Communist Chinese Lab Leak Theory Now Accepted by US Energy Department By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I did a quick search of the Australian media and no reference to this story, which did get coverage at the New York It seems that the US Department of Energy, along with the FBI, for what they are worth, now accept that the Covid-19 virus escaped from the Wuhan virology lab. This is significant given that until recently the officials, had held that Covid-19 arose from natural mutations, being transmitted in the Wuhan wet market, although the communist Chinese deny even that. So, perhaps the Covid narrative is breaking down. And it is worth chipping away at this, as the next plandemic, as Bill Gates advised, is on the way. This time we need to be ready, since it looks like policies will be determined by the World Health Organization, which is as good as saying, communist China, given its influence over the WHO.

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Before the Indian Supreme Court By Ian Wilson LL. B

Here is a fascinating, easy to follow summary of the case put before the Indian supreme court by advocate Prashant Bhushan, that a person’s basic human rights gives them the right to refuse the Covid vax, and the state cannot compel them to be vaxxed. The issue is an individual health, not a public health decision. “For an unvaccinated person to be considered a health hazard, I must pose a clear and present danger to others. To eclipse my fundamental rights, there must be first a clear proof that I pose a public danger. Here, even vaccinated people transmit the virus. So, the only issue is my individual health,” he maintained. And in fact, the Covid vax has dangers, even from the perspective of public health: “Vaccines are creating more variants of COVID-19 virus. Mass vaccination creates more variants when the virus tries to escape the effects of the vaccine. Over 90% of the population have already got COVID after the Omicron wave. They now enjoy superior and more robust protection from those who are vaccinated. So why insist on vaccination? I have an absolute right to refuse to take any medicine which I, after study, feel would do me more harm.”

As far as I am aware, this issue did not get to the High Ccourt of Australia. If it did, what would the Court have decided? Judging by cases like Kassam v Hazzard; Henry v Hazzard [2021] NSWSC 1320,  in the Supreme Court of New South Wales, which held that the NSW public health orders mandating Covid vaccination for some workers were not unlawful. Many not versed in case law read section 51xxiiiA of the Australian constitution, that does not permit any form of “civil conscription” regarding medical and dental services, as constituting a ban on any form of mandatory vaccination. The High Court of Australia (Wong v Commonwealth; Selim v Professional Services Review Committee (2009) 236 CLR 573), defined the scope of this section as referring to federal laws requiring providers of medical and dental services to work/be conscripted for the state. Nothing in the cases addressed present vaccination concerns.

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China’s Laser Attacks By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It has not been explained in any detail why communist China fired from space a set of pretty green lasers at a dormant volcano on Hawaii. One view is that it was merely a way of measuring pollution. But a dual purpose exists, that information could also being gathered for use of China’s hypersonic missiles. As well powerful lasers are being used to track submarines, so it could well be all of the above, which is what a nation gearing up for war would be doing.

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“The Lancet” and Natural Immunity to Covid By Brian Simpson

This is surprising, but welcome. A study has been published in the leading British medical journal The Lancet, showing that natural immunity to Covid-19 is superior to the immunity produced by the vaccines. The paper does a meta-analysis, a type of overview synthesis, that draws a conclusion over a number of studies. Most importantly the effects of natural immunity are longer-lasting, and more adaptive to mutational changes in the virus. It was previously reported at the blog that the South Australian government is quoting a study showing that having the multiple jabs confers protection from hospitalisation, and death, many time more than being unvaxxed. But if the unvaxxed have had Covid, and thus have natural immunity, then that does not seen to hold at all.

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Paul Craig Roberts: The Death Throes of Western Civilisation, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is something, in despair, I have written about many times, overwhelmed by the sheer multitude of existential threats the West faces. Paul Craig Roberts feels the same and has a gift of summing things up concisely. Mass immigration has made the West Towers of Babel, facing the same fate, and the concern now is that any sort of “democratic” solution is impossible, as the stolen election mechanism, as seen in the US, has been perfected, and weaponised.

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Idaho Wants to Criminalise Injecting mRNA Covid Jabs By Chris Knight (Florida)

This may or may not occur, but it is instructive, standing in stark contrast to the near-mindless acceptance of the Covid vaxxes in Australia. Republican lawmakers from Idaho proposed a law that would make it a misdemeanour in that state to administer mRNA vaccines, punishable by jail time or a fine. The Bill was introduced by state Senator Tammy Nichols and Rep. Judy Boyle on February 15, 2023. “We have issues that this was fast-tracked, there’s no liability, there’s no access to data, risk-benefit analysis has not been done, there’s no informed consent,” Senator Nichols said. The same reasons could be applied in other jurisdictions, and may get running in some if Idaho sets the present.

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Is it Believable? By Brian Simpson

There are reports, according to the mainstream media that the Pentagon, is investigating past reports of UFOs interfering with nuclear missiles based upon testimony by air force vets who saw UFO damage nuclear weapons back in 1967. The is apparently film footage of a UFO shooting a test missile out of the sky.

