The Wuhan “Conspiracy Theory” – Not a Conspiracy Any More: One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts by Brian Simpson

One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts has given a tremendous speech to parliament, saying many of the things that we have also said at this site. The speech is reproduced below, but the key point is that the conspiracy theorists tht got banned from social media for dealing with the murky connections between US funding bodies, and gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, have been proven right. But, this has been like water of a duck’s back to the political class, and certainly the health authorities. Evidence does not move them from their cult-like positions.


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The Grim Toll of Remdesivir? By Chris Knight (Florida)

This one shocked even me. The drug Remdesivir, an anti-viral drug for Covid-19 infections, has been claimed to have cause around 100,000 deaths in America alone, primarily from renal failure. The extraordinary claim is made at the vax critic site,, based upon research done from a Massachusetts investigation conducted by John Beaudoin that examined the causes of death on individual death certificates before and during the Covid-19 plandemic. Beaudoin examined all death certificates in Massachusetts from 2015 to 2022, and found that there were 1,840 excess deaths from acute renal failure in Massachusetts from January 1 2021 to November 30, 2022. He hypothesises tht this was due to use of the drug Remdesivir. He then extrapolates this figure to the US population.

No doubt the methodology here can be questioned, such as whether the deaths from kidney failure could also have a Covid vax connection. Still, warning signs have been raised here, and as usual further research may prove this claim correct.

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Elon Musk’s Critique of Under Age Sex Change Surgery By Mrs Vera West

Another good post by Elon Musk, who while working to replace human by robots, in the meantime is saying heart-warming conservative things. Things like the common-sense claim that trans surgery should not be undertaken until the person has reached 18 years of age. The reason is that there are many cases of young people in the teens who are confused, and easily manipulated, who want trans surgery then, but later regret it. Allowing such decisions to be made when people are more mature would help with this problem. Of course, the system will not go down the road of common sense because … the gender agenda! But, a nice thought anyway.

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The Betrayal of Julian Assange By James Reed

Old man of the Left, John Pilger, is always of good value. In the extract below, he makes the compelling case that all Julian Assange did was expose the corruption of the US system. It was something proper journalism should have done. But, even Trump, who benefitted from Wikileaks material in his 2016 election bid, did nothing to save Assange. Australia was quite prepared to let the international sharks eat him. It is shocking stuff, which shows how rotten the system is, but I think we all knew that anyway.


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Now Being Kitchen Tidy is Racist! By Mrs Vera West

This one is hard to believe, but according to Dr. Jenna Drenten, an associate professor of marketing at Loyola University, using storage bins in your fridge is classist, racist, and sexist. How so professor? “Cleanliness has historically been used as a cultural gatekeeping mechanism to reinforce status distinctions based on a vague understanding of ‘niceness’: nice people, with nice yards, in nice houses, make for nice neighborhoods.’ “What lies beneath the surface of this anti-messiness, pro-niceness stance is a history of classist, racist and sexist social structures.”

Presumably the idea to be woke and racially righteous, is to just toss all of your foods randomly intro the fridge and hope for the best. Or, why bother using a fridge at all, just leave everything on the floor, to share with oppressed creatures such as rats. Or, better yet, toss out the middle person, and just hurl your food in the bin, and go hungry, feeling oh so Leftist and woke, in unity with the poor.

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The Vax and People’s Blood By Brian Simpson

Roosh v who was once a leading “gamer,” became an orthodox Christian and reformed his ways, a bit like St Augustine. He does not say anything new that we have not covered at the blog, but does give a nice Christian take on the Covid conspiracy. He is also trained as a micro-biologist, so he has some understanding of the science involved. And he concludes that the high-level elites do have a radical depopulation plan, that the Covid vaxxes, and others to follow will produce. As he says, the elites know that the vaxxes are harmful, and numerous disclosures indicate that they were well aware of this from the beginning, but still aggressively promote the vaxxes to all, including innocent babies and pregnant women.  As I see this, it is total evil of a dimension that seems transcendental. In fact, Roosh sees this too, from his Orthodox position: “If you are not an Orthodox Christian with an active spiritual life, you probably won’t care for these proceeding comments: I strongly suspect that the coronavirus vaccine contains demonic energy (i.e. something like black magic). Consider that its development uses aborted fetal cells—parts of murdered defenseless babies—to provide “health” for living people. This is a narrative directly from Satan’s mind. For you to take this vaccine where there is overwhelming evidence that it was developed in sin, and while also knowing of its extreme danger to so many people who have shared their vaccine injury stories online, suggests a spiritual problem, at least according to Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou. He says that those who got the vax damaged their soul and must repent from their mistake. In other words, you must beg Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness that you put faith in Bill Gates’ inverted sacrament over the sacraments that the Lord gives us in His Church. If you took the vaccine, I suggest you find a spiritual guide in the Orthodox Church who will help you set things right.”

I have a wider Christian framework than this, but the basic point of seeing the Covid wars as a battle of good versus evil at the highest level is true. Seeking spiritual salvation is a most excellent idea, vaccinated or not.

