Has the Earth’s Magnetic Core Stopped Rotating? By Brian Simpson

It has been said that science scares people; and it does indeed. Consider; the claim made by scientists recently that the Earth’s magnetic core has stopped rotating, and could reverse itself. The claim is based upon research published in the top-ranking journal Nature Geoscience. There is apparently a hot debate about what this means in the geoscience community, which for such a radical claim is natural enough. We don’t go into the science here, but the human significance of such events. Some internet sites are predicting a magnetic disaster, with dire effects upon animals, due to effects upon the Earth’s magnetic field, and our protection against cosmic radiation. That sounds plausible, only thing is, there is an argument that the core does not produce a magnetic field at all, and may not be moving in the first place. For those interested, there is material by a dissent geologist below. We will simply have to wait and see how this one goes, because there is absolutely nothing you and I can do to influence the Earth’s core, that’s for sure!


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Pulling the Plug on Electric Vehicles By James Reed

The environmentalists are all-the-go that renewable energy and electric cars will save the day of their so-called climate crisis. Some eco-nuts who are less crazy realise that energy is needed to keep things they like, such as universities, afloat. And to get to neo-Marxist brainwashing centres, transport is needed, and while some will go with bikes, for most big cities, cars are the thing. Electric cars. But, the problem here is that the grid cannot cope with present demands, let alone the demands that globalist environmentalists are set to put on it. My view is that this is a planned rather than a chaotic collapse, and that the globalists plan on remaking the world in their image. Unless we stop them. Of course.


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Academia and Communist China By James Reed

I try to present damaging information about the universities as I come to it; much of it from the US and Europe, with not much being published by much slower, more conformist Australia. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has detailed how MIT’s fealty to Chinese dollars, was something that silenced a speech he made when he was Secretary of State. Pompeo saw China as a continuation of Maoism and he intended to say it to the MIT. But, he was cancelled: “In a speech in October 2019, he told an audience of business-people (many of whom made money in China) that the Communist Party of China is “a Marxist-Leninist party focused on struggle and international domination.”


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The Police Execution of Tyre Nichols; Not White Racism but a Police Violence Problem By Charles Taylor

CNN.com, has done its best in the article linked below to “argue” that the brutal beating to death of Black man Tyre Nichols, by Black, not White police, is just another case of white supremacy in the police force. How can that be if the murderers were Black? Well, the idea put is that the Blacks have absorbed an anti-Black message, a product of racism, denying autonomy and agency to them, pretty racist I think. And who says this is so; where is the proof that these police did that beyond just an a priori assumption that this is so? There is no defence of the police brutality, but many US police get a view of particular groups by how they are treated, not because of some vague “white racism” that takes away their agency.


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How to Annoy the Left, Everyday By Paul Walker (Sydney)

“Annoy the Woke Left, Celebrate Australia Day: As in America, children Down Under are being taught that their country is shameful and racist,” by Tom Switzer, was published in the Wall Street Journal.com, the day before Australia Day, but I must have missed it then, too engrossed in stock market movements, not. Switzer makes the good point that the woke Left, who have completed their long, or not so long, march through the institutions, including the education system, need to be defied before even passive resistance becomes illegal. It is a simple idea, but with surprising complexities if applied to much else beyond Australia Day. One only needs to see the cancellation that occurred to a conventional feminist such as J. K. Rowling for opposing the trans movement into women’s sport and the redefinition of “woman.” The woke Left is powerful, and nasty like vengeance full children, or little goblins. But, at some point, as Rowling showed, a stand needs to be made.


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Robert F. Kennedy v Alan Dershowitz: The Legality of Compulsory Vaxxes By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This involves the US constitution, but still should be of interest to Australian critics of the idea of compulsory vaccination. The debate is between vax critic Robert F. Kennedy and pro-vaxxer Alan Dershowitz. They argue about whether the US supreme court case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905), would legally justify compulsory vaccination. The short of the long is that in terms of jurisprudence, the case does not show this, but would be limited to the facts of the time. Kennedy argues that the situation today is very different from that case which involved avoiding a fine, and where the fine was paid without a vax. Still, as pointed out by Dr Mercola, if the issue of compulsory vaccination came before the vaccinated SCOTUS, they are almost certainly going to side with the establishment narrative, contrary to the false news circulating that SCOTUS has upheld medical freedom; it has not. There is no indication that this court will do that. And I think the same considerations apply to the High Court of Australia. It never ceases to amaze me how freedom types have such a starry-eyed view of the courts, when judges are largely Left-wing lawyers trained in woke law schools. I guess it is a convenient myth to move onto the next thing; the courts will save us.


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Pfizer’s Firepower: Cancellation and Censorship? By Chris Knight (Florida)

If you have been following the Project Veritas “sting” operation involving John Walker from Pfizer spilling the beans, and the entire pot about “directed evolution” and gain-of-function research allegedly conducted by Pfizer, the really interesting thing to observe now for us freedom lovers, is that Google has shut down information about the entire topic. I saw this on Dr Malone’s blog, and checked Google yesterday and found the usual “Story changing fast” lead. But while writing today, things seem to have changed, and mainstream articles are firing back, saying that it is false news and that not only does Pfizer not do this, but hey could find no solid evidence that the executive is what he says he is. Well, then, problem solved; Big Pharma would not lie to us, especially about its totally safe vaxxes, so I now will have another 30 vaxxes, and go back to sleep; maybe forever.


