Save the Planet By letting the Human Race Becoming Extinct: Professor Patricia MacCormack By James Reed

The typical feminist diatribe runs a crude conspiracy theory that all the evil in the universe is due to males, primarily white males, and if by some black magic they all disappeared, apart from the survival of the human race, all would be peachy cream, with strawberries on top. But, Cambridge University feminist philosopher, Patricia MacCormack, in her book, The Ahuman Manifesto: Activism for the End of the Anthropocene, (2020), goes one step more, that all the problems on woke can be solved by the human race going extinct. It makes sense you know; if we are all dead, then our problems go too. Sheer logic. This is equivalent to solving a problem of a toothache, by putting one’s head on a railway track! And, her solution means that al the woke go too, so, well, I suppose she is happy with that too. I am not sure how her plan will be put into action.

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On International Women’s Day: The Other Einstein By Mrs Vera West

As readers know, I am a critic of feminism, but also advocate justice for women. As well, I cover women’s health issues, which is sadly lacking at conservative sites across the world. Today, for International Women’s Day, while the origins of this day are feminist, I think one can still support, and celebrate, the fair achievements of women, and note where they have been ripped off. I recently got this information about Einstein, and the way he excluded his more brilliant physicist wife from sharing in his fame with relativity theory, which he admitted, she co-created. It is a sad story indeed, and the halo drops from Saint Albert.


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For the Ladies: Bras and Breast Cancer By Mrs Vera West

The issue of breast cancer, at first glance may not seem too urgent to many males, but they all have mothers, wives, girlfriends, female friends and daughters. What is not commonly known is that “the link between bras and breast cancer is stronger than the link between smoking and lung cancer.” And based on research (cited below) the rate of cancer for women who never wore a bra was approximately same as the rate of chest cancer for men. I know many women who have has breast cancer, including myself, but I have never met a man who had a parallel cancer, which is not to say it does not occur. According to “In 2022, it is estimated that 20,640 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in Australia (212 males and 20,428 females). In 2022, it is estimated that a person has a 1 in 15 (or 6.7%) risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer by the age of 85 (1 in 668 or 0.15% for males and 1 in 8 or 13% for females).”

On International Women’s Day, breast cancer, rather than woke nonsense. should be an issue highlighted.

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Tucker Carlson’s Video Footage Destroys Mainstream January 6 Narrative By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is something to be see to be believed. Tucker Carlson was given masses of January 6 footage, and his team have gone through it, starting to release the most incriminating material. Thus, we see the famous QAnon Shaman being politely escorted by police into the Capitol Building. He strolls pass many armed police who do nothing, and who could easily have arrested him. Thus, the whole thing of an invasion of the Capitol is a sham, it was all planned.

What does not get examined is why Donald Trump called the faithful to meet on that day. How could anyone be so dumb to trust Pence doing the right thing? What was in his head, if anything? No, there is a deeper conspiracy here, and the full truth would not look good for Trump, I surmise.

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From the Top of the Rotten Tree: Toxic Masculinity By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

I did not know this guy even existed, he being as quiet as a mouse. That is Doug Emhoff, husband of the ever-cackling vice president of the United States, Karma Harris. Doug has said that the biggest problem facing the West is masculine toxicity, which probably is the same as toxic masculinity, but could be even worse, perhaps indicating that the masculine has been poisoned, which is not far from the truth.  In reality we have an all-out attack upon traditional masculinity, that is cultivated by communist Chinese. Those pushing this feminist line are intentionally or not, setting us up to be conquered. Then the woke will see the real meaning of toxicity, when the missiles strike. What the West needs, by contrast is much more masculinity of the traditional John Wayne sort, and beyond.

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Covid Myths, Falling Down By Brian Simpson

One of the themes pursued at the blog today is that there seems to be at long last a break in the media coverage of the Covid narrative, with a new level of criticism. That is not just with the idea that the Wuhan lab release hypothesis is no longer a conspiracy, but over many aspects of the Covid narrative, that a little as six months ago were accepted faith. lists ten areas where this has occurred, such as the recognition of the superiority of natural immunity, and that masks do not prevent transmission. My only point of disagreement with the article, apart from obviously not going further, is that the article says that the fault is that these positions were acceptable early in the pandemic, but the health authorities did not change their directives on the basis of new evidence. I think that this is a myth, given the recent revelations, in UK The Telegraph Lockdown files, that the UK Health Secretary aimed to scare the public into compliance. That hardly fits the narrative of a rational body coolly evaluating evidence; it smacks of technocratic tyranny.

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Hybrid Immunity Trumps the Vax By Brian Simpson

Slowly the truth is leaking out, with scientific research from UConn Health investigators, now examining core aspects of the Covid narrative. One recent article, published in the journal, Vaccines, compared Covid vax immunity with so-called hybrid immunity. It was found that healthcare workers who were vaccinated and experienced symptomatic Covid-19, gained more robust immunity than those who did not experience a breakthrough symptomatic infection. It was concluded that the current mRNA Covid vaxxes does not produce a robust vaccine. That conclusion flies in the face of the narrative that was produced in the last few years. It is a small indication that the mainstream Covid narrative, chipped away for years, is starting to break down.

