The Fall of the Universities By James Reed

I search for material on the goings on in the universities, being the main journalist at this blog with that interest (obsession). I see most of our cultural problems being generated by the brainwashing that come from these places, not just the Arts and social “sciences,” but now physical sciences are fully on board with the political agenda of climate change hysteria, having surrendered on the race issue long ago. We will never save our cultural heritage unless the problem of the universities is dealt with, but few address this issue from the freedom movement.

American details what woke has done to once top-level university, Stanford University. Law students have shouted out a federal judge because some of his decisions did not go the manic Leftist way. The judge was not even able to speak. This occurred in the past with academics dealing with race issues, and even sociobiologist E. O. Wilson faced violence. The same thing goes on in Australian universities. I visited my old university, and caught a sight of an international socialist protest poster, by some group, aimed at visiting female speaker, UK gender activist Kellie-Jay Keen. The point of the protest seems to be, not to allow her to express her opinion, and debate her,  but to shut her down, much like as occurred at Stanford University. And, I would guess that if Harry Potter authoress J. K. Rowling, who came from the Left as a feminist, other than being critical of the deconstruction of women, would also face the same fate by the international socialists. It is their day, and night job.

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The Great Divorce Beckons By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The figures on national discontentment continue to grow, even though the lame stream media says, nothing to see here. The Axios-Ipsos Two Americas Index, has indicated that now one in five Americans support a  “national divorce,” the divorce metaphor being one which I as a southern secessionist have used frequently over the years. This split is along Republican and Democrat lines, as the gulf between them has become impassable. Consider that Joe Biden in his red fascist speech basically declared war on Trump MAGA people, and Donald Trump may be arrested before this article is read. Compared to a marriage, this is domestic violence of the worst kind, and it is sad that people today are not made of the same stuff of the Founding Fathers.  But then, things would never have been let to get this bad if that was so.

From the distance of Florida, Australia is on the same road if the Voice referendum succeeds, and the elites get to work over the constitution. Beware!

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British MP Stands Against the Cult of Covid By Richard Miller (London)

British politician Conservative Party MP Andrew Bridgen, spoke before the British parliament about the dangers of the Covid vaxxes, and the dystopia that was created by the Covid mandates and lockdowns. Almost the entire parliament decided to leave as he gave his speech, which just shows how bad democracy is in this country. He pointed out that the Covid vaxxes were extremely profitable for Big Pharma, but proved to be a social disaster, wrecking the lives of many. Big Pharma has secured legal protection for any harms the vaxxes cause, unlike any other product in commerce. And, the harms are considerable Bridgen argued, based upon analysis of  recent data from the British government via the UK Health Security Agencythe Yellow Card reporting system and other data from the United States.


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The Dangers of Mobile Phone Radiation By Mrs Vera West

Concerns about the dangers of mobile/cell phone radiation come and go, with studies reporting possible harms usually being ignored by the mainstream press. These phones have been made a compulsory part of life now, even if you have a landline phone at home. Centrelink, for example expects you, via MyGov, to validate your password log in by receiving a text message. This requires you having access to such phones, and being able to use the small letters on the touch screen. Too bad if you have arthritis like my mother had, with crippled fingers, and can’t. Or, you are blind. Or, have extra fat fingers, like I have.

As Dr Mercola, in a now deleted article notes, the cancer risk from mobile phones is still a live issue. In February 2023, the findings of two US National Toxicology Program (NTP) animal studies indicated that male rats exposed to mobile phone radiation were more likely, that unexposed rats, to develop heart tumours. As well, DNA damage and damage to heart tissue was also observed. This is not definitive proof that these cancers will occur in humans, but it is highly suggestive, with further research possibly confirming it. Indeed, research by the Ramazzini Institute in March 2023, confirmed that there was a connection between mobile phone radiation and the same tumours found by the NTP.

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Bob Livingston Alerts: Do Pharmaceuticals Work? By Mrs Vera West

My apologies but I haven’t the internet link for this one, getting these informative newsletters on health issues by Bob Livingston by email. But the latest one is tremendous. He notes that in the past safety concerns were often raised about drugs, and in some cases, these proved correct, and the drug was removed from the market. That is not occurring today, as the mRNA vaxxes show, where even on conventional estimates, more people have died from thee vaccines, than from other vaccines over the same time period. The reason, in general, for the failure to pull drugs, is not because standards have improved so much, but rather, clinical test trials are not being conducted due to expense. As well, Big Pharma is active in burying discussion of clinical trials that cast doubt on its brews. This results in wide-ranging publication bias, as in the case of the pharmaceutical companies that do the research, being private companies, they simply do not release negative results, as Pfizer wanted to do with its Covid mRNA vax trials.


