The Arrest and Martyrdom of Donald Trump By Charles Taylor (Florida)

New York has made it a felony to pay a former porn star, whom one has sex with money not to talk, while elsewhere, well it is just business as usual.  Well, if that is law, then it would certainly make most of Hollywood, and many former presidents, criminals! But jokes aside, the Stormy Daniels issue involving Trump’s payoff to her, has led to Trump saying that he would be arrested tomorrow (Australia time). He has called on the faithful to protest and take back the nation. You can bet that this will lead to Leftists setting up acts of violence so that another January 6 occurs. Trump never learns.

Is Trump totally stupid, merely pushed by his huge inflated ego, or is he a traitor who deliberately does this? I tend to opt for the traitor position. Surely, no-one could be that stupid?

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Wind Turbines: Far from “Green” By James Reed

I have been covering the fact that so-called renewable energy technologies, as they presently exist, are far from being the “sustainable” alternatives to fossil fuels that the Greens propose. Wind turbines are an excellent illustration of this. The wind turbines have a life of about 20 years, and not a lot of the system can be recycled efficiently, if at all. The blades are a particular problem, with the world’s wind industry producing 43 million tons of blade waste annually by 2050, that will fill up land fill areas. The blades are huge, ranging from about 36 metres to the size of a football field.  As the blades are made to last two decades, they are particularly durable, and hence extremely difficult and costly to recycle. While the blades can be used for various purpose, this is just a stop gap measure, and does not address the real issue, that the so-called Green energy economy has massively hidden costs, that fossil fuels do not have.

If carbon production is a problem with fossil fuels, the idea should be carbon capture and more efficient uses, not banning the essence of industrialism and wealth.

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Project Fear: “Release the Variant”! By Richard Miller (London)

While this item has been around for a few weeks, that the Telgraph’s “Lockdown Files,” has documented how in the UK the then Health Secretary Matt Hancock said in emails that the government policy was to “frighten the pants off everyone,” the even more sinister thing revealed in the emails was how this might be done, which has been less discussed. The idea was the  declaration of a new strain of Covid-19, known as the Alpha or Kent variant. This, presumably would be more dangerous than the strains before.


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They, Who Would Murder Your Cat! By Richard Miller (London)

This shows just how plain mean and nasty the Covid regime is. UK health authorities at one time were panicking and thought that the dreaded Covid was spread by pet cats. Thus, they were considering an order to have all cats in the UK euthanized. And suppose it was found to be true (it is true, but the incidence is low), but that Covid could infect all mammals. By that illogic, they would then set about to kill most mammal biodiversity in the UK. If that is not the beginnings of a death cult, nothing is!

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The Feminisation of Academia By Mrs Vera West

Andrea Widburg, who writes excellent hard-hitting pieces for American Thinker, wades into controversy with her argument that the feminisation of academia has proved to be a disaster for academic freedom, and I suppose, the advancement of knowledge and scholarship. She hypotheses that there is a causal relationship between the advancement of Leftist woke causes, and the increasing numbers of female academics and students.  The facts are that such females outnumber males, and their politics are predominantly Leftist. This dominance is now seen from top positions to tutors, even though feminists advocates still continue to speak of glass ceilings for female academics; it is of course, just a game strategy to secure even more affirmative action appointments. And, given the fact that female students outnumber males, the situation will only intensify, Widburg argues.

Widburg is right about the feminisation of the university. As for this being the cause of university decline, I think she overstates the case, as it could be argued that universities were already in decline before the female dominance, and the female dominance is really but one effect, of a larger malaise, rather than the actual ultimate cause. The problem is the rise of the Left, which has given rise to all of this.

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Bank Collapse Contagion By Chris Knight (Florida)

While the Fed moved on bank bailouts, to supply a bucket so that sinking vessels could remain afloat, as the entire fiat-base money system underlying present banking is but a great Ponzi scheme, at some point the fabric will come undone. Already many banks, not merely in the US, area seeing their share prices plummet as depositors withdraw their cash and investors sell off their stocks, anticipating the Great Crash to come, if things continue down the present road. Mike Adams gives a concise summary of the US banks who have experienced such share price falls. It points to a trend of fear and that is contagious and not rational, as much of the money markets ultimately is at the mercy of the base instincts of humanity, often at a primal hormonal fight of flight, usually flight, level.

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The Great Extra-terrestrial Smoke Screen By Brian Simpson

At this time of global crisis, one which should make the ordinary punters nervous, it is natural for the Deep State to release diversions. The talk of aliens behind the balloon business a few weeks back was an example, but now the Pentagon has gone one better and released a report claiming that extra-terrestrial aliens could be visiting our solar system, and may have released small probes. Apparently the unusual interstellar object  Oumuamua, that was in the news a few years ago, might be one. But this is a long bow to draw, as while some scientists thought that this long thin rock could be a probe, most scientists rejected the idea, and offered good reasons for why this was a normal, thin, space rock.