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Red Alert! Is Australia Ready for War with China by 2026, or Even Sooner? By James Reed

The Sydney Morning Herald, and The Age have put together a panel to discuss the coming war with China, and whether or not Australia is ready. The quick answers are, yes, war with China by 2026 or earlier, and no, Australia is not read, not by a long way. The defence forces are completely unprepared, and the population is complacent, sheeple-like. I have said all of this before, for years, if not a decade, crying at the moon, so to speak.


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The Role of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) in Covid Creation By Chris Knight (Florida)

At present the mainstream are permitting discussion of the Wuhan lab leak hypothesis of Covid-19. The main theme is that it was a “natural” leak, rather than intentional, but, who knows how this will go, as the stuff now being published was censored back in 2021, and its proponents, cancelled. However, another frontier in research is the role of the US in China’s Covid-19 creation, given the funding that the US government agencies gave to the Communist Chinese. Still, there is a US connection which at present is only at the “suspicion” level.

For example, when the Covid-19 virus was “discovered” in early 2020, President Trump said that the US was “very close to a vaccine.” How could this be possible, if this novel virus had recently species jumped? Better yet, in July of 2020, the Washington Post ran the headline: “How a secretive Pentagon agency seeded the ground for a rapid coronavirus cure.” The article quoted Amy Jenkins, the manager of DARPA’s antibody program, who said, “We have been thinking about and preparing for this for a long time, and it’s almost a bit surreal.” So, they were working on a vaccine, or at least the precursors of research leading to it.

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Mathematical Challenges to the Alleged Supremacy of Artificial Intelligence By Brian Simpson

In Robert Balzola’s tremendous 2022 presentation at the League Seminar, he made the case for people lifting their minds, getting out of their comfort zones and learning, engaging with philosophy, logic (he mentioned the propositional calculus), mathematics, and of course law. Following this, we at the blog are tackling key issues of the time, since the elites are building a dystopic technocracy, based upon science and technology, and not being aware of this is similar to not being able to use in basics terms, a computer and emails. You cannot fight that which you are ignorant of.

That caveat being made, I have been covering the relentless march of AI, with many elites bursting with joy that the singularity point may have been reached, and self-consciousness/awareness reached in complex AI programs, creating what one of the AI devoted, Ray Kurzweil, calls “the age of spiritual machines,” as an “in your face” to people like us, Christians. However, all of this raises the point of what limits, if any, exist for AI, and whether the technocrat’s dreams can be reached.

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The Mythology Behind the “Voice”; Straight from the Heart of By Paul Walker

Chris Merritt recently (March 3, 2023) put the case that the Indigenous Voice to parliament referendum has as its philosophical basis the Uluru Statement from the Heart, the link to this text beginning given below. The problem, or one among many, is that the core part of the document, which goes on about the idea of sovereignty as a spiritual notion, is plagiarised, meaning borrowed without acknowledgement of prior authorship from a 1975 ruling of the International Court of Justice that concerned the people of the Western Sahara. The author was  Nicolas Bayona-Ba-Meya, from Zaire, whose submission was incorporated in the ruling handed down by judge Fouad Ammoun. Chris Merritt goes into details about this, and I think conclusively proves his case. But, so what, Martin Luther King plagiarised his doctoral dissertation, in large part, and none of the woke bat an eyelid?

I think that while the woke will not care, this is highly politically damaging to the unconverted. It shows that the foundations of the Voice are philosophically flawed, since there is cultural appropriation made from another culture, which is a no-no. Where is the proof then, that what presumably exists for Africans, applies to Australian Aborigines, and if there is proof, why was it not given in the statement? It may just have an impact upon some presently undecided voters. And, it is the sort of journalism that is now need as this referendum is deviously being pushed over the line by Labor and Co.

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Blow the Whistle on Woke Indoctrination in SA Schools: Alex Antic

“Dear …

I am often contacted by people from across Australia who are concerned about the material that children are exposed to in schools.

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The Creepy Revelations of Joe Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I think the way the establishment ignores the clear evidence that something is desperately wrong in the head of President Biden shows that he is just a puppet and has no say in running the country. His latest story reads like it came from some cheap adult movie made in Mexico. It is embarrassing to discuss this sort of stuff, but we have to, as this is the so-called leader of the free world, whatever that now means.

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Getting Fatter All the Time! By Mrs Vera West

Alarming statistics have appeared, indicating that over half of the world’s population, the bulk being in the US, Europe and East Asia, will be overweight by 2035, according to a report by the appropriately named, World Obesity Federation. In numerical terms, that is over four billion people. The medical evidence links obesity with a wide variety of diseases of living, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  Further, obesity make pregnancy more difficult, and lowers male testosterone levels ands sperm counts, which are already crashing.

