The Depopulation Conspiracy, is … a Reality! By James Reed

We have read claims about the depopulation agenda associated with the adverse effects of the Covid vaxxes, and policies of closing down farms, to produce a global famine, a mixture of intentional and kick-on effects. But, as detailed by our favourite Naked Emperor, the globalist elites have for decades been meeting at exclusive locations to discuss the so-called over-population problem. I would take it as a matter of principle to be highly sceptical of any group where Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, George Soros, and those like that, were debating the future of humanity. It would not be good. This is precisely what happened in the past, and certainly goes on now, the annual World Economic Forum meetings being but one presentation. We need to be deeply concerned, because it is us, that these elites see as the problem to be dealt with.

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The Voice Referendum: The Devil in the Details By James Reed

The PM has been treating the Australian voting public like the proverbial mushrooms, being kept in the dark, and fed on compost regarding the Aboriginal voice referendum. The Coalition has begun attacking the government for its failure to release details of the referendum proposal, failing to release material in a pamphlet, as is the usual practice with referendums. Peter Dutton warned that this secrecy would lead to the referendum failing. We can only hope that this is so, but following on from the gay marriage vote, and the Covid mandates and compliance, there is a clear and present danger that the details of what will be done will simply not be given, which is standard practice for totalitarian states, as Australia is becoming, or may well now be philosophically. Instead, it will be full-on “white racism if you do not vote “Yes”.” And, that in itself is an excellent reason to vote “No”! This really is a time for no-one opposed to the “breakup of Australia” to be silent. Convince family and friends of the dangers of the elites having an open day in changing the constitution. We should not trust the elites as a matter of principle.

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion By Chris Knight (Florida)

The evils of the modern universities are many, but roughly fall into two parts. First, there is the technocratic-corporate work, encompassing STEM and the physical and information sciences, and much else, which supplies tools for the globalists. Then there is the lighter, but equally as dangerous woke material produced by the Arts and Humanities, designed to undermine the philosophical, theological and moral foundations of the West.

Thus, as detailed below, diversity, equity and inclusion policies have served as social control mechanisms on university campuses to deal with anyone daring to raise any degree of criticism to anti-white policies. The story of academic Gordon Klein is instructive, as he responded to a radical student email, which asked him to grade Black students more leniently, because of the George Floyd incident, by analysing the request. How would he determine who was Black given that classes were online? And what would be done about mixed-race people? For that, students organised a petition to have him sacked, which was only halted by another opposing petition, to keep him on. But, this is only one victory in a sea of defeats, as diversity, equity and inclusion criteria are now common throughout the Western university systems, ranging from training, to evaluation of performance. Equality of opportunity and the pursuit of excellence have long gone. It is no wonder that communist China, which will have none of this, is racing ahead in technological advancements. It really is the decline, and fall of the West, if we  keep going down the suicidal path of the Left.

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Universities Need to be Held Accountable By James Reed

Matthew Anderson, “Will Universities Ever Admit they were Wrong about Covid?” writing from a US perspective, but still highly relevant to Australians, since there is not much philosophical difference between the US and Australian university policies, details how the universities became strong proponents of all aspects of the government’s Covid policies. I noticed that the socialist students, who usually put up posters working in their favourite theme, white racism, were dead for masks, lockdowns, you name it. In fact, I just saw a poster advertising a Marxist conference, with an angry diverse person wearing a mask, so it had everything! Many Australian universities did not even debate the Covid issue, but moved to force out anyone unvaccinated. Some that were going down that path were defeated. And, as explained below “Academia will never account for its misguided COVID policies, and it will never back out of its commitment to consensus explanations or opportunities.  Indeed, these people will help accelerate the entire COVID complex.  COVID is a new social engineering program, and universities will make biosecurity, including molecular engineering and tracking technology, into a permanent research activity that is worth billions per year in funding and commercialization.  The link connecting business, government, and higher education has never been stronger, while China-style social credit scoring, based in part on medical and ideological compliance, is considered by the current White House administration a necessary part of the political agenda.”


