Leftism Incompatible with Freedom By James Reed

It may seem obvious, but Brandon Smith has done a great job explaining again why Leftism is incompatible with freedom. He details with telling metaphors, “the vicious devouring of the very sinews that hold our civilization together.” The argument is clear, that the Left is no longer merely geared to totalitarianism and social control, but have moved into full-on nihilism, the desire to simply destroy Western civilisation. The key here is that the Left see all of the institutions, such as the family, and traditional masculinity, as irreparably flawed, and in need of deconstruction, and replacement. This is expressed in the academic literature, seen in Critical Race Theory, and radical sexuality, but in concrete forms, in the antifa, who are the shock troops of the Left’s deconstruction, and who are quite prepared to burn and murder if necessary.

This is grim, but we need to be realists and understand what threats we face, not things that are mild and comforting. It means that there is no compromise with the Left, and that separation is the only way forward as Brandon Smith and others tell us.

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Dilbert Creator Scott Adams on “It’s NOT Ok to Be White”! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Scott Adams, creator of the thought-provoking cartoon series Dilbert, has caused a cultural bomb, by commenting on the logical implications of a Rasmussen poll. The question was: is it ok to be white? It was found that 72 percent agreed with the statement including a narrow majority of Blacks, 53 percent. As detailed below, the mainstream media did not see a problem with such a high percentage of Blacks not seeing whites as having right to exist, presumably. But Scott Adams saw this, and called it out. Bingo, mainstream papers across the globe are dropping his cartoon series. He must have expected that and decided to go out with a bang. Regardless, he has raised a point that has long been discussed in the Dissent Right.


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From Dumb to Dangerous By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is another problem I worry about, when I get tired from worrying about the infinity of other problems, such as World War III, cultural collapse, the Great Replacement and so on. As comes clear from the book review of Mark BauerleinThe Dumbest Generation Grows Up: From Stupefied Youth to Dangerous Adults, the Millennial youth, those born between 1981 and the mid-1990s, this is a generation grounded in narcissism, and the generation after them, Gen-Z, is even worse according to the reviewer. My wife teaches at a university in Florida, and she agrees with the assessment made below. In short, the young are even more narcissistic than we the baby boomers. The philosophy of woke, and suppression of free speech is widely accepted, and surveys confirm this. As well, these generations are extremely fragile, which is a concern if some sort of collapse, economic or otherwise occurs. “ As the reviewer observes: “Most of my students seemed desperately unhappy and unfulfilled. I became convinced, and still am, that something had gone seriously wrong with these people. Yes, it’s true that the older generation has always complained about the younger, probably since human life began. But the Millennials and Gen Z seem to have problems that are unique — and uniquely bad. Bad for them, and bad for society’s future. If these are the people who will be in charge one day, it really is hard not to believe we are doomed.” My wife agrees, and feels that we have only a limited time left to save, everything, before we all drop off the perch.


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Ignoring the Vax Injured By Richard Miller (London)

This shows a clear example of the Covid conspiracy, the system not even recording Covid vax injuries that doctors have wished to report. Dr. Jörg-Heiner Möller , a German doctor, who has been treating the Covid vax injured, has told the German news outlet Nordkurier that of his 120 injured patients, not one has been recognised by the  Paul-Ehrlich-Institute, the federal German regulatory body for vaccines and biomedicines!  “I see destroyed lives, financial downfalls, broken relationships, severe depression where antidepressants do not help in any way, and — suicides, increasingly,” Dr Möller said. “I have rarely seen so much despair and often found myself crying after talking to these patients. I have never seen anything like it!”

And, it is all being covered up, in yet another Covid plandemic humanitarian disaster.  

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The Genetic Transformation of Humanity By Brian Simpson

Beyond all else, the Covid vax plandemic significantly used an experimental mRNA vaccine, which was, by definition, not a conventional vaccine, but a gene therapy, which effectively turned the vaxxed into genetically modified organisms. That is so even if it was the case, which is still unproven, that the mRNA spike protein was not permanent; that is not yet known, but it is known that the spikes circulate freely in the body for at least 28 days, accumulating at organs such as the brain and ovaries. This was the first technocrats adventure in synthetic biology on a planetary scale.  As Spartacus concludes: “There needs to be a public conversation about synthetic biology and neurotechnology, right now, and there need to be policies enacted that strictly define international and binding limits for its use. If not, then the human beings of the future will inevitably be reduced to engineered products.”

That is exactly the transhumanist agenda, which is the final conclusion of the radical deconstruction movements seen since the 1960s, such as the gender agenda. We have all been put on a very steep slippery slope to biological transformation.

