Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Towards Economic Slavery By James Reed

Already 11 countries have launched a digital currency, and 20 more are in the process of getting one up, and another 114 are investigating the option. This, if completed, will encompass 95 percent of global GDP. This centralisation of finance will enable every transaction to be tracked, and controlled. As was seen with the Canadian truck protests, a form of CCP social credit will enable the authorities to control bank accounts, and to freeze the funds of dissents. This is a development which has nothing in it for us.

Dr Mercola discusses strategies for opposing this, beyond the usual one of contacting your MP. One should use cash as much as possible, right to the end if need it be. Further, there is great scope for developing parallel economies, using barter, if possible, and buying local produce instead of from supermarkets, as locals might be the last to fall. And, of course, there are many off grid responses, including growing one’s own food, as far as possible. It would be preferable to politically defeat this, but with a thousand globalist battles raging on every front, it will be difficult. But, we battle on relentlessly. It is important to see the pattern here, with the World Health Organization pandemic treaty also being a globalist strategy to put into place the New World Order.

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13 Million Dead and Counting By Chris Knight (Florida)

Steve Kirsch reports on a rather technical paper, the abstract below for the technical minded, that there have ben 13 million deaths from the Covid vaxxes. It is an estimate, as the authorities, always bending to Big Pharma, are not concerned to track deaths and injuries with the accuracy required, an item to be covered in other articles. The methodology is to take the number of doses of the vax administered, then divide by 1,000, based upon a statistic of the likely death ratio, to get an estimate of the number of deaths. This gives a figure of 670,000 dead in the US. A similar figure comes from VAERS, if the under-reporting factor of 41 is taken. Overall, this is a direct refutation of the idea that the vaxxes are “lifesaving,” for no other medication or vaccine has killed so many with doubtful saving properties.


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Bill Gates “Justifies” His Carbon-Polluting Jets By James Reed

Bill Gates has four private jets, and he is well known to use them flying around the world telling the ordinary punters like you and me that we have to reduce our carbon emissions to save the planet, whatever that means. Gates flew over 213,000 miles on 59 private jet flights in 2017 alone, and this emitted an estimated 1,760 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. He was challenged quite passively in an interview about how he justified this and said, that since he is saving the planet, and putting up money through his Breakthrough Energy Group, he needs to be cut some slack.

But, it is doubtful from an environmentalist position that Gates is really offsetting the amount of pollution he is producing. For example, he said: “Should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?” I would say that any information he needed could be obtained by local people and fed to him via the internet, with a vastly reduced carbon footprint. No, he is a jet plane travel junkie.

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Aussie TV Host Divorces the Vax By Mrs Vera West

This is something that would not have occurred last year. Today Show host Karl Stefanovic, was discussing on air, the recommendation by the Australian government for a fifth Covid jab. Stefanovic, said that he was finished getting jabbed. He had with him Nick Coatsworth, who said: ““It’s very transient protection,” Coatsworth explained, saying the jab’s effects last from 8 to 12 weeks. “It’s not increased protection for life, and that’s the problem with these boosters. Of course, eventually, we’re going to have to stop with these recommendations for ongoing boosters.”

It may be hard for the medical totalitarians to let go, but at some point they will have to, perhaps when the vax injury issue can no longer be blamed upon climate change. And, when the masses rise up against all that has been done to them.

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Biden’s “Beautiful” CCP Balloon By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Sean Ross Callaghan has made an observation which I have not seen made anywhere else. First, there was an agreement under the Open Skies Treaty that actually allowed signatory countries to fly over the US and get an eye-full. Of course, everything would have been long covered up by the time the spook aircraft got over head. The idea expressed is that while China has not signed the Open Skies Treaty, Beijing Biden may have let communist China do a fly over anyway, perhaps as part of a deal. It is possible, but I tend to go with the idea that communist China is now so cocky that it is doing the provocation that it daily engages in with Taiwan, to its main enemy, the United States.


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The Amazing Anti-Abortion “Spider-Man” By Chris Knight (Florida)

Maison DesChamps, a pro-life supporter, and climber, free climbed a 40 storey building, the former Chase Tower, without ropes and safety equipment. He did the ultra-dangerous stunt, which he succeeded in performing, to raise awareness and money for the pro-life movement. He previously climbed the Aria Hotel in Las Vegas to protest Covid-19 restrictions, and in 2022, he climbed the Salesforce building in San Francisco and hung banners on the New York Times building. He certainly has courage; watching the free climb of 40 storeys  makes one’s head spin.


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Gates Behind Bars! By James Reed

As readers would know, I am not a fan of rock music, but sometimes it has its place, especially getting out politic messages. Five times august has released “Gates Behind Bars,” which makes the case that Bill Gates should be given a fair trial, and if found guilty of crimes against humanity, locked away. I have to agree. And, he is one of many that need a fair trial.