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The Artificial Intelligence Threat Advances By Brian Simpson

The mainstream media, as illustrated below, is generally sympathic to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), which is artificial intelligence with human cognitive abilities, by contrast to more narrow artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, which is better known today. The case is that AGI will free humans from mundane work, and who could object to this, which must be seen as a liberating force. But, this is the first time that intelligence of a form has been created, and the implications will be greater than any other technology in human history. As a thought experiment, it is in principle conceivable that in societies not governed by centralist, communist-style interests, that such technologies could be democratically controlled, and could indeed be aids in human emancipation, leading to lives of leisure instead of grinding work. But our society is not that one. Controlled by power elites who, according to the depopulation conspiracy theory, which I believe to be true, the elites obviously do not have the interests of the little people at heart any more than we might be concerned about pesky insects. We are expendables, whom they hope to soon expend, to depopulate this world, while they wait for space transport to be able to take them to a new planet, which in time, they will ultimately destroy, beginning an endless chain of planet-hopping.

Allowing powerful technologies in the control of what are essentially criminal psychopaths, is always dangerous.

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Chinese Warship Electronically Attacks Australian Domestic Planes! By James Reed

This is disturbing, to see our much-loved trading partner, loved by the Lefties and Big Business, of course, engaging in behaviours that would lead to war, if Australia was strong, rather than weak, if Australia had got nuclear weapons in the 1950s, instead of engaging in the great Anglo-Saxon replacement. So now our domestic planes have been subjected to radio interference and GPS jamming reportedly coming from Chinese warships in Asia Pacific. Could something like this result to an airplane crash? Hopefully not, but the potential could exist in principle. But, don’t expect much to come from this harassment. But it shows that communist China is not the good neighbour that it is proclaiming. Why be a bully and pick on defenceless domestic planes that never harmed a  fly?

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“Last of Us” Killer Fungus, Another Plandemic? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The video game and now TV show The Last of Us, deals with a post-apocalyptic scenario, where a killer fungus is responsible for the collapse. Now, in the so-called real world, the fungus Candida auris is now spreading across America, with multidrug resistant strains now spreading. CDC data shows that these infections have a caused 7,000 deaths in the US, and 1.5million worldwide, in 2021. The fungus kills 60 percent of the people it infects, the media reported. That is scary indeed, but the fine print is that this fatality statistic is among the frail and elder. Health people do not usually get sick at all. So, it will be interesting to see if, given the failure of monkey pox to be the next big plandemic thing, it is possible that something like this could be whipped up into a new totalitarian terror campaign, as was seen with Covid. While healthy people do not get sick, that alone is no defence against manipulation, as the mortality from Covid among healthy young people was low as well. Look what happened then.

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British MP Stands Against the Cult of Covid By Richard Miller (London)

Concerns about the dangers of mobile/cell phone radiation come and go, with studies reporting possible harms usually being ignored by the mainstream press. These phones have been made a compulsory part of life now, even if you have a landline phone at home. Centrelink, for example expects you, via MyGov, to validate your password log in by receiving a text message. This requires you having access to such phones, and being able to use the small letters on the touch screen. Too bad if you have arthritis like my mother had, with crippled fingers, and can’t. Or, you are blind. Or, have extra fat fingers, like I have.

As Dr Mercola, in a now deleted article notes, the cancer risk from mobile phones is still a live issue. In February 2023, the findings of two US National Toxicology Program (NTP) animal studies indicated that male rats exposed to mobile phone radiation were more likely, that unexposed rats, to develop heart tumours. As well, DNA damage and damage to heart tissue was also observed. This is not definitive proof that these cancers will occur in humans, but it is highly suggestive, with further research possibly confirming it. Indeed, research by the Ramazzini Institute in March 2023, confirmed that there was a connection between mobile phone radiation and the same tumours found by the NTP.

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Universities: Tools of the Globalists By James Reed

It is all given away in the word itself; university, which speaks of that which is universal and global. Once upon a time we would have liked to have thought that the universal related to universal and objective truths, but not so today. Today, the universities have the role of educating the next crop of globalists, so it is natural that conservative academics would be culled out, a process that is almost complete now across the West. 


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Charles Nenner: A Third of the World Will Not Survive World War III! By James Reed

Geopolitical and financial analyst Charles Nenner, has had a good track record in predicting major economic events, such as financial crises. Now he is predicting that the world is now entering a war cycle, having moved from a restless “peace” cycle, and World War III will be the big one, with the death toll accounting for a third of the world. Nenner does not detail how he got this figure, but it is possible depending upon what destructive devices are used, that the toll could be greater. For example, the late Dr Peter Pry, executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security (see links below) estimated that with utility breakdown from an EMP attack, 90 percent of the population would die. People in the modern West are very dependent upon the grid, even for water and if this goes down, they do as well. Something to be deeply concerned about, since the  use of EMP weapons features in the Russian, and communist China, defence programs, and China has super-EMP weapons that could take out the grid of an entire country.

