What You May See on a Visit to the State Library of Victoria (and it is Not Books!) By James Reed

The State Library of Victoria is hosting radical LGBTIQ+ events for children, including a drag queen performance and a gay disco as part of the LGBTIQ+ Midsumma Festival, Nation First reports. The objection made in the article is clear: "… the taxpayer-funded State Library Victoria has overstepped its boundaries. By hosting events for children that include adult themes of gender and sexuality, the library is actively undermining our values. As I've said, this is not education; it's indoctrination; a calculated move to introduce and normalise radical LGBTIQ+ ideologies to young, impressionable minds. This intrusion into children's development is wholly inappropriate and poses a potential threat to their well-being.

But this is not just a challenge to individual families and their children – it's a broader societal issue. When public institutions like State Library Victoria sponsor such events, it sends a message that these ideologies are endorsed and promoted by the state, marginalising our families who hold traditional Australian values. The library, funded by our tax dollars, should not be a battleground for cultural and ideological warfare. It should remain neutral, respecting the diverse viewpoints of all its patrons and public funders."

The recommendation of Nation First is for all who agree with their above claim to make matters known to the State Library. My letter is on the way there now.


"Imagine a public library where, instead of hearing classic fairy tales, children are exposed to a drag queen performance and gay discos. Well, this is happening right now at the taxpayer-funded State Library Victoria, under the banner of the radical LGBTIQ+ Midsumma Festival.

You heard right. In a move that's nothing short of shocking, the State Library Victoria has decided to partake in the LGBTIQ+ pride Midsumma Festival by hosting events specifically designed for children, including a drag queen story hour and a gay disco for kids aged 12 and under!

These events push a radical LGBTIQ+ agenda, blatantly disregarding the mental impact this has on youth. This stark reality is not just alarming; it's a call to action for every parent and citizen who values the innocence of childhood.

Take Action! Tell the President of the Library Board to Cancel These Inappropriate Events!


Let's cut to the chase about this whole drag queen storytime thing. Libraries like the State Library Victoria were once safe havens for learning and childhood innocence, but they are now being co-opted by radical LGBTIQ+ activists to push their agenda. This isn't just a quirky, harmless activity. It's a calculated move to indoctrinate our children into accepting and even embracing gender fluidity and certain lifestyles from an incredibly young age.

They're a blatant attempt to reshape the fabric of our society, starting with the most vulnerable and impressionable among us – our children. Why are we exposing kids, who should be learning about the ABCs and 123s, to adult-themed performances and ideologies?

And it's not just about the content. It's about the context. 'Drag' is an adult-oriented performance, deeply rooted in sexuality and often riddled with adult humor and innuendo. This is not something that children should be exposed to, let alone in a taxpayer-funded institution like the State Library Victoria. Where is the consideration for the values and beliefs of the majority of families who use these libraries?

Moreover, this is a massive overreach on the part of a public library. Since when did librarians decide to take on the role of social engineers? Their job is to foster a love for reading and provide access to a wide range of knowledge, not to host events that many see as politicising and sexualising childhood.

Drag queen storytime events represent a disturbing trend where pushing the envelope under the banner of 'tolerance', 'inclusivity; and all the other woke buzzwords takes precedence over common sense and the protection of our children's innocence. As a society, we must question and challenge these practices that are seeping into our public institutions and stand up for the values that have long been the cornerstone of our culture and family life.

Tell the State Library Victoria: Drag Queens & Gay Discos Are Not For Kids!


Quite clearly, the taxpayer-funded State Library Victoria has overstepped its boundaries. By hosting events for children that include adult themes of gender and sexuality, the library is actively undermining our values. As I've said, this is not education; it's indoctrination; a calculated move to introduce and normalise radical LGBTIQ+ ideologies to young, impressionable minds. This intrusion into children's development is wholly inappropriate and poses a potential threat to their well-being.

But this is not just a challenge to individual families and their children – it's a broader societal issue. When public institutions like State Library Victoria sponsor such events, it sends a message that these ideologies are endorsed and promoted by the state, marginalising our families who hold traditional Australian values. The library, funded by our tax dollars, should not be a battleground for cultural and ideological warfare. It should remain neutral, respecting the diverse viewpoints of all its patrons and public funders.

Should we fail in this fight, the consequences will be troubling. The minds of young children exposed to these events could be irreversibly warped by premature exposure to adult-oriented concepts. But a victory in this battle signifies a triumph for common sense and the protection of our children's innocence.

We must act decisively to ensure our libraries remain sanctuaries of learning and not gateways to ideological indoctrination.

In these challenging times, there are many things to be outraged about, but it is imperative that we take action when it comes to the well-being of children.

We have a duty to protect the next generation from being prematurely exposed to adult and sexual concepts that they are clearly not equipped to understand; concepts that might warp their minds forever. Let's unite for this crucial battle.

Demand the State Library Victoria Respect Taxpayer Funds & the Innocence of Childhood, By Cancelling These Events!"



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