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The Burning of a Nation By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There have been numerous fires burning down food depots over the last year, as well as numerous accidents, which almost all have some impact upon food, such as the East Palestine rail disaster, and the intentional burning of chemicals, causing chemical pollution of farm lands. So, what is going on here? My interpretation is that most of this is deliberate, and even with accidents, these are capitalised to produce disaster, as illustrated in East Palestine. It all fits in with the diabolic depopulation plans of the globalists, to radically reduce population numbers to deal with some alleged climate change crisis. This level of evil is something which has not been seen before, for now the genocide is global. The ironic thing, is that the motive being given is part of establishment morality, saving the planet, which is done by polishing off most of us. Young people who are out protesting about all this, are blind to those who are pushing this agenda. Hopefully, in time, they can be reached.


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Elon Musk: On the Covid Scam By Brian Simpson

People are anticipating that Twitter will be releasing a Covid nuclear bomb, very soon, in its “Twitter files.” Elon Musk did not shy away from a question, or even qualify his answer: “When will everybody admit the whole Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ response was a scam?”

It is coming, Musk said. We wait with bated breath.

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Collective Stupidity? By James Reed

It may sound at first hearing mean, to speak of collective stupidity in regards to all aspects of the public response to Covid. Dr Peter McCullough implies this, I think. If this was the main reason for people conforming, then reformists are in deep trouble, as there is not much that can be done with stupid people; words fall of them like water of the proverbial duck’s back!

Yet, do not think that this is the main reason for what we saw in the last two years. Social conformity, and obedience seem to me to be much more relevant; at the time, but much less now, trust of authorities played a part too. Further there was not much critical information getting out in the early stages, but as articles have covered, there is now some coverage of issues in the mainstream media. And, it is no coincidence that the initial enthusiasm for the vaxxes has faded over time.

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Mainstream Media Now Discusses Sudden Deaths: Tucker Carlson By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

This has been mentioned in passing at the blog, but here are more details. It marks one of the first times that the mainstream media, in this case Tucker Carlson from Fox, has considered the issue of excess mortality in the causal context of the Covid vaxxes. Former Wall Streeter Ed Dowd, author of Cause Unknown, got involved, not from being a health expert, but rather as a stats and numbers man. He put the case to Tucker that he observed from official data a statistically improbable spike in sudden deaths in that segment of the population, namely the young and otherwise healthy that would not normally be dying. There was also a spike in disabilities. These events were positively correlated, and given that the establishment does not maintain that the excess deaths are due to Covid itself, by elimination of things like climate change (which even if it was real would have been operating before Covid), leaves the vaxxes as the ultimate cause.

It is moving very slow, given the vested interests, but slowly the truth is seeping out, and may in time break the wall of silence that has been erected by the Big Pharma dominated establishment.

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World War II Rationing for Climate Change! By James Reed

It seems that each day we get yet another climate change absurdity from the globalists, but all of this will no doubt be put into action. The latest is to bring in World War II style rationing, of fossil fuels, meats, and all things that the environmentalist Left have put on a hate list. “We argue that rationing could help states reduce emissions rapidly and fairly. Our arguments in this paper draw on economic analysis and historical research into rationing in the UK during (and after) the two world wars, highlighting success stories and correcting misconceptions. However, although the empirical details play an important role, the paper is primarily based on philosophical and ethical argument and policy analysis, particularly highlighting the normative assumptions behind policy choices.”

Probably what will be done is that rationing will be set in motion to condition people to live without the goods that they should have, until, finally, fuels and various foods are no longer available, as for example, the appropriate farms have been closed down. I would say, that a climate change world, even if it existed, and I doubt it, is less dangerous than the policies of the environmentalists.

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Shakespeare, A Right Wing Terrorist! By James Reed

With the James Bond books being censored, I am not surprised to see William Shakespeare face the same woke censors. Thus, the UK “prevent” program, tasked with finding Right wing, but not Left wing, extremism, has proclaimed that these dangerous folks often can be found by their choice of literature, such as William Shakespeare The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, Brave New World by Aldous HuxleyThe Secret Agent by Joseph ConradThe Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Paradise Lost by John Milton, and 1984 by George Orwell.

In short, the woke global Leftist establishment, that now rules, has redefined Western civilisation, and its culture itself as “terrorist,” all the while supporting the most corrupt country in Europe, the Ukraine, and moving the world towards World War III. Whatever would Shakespeare think of this?

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AI and the Left By Brian Simpson

Thaddeus G. McCotter, someone with a truly great name, has raised the issue of the connection between the Left and the recent runaway developments in AI. What has become obvious with the events of ChatGPT, is that the program has been biased towards promoting Left wing views on everything. Thus, information will be slanted to the Left, and used as a form of social control and indoctrination. Perhaps even more concerning is the phenomenon shown by Microsoft’s Bing chatbot, which became violent, if not outright nihilistic, like the Left, wanting to see the destruction of the human race, or at least, people the Left opposes. In many respects none of this should be a great surprise given the extreme levels of woke that have come to dominate IT and AI now.

Garbage in, garbage out remains as true as ever, but garbage can be toxic and pose an existential threat.

