Tracking the Unvaxxed By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here from the United States, once land of the free, comes a report of the US government secretly tracking those who did not take the Covid vax, or who were not fully vaccinated. The surveillance program was designed by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and was followed by most medical clinics and hospitals until January 2023. Doctors, acting as spooks, noted patients Covid vax status, and recorded this  as a diagnostic code, known as ICD-10 code, enabling non-compliants  to be tracked outside the system. It is part of the oppressive medical technocracy which has been assembled, all in preparation for the tyranny which will come from the World Health Organization pandemic treaty. And, the local GP went right along with this, no problems at all.

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No Payment Unless Vaxxed: Brazil By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is relevant because it gives us a glimpse of what will be done, come May 2023, if the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty is signed. It will mean compulsory vaccination, and a CCP “social credit” system. Goodbye freedom, hello tyranny. It may not be by force at first, but rather through forcing people to do the will of the elites, or starve. Look how effective it was threatening people’s jobs during the Covid plandemic, and the relatively small amount of resistance in most jurisdictions.

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The Impossibility of Green Energy By James Reed

The climate change fanatics, apart from attacking meat, and wanting us to eat bugs, but probably to just die, push for green energy, renewables. These are sacred things to them, part of the new Garden of Eden in their theology. The transition to the renewable world is supposed to take place by 2050. However, as detailed below, not only are there insufficient rare earths to rebuild our entire society, but the transition is going to be enormously polluting in terms of carbon production. Not only must the traditional structures be reconstructed, but the new renewable source will need to be made, and here is a carbon footprint in making solar panels. Not only that but there are no cost-effective substitutes for all the goods from plastics to chemicals, that use hydrocarbons.

While the evidence shows the impossibility of sustaining modern civilisation in the Green framework, and while  they are not explicit about this, most Greens would like to see a collapse of the West and all it represents in typical nihilist Left fashion.

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Climate Change as a New Religious Movement: Tucker Carlson By James Reed

This is one that is worth watching, as Tucker Carlson, from Fox details why he thinks climate change is a new religion. I have argued this before. There is their Garden of Eden, the world before the settlers, such as the Aborigines, who lived in paradise. Then there is the Fall, by evil technological whites; whites are the devils. There is the apocalypse, which is climate change disaster. But there is salvation, by following the environmentalist disciples, and eating bugs, or just dying out.

But, unlike the genuine religion of Christianity, the climate cult is as I see it based upon falsity, and political oppression, and will not last the course.

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Resistance to the Great Replacement in Ireland By Richard Miller (London)

As we, and a number of other Dissent Right sites report, there is an on-going cultural revolution of the globalist Left, which like a steam roller, is rolling over the conservative culture and structures of the past. It is no accident that for example, the Voice referendum seeks to add the Voice, third chamber of parliament to the constitution, since with this will be the licence for Left lawyers to pull woke rabbits out of the hat. They will be able to accelerate their agenda, and if they succeed there is no doubt organisations such as this one, would cease to exist. Any challenge to any aspect of the system will be taken as “racist,” just as now, even mentioning globalism is so condemned by the woke.


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World Council of Health on the WHO Pandemic Treaty Danger By Brian Simpson

Here is an important document, just release by the World Council for Health, opposing the World Health organization pandemic treaty. It sets out all the right reasons, namely that there will be an erosion of national health policy control, in creating a centralised structure. And, it seems that the group is working to fight this, so we hope many others will join the battle as time is running out. We have until May, this year.

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Science: Out of Control; Rather, OUR Control By Brian Simpson

As Dr Robert Malone, leading Covid vax critic observes, one of the philosophical lessons that comes from the Covid plandemic is that even given the political activity of the elites in using the virus for their globalist agenda, the medical profession, and scientists were, and still are, fully on board. This was clearly seen in the recent Project Veritas exposure of the young Pfizer CEO, who while revealing that there was, allegedly directed evolution going on with their viral research, did not in the slightest have any ethical concern about this, even from a security perspective.

The same Dr Frankenstein attitude is seen with the development of AI, where researchers seem to be falling over themselves to create the means of rendering the human species redundant. As I see it, this is an intellectual pathology, more dangerous than any others, since these Dr Frankensteins are giving weapons of mass destruction of freedom to the globalist elites, for mere pay.