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Former Labor Senator: China Attacks Australia Every Night! By James Reed

Each day, our trading partner communist China, after using our resources, sets out to attack Australian businesses and government departments, according to former Labor ex-defence minister Senator Stephen Conroy. This fact requires sober reflection. Why should Australia be selling its resources to a country which is engaging in warfare against it? It smacks of nothing short of shameless treason that the political and economic classes have chosen this route for Australia. We are soon to regret their decisions, deeply. Coming right up is the communist Chinese New World Order. China is moving to forge new economic agreements with Saudi Arabia and Iran, and squeeze the US out of the Middle East. Xi has now gone to Russia to further cement defence ties. The US faces a major deconstruction if the US dollar becomes just another set of coloured papers, like the Australian dollar, which we don’t even have as a note anymore, inflation has so eroded our purchasing power.


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You Ain't Nothin' Nothing but a Hound …No, Raccoon Dog! By Brian Simpson

The latest counter for all the evidence mounting up for the Wuhan lab release hypothesis for the Covid-19 virus is that cute little raccoon dogs, that were at the Wuhan wet market, were responsible for spreading the dreaded economy/freedom destroying Covid-19. An article in The Atlantic magazine argued this. The argument is that Covid-infected people were in the area where the raccoon dogs were sold. Fine, but that is mere association, and certainly does not prove causality. The people could, and most likely were infected prior to coming the Wuhan wet market, then the virus spread from there.

This is obviously an attempt to try and keep the sinking ship of the natural causation of Covid afloat, but a poor one.

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Elon Musk on the Arrest of Trump By Chris Knight (Florida)

Elon Musk has waded into controversy, as he loves to do, having the security of not having a boss, other than the banks, and Big Finance watching him. Thus, he said that if Trump is arrested tomorrow, and at the time of writing, there is still some doubt about this, but time will tell, namely 24 hours and counting down … Trump will get a landslide victory in the 2024 presidential race. It will be the victim/martyr scenario.

Now, that seems plausible, but I would put the opposing view that Trump does get convicted and a hostile New York court, with a jury that wants to see his hide tanned, he goes to jail. The secret service and all cameras are turned off one night, as with Epstein, and Trump is found, hanging with a shotgun blast to the chest, an alleged suicide like recently happened to one Clinton associate. No-one will know how Trump managed to smuggle a shotgun into his cell, and how it evaded detection. Stranger things have happened.

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Pfizer Knew, Alright! By Brian Simpson

Project Veritas continues to do good work digging out the dirt that the mainstream, lame stream media, now refuses to do, having been taken over by the very mega-corporate interests that should be exposed, such as Big Pharma. Thus, documents they uncovered show that Pfizer had evidence of an increased risk of myocarditis, heart inflammation from the mRNA vax, back in early 2022. “There is evidence that suggests patients who receive a COVID-19 vaccine are at an increased risk of myocarditis.”
• “Onset was typically within several days after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (from Pfizer or Moderna), and cases have occurred more often after the second dose than the first dose.”


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Climate Change Courts: A Human Right to a Life-Sustaining Climate? Are They Kidding? By James Reed

The Hawaii Supreme Court has ruled that there is a right to a “life-sustaining climate system.” This is the first time a U.S. court has ruled that citizens have climate rights, and we can be sure now that this precedence is set, more will flow. The case involved a dispute between Hu Honua Bioenergy against the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), which regulates all utility companies operating within Hawaii, as the PUC had denied the plaintiff’s move to enter into a power purchasing agreement with another provider. According to Eddins, J, PUC had considered people’s right to a clean and healthy environment, in the context of a climate emergency and the alleged need to reduce carbon dioxide levels.

Now I am not an expert on Hawaii’s law, or any law for that matter, but surely a case like this could be decided without evoking some comprehensive right to a life-sustaining climate; perhaps there were violations of environmental laws concerning emissions, and the case could have been decided on this?  Something less radical and leftist?

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Yes, America Did Blow Up the Nord Stream Pipelines By Richard Miller (London)

Some weeks back leading senior journalist Seymour Hersh did the investigative journalism he is famous for, and from sources, claimed that America blew up the Nord Stream pipelines, supplying Germany with life-giving gas from Russia. The original line taken by the Biden administration was that Russia did it themselves, even though they could more easily turn off the gas in the first place. Then Hersh dropped his bomb, so to speak. To counter this, the claim was then made that the Ukraine did it, even though they lack the underwater sophistication for such an operation.

Hersh has recently defended his claim; it really does not take much to prove NATO did it, if the Ukraine and Russia are eliminated. As such, there is already completely adequate grounds for a full declaration of war. It is only a mater of time before the proxy war ends, as a line is crossed, marking a point of no return. The world will never be the same again.