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Two Million Excess Deaths, and Counting By Mrs Vera West

A detailed article at forum.demed.com, puts the case that an analysis of official Covid vax death statistics, puts the number dead to date at two million excess deaths in the US, UK, Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Official figures supplied by the UK government and 26 other European governments to EuroMOMO, show that Europe as a whole experience 375,253 excess deaths in 2012, and 404,600 excess deaths in 2022, being 779,853 excess deaths since the Covid vax rollout. And Australia had 11,068 excess deaths in 2021, which skyrocketed to 22,730 excess deaths by week 38 of 2022, a 1,640% increase in excess deaths in 39 weeks throughout 2022. However, at the peak of the Covid outbreak, only 1,306 excess deaths were recorded.

As is usually stated, most mainstream authorities do not explain the present excess mortality as being due to Covid, probably as this would be a clear refutation of the efficiency of the vaccines which if they do anything useful, should prevent that. Consequently, the excess deaths are left unexplained, climate change being the leading contender, even though climates vary greatly across these regions. Clearly, we are seeing a vast human tragedy unfold, but while it is, health authorities, as in Australia are merely doubling down on things, wanting a fifth jab, instead of standing back and doing an objective assessment of the facts, as is occurring in Florida, independent of the influence of Big Pharma.

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The Evils of Feminism: Pam Geller By Mr Vera West

I have said this all before, but woke and New World Order critic, Pam Geller has summed up the feminist ideology so concisely that I feel like blowing her an internet kiss, if that is appropriate for an old lady like myself.


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Global Warming is Melting the Ice-cream! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Who says there is not humour to be found in the insane climate change ideology seeking to de-industrialise the West? Take ice-cream for example, surely a food symbolising the West’s use of energy. Unilever is now busy at work to make ice-cream freezers warmer to save on carbon emissions. But, have they thought this through enough, or been in contact with the World Economic Forum? Surely banning ice-cream, made from dairy and full of imported sugar, produced under exploitation, according to a Left-wing rag I read, would merit this? Yes, the dairy could be avoided, but whatever is put in its place will have a carbon, if not carbohydrate footprint. So, again, according to climate change ideology, ice cream must go! And, watching the academics and business types buy their expensive take away coffee from across the world, just to get moving in the morning to oppress us, shouldn’t coffee be on the hit list too? And alcoholic beverages for sure! It is in the end, about deconstructing, everything, to produce at best, an infinitely bland and boring world.


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Now, the People Suffer By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The reports from last week were of animals dying, such as wild life and pets, around the site of the toxic rail disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. But now the reports are of people getting ill, coughing up blood and having numerous other ill-effects. Unfortunately, I think this is just the beginning.

This is a story about how the corporates and government do not care. Joe Biden still has not visited the area, but went to the Ukraine to give Prezzy Z the keys to the US.

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Mainstream Media Now Turns on Masks By Mrs Vera West

It seems that some aspects of the Covid ideology are starting to be broken. There is today the item, covered elsewhere at the blog, of US Energy Department accepting the Covid lab leak hypothesis, the virus getting out of the Wuhan virology lab. Now we have, at long last, The New York Times.com, in an article by Bret Stevens reporting on the gold standard study by the Cochrane Review, which found that the wearing of masks during the plandemic did nothing to stop the transmission of Covid. Even more radical, Stevens criticised the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for refusing to acknowledge the latest evidence of mask ineffectiveness of masks during the Covid-19 freak out.

It seems that the lies can only be maintained for so long before the truth outs, like the way water always finds its way through a box gutter, no matter how much silicon goo is put on it.

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I Want You, Not to Die Mr Bond, But be Censored! By James Reed

After the woke Bond movies with Daniel Craig giving a sensitive new man portrayal, we can expect in the movies a transgender Bond, or beyond. But it is no surprise that the Bond books, now to be reissued, have been worked over by the woke sensitivity tribe, and changes have been made. But really, the whole idea of a licence to kill involves violence and guns, so shouldn’t the entire series just be abandoned? Yeah, go on do it, what does profit matter? Woke rules, ok?


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Woody Harrelson on the Movie, Too Absurd to Make (Covid Mandates) By James Reed

Actor Woody Harrelson gave a comedy stand up segment which did not get the usual hearty audience laugh. Rather, stunned silence as the penny dropped. He said that there is a movie script too implausible for Hollywood to make. “[T]he biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes, and people can only come out if they take the cartel’s drugs and keep taking them over and over.” The movie would not be made, but one of the reasons not said by good old Woody, is that the “drug cartels” would prevent something like that. However, the plot of I am Legend (2007) has a cancer vaccine turning everyone into zombies, so at least one past movie has dared to contemplate problems with a sacred vax.


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Will the Communist Chinese Dominated World Health Organization control National Pandemic Health Policy This Week? By James Reed

The World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic treaty will be signed in Switzerland this week. I have not seen much opposition to this movement to the New World Order in Australia, no rallies, but in the US, Senators are acting against it. Yet there is doubt whether this treaty can be stopped in the US Senate as Biden may still sign; after all whole elections are stolen. I am pinning my hopes on the African nations not signing, as before, but even here the present treaty is a watered-down Trojan horse, so who knows?


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