Why We Should be Against “Saving the Planet” By James Reed

US intellectual, Michael Lind, has a provocatively titled article, “Why I am Against Saving the Planet (and Why You Should be, Too),” making the case that I fully agree with, that environmentalism is an anti-Christian, anti-human religious cult, hostile to modern civilisation, and wallowing in romantic primitivism, while the environmentalists enjoy the comforts of the social order that they despise. Thus, the stated goal of environmentalism, to “save the planet,” means to save the planet from humans, in particular, those that the Left despise.

Probing deeper, the idea of the “environment” employed by the environmentalists is that of a self-regulating system, where the mere loss of one species damages the whole. But, that is incoherent, as over evolutionary time, 99 percent of the species that have been on the Earth eventually go extinct. As well, global temperatures have fluctuated over time, from ice age cold, to hotter than now, with carbon dioxide levels being only one factor in the complex equation of global temperature. Thus, environmentalism is simplistic about even its key concept: temperature.

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A Terrible Equation: Clintons + Rockefeller = Digital Cash By James Reed

Here is a clear example of how the globalist elites network, and join up, like something out of a Transformers movie. Thus, now we have Bill and Hillary Clinton’s organization joining up with the Rockefeller Foundation to promote a “digital cash” fund. The purpose of this will be, no surprises, fighting climate change. According to Hillary Clinton, $ 50 million going into a global “climate resilience” fund that will be used by women to tackle “global warming.” It is far from clear what challenges women in particular face from the so-called climate change crisis, but in the world of woke, it probably does not matter much. As well, there is no reason why funds should not go to trans communities as well. Again, I am not sure how such communities could be made more resilient compared to binary folk.


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Leading French Historian: World War III has Begun By James Reed

Leading French historian, Emmanuel Todd, who predicted the fall of the USSR 10 years before it happened, has now stated in an interview with the Le Figaro newspaper, that World War III has already begun, focussed on the Ukraine, at first. The conflict is now a battle between NATO and Russia, with the Ukraine, for the time, the proxy. But, Russia, backed by China, is forcing the US into an economic crisis, as sanctions have not worked, as Russia with the help of communist China, by-passes them. America “cannot withdraw from the conflict, they cannot let go,” because it has no exit strategy and the stakes are too high. This is why we are now in an endless war, in a confrontation whose outcome must be the collapse of one or the other.” Russia too, cannot back down, without the Putin regime collapsing, so a final conflict is inevitable. There seems that things are setting up, so that there is no easy way out.


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The Hypothesis of Systematic Extermination By Chris Knight (Florida)

At first I thought Mike Adams was over reacting with his piece claiming that the Ohio train disaster, and chemical contamination, largely produced by the authorities burning the spilled vinyl chloride, which released phosgene, a World War I chemical weapon. It is highly unlikely that burning the stuff was the only thing which could have been done. While reporters at the scene have been arrested, merely for covering the story, the chemical pollution has widely spread, poisoning waterways and agricultural land. Yet, the authorities are saying, all is well, just don’t drink the water! As with the burning of food factories, there have been a number of previous “accidents” resulting in widespread pollution. It may feel somewhat paranoid at first, but when one joins all of the dots, perhaps Mike Adams is right, that something very sinister is going on here.


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Apology, Not Accepted! By Brian Simpson

We have not seen this phenomenon, to the best of my knowledge in Australia, but in the US, there have been two articles amounting to an admission that it may not have been wise to impose draconian Covid lockdown measures, that destroyed small businesses, while enriching the globalist elite, although they do not put it as starkly as that. Then the essays go along the lines, that everyone is human and make mistakes, so the technocrats should be granted an “amnesty” for their Covid misadventures. Perhaps there is a fear here that the tide may be turning, with polling showing 49 percent of Americans believing that the Covid shots may be responsible for the explosive rise in sudden deaths and 28 percent saying they know someone they believe was killed by the shots. It is not justice to merely forgive those who destroyed so many lives, for it undermines any sense of social responsibility. The technocrats need to be made accountable, but whether this can be done, with numerous failed legal actions, is an open question.


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What Weaknesses Does Our Adversary, China, Have? By James Reed

David Archibald, an Australian analysist, has put the case that China is weaker that most of us believe. He raises a number of good points about weaknesses in Chinese society and its economy, such as its demographics (the crash in births is even worse in the West); China is running out of coal (yes, but the West will face other resource shortages as well, most artificially created); Taiwan is not as vulnerable as most think, as china will need to use its navy, all open to missile attack. While that may be so, the Chinese navy is formidable and can encircle Taiwan, and blockade it. Overall Archibald is right about China having vulnerabilities, but many of the same points, such as demographic decline, also apply to the West.


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Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price On the Woke “Voice” By James Reed

I received this by email, without an internet reference. Here is Senator Price talking more common sense about the coming woke, and divisive, “Voice” referendum. Her “voice” must be upsetting the woke, who intended to play the race card, but did not expect indigenous opposition.