Yet the response of radical feminism has not to be to promote health in women, by proper diet and exercise, but to see fat as a feminist issue, and tell women to maintain a “comfortable” body weight, which means, just eat what you like and be fat. As I am an overweight woman, I feel that this is an issue woman need to speak up about, as our health is not some Left-wing social construction. Women of colour are particularly vulnerable, and the feminists are not helping them.

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The Great Rationing Begins By Richard Miller (London)

An academic paper was published this year putting the case that rationing of consumer goods, fuel and food, could be implemented to reduce the carbon footprint of us serf consumers (linked below). It looks like the very first stage, by way of a test case is now being done here in the UK, with the rationing of vegetables. The chattering class are blaming Brexit, but since much of the produce we consume comes from Morocco, which is not in the EU, that is nonsense. As well, the weather is being blamed, which no doubt always has a role to play, but is not the full story; it is easier to get tomatoes in the Ukraine, which is at war, than here in London. As Neil Oliver has observed: “They’re rationing tomatoes in the supermarkets. We’re told it’s about supply chains, bad weather and the price of heating, but right now, in terms of the messaging, I suspect it’s more about pushing the word – rationing. Less about any believable shortage of food and more about getting us used to hearing the word. No doubt, if experience is anything to go by, the rest will come later. My money says the rationing app for our smartphones is already sitting on a hard drive somewhere, ready when we are.”

The Covid plandemic was a test run in the psychological manipulation of the population, and the generation of mass psychosis, social madness, and we have not seen anything yet.

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Joe Biden, Walks on By By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With both the FBI and the US Energy Department saying that Covid-19 escaped from the Wuhan lab, what does the president of the United States think? Well, nothing. When asked by the press whether he intends to hold China accountable, Biden “put both hands up in a shrug, seeming annoyed, and then turned and walked away toward Marine One.” Of course, he will do nothing to those who may have so much information on the adventures of the dynamic duo, not Steptoe and Son, but Biden and son (Hunter).

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The Cat is Out of the Bag: US at War with Russia! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is an open secret, one which falls open as soon as it is looked at. The US is at war with Russia, using the Ukraine as a proxy to fight the beginning stages of this war. The head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Samantha Power said exactly this recently: "This isn't just the United States and Russia, this in fact is Ukrainians on the front lines, Ukrainians doing the fighting..." All that from a top Biden administrative officer. So, we can take it as now given, World War III is underway. But, we knew that.

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The Battle for the Soul of the West By James Reed

George Christensen has a great piece which addresses a theme which Christian conservatives are often a bit shy to openly discuss: the influence of Satan, prince of darkness upon the world. The liberal Christians today go so far as the reject the existence of Satan, even though the Bible is clear that this being exists, and acts to cause evil. "Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8. And, Matthew 4:1-11 ESV:

“Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. And the tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.” But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Then the devil took him to the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple ...”

There are dozens of Biblical passages like this. But philosophically, if light exists, then so would darkness. The real question is to what extend does the devil grip the modern world? George is quite right to see a Satanic grip upon the whole of Western civilisation, destroying us from within. There are too many evil agendas to just believe what Eric Butler called the “idiot theory’ of history, that it is all just happening. I would go further, and see many of the elites as not “lizard people,” as one famous critic who is anti-Royal family proclaims, but as with Mike Adams, seeing demonic possession. Not so much in the Hollywood style of some evil spirit taking over the body, but rather the person becoming corrupted by accepting evil, and fully knowing what they are doing.

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Nukes for the Ukraine? By Richard Miller (London)

Now Ukrainian president Zelensky has said that NATO should nuke Russia in a first strike, but staff walked back from that, no doubt under nervous pressure from NATO, since if I was Putin, I would have taken this as warning to outdraw the West. But, that moment passed. Until now. Estonia’s Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu suggested arming Volodymyr Zelensky with nuclear weapons to use against Russia. It is only one voice, a crazy one, but who knows how much of this Russia will take. I am amazed that the nukes have not yet been fired, but I am a pessimist by nature. Still, if Prezzy Z gets nuke fire crackers, he will joyfully let them all off at once, like a man dancing in heels on Guy Fawkes night:

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The Infinite Horizons of Woke By James Reed

One can speculate about where woke will go, given that most of what passes for the new normal now, would have been unthinkable back in say 1950. Race, mass immigration, multiculturalism, Asianisation, China rule, the gender agenda (feminism, transgenderism etc.), who back then would believe it even possible, let alone becoming the ruling ideologies? Yet, slowly, by the Fabian strategy of inevitability of gradualism, the ruling elites now, throughout society, from the Churches, the education sector, to government, have rewritten what society is. The are well on the way to the physical elimination of white people in the much-discussed Great Replacement, and with the transhumanist agenda, the transformation of the human species itself. So, as asked at the American, what the scope and limits of woke is, I would say, that unopposed, there are no limits. At present we have only seen the cultural and social transformation, but with genetic engineering, and AI, there is a whole new ball game, not seen by the pre-war social critics, apart from Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932), which does depict, in the early stages, a pathological dystopia.

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