What has to be asked, is where these alleged aliens have come from, given the cosmic vastness of space? The nearest star system is Alpha Centauri, a mere 4.2465 light years away; a light year is the distance light travels in one year, so it is vast. Unless they know of some way to travel faster than the speed of light, it is unlikely that they are out there. And, why bother anyway, don’t they have better things to do with their time?

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Call to Censor Social Media to Prevent Bank Runs By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It had to happen, being in the nature of the banking beast. Social media has been censored over race and immigration, then on Covid and the vaxxes, and basically anything that the elites don’t want the people to think about. Because, if they think too deeply, they may finally act, and that would be disturbing for them. Hence, we are seeing calls, made by an Arizona senator, but he is just the start, for censoring of social media to prevent bank runs. The idea here is that people will remain oblivious to the decay, and then collapse of a bank, so that the elites can get their money out first, in style, while the little people burn and lose everything. Oh, they will say that the censorship will prevent the bank going under in the first place, but a lack of discussion has not prevented bank collapses in the past.

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Dr Fauci: Covid Jabs are Forever! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Big Pharma must be laughing all the way to the bank. According to Covid king, Dr Fauci, Covid will be with us forever, but is just as deadly as it ever was. So, a yearly booster will be needed just like the flu shot, forever. Given the adverse effects, this will ensure that excess mortality will be at he present record high levels … forever. Or, as the great die off begins, which skyrocketing excess mortality across the West may be the first bitter taste of.

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Go Reset This! Dutch Political Landslide as the Farmers Fight Back By Richard Miller (London)

Sheer fantastic news of a fight back against the woke globalists, a populist uprising by the farmers, shattered the political status quo. As has been reported, the Dutch government, to meet the globalist climate change imposed demands to radically reduce nitrogen outputs, decided to reduce farms by 30 percent. Farmers were outraged and protested, but faced police brutality, with guns drawn as a show of thug force. Thus, they formed a political party, FarmerCitizenMovement (BBB). The election results are out, and the BBB has finished ahead of Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte's center-right People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) party. BBB is set to win 15 out of 75 seats, ahead of VVD's 10 seats. It really throws a bail of hay into the globalist Great Reset agenda.

This result shows what people can do when they have their backs to the wall. What was done to the farmers was pure evil, and it is good to see that in the end, the good guys fought back, and got the numbers up on the electoral board.

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New Zealand: mRNA Boosters Increase Risk of Death by 11 Percent! By Brian Simpson

A Freedom of Information request to the New Zealand National Public Health service has revealed that, based upon all New Zealand registered deaths by month, that in the last six months of 2022, 80 percent of all people dying had received the Pfizer mRNA jab. However, only 73.2 percent of those eligible to have a booster, got one. Further, 1.8 percent of those under 18 years of age who died did not received a booster. Hence, those who received booster shots had a 11 percent increased probability of dying compared to other groups, or an excess mortality of 3,040 deaths in 2022. Before the plandemic, the total number of deaths in 2019 was 34,260, but the excess mortality on 2022 was 5,053 deaths, an increase of 15 percent, relative to 2019 figures.


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A President on the Take! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The latest news about the Biden family crimes is the House Oversight Committee found that in 2017, China’s State Energy HK Limited sent $3 million to a company controlled by family associate Robert Walker. Walker then distributed funds to members of Biden’s family: his surviving son, Hunter; his brother, James; his daughter-in-law, Hallie; and an unknown “Biden,” thought to be old Joe. This has been seen as some Republicans as a potential case for bribery, an impeachable offense under the Constitution. What will be done about this is, probably nothing, given the Republicans constant failure to get the numbers up.

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Will Russia Wipe Out Britain? By Richard Miller (London)

Suppose you lived next door to a crazy guy who hated your cat getting over the fence and pooping on his windscreen. This goes on for some time, and you try to stop the cat, who even when locked inside waits until you open the door, then flees outside and gleefully relieves itself on the neighbour’s car. Eventually the neighbour loses it and gets his shotgun and shoots the cat, unfortunately blowing away the windshield too. Could that be a parable for Britain and Russia?


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Star Wars, Communist Style By James Reed

In the extract below we get a sample of the inroads communist China has made into developing space warfare. China now has 374 satellites, orbiting spy stations, gaining information for its war preparations. Electron warfare is planned as well as lasers to attack US and Western satellites. As one US general has said: “The spectrum of threats to U.S. space capabilities includes cyber warfare activities, electronic attack platforms, directed energy lasers designed to blind or damage satellite sensors, ground-to-orbit missiles to destroy satellites and space-to-space orbital engagement systems that can attack U.S. satellites in space.” 

While China was charging away doing this, the Western militaries were under control of crazy Leftism, and still are. The idea that we live in a world of threats has become alien to the West.