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The AI Takeover; Extinction Event? By Brian Simpson

The technological optimists maintain that technology, above all else will save mankind from its hubris, as for every problem, there is a technological fix. I cam to doubt this long ago, and my neo-Ludditism was confirmed with my Covid vax  coverage, which continues, and is graver by the day,  and the injury and mortality aftermath. But, apart from the biological threats, artificial intelligence is another challenge. Not only is there the threat of replacement of workers in the short term by clever machines that will even flip burgers, but there is the wider threat of self-aware AI deciding that humans are pests and must go, a scenario well depicted in the Terminator movies. When one thinks about it, there is no reason at all why, if thinking, self-aware, and autonomous AI comes to exist, and building it is something that those like Elon Musk strive to do, such machines would want to let humans live, even as pets. Could these machines simply see carbon-based life forms as taking up vital space on the planet? And, lacking human emotions and empathy, such machines would be cold, mechanical killers, by definition. These thoughts need to be considered, since it shows a gaping hole in the techno-optimist philosophy.


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Collapseology 101:When Society Crumbles By John Steele

One topic conservative thinkers tend to avoid is the worst-case scenario of social collapse. Even though these thinkers are well-aware that all past civilisations fell, somehow, they think that the West is immune to the same disease of old age, and internal treason and corruption that brought down ancient Rome. And one of the reasons for this cognitive dissonance, that is avoidance, may be that like death from a painful cancer, the collapse will not be like the excitement of Hollywood dramas, but will be grim and miserable; think of a wisdom tooth abscess with no dentist. Zerohedge.com, even though it is a libertarian primarily economic blog, has some thoughts on this, oddly enough. They see the Fall as already beginning, and the final crash will be like a giant tree falling after the white ants have eaten away at the foundations. But, I still hope that we can turn back the tide at the last moment. Either way, it is better to know than not know.


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THEY are Watching! By Richard Miller (London)

I would like to have thought that my coverage of the Covid plandemic was read by the Deep State research assistants. A police friend said: “Dick, don’t fool yourself, that stuff you write about is not important. You are harmless.” Sure. I would not hurt a fly. But, as Aussies know, flies can be annoying. That may explain recent revelations that have been unearthed by The Mail, following investigations by the group Big Brother Watch, that UK army units spied upon UK citizens who were critical of the government’s insane Covid lockdown policies. Dossiers on public figures such as ex-Minister David Davis, who questioned the modelling behind alarming Covid-19 death toll predictions, as well as journalists such as Peter Hitchens and Toby Young and their dissenting views were then reported back to No 10. Well, as far as I can see, none of the individuals speaking out would have cared much, and would have been glad for the spooks to come around for a nice cuppa, with hot pork pies to discuss why the UK, and much of the West had become a CCP-style totalitarian police state. This does show what the levels the system goes for social control, and things like this are just what we know about.


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Sliding into Nuclear War By James Reed

If you follow the various alternative news prepper sites, as I do, it seems from their narrative that it is only a matter of time before nuclear war occurs. Treats have been thrown back and forward, drawing the lines of conflict. US tanks going to the Ukraine is something Biden ruled out only months ago, saying that Russia would take this as establishing war against it. And, not only that but depleted uranium ammo is to be used. It is perhaps not coincidence that the globalist World Health Organization has now called for Western nations to begin stockpiling medicines for radiological and nuclear threats. Of course, the authorities say, nothing to see here, no need to worry, or panic. But, of course, that is just a smoke screen, as if there was no nuclear contamination problem, why the alert?

Clearly, a rational mind would be deeply concerned about these developments, but it is amazing how little discussion occurs at the dissent and conservative sites. Here is some of the latest material.

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Unhinged Globalists By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is one of the low points, in an entire section of lows, at the now concluded World Economic Forum talkfest. US climate envoy John Kerry gave the standard climate change hysteria speech. What was interesting by being so odd, was that he saw his few globalists as unique, and somehow chosen by extra-terrestrials, or ETs, to save the planet. Was he speaking in metaphors? Who knows, but I think a better case can be made that the forces driving the globalists do transcend mere human mundane evil, and do take on a demonic dimension. The bad things to come from just one conference are extraordinary, not extra-terrestrial.


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World Economic Forum and the End of Free Speech By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This was on the cards, and the elimination of free speech came to centre stage with the Covid mandates, although the globalist elites were moving on this with “hate” speech, on race immigration issues first. Thus, it becomes easy to broaden the categories, once the basic tyranny is up. Thus, in yet another tyranny from the now ended World Economic Forum talkfest, European Commission Vice President Vera Jourová said the US will soon pass laws against “hate” speech. As we have seen with the Bill introduced by woke Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tex.), “hate” speech is anything white people say that the present regimes does not like. It includes talk of the Great Replacement, and white genocide, and all anti-vax material, unless the race replacement issue is celebrated as a great thing. In short, the move is yet another part of the globalist Great Replacement of Whites plan. Don’t let it end this way.