Seymour Hersh: How America Blew Up the Nord Stream By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Seymour Hersh has dropped the most explosive bombshell piece of investigative journalism for the year so far. He presents evidence, detailed below, that the US Department of Defense blew up the Nordstream pipelines last year, to harm Russia’s energy exports, and to keep countries that were to use the energy, out of Russian influence. The usual suspects, such as the CIA were involved. Hersh cites unnamed sources who had direct knowledge of the operational planning, and who did what. Previously Sweden and Denmark, from their investigation, found that the pipelines we destroyed by acts of sabotage, but did not name the suspects. As well, Joe Biden said in a speech that the pipeline would not go ahead, and implied in questioning that the US would stop it, presumably by force.


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Top-Rated Insurance Analyst on Wall Street on Covid Vax Deaths By Chris Knight (Florida)

Josh Sterling, a top-rated insurance analyst on Wall Street gave his analysis of the excess mortality, which he associated with the Covid vaxxes. He presented it recently on Epoch TV, “American Thought Leaders,” with Jan Jekielek. The interview is likely to disappear from its original YouTube site, as these things tend to do, so it is produced below. In a nutshell, Stirling, who works with data, looked at the CDC data, with a ranking of doses administered across the US, which was then compared to mortality statistics of 2021 and 2022. It was found that, by plotting a regression line, that there was a positive correlation between more doses administered, to the increase in mortality. While correlation does not in itself prove causation, if there is a causal mechanism, and evidence of this mechanism functioning, then causation can be assumed. In this case the ill-effects of the mRNA spike protein is the causal mechanism, and evidence of vax injuries support its operation.


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Who Needs Spy Balloons, When there are a Thousand Chinese Spy Cameras in Government Buildings! By James Reed

Well, it was to be expected in this age of globalism, or is it China-ism, where everything is made in China, thanks to “our” corporations investing there. And, with free trade, things like surveillance cameras and other recording devices get installed in government buildings, made in China, too. But, too bad that almost 1,000  devices have been installed in Australian government buildings, even though two controversial Chinese companies Hikvision and Dahua, are part-owned by the CCP. Australia’s Five Eyes and AUKUS partners in Washington and London, have ban or restrict the installation of devices supplied. So, why didn’t the government departments with this gear, sending information back to the CCP, get the memo? Talk about sleep walking to disaster.


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Denialism and the Tyranny of Woke By James Reed

Thomas Buckley has noted that the term now used to shame anyone disagreeing with any part of the present tyrannical regime, is “denier.” Thus, someonbe critical of any aspect of the Covid vax cult, becomes a vaccine denier, and anyone with doubts about any aspect of the Green Religion of climate change is a climate change denier. The strategy of the woke left in doing this, seen sociologically is to set out in-groups, and out-groups, but in a nastier, more violent way, than traditionally done in past sociological studies. The aim of the division is to move to destroy the denier, the doubter, much more systematically than witches were hunted out in pre-modern times. Vocal white dissenting on race and immigration issues, in the past, faced this sort of cancellation, but now, perhaps with the added power of the internet, the oppression has become something of a total institution. To even begin to fight this, we need to start from the real politics position, that the institutions have been invade, and conquered. It will be like Spartacus, a revolt of the modern day slaves.


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How the Governments Bend the Knee to Big Pharma By Brian Simpson

Brownstone.org, has done an excellent job over the Covid plandemic years of exposing Big Pharma. In its latest piece they continue their critique, with a focus upon the key issue showing government’s bending over to Big Pharma. It is bad enough that for the US Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines have totalled more than $25 billion. Amazingly, Australia is not far behind, with $ 17 billion being invested, if that is the word. And for what? Leaky vaccines which do not prevent infection, and where there is on-going controversy about the range of adverse effects.

However, worse of all are sweetheart deals, where the government by legislation protects Big Pharma from all liability. Big Pharma says that this is needed to develop the vaxxes, but what other corporation gets this deal? All others products develop products in the face of product liability. Being exempt from liability is an open invitation to produce … what we now have.

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Climate Change Racism, Leftist Style By James Reed

One thing the climate change activists pride themselves in is being woke, and Leftist in political values, not just on the environment. Thus, today you do not see environmentalists who oppose the gender agenda, for the values of the Left now flow through the entire system. For a time, there were Right wing ecologists, such as the later Garrett Hardin, but there is not a new generation, as any opposition has ben culled from the contemporary university system.

It is thus ironic that the Leftist, environmentalist attack upon fossil fuels, fuels needs to make fertiliser to produce food for the Third World, and fuel, will lead to mega-death, of the very people the Left proclaims to support. But, saving lives was never big on the agenda of the Left.