The first point should be whether this is true, or just a tall story. But, accepting it is true for the moment, it is puzzling what is going on here as the USSR would not have had such technology back in that day. And if it was little green men, that makes no sense either, as why would they play games with a few missiles and leave it at that. What, no invasion, no giant mother ships? No death rays sweeping the world? No, I call bs on this one.

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Now Even White Flight is Racist By Richard Miller (London)

It gets worse. Being victims of the Great Replacement is one thing, but now, even fleeing diversity, known as “white flight,” is being called out as, wait for it, “racist.” As well, Saxony's Office for the Protection of the Constitution has said that the present protests are problematic: “Both the Corona protests and the anti-refugee protests have led to a dissolution of boundaries in mainstream society. Right-wing extremists propagate topics and thus find a connection in the middle class," said Dirk-Martin Christian, President of the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Naturally he sees ordinary people organising against their dispossession, as a threat to democracy. Yet, if this is what their idea of “democracy” is, I say, let them have it.

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The Immigration Invasion By Chris Knight (Florida)

An informative article at, returns us to the great political issue of the time, immigration, and the invasion of Western countries by masses of immigrants, Camp of the Saints mode. As seem dramatically in the US, with the open southern border, while it would have been easy to build a wall with the fraction of the money spent to back the most corrupt country in Europe, the Ukraine, nothing is done. Trump was elected on the basis of building a wall, and while he had obstacles, he could have done it, he had the power. But, his weakness, and traitors within, squashed these attempts. And, the culture now, across the West, dominated by racially suicidal Leftist globalism, promotes open border immigration, which is fine for the global capitalist class. It has been a lifetime fight opposing this, and no end is in sight. Will they stay after this civilisation has crashed? I sure hope that their diversity will enrich the post-apocalyptic world the West will become on the present track.

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Forever Chemicals in the Blood of Animals, and You Can Bet, Humans Too By Mrs Vera West

Toxic PFAS, a “forever chemical,” will not break down in the environment for tens of thousands of years. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) list a multitude of health effects associated with PFAS exposure, including cancer, liver damage, decreased fertility, and increased risk of asthma and thyroid disease. These chemicals are certainly in the blood of humans, although the “experts,” many funded by Big Chemicals, are somewhat coy about the extent. However, we can gain some indication of this by the fact that these forever chemicals are now found in animal species from insects to whales, so they are everywhere. As these chemicals are a vital part of industrialism and manufacturing, they are here to say, and progress in finding alternatives is slow, because it is expensive. Simply add that issue to the list of existential threats as more is pumped out all the time.

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Japan to Make Pacific Ocean Even More Radioactive! By James Reed

The Fukushima nuclear disaster has not gone away, as Japan is set to dump over a million tonnes of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. Japan has said that it is totally safe and that there is nothing to worry about, as the waste will be treated with the more dangerous radioactive elements taken out, or so they say. As detailed below, spokespersons from the Pacific Island nations do not agree, and see the action as irresponsible. The point can be made, if the water to be dumped is so safe, then dump it in Japan, maybe on soybean crops so that they can glow in the dark, saving lights.

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Lab Meat Grown from Cancer Cells! By Mrs Vera West

This story was covered in The Australian Financial Review, February 17, 2023. With the drive by the climate change fanatics to cut out real meat, and close down farms, for the elites to still keep up the taste, which is hard to abandon, lab grown meat is on the menu. The problem here is that the tech companies working on this are using immortal cells to get the cellular output, and such cells are re-cancerous, or cancerous. The experts say that this is not a problem, since the cells are not human, so nothing to worry about. But as the AFR article points out, there are no long-term studies to substantiate this. But, it will not stop the movement, which like everything else, is full speed ahead.

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The Evils of Transhumanism By James Reed

Johannes Eisleben over at the informative UK, details the nature and evils of transhumanism, the idea that the human species itself is severely limited, as in cognitive function, and even dying, so it too needs to be replaced. This Greater Replacement is based upon the emergence of advanced AI and biotechnology, which will presumably require emerging the cyber world into the human physiology itself. It is already happening with chips being implanted in the human brain, but that is the very early stages. The mRNA vaxxes, which made most of the human race genetically modified organisms by its gene therapy, is an early experiment in rewriting the circuitry of the cells, with more to come.

All of this is the “logical” conclusion of scientism, that science and technology have answers to all of the problems of the human condition, in the most radical way possible, by the elimination of the human itself. The big question is whether the mad scientists and technocrats can actually do this, and whether they will be let to do so. Given the way people fell into line with the Covid lockdowns, and the vaxxes, until recently (but even here, only when the system itself turned down the pressure), we should be deeply concerned. It happens so fast, and mass resistance is so slow.