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The Next Pandemic Will be Via Gain-of-Function Research By Chris Knight

Perhaps for us, the Covid vax informed, the idea that the next pandemic/plandemic, will be via gain-of-function genetic engineering, is not news. However, this idea was put recently by former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield. Redfield stated, “I do believe the next pandemic, and we’re going to have another pandemic and I think it’s going to be the great pandemic, I consider COVID a minor pandemic, the great pandemic’s going to come. And normally, it would come from spillover … bird flu that learns how to transmit to humans and then go to human-to-human. But I think the species barriers are very real. But it’s much more probable that it will happen because of gain-of-function research in a laboratory and then escape and then we’re going to have a pandemic…which will be much more brutal to the world than COVID was.”

Remember, Bill Gates has said essentially the same, that the next pandemic will be sooner rather than later.

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It is Ok When Liberals Say it! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A few week’s back Dilbert author Scott Adams, who is white, said that white people need to keep away from Blacks, based upon an opinion poll that showed that a large minority of participants felt that it was not ok to be white. That is, whites should not have an identity, and maybe should not exist. The claim by Adams led to him being cancelled, and the mainstream media did not address the issue he raised. It was racial freak-out time as a mad race for the high moral ground was made, a key vulnerability of whites that could be their downfall.


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Libs Will Cave in on the Voice Referendum By James Reed

The Coalition is set to cave in on the Voice referendum, as the legislation seems set to pass the Senate, with the Coalition’s backing. PM Albo has said that bipartisanship is key to the referendum's success. In other words, expect the major parties to all follow the line that the elites, who have been with this from the beginning, have made as the template. Anyway, get it over with; let’s see the ideology, and then we can take the critique to the streets, so to speak. I look forward to the heady days of the past when we got leaflets out. Only today it will have to involve the use of walking frames, but I will get there!


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Twitter Files: The Covid Censorship Directive By Brian Simpson

Twitter, under the guidance of Elon Musk, has now released its nineteenth “Twitter Files,” which go to showing the dark and dirty deeds done by Twitter back in the dark pre-Musk days. The latest news, not really surprising, is that a Stanford University initiative instructed Twitter to clamp down on Covid vax “misinformation.” Included under this heading were posts that mentioned the experimental nature of the mRNA vaxxes, and even to suppress stories of true vaccine injuries, as such stories could promote vaccine hesitancy. If at the end of this, there is a day of judgment, the universities, and academics need to be made accountable as much as the health authorities and totalitarian governments.


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God Save Our King! Sign the Petition By James Reed

Please consider signing this petition to prompt the Republican globalist Labor Government into decent support for the new King and his Coronation. A message from the Australian Monarchist League:


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Making Aussies Homeless By James Reed

The sad human-interest stories are piling up, as price hikes and massive competition from rentals is leading to a growth in homelessness. One can see these results, with more people sleeping rough, or living in their cars, and this will get worse later in the year when interest rates for housing loans, that were fixed, go up. And, add to this, the elites of Big Australia have told the federal government that they want to catch up on migrants missed, so 300,000 plus will come this year. Of course, the masses that come as international students, also looking for rental accommodation, although the rich buy up housing, make things even worse. But, that is all that Australia has been since the end of World War II, and the end of Anglo Australia; from a homeland to a global supermarket.


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Professor Norman Fenton on Covid Vax Statistical Illusions By Brian Simpson

Not wanting to scare the science timid, even though science-fuelled technocracy is moving to complete enslavement, if not to destroy the very essence of humanity in its transhumanism quest, but Professor Norman Fenton, one of the few mathematicians to tackle the fraudulent use of data in the Covid plandemic, tackles the issue of the vax supporters claiming that there is a lower mortality rate for the vaccinated. That is not necessarily so. So-called “survivor bias,” the focus upon a group which has passed some sort of selection test, while another group has not, could indicate that this claim is based upon a statistical illusion. Professor Fenton observes: “The survivor bias is further exaggerated if (as was the case in most Western nations for the Covid vaccines) the initial vaccine roll-out happened during the winter - meaning that fatality rates would inevitably fall anyway as more people were vaccinated. So, irrespective of the vaccine, more deaths were occurring at a time when more people were unvaccinated. Most of those classified as vaccinated would therefore already have survived the initial death peak when first vaccinated.”

There would thus be an over-estimation of the mortality of the unvaxxed population.

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Bill Gate’s Next Big Thing By James Reed

Bill Gates is obsessed with pandemics and disease; I guess anything that makes money can lead one to becoming obsessive. However, Gates has been particularly over the top, not content with just working away at the depopulation agenda. He wants some A-Team style action.  His original idea was expanding the World Health Organisation with a division of pandemic shock troops called the Global Epidemic Response and Mobilisation team, or GERM; I wonder how long it took to think that one up! This team would be airdropped into areas where there was an evolving pandemic, much like the Brad Pitt character in World War Z. To keep Gates happy the WHO has instead gone for a toned-down version, the Global Health Emergency Corps, which will do most of the things the boss wants.


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Theatre of the Absurd Roundup: For the Leftist, is a Weird, Weird, Weird World By James Reed

As my alcoholic father used to say; you have to laugh or you would cry. I could say more on tht topic, but, maybe a treat for another day. Anyway, there are my absurdities for this week, and we are only half way through it.


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