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Now Traditional Catholics are Terrorists! By Peter West

When I was emailed this item by Brian to comment, at first I thought it was a joke. The US FBI must have too much spare time on their hands, for now they are proclaiming that Catholic Latin Mass attendants are what that they call "radical Catholic traditionalists," and white supremacists. This is news to me, while my experience of the Latin mass is restricted to Australia and the UK. But, I have never once seen anything like this. Of course, the FBI has been made into a radical rogue police group itself by the Biden administration, which in 2022, declared war upon Trump supporters. So, now this KGB police force, is working its way down the list. The FBI needs to be closed down.


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Scientism and the Science Delusion By Brian Simpson

As noted by Ben Bartee, quoting The Science Delusion by Rupert Sheldrake, one of the key problems with the modernist religion of scientism, is that despite technological innovations, not a lot is known about the fundamental issues, and while there is enough knowledge to make dangerous vaxxes and weapons of mass destruction, issues like the ultimate nature of matter, space and time, let alone the origin and future of the universe, remain in controversy. As he points out, some existing fundamental theories have mysterious ramifications, such as light being both a particle (localised) and a wave (spread out), simultaneously. In this context, the dogmatism exhibited by the Covid establishment, such as seen with Dr Fauci and WHO, flies in the face of the history of science, which is of theories being over-turned. And, this is exactly what we have seen with the vax. Remember Joe Biden saying that the vax will stop transmission of the virus?


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The Gender Neutral, Woke Church of England By Richard Miller (London)

Nothing surprises me anymore. Bishops at the Church of England are planning on launching a project “on gendered language.” The aim is to create an inclusive and woke approach to the deity. Thus, “Our Father” is out, because of “sexism,” which these elites of the Church see as a terrible legacy of the Church. Of course, that is part of the woke gender agenda that sees males and females as socially constructed. Clearly, those opposed to all this need to literally vote with their feet, and go to other churches, or start up a home church, like the early Christians did. Today, the persecutors are the woke elites, not the Romans and their bosses.


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Are Offshore Windmills Killing Whales, Greenies? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Nothing stirs up environmentalists as much as dead or threatened whales. Think of Greenpeace, out on the wild oceans fighting the whales. Fair enough. But, since December 2022, at least nine whales have been stranded on beaches in New Jersey and New York. It just so happens that nearby are offshore windmills. There is no direct evidence yet, but the number of whale deaths is out of the ordinary, and calls for an explanation. Could the noise of the windmill be interfering with whale navigation? It is not yet known.


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The Cleveland Institute: The Vax Destroys the Immune System! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Leading US healthcare provider, the Cleveland Clinic, has data from research showing that with increased numbers of Covid vaxxes, the immune system, correspondingly, declines. “It is therefore not a vaccine against the present strain of Covid,” according to a report in The Exposé. “It is an antivaccine. It damages your immune system in a dose-dependent manner. The more shots you took, the more damage you will have done to your immune system.” One thus is more likely, not less, to get the very disease that the vax is supposed to protect against. It is hard to think of a vaccine which has been continually promoted which has this self-undermining aspect. Yet, countries such Australia, are doubling down on the vax, and now promoting the fourth and fifth jabs.


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Fluoride: An Establishment Toxin By Mrs Vera West

In a now deleted post by Dr Mercola, he notes that there are over 40 scientific studies showing that fluoride is a neurotoxic substance. In particular there is an adverse effect upon the IQs of children: a one mg-per-day increase in the fluoride a mother gets from tap drinking water may lower the IQ of her child by 3.7 points. As well, “infants fed baby formula made with fluoridated water have lower IQs than those fed formula made with unfluoridated water …  an increase of 0.5 mg/L of fluoride corresponds with a 4.4 point lower IQ score at age 3 to 4.” And, that is significant by any measure.

So, why is fluoride in the water? Well, it is to supposedly help with tooth decay. And, we can’t use toothpaste? Why must the stuff be swallowed? Could it social control, could fluoride be a dumbing down agent?

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Dropping Bombs from Balloons: CCP Style By James Reed

Many weapons have been dropped on enemies from balloons for centuries. Even before bombs, disease corpses could be dropped upon the enemy, and their water supply. Things have gone beyond this with communist China, who has launched hypersonic missiles, that travel many times faster than sound, from balloons. According to communist Chinese TV back in 2018: “The stunning footage displays a high-altitude balloon, not dissimilar from the one that traversed over the United States last week, carrying three hypersonic glide vehicles (HGVs) into high altitude and dropping them for testing.” The balloon that causally floated across the US last new cycle, could easily have had such a weapon. Against Australia, we would not even know what hit us, with the population in its comfort zone.


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