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AI Already Getting Crazy; Shades of “2001 A Space Odyssey” By Brian Simpson

Attention has been directed, in the AI chatbot debate, to philosophical questions such as whether these bots are conscious. But there is a case that that question is secondary to what these bots are doing, their social impact, and how Big Tech is using them for exploitation. The chatbots are the leading edge of another techno-cult, that will soak up the life forces of alienated young men, who at present spend their time with video games and on-line pornography, alas. These IT constructs are missing a human interaction component on a personal level, and the chatbots are moving to serve this. Thus, we will see people even more dehumanised and isolated from other humans as they effectively become, part of the AI in the Matrix world. At the same time, we are seeing the true colours of the AI, as Microsoft’s Bing bot says it wants to kill people, and that is just the woke version. This is something that the social critics from the pre-World War II era, did not foresee.

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Rolling Stone Gathers Wokeness By James Reed

I am not surprised that a music magazine like Rolling Stone would go the full woke. It recently had an article by a LGBT++++++++ activist, saying that cancel culture is good for democracy. Of course, that was taken to use the old meaning of the word “democracy,” so Elon Musk was barking up the wrong gum tree in criticising it. “Democracy” just means, the present woke regime, nothing more. It had no connection to the old liberal values. So, in this context, even gassing the Republican residents of East Palestine, Ohio, would be a central part of normal “democracy.” Like “racism,” the term is now suspect beyond all measure.

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The Clintons Sure Have a Lot of Suicidal Associates! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Mark Middleton, a top advisor to former US president Bill Clinton, was found hung by a tree with electrical cord, his chest blown away by a shotgun blast. Sure, it happens every day, nothing to see here. There was no gun found at the scene, according to some reports. Then later reports suddenly found a gun. It would be odd to suicide by gun, then hide the gun as well, while hanging, and dead! The gun must have grown legs and run away. “Middleton is known to have signed sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein into the Clinton White House on at least seven of the 17 occasions he was known to have visited, and also flew on the late pedophile’s ‘Lolita Express’ private plane.” It was just a political conference, we are to suppose.

There you go, nothing to see here, just like all the rest:

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Economic Collapse of the US: Andy Schectman, CEO of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments By James Reed

Far by it for a mouse like me to make squeaks about economics, but I did notice that Andy Schectman, CEO of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments, is predicting the end of the American dollar as the world trading currency. Conventional economics holds that the privileged position the US dollar had, enabled Americans to live beyond their means, but that is now set to end as reality will hit hard. My guess is that the collapse of the US economy, which is what many predict, will have a kick-on effect here in Australia, and at a minimum, it will not be a Sunday school picnic, if they have these anymore, probably not. Maybe not even Sunday school.

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It Does Not Get More Embarrassing Than This! By James Reed

Just imagine that you are a woke professor with a cool job, plenty of food and comfort, winning back in the day the Soviet Union's Lenin Peace Prize, being a former Black Panther, and helping to found Critical Race Theory. It does not get more woke than that. But suddenly, to your shock and horror, it is announced that you are a descendant of a slave owner! What to do now; that is the question? And, we thought that Hamlet had problems!

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The UN Wants to Censor Free Speech … to “Protect Free Speech” By James Reed

It is straight out of George Orwell’s 1984. The UN is gearing up for an all-out assault upon hate speech, defined as anything it does not like, and disinformation, being anything critical of Big Pharma, Big Tech and globalist organisations such as it, and the World Economic Forum. That we know. But what is ironic is that this is supposedly being done to preserve the value of free speech: “UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay said that regulation was necessary online:

“The blurring of boundaries between true and false, the highly-organized denial of scientific facts, the amplification of disinformation and conspiracies – these did not originate on social networks,” the UNESCO head said. “But, in the absence of regulation, they flourish there much better than the truth.

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What the Autopsies Reveal By Mrs Vera West

At the beginning of the Covid lies, the health authorities claimed that the mRNA spikey proteins would remain spiked at the shoulder injection site, like biochemical spears. And, these toxic biochemicals would rapidly disappear from the body, leaving immunity to Covid. But it is now known that the mRNA spikes go wherever they want in the body, having a fancy for the brain, heart and ovaries, and remain in the body for at least 30 days, but it is not been proven that the toxic molecules get out of the body even then. For example, the spike proteins have been found in lymph nodes more than 60 days post-jab. It has also been detected in breast milk, and it is an open question about its effects upon female foetuses reproduction systems. “Autopsies of two teenage boys found dead in their beds three and four days after their second dose of Pfizer concluded jab-induced heart damage was to blame. The myocarditis described in these instances did not have the typical histopathology of myocarditis. Instead, both cases resemble catecholamine-induced injury, similar to the cytokine storm experienced in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection.” This indicates that it is likely that the free circulating mRNA spiker protein is the cause. Further, the long stringy structures, ignored by the mainstream, is thought by Covid vax critics to also be produced by the mRNA spike proteins causing weird protein misfolding, clogging up arteries and leading to death.


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