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The Trauma Tsunami Hitting Australia By Mrs Vera West

Rebekah Barnett has a great Australian substack talking truth to power on much less considered aspects of the Covid chaos, especially the psychological aspects; support her if you can! Below she details the massive psychological problems now engulfing Australia, such as stress and loneliness, a product of the Covid lockdowns. These lockdowns, especially the Victorian one, amounted to virtual prison sentences, close to solitary confinement, and there is a good reason why prison is considered as a punishment. The issues here are vast and multi-generational, as even mask-wearing has had an impact upon the learning of language of young children. Given that the young were never seriously facing a life-threatening virus, arguably more harm was done by the lockdown policies, producing social isolation, and the masks, than it would be allowing the natural immune response of the young to face the virus. And, Omicron and its variants, which still continue to roll off the genetic press, have outpaced the vaccines anyway, irrespective of the questions of whether the vaxxes “work” or make people even more susceptible to infection.

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Covid, Propaganda and Truth By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola in a now deleted, but highly informative post, details how the Covid plandemic was, and still is, the most comprehensive psy-op propaganda campaign in history, to control the population by panic and fear, and to ensure compliance with previously unheard-of lockdowns and mass vaccination with a largely untested, experimental mRNA gene therapy. The media, medical authorities and academics, all coordinated efforts to promote masking, isolation, social distancing, lockdowns and jab mandates. A virus is the perfect instrument for such a fear campaign, since it is “invisible” and could strike one, in principle, at any time. Thus, with this background of fear, it was possible to push all aspects of the mandates without criticism. Of course, just to be sure, the system went into overdrive and used legal measures to silence criticisms that could be made by the few medical authorities who saw through it all.

There are lessons here about human nature, and the group mentality that conservatives and actionists need to study, since the ruling elites, who manipulated the crisis from the beginning, are now energized with the thoughts of total victory in their new World Order agenda ahead. That is why we are seeing, as detailed at the blog, daily, a flood of new activities, and an intensification of environmental agendas associated with the climate change scam. The battle of the millennium is ahead, with the future of the human species at stake.

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Climate Change Versus Covid as Number 1 Health Mania! By James Reed

It is confusing how the top of the woke pops is worked out! We have seen that the World Health Organization regards spreading Covid “misinformation” as more dangerous than global terrorism! But, medical journals such as The Lancet, the name of which reminds me of a surgical knife, holds that climate change is the “biggest global health threat of the 21st century.” But, wasn’t Covid supposed to be that? Or, has its number one spot been taken by climate change, or was climate change this global health threat all along, but there was a pause to briefly consider the new kid on the block, Covid? Anyway, it does not matter much as the agenda is the same in both, and climate change is now back as the latest Big Thing of the elites to push their globalist agenda. In many respects, the Covid mandates were a softening up process to get the majority of people used to the denial of fundamental freedoms that the elites are aiming to put into place with the climate change agenda.

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Scotland: Soviet-Style Police State! By Richard Miller (London)

Since the Covid plandemic, there has been an increasing drive towards authoritarian control and suppression of free speech in the West. This began with laws dealing with race issues, primarily to crush opposition to mass immigration, but has expanded to include the gender agenda. What one could legally say in the 1960s could land one in gaol today.

Thus in Scotland, the police, who claim to be so over-worked as not to be able to fully cope with usual crimes, still have the ample leisure time to record non-crimes as “hate incidents.” This involves police recording, ready for possible future prosecution, even jokes. Police Scotland recorded 928 incidents of “malice and ill will” where no criminal offence had been committed, twice the number in 2017, and 625 non-crime hate incidents in the first half of 2022. If these are not crimes, then why do it? Clearly there is a political agenda at work here, to bully the population into compliance, so that people will be so terrified of police involvement if they make a pip, that they fall silent. Given that the health authorities regard criticism of the Covid vaxxes as, the World Health Organization has recently put it, covered in another blog piece today, more dangerous than global terrorism, you can be sure that the police state will be watching this activity as well.

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Deadlier than Global Terrorism? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A new year is here and the World Health Organization (WHO) is back at its usual tricks. The latest absurd claim is that anti-vaccine activism is more dangerous than global terrorism. We need not bother refuting the claim, since it is mere political rhetoric, but the political significance must be noted. A global vaccine mandate given to the WHO, to direct any future policies of nations in the next plandemic, and they have told us there will be another, sooner than we expect, will be truly frightening, since the WHO is highly influenced by communist China, and is likely to tell Western nations to follow the CCP model of lockdowns and draconian punishments for all who disobey. The issue of compulsory vaccination, against one’s will, arises. Yet the global vaccine mandates, to be directed by WHO continue, and critics seem to have run out of steam on that one.