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The CDC and the Death of Youth By Chris Knight (Florida)

The figures are difficult to believe, but in this age of the Covid New World Order, anything is possible. Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that nearly half a million children and young adults died within the year following the announcement that children are eligible for the Covid vax, and  over 118,000 deaths were confirmed to have resulted from Covid vax adverse events. This is more children and young adults that those who have dies from all other vaccines added together in recent times. That alone should have led to an early cessation of the vax, but instead, the Covid system, like a virus-infected host itself, merely doubled down. We do not know how bad this is going to get, and each day, there is no good news on the covid vax issue, only bad.


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Davos: Creating the New World Order By Richard Miller (London)

The Davos World Economic form talkfest has now ended. The dust is settling now, and we can see clearly that there is no pretence of secrecy. The drive to eliminate national sovereignty, and replace it by global rule in a New World Order, was made. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Pakistan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, was explicit: “Here at WEF…there’s a lot of discussion about what the new world order will be…how do we work towards that new normative international order that allows us to address our differences and disputes as the civilized world,” said Zardari. “I believe that at the moment we are in such a hyper partisan, hyper polarized time that we’re not going to be able to form that new Helsinki today, but going forward…we must form and improve our normative and international institutional order internationally so that we can address these complaints.”

Thus, we cannot say, that we have not been told. WEF globalists have nailed their position right upon our door.

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The End of the US Dollar; the End of America By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This story is of vast importance but did not get much coverage in the mainstream media. Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan, on a panel on “Saudi Arabia’s Transformation,” at the recent World Economic Forum talkfest, said  that Riyadh “will consider trading in currencies other than the US dollar.” The short of the long of this is that the petrodollar, which essentially allowed the US to have a dream run and print what money it wanted, is at an end. It will be the start of a new alternative trading system, centred around communist Chinese power. That is just a gloss; the material from the Unz.com goes into details, but the end of the dollar will upturn American society in ways Americans are not prepared for, all at a time when nations are lining up for World War III. It could well be the girder that breaks the proverbial camel’s back.  


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The Vaxxes DO Alter Human DNA By Brian Simpson

The claim that the mRNA vaxxes altered human DNA was, and I think still is, censored by most social media as false information. But, evidence has now cumulated, according to cardiologist, Dr Peter McCullough, indicating that such DNA changes do occur: “Once people take these vaccines, it’s long lasting, it may get into the nucleus, change the human genome, and pass down to daughter cells… which means that this could actually be passed down to the progeny of vaccinated young parents,” Dr McCullough said. “There couldn’t be worse news right now. We were hoping this vaccine would be in and out of the body. It looks like it’s long lasting, causing a tremendous amount of damage.”

If this is correct, which seems to be so, then the possibility now arises that there will be genetic damage passed on the next generation, that is, if people can reproduce at all. This may well be the beginnings of a even deeper depopulation agenda than was previously contemplated.

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Hackable Humans? By Brian Simpson

One of the ideologies of the World Economic Forum, championed by the likes of globalist Yuval Noah Harari, and at the past 2023 meeting, by Nita Farahany, is that of brain transparency, the alleged forthcoming ability to be able to “read minds.” “We can pick up and decode faces that you’re seeing in your mind – single shapes, numbers, your PIN number to your bank account … Artificial intelligence has enabled advances in decoding brain activity in ways we never before thought possible.” Can this be done at present? From what I can work out, no, there are rapid advances, but the globalists are not yet got to that level. That will only cause the globalists to double down. The frustrating thing is what to do; most freedom types go for the grassroots approach, but I simply do not see what more than can we done at the grassroots other than what we are doing now of critique and getting the information out. Any further ideas, please put in the comments.


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Bill Gates Wants Australia to Cuddle Up to Communist China By James Reed

If you were wondering what else Bill Gates was talking to PM Albo about in his recent visit, other than climate change hysteria, then here it is. Gates, yet another World Economic Forum member told Albo that Australia must adopt a more subservient, sorry, conciliatory approach to communist China, a nation he sees as the best thing since sliced Microsoft bread, to mix a metaphor. No concern here about human rights abuses, or even the forthcoming invasion of Taiwan, and World War III. It is the globalist wonderland.


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Obesity is Just in Your Head? By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

There is a great video by J P Sears, debunking the recent nonsense of Dr. Fatima Stanford, who now sits on Biden’s 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. She has appeared on media outlets to share her lived experiences as a fat propagandist. By bottom line here is that obesity is a social construct, and is not a product of poor junk food diets and lack of exercise. It is nonsense of course, but is part of the woke agenda, which as J P Sears argues, is a strategy to weaken one. Certainly, the magazines are now moving to replace healthy slim models, with super-sizers, to allegedly normalise things.


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