetings with social media companies prior to the 2020 and 2022 elections, to cook the books for the Democrats. Musk has already admitted that Twitter has interfered with elections. Any society with a functioning rule of law should be prosecuting, but under the Democrats, this is the new normal. Democracy has fallen, long ago.


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Behind Communist China’s Covid Lockdowns By James Reed

The lockdowns in communist China, tried multiple times, did not work, so why did they persist? One view has it, and I think that it has merit, that the lockdowns were never about public health, but social control. China’s lockdowns were an experiment in Xi’s power, as he ascended to god emperor status. But things in the West were not much different as the same experiment as conducted to see how much social control could be pushed upon a public, subjected to a fear campaign, and the iron fist of social domination and oppression. And the oppressive state now knows that most people will be easily bent. It reaches into deep philosophical questions about free will and agency, that most people took an experimental vaccine, purely upon trust of the government, who, what, never lie to us?

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