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The Downside of Diversity By Charles Taylor (Florida)

  1. N. Le, in an old piece, which for some reason came up in my news feed, discussed the forbidden topic of whites becoming racial minorities in their once, homelands. This includes every white country in the world, including Europe, where whites originated. Le, presumably an Asian, thought that this demographic change was a positive thing, but then he read about the research of Harvard political science professor Robert Putnam, based on the results of a comprehensive survey of over 30,000 respondents around the US. “[Putnam's study] found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogeneous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.” There have been over the last decade many other papers confirming these results that the higher the diversity, the lower social capital and trust.


According to Le, it may not be race per se that produces lower levels of social capital and trust, but other variables, including the uncertain times, economic conditions, and whatever, that gets mediated by race. Take away those factors and people would live in racial harmony. It is a nice liberal dream, totally inconsistent with reality, as all those factors which Le wants to bracket out, constitute the human condition, and cannot be simply wished away. That is what liberals have been doing with the immigration experiment, and as to be covered by my colleagues in other articles, it is refuted by the ongoing events, such as the violent migrant riots of the New Year in Berlin. But liberals never want to admit they were fundamentally wrong.

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Sudden Death in Athletes By Chris Knight (Florida)

Attention has been focussed upon the phenomenon of athletes collapsing on field, with well-known American footballers going down. But this is a drop in the proverbial bucket, as a peer-reviewed article by Panagis Polykretis, and board-certified internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, documents that over 270 athletes and former athletes in the United States have died from cardiac arrests or other serious issues after taking Covid vaxxes. The sudden death of athletes, primarily from cardio-events, is highly significant, since athletes have a lower chance of cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death, as compared to nonathletes, not only because they are fitter, but because they have been screened for the very causes that would lead to such sudden deaths on the field. Such a level of sudden death was unheard of before the Covid vax rollout, and as athletes have been forced to be vaxxed to play, the common cause is the vax. Thus, the sudden death of athletes, young, and the physically fittest people in society, is an indication of the dangers that lie ahead as the legacy of the Covid vaxxes unfolds.


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“Sudden Death”: The Number 1 Cause of Death of Those Under 65, Jabbed! By Brian Simpson

Today at the blog we are updating knowledge about the state of Covid injuries and deaths, following the quiet news period of the Christmas holidays. The main concerns now are the rise of aggressive cancers, and immune suppression, which are related phenomenon.  Myocarditis, as well, is a cause of death occurring for all ages among the vaccinated. The cohort of people under 65 years, who are Covid vaccinated, have a significantly higher incidence of cardiac-related deaths compared to the unvaccinated. According to a survey by Steve Kirsch, it was found that “sudden death” is the No. 1 cause of death among those under the age of 65 who got the Covid vax. The details are summarised by Dr Mercola at a now deleted post.

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Doubt the Vax; Be A Criminal! By Chris Knight

Here is one for the books. While the articles at the blog today update the situation on the adverse effects of the Covid jabs, a topic of vast importance since people are getting ill and dying, the Pfizer CEO has said that people spreading misinformation about the wonderous jabs, are “criminals.” They have supposedly cost millions of lives, while, as he sees it, the vaxxes have not, and are life-saving. Now while there are fringe hypotheses that are likely to be incorrect, such as the vaxxes containing microchips, the Pfizer CEO most likely has in mind criticisms such as those made in the blog today, such as the occurrence of aggressive cancers after the booster, immune suppression and roaring excess mortality. He most probably has in mind people like Dr Robert Malone, rather than some minor internet site. In other words, “misinformation,” would encompass all that falls outside of his narrative, including, presumably, a critique of the Pfizer trials. Is that a scientific attitude?

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Excess Death Update By Chris Knight (Florida)

Excess deaths, being deaths in excess of the past average, are skyrocketing across the world, from Australia to Japan. Japan had a fully vaccinated rate, defined as having three shots, of 83 percent. But excess deaths were approximately four times the number of those in the years 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021. The year 2020, before the Covid vaccine rollout, saw the least number of deaths relative to the past nine years. Excess deaths then roared after the vaccine rollout. Japan now has the worst excess mortality in recent decades. It defies credibility to suppose this is all one vast cosmic coincidence.