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200 More Banks Under Threat By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Feds have said that it will only bail out certain banks, those that it favours as important, whatever that means. That issue is dealt with in a separate article today at the blog. For the moment though, it is noted that there are another 200 banks that have the same risk that the collapsed Silicon Valley Bank has, regarding the value of assets. It would not take too many withdrawals to collapse these banks as well. A large amount of their assets are held in interest-rate sensitive financial instruments, such as government bonds and mortgage backed securities, and the value of these has crashed due to the Federal Reserve’s rise in interest rates. One study found a $ 2 trillion los in market value. This could turn out very badly, at a time of compounding crisis. Investors are easily spooked, and with electronic baking, no longer need to stand in line to get heir money out. The fall of these banks could happen just as quickly as SVB went down. This is no doubt part of the world Economic Forum-inspired plan for Central Bank digital currencies, certain to morph into a One World Bank digital currency, that will control the world, and every breath, and thought one makes. And, it is happening extremely fast. Unfortunately, rallying grassroots resistance is much slower, but we press on regardless.

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Only the Banks Favoured by the Elites to be Bailed Out! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

US Treasure Secretary Janet Yellen admitted to the U.S. Senate that the government will be selective in its bank bailout. The key extracts are cited below, but the main point is that, according to Yellen, “A bank only gets that treatment if a majority of the FDIC board, a super majority of the Fed board and I, in consultation with the president, determine that the failure to protect uninsured depositors, would create systemic risk and significant economic and financial consequences.” As expected, only the banks favoured by the financial elites will be bailed out. It is likely, as part of the globalist central banking plan, that the smaller banks will be allowed to fail, and be swallowed up by the big players, who always maximise opportunities in any crisis.


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Millions of Dead Fish By James Reed

The videos and reports of the millions of dead fish in the lower Darling-Baaka river near Menindee, in New South West’s far west, cannot but bring a tear to the eye of every lover of eating fresh water fish; such a waste. Unless the bodies can be harvested for pet food. And, you can almost feel the angst energy of Leftist environmentalists, ever-ready to rollout climate change as the reason why the river had low oxygen levels. But, heat is only one variable that can lower river oxygen levels, and as we see it, it is an open question as to whether on not a rise in average temperature levels has occurred, But, mass die offs of fish have occurred before, and fish numbers go through boom and bust cycles. So, I go for the natural variability line, rather than apocalyptic climate change. No need to cancel farms in the area, if this is what is the agenda here.

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More Proof that the Vaxxes Kill By Brian Simpson

Research by German pathologists, has presented definite proof of the killing power of the Covid vaxxes. The researchers began with a sample of 35 dead bodies, the people having died within 20 days of getting a Covid vax jab.  Five bodies were chosen where no other cause of death was ascertained. All five bodies exhibited heart damage, primarily vaccine-induced myocarditis. The mean time of death was 2.5 days after the jab. They concluded: “Based on the autopsy findings and all available data, no other cause of death except (epi-)myocarditis was identified in any of the cases presented here. Hence, myocarditis has to be considered the likely cause of death.”

”In three cases, the overall autopsy findings, in particular presence of (epi-)myocarditis in combination with the absence of other plausible causes of death (especially pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, severe brain infarction or bleeding, other cardiac disease), together with the close temporal association with the vaccination event lead to the conclusion that vaccination was the likely cause of (epi-)myocarditis and that this cardiac affection was the cause of sudden death.”

Naturally enough the mainstream media, especially the vax-crazed Australian media, did not report on this study. The link is below.

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Imagine … There’s No Hell … the Pope Does! By Peter West

Perhaps echoing the words of communist hippy millionaire, John Lennon (1940-1980), the Pope has said in an interview that Hell is not a physical place, but is instead, a state of mind, an orientation towards life. That is the liberal Christian take on things, a position that does not upset fellow Leftist one-world travellers, who are free to be as atheistic as they like, with no costs. But the Biblical evidence for the existence of Hell is a great as the evidence for the existence of Satan, Prince of Darkness. Biblical passages include: Luke 16:22, Matthew 13:41; 25:46. And, logically, if evil exists in the form of Satan, it is reasonable to posit a dwelling place, a home base, and this is Hell.

This is but another example of the present Pope promoting heresies.

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The Story from Western Australia By Brian Simpson

With the Australian health authorities now pushing with all their might for the population to have a fifth vax, as discussed by leading Australia Covid vax critic Rebekah Barnett, and summarised by Steve Kirsch, it is noted that the Covid vax injury rate in Western Australia are extraordinary. There was very little Covid infections in Western Australia in 2021, due to the North Korean, or communist China lockdown polices put in place, in sheer fear and panic, but mostly, social control. The rates of myocarditis reported on Dose 1 were around 3 per 100,000, but given the well-known under-reporting issue with the vax, this number could be from 10 to 100 times greater, or greater. Studies of the Swiss population have indicated that rates were around 3 per 100, which gives an under-reporting factor of 1,000, the critics point out.


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The Trump Arrest: Update By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Things change fast in news land. Trump spokesman Steven Cheung has said that there has been no notification of the indictment that Trump himself warned about on posts to Truth Social. Things are proceeding as business as usual, until, I suppose Trump is clapped in irons and led away to be Epteined.


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The Role of George Soros By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We should not be surprised to learn that the Manhattan District Attorney’s office’s “leader is funded by George Soros, ” according to Trump. Alvin Bragg was elected in November 2021. His election campaign received indirect backing from  George Soros, who gave $1 million to the Color of Change PAC, which spent it to elect Bragg. PAC is a radical activist group that describes itself as “the nation’s largest online racial justice organization.”


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