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Questions for a Covid Commission By Chris Knight (Florida)

The “Norfolk Group,” is an association of scholars included such names as Stanford epidemiologist Jay Bhattacharya, Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff, UCSF physician Tracy Beth Høeg, Johns Hopkins University surgeon Marty Makary, and Indiana University School of Medicine immunologist Steven Templeton. All are critics of the received Covid narrative and policies. They have published an 80-page document, “Questions for a COVID-19 Commission,” that raises question about all aspects of Covid policy, such as why the lockdowns were needed, why schools were closed given the low risk that Covid posed to children and youth, and why natural immunity was downplayed by health authorities. They believe that the mainstream has not adequately explained their actions, which seem more like serving the interests of Big Pharma, rather than the public. Consequently, they are recommending that a wide public investigation to be made. This is something that should have occurred long ago, but better late than never.


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Statement on Covid Vax Safety by Surgeon General for the State of Florida By Chris Knight (Florida)

Australians who are now being told to receive on their knees the fourth and fifth Covid vax jabs, should heed the warnings made by Florida Surgeon General, Dr Joseph A. Ladapo. The following statement recognises that there are indeed wide-ranging Covid vax injuries, and that Covid vaccine injury rates are greater than vaccine injury rates in the past. Thus, there is a need for further research, and transparency, rather than secrecy among health care professionals. Nothing like this is seen in other states in America, and I am sure, that back in Covid narrative compliant Australia, there is no parallel critical awareness among the top health care professionals. Obviously, there should be, so keep chipping away!


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Upgrading to Humanware 2.0 By Brian Simpson

Conservatives generally have difficulty getting their heads arounds the diabolic plans of some of the World Economic Forum, such as Klaus Schwab. He recently said that advances in high technology, such as chatbots, machine learning, digital identities, gene editing, and AI, would be the key to ruling the world. But, he goes further, believing that in 10 years’ time, human beings will change their nature, by a high-tech upgrade, and will no longer be like human beings we know today. Rather, there will be a merging of AI and human enhanced biology to produce the new human 2.0. This will raise the question of what will happen to the rest of an inferior humanity, which will not be upgraded? Clearly, as other World Economic Forum members have said, they will be rendered redundant as useless eaters. The rest will be just like happened in other communist purges.


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Is Bird Flu the Next Big Thing? By Brian Simpson

For some time I have been warning that the Covid plandemic was a test run, and as Bill Gates has said, the next “pandemic” will be much more severe. Given the technocrat framework that has been put in place with Covid, and the movement to the World Health Organization centralised pandemic treaty, we should be deeply concerned. We have not seen anything yet.

As I noted in a previous article, bird flu is proving to have sharper teeth than monkey pox, which was a fizzer. H5N1 has jumped to mammals, some such as minks with a respiratory system similar to humans. It is possible that a natural evolutionary jump could occur, or some helpful bioweapons lab could give the virus a lift up to humans. This time there will be the deaths that the health authorities thought they saw with Covid. If this happens, life will become infinitely more difficult. It is not clear what the direction will be to take, apart from heading for the hills, so the situation needs to be closely monitored. Hopefully bird flu will pass as it did in 2014, and before.

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Does Project Blue Beam Ride Again? By James Reed

With the idea being implanted in the manic internet communities of an impending extra-terrestrial alien invasion, more sensible conspiratorial theorists have revived the idea of Project Blue Beam. According to this conspiracy theory from the wild 1990s, the US Deep State intends to use lasers and illusions to stage an extra-terrestrial alien invasion. This will bring all of the world together, so that a one world New Word Order government, with either no religion, or some non-Christian new age religion, being used to eliminate traditional religion.

Is this plausible? I think it is a long shot to fake an alien invasion over the longer term; it is not like blowing up the Nordstream, a one hit event. Eventually people will want to see the aliens blowing up stuff with advanced death rays, and probably the US does not have the tech, and illusions only go so far. But, the move to destroy Christianity is ocurring, but is advancing by cultural means, the attack from within, so I do not see why the globalists need to make risky moves like Project Blue Beam.

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Covid vs the Spanish Flu By Brian Simpson

With the over-the-top response by authorities across the world, from Australia to communist China, with draconian lockdowns, one wonders how the human race could have survived previous pandemics, such as the Spanish flu, with no such total institution response. In fact, the Spanish flu of 1918 killed, according to some estimations, 50 million people, or 2.7 percent of the world’s population at the time. While estimations of the Covid deaths are biased due to attempts by authorities to inflate numbers by counting, for example, all those who died with Covid, as dying from Covid, one less biased estimate puts the global death toll at 238,950 people, which is 0.003 percent of the global population. Thus, Covid is no Spanish flu, by a long shot. Yet, it is possible that the adverse effects from the vax, will dwarf this death toll, and perhaps even, according to the global depopulation hypothesis, revival the deaths from the Spanish flu. This will, when the dusts of time settles, become part of history, written about with astonishment by future generations, that remain.