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What Else was Behind the Covid Scamdemic? A More Sinister One: Central Bank Digital Currencies! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is something which I had not considered before reading the post by Naked Emperor’s substack. The idea is that the plandemic was used as a cover for the financial and energy crisis. Between 22 August and 24 August 2019, the world’s central bankers met in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, “made the radical suggestion that a private or state-run digital currency could serve as a global counterbalance to the dollar.” But they recognised that “there was no realistic mechanism to decouple the global economy from the US dollar in the short term.” That is where Covid and the Ukraine events were useful, to begin to break down people’s faith in the present financial system. As explained in an extract below, the present bank collapses are being seen as one more aspect of the same Great Reset that began with Covid. The banking elites, such as the Federal Reserve Bank, are working on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) as a solution to the banking volatility and liquidity issues now seen. And, as well the World Economic Forum supports the implementation of CBDCs seeing it as “the safest digital asset available to the general public, with no associated credit or liquidity risk.” "The resilience of financial systems could also be boosted," they maintain. "If a natural disaster or the failure of a payments company made cash unavailable, a CBDC could provide a back-up, the International Monetary Fund says."

This agenda has been worked on for some times and is now the next big thing for the globalists, as along with the health front, through the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, all aspects of society fall under globalist control, unless people begin the toughest battle humanity will ever have.

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The Question of Gold and Silver By James Reed

At this time of financial crisis, investors are buying gold and silver to preserve financial value. Now, I offer no financial advice, being the last person in the world competent to do so. But I am puzzled when the prepper community comes out and says, that when economic collapse occurs, they will be able to buy things with gold and silver coins. Mike Adams, for example, had a Situation Report a couple of days ago, where he proudly showed off his gold and silver collection, like one would, say, a new car. He said that if he needed medicine in a collapse situation, he could use one of his shiny silver coins to buy it.

Now, if things get to that level, who says that chemist shops will be open? And would the shop assistant really take a piece of silver? I can imagine her/him saying, how do I know this is not a deep fake? And worst yet is the “barter town” scenario, where one goes to a den of thieves, with one’s silver to buy needed medicine. Well, good luck with that one, as they will need it!

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Will Credit Suisse Implode, Sinking Europe? By Richard Miller (London)

The Swiss bank, Credit Suisse, Switzerland’s second largest bank, may be facing collapse, as the company sent shivers down the metallic spines of the financial community, by announcing that there was a “material weakness” in its operations. Like clockwork, shares crashed to an all-time low.

According to Credit Suisse, the “weakness” arises from a “failure to design and maintain an effective risk assessment process to identify and analyze the risk of material misstatements.”  In short, the bank is suffering from the same faults as led to the US banks collapsing. And if Credit Suisse does collapse, the European economy will, according to a report by Bloomberg Markets Live, “fall off a cliff.”

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The Modern Byzantines By James Reed

Many writers concerned with impending collapse of Western civilisation refer to the well-known case of the fall of the Roman empire for comparisons. However, as argued by Victor Davis Hanson, another parallel historical example is that of the Byzantine Empire which had managed to survive 1,00 years after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The key city of Constantinople fell on May 29, 1453 to the Ottomans, as a Turkish army of 150,000 defeated the 7,000 defenders of the city. The city of Constantine was renamed as Istanbul by the Islamic invaders, and the once largest Christian church in the world became the largest mosque in the Islamic world.  Today, there is no longer any epic kinetic battle, or last stand, as mass immigration and cultural and ethnic replacement does it all much more smoothly. And, unlike in the past, the ruling elites want this to happen.


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Trilateral Commission Calls 2023 “Year One” of New World Order By James Reed

Here is an extract from, a mainstream publication, confirming what we have written about at this blog, that after Covid, the globalist one worlders have accelerated their program, and are now proclaiming that that the New World Order is here. The Trilateral Commission is another globalist entity striving to create a one world government, run by their kind of people, and like the World Economic Forum, has its meetings of the insiders. At a recent meeting, one unidentified speaker said: “Three decades of globalization -- defined as integrated, free-market based and deflationary -- has been replaced by what will be a multidecade period of globalization defined as fragmented, not-free-market-based but industrial-policy based and structurally inflationary. This year, 2023, is Year One of this new global order." While this is not yet a proclamation of world government, the indications are that this is precisely where all this will go, if these people get their way. And getting their way, is what they are used to, like spoilt enfant terribles.

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Woke Corporations Feeding Billions to Black Lives Matter By Charles Taylor (Florida)

So now we know that the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is more than just an ugly face, rioting and burning down buildings, as was seen after the excuse offered by the death of George Floyd. The Claremont Institute has found that BLM received $ 82.9 billion from corporations. But, how is this possible, for shouldn’t corporations follow the time-honoured principle of maximising shareholder’s profits, and how can this be done if they give away all the money? The Claremont Institute has said: “The BLM pressure campaigns, harassment, and moral blackmail also amounted to possibly the most lucrative shakedown of corporate America in its history.”


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