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Top Cancer Expert: It’s the Boosters! By Brian Simpson

UK cancer expert Dr Angus Dalgleish, has been vocal about the possible dangers of aggressive cancers arising from the Covid boosters. His concerns are not based primarily upon peer-reviewed studies, since it is early days yet, but upon his own clinical observations. Some of his patients, who have undergone treatment for stage 4 melanoma, who have also had the booster, have experienced relapses. The cancer relapses have been so aggressive, as to be unexpected. In his letter to the British Medical Journal, he says that similar observations have been made by other cancer experts throughout the world, and the phenomenon is consistent with immune suppression, produced by the vax. Note, this is all from a mainstream medical professional.

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The Summer of Death in Australia By Mrs Vera West

The health authorities had predicted that when summer hit Australia, Covid infections would drop off, much like the seasonal flu does. But this has not proven to be so, as yet another wave of Covid infections is sweeping through Australia, and we are fortunate that our slave masters have not locked us away in our kennels again. According to New South Wales’s Weekly Surveillance Report, compared to November 2022, hospitalisations have more than tripled to 1,799 people, and none of these people are unvaccinated. This is not surprising in one sense, given Australia’s high Covid vaccination rate, but in another, it would be expected, given the standard Covid narrative, that at least some of the hospitalised would have been unvaccinated. Only six percent of deaths in New South Wales are the unvaccinated. The authorities suppose that the unvaccinated are dying of Covid before being admitted to hospital, so deadly is. the virus! But, as noted below, that is not observed anywhere in the world. Hence, the causal agent responsible must be the vax.

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Doctors Disagreeing with Government Policy Are Not Allowed to Practice Medicine in Australia: Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, December 28, 2022 By Brian Simpson

The following is a press release of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, detailing that doctors disagreeing with government policy are not allowed to practice medicine in Australia. The main issue, as expected, is the Covid narrative. This is for information purposes of a document in the public arena, and is not necessarily the views of the present organisation, or any view on the individuals cited.

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Zelensky: I, Dictator By James Reed

We have our first woke war, the present Ukraine War, where the fight seems to be to preserve US corruption in that land, as well as to undermine Russia, seen as a conservative value force. That at least is the standard narrative that the Dissent Right is pursuing, but as usual, reality is more complex, with many bad points on both sides of the battle field. For example, while the Ukraine is portrayed by the Western media as upholding Western democracy, and hence is infinitely good, this ignores Zelensky’s new law giving the government the power to censor media outlets. Journalist organisations have rightly seen this move as contrary to the standards held right across Europe. But, that is exactly what is intended; to suppress media coverage that would put the Ukraine in a bad light, or present inconvenient information getting out. It is now very much an information war, as much as a kinetic one.

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Women’s Rights Women: Robert L. Dabney (1871) By Mrs Vera West

Robert Dabney, a leading Presbyterian thinker/theologian, in an article “Women’s Right Women” (1871), gave a remarkable set of predictions about what women’s suffrage, and beyond would bring. He predicted that there would be a rise in “feminism,” and its associated evils, such as the undermining of the Christian family unit and Christian morals and values. It would be a chain reaction. And, he was right! And the warning was made in 1871, back in the days before the famous cowboy gun, the Colt peacemaker was introduced (1873), while the frontier still was open, and men were still men. Still, the cultural rot and degeneracy begins in the cities. It is well worth reading the entire article … an extract now follows.

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Covid Boosters May be Causing Aggressive Cancers By Mrs Vera West

Cancer rates, especially of aggressive cancers have skyrocketed across the globe since the introduction of the Covid vaxxes. Cancer is now one of the top three leading causes of premature death among younger adults. Dr. Angus Dalgleish, professor of oncology at St. George’s University of London, believes that COVID boosters may be causing aggressive metastatic cancers, these being cancers that spread throughout the body. His hypothesis is that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein destroys 90 percent of the DNA repair mechanism in lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight infection and chronic disease, such as cancer. Professor Dalgleish wrote about this in a letter to the British Medical Journal: “I am experienced enough to know that these are not the coincidental anecdotes ... The reports of innate immune suppression after mRNA for several weeks would fit, as all these patients to date have melanoma or B cell based cancers, which are very susceptible to immune control — and that is before the reports of suppressor gene suppression by mRNA in laboratory experiments. This must be aired and debated immediately.”

A wave of aggressive cancers, is but one of the legacies of the Covid jabs, as Dr Mercola, at a now deleted post, details.

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