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The Failure of Masks By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola reports on the results of a definitive, comprehensive study by Cochrane Library, which publishes highly influential studies of medical and health topics. They have just published an update of a review of studies of physical interventions to reduce respiratory illnesses. For our purposes it was found that there was no evidence to support the claim that surgical face masks, or N95 respirators, could Covid infection, or even the flu. This applied not only to the widely-worn surgical masks, but also to the so-called better protection N95 masks as well. Further to this, there are many health problems associated with mask use, making mask wearing more of a psychological event of virtue signalling to be part of the vaxxed in-group, rather than having a scientific point.


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The Great Psyop: Balloongate By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We have been covering the balloons over the US issue from various angles, and have now reached the end of our thoughts, unless something radical occurs. The last word goes to Natural News.com, who puts the case that the balloons are little more than metallic party balloons, some which, according to some reports were not launched by the Chinese, and may have been put on the loose by the US as psyop to keep the sheeple’s attention away from the real stories, such as the likelihood of the US blowing up the Nordstream pipeline. I guess the balloon/alien connection story resonates with a lifetime of Hollywood brainwashing from film, so it is an easy one to toss over.


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China Given a Free Pass by Communist World Health Organization By James Reed

The World Health Organization, that wants control of national health policies with its May 2023 pandemic treaty, has abandoned its mission to find the origin of the Covid-19 virus, according to the journal Nature.  The reason: “Researchers say they are disappointed that the investigation isn’t going ahead, because understanding how the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 first infected people is important for preventing future outbreaks. But without access to China, there is little that the WHO can do to advance the studies, says Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada. “Their hands are really tied.” So, China is not going to cooperate. The most plausible reason for this is criminal guilt, that they have plenty to hide, not that the WHO would find this out. Still, with a coming China war, the origin of Covid becomes less important.


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Gigadeath from AI? By Brian Simpson

The news of ChatGPT passing law exams, writing essays, and doing all of this within a Left-wing globalist woke framework, has brought about apocalyptic thoughts of human destruction by AI. One view is that such AI may reach the level of expected general intelligence within two years, while others see a longer time frame. Thus, arises the so-called AI alignment problem, of how to create AI that is in line with human values. At a minimum, such AI would support human existence, not work to destroy it. But here is the problem; there is a wealth of information from the Covid plandemic and the vaxxes, that a depopulation movement is underway, due to an alleged environmental crisis. Using AI to further these goals will be irresistible to the elites who are already far advanced in their agenda of eliminating us. There thus could be, even if AI does not achieve full self-awareness, the capacity to use it for mega-death. That is grim, but at this stage, we need to be aware of the possibilities, and what they might do.


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Yes, We Have No Bananas … and Little Green Men! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There were a few crumbs thrown out by an US Air Force general, that he would not rule out the possibility of the UFOs being extra-terrestrial. The claim was so groundless that the White House had its woke Press Secretary, or whatever her position is, hose it down. There out of professionalism I looked it up, it was Karine Jean-Pierre, the very first, but no doubt not the last, openly LGBT person to be White House press secretary, so if she says that there are no aliens desperately clinging to the weather balloons, we know that there is not. I imagine that the dropping of hints of aliens, to a public that it pumped up on media all the time, is now just part of the smoke and mirrors of the ruling regime.


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Australian Regulators Concealed Fatal Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis from the Public By Mrs Vera West

Dr Peter McCullough has reported on an Australian scandal, which our mainstream, Vax-mad media has not touched. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) led by Dr. John Skerritt, responsible for regulatory decisions during the Covid plandemic, had determined that several young previously healthy children died of Covid vax induced myocarditis. Redacted letters from the TGA to Dr. Melissa McCann, indicates, Dr McCullough alleges, “willful concealment.” “The dossier included letters of concern from McCann and other doctors and the responses from Skerritt. Alarmingly, Skerritt and the TGA did not want to go public with these cases in order to keep the vaccine campaign going without “vaccine hesitancy” among a weary public who were witnessing countless injuries, disabilities, and deaths with repeated injections.”

If this is so, then it raises doubts about the rationality of trusting those who would suppress such important information.

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Covid-19 Vaccine-Induced Cancer By Brian Simpson

Ronald Kostoff has given an outline, with some expected technical details, of the emerging crisis of Covid-19 vaccine-induced cancer. I have a personal story here, as one Australian Covid activist friend, who does numerous critical videos, had a friend who attended the protests. But he one day heard a voice in his head telling him to get vaxxed. And he did. He rang my friend to say that he did this, and now had an aggressive cancer. And now he is dead.


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