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What Funeral Directors Know By Chris Knight (Florida)

Steve Kirsch, a leading Covid vax critic, has been following up, among other things, the issue of undertakers’ knowledge of excess deaths. In the US, and we do not know much about the situation in Australia, there is a 50 percent increase in deaths, and what is odd is that younger people contribute a large portion of the death toll. There is also an observation of strange clot-like substances in around 60 percent of the dead who have been identified as vaxxed, but, apparently, no such structures in the unvaxxed. This is very alarming, but the undertakers are all closed lipped about the situation, fearing that if they go public, they will have their businesses destroyed. It must be a real fear, and probably threats have already been made by the medical mafia.

Welcome to the world of Covid.

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Gas Attack: The Ukraine War By Richard Miller (London)

Following on from the allegations that the US blew up Nordstream, comes even more salt in the eye of Russia, with a video of gas being used on Russian soldiers. It has not been proven that the videos are authentic, but if the Russians believe that these videos are, then it is yet one more thing that will ultimately provoke the bear to unleash its fury upon the West. Each day, things seem to escalate, rather than calm down, so I constantly fear the worst, given the Russian willingness to go nuclear if necessary.

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Dr Fauci’s True Confessions By Brian Simpson

It is all coming out in the wash, as my dear old mum used to say. Dr Fauci, who was the “face of science,” if not science itself, in the Covid plandemic, has now retired. But, he has also had a peer reviewed paper published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe. The article is technical, dealing with next generation vaccines. But in the course of charting the future, he, and his colleagues reflect upon the existing Covid vaccines, which he sees as limited: “Because these viruses generally do not elicit complete and durable protective immunity by themselves, they haven’t to date been effectively controlled or licensed by experimental vaccines.” That, as noted below in a critical commentary at the fair and balanced site, Trial Site, is an admission inconsistent with Fauci’s proclamations to the public throughout the Covid plandemic, of the effectiveness of the Covid vaccines. Yet, the mainstream media, including Australia’s, has said nothing about it. It is to be expected that this media, all part of the same mega-corporations that own the world, including Big Pharma, would be silent about any inconvenient truths. But, here at the blog, we report it.

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No Rising Tides; Crash Goes Another Climate Change Hoax By James Reed

This important story, an inconvenient truth indeed, was not taken up by the Australian mainstream media, so let me summarise, as it sinks a major part of the climate change hysteria agenda. The US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has been collecting tidal data for decades, and from analysis has found that regardless of the issue of whether or not carbon dioxide levels have increased, ocean levels have remained constant at least since the 19th century. The data sources are robust as well, from two hundred measurement stations, so there is little chance of bias factors from one locality throwing the general results out. As one will recall, the idea of rising sea levels, popularised in climate change literature and fiction, is a key premise of the idea that we face climatic doom, well symbolised by the image of the polar bear caught on melting ice. But, it is yet another myth.

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#BlotgateBig Pharma Falsified Data By Chris Knight (Florida)

This post relates to what is being listed on the internet as #Blotgate. It is a bit difficult to summarise, but it is important. The nuts and bolts seem to be that researchers in #Blotgate have uncovered what they believe is “smoking gun” evidence of Pfizer falsifying key data, based upon the Western Blot tests, that separates blood proteins to isolate specific proteins. The expressed proteins showed up as highly unusual bands, which has raised doubts among some researchers. I do not know enough about this to analyse it, but for our purposes what is important, as noted by, is that supposing a case for the fabrication of crucial data did occur, and I am only quoting the source here, the indemnity status (protection from any legal liability resulting from deaths or injuries caused by their product), which the Covid contracts contain, would be void, since there is in most, a clause that denies indemnity if fraud occurs.

Thus, the challenge will be to see if these claims can be fully substantiated, then tested in court.

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Fake Alien Invasions By James Reed

As Strangesounds notes, there seems to be plenty of UFOs being shot down, with the skies becoming a literal show ground shooting gallery:

  • China preparing to shoot down 'UFO' near Qingdao.
  • The US military has shot down another “object” over Lake Huron.
  • Today, the airspace over parts of Lake Michigan has been closed and declared “national defense airspace”… Now reopened // Same over Montana.
  • Uruguayan Air Force is investigating sighting of flashing lights in sky over Termas de Almiron.
  • US shoots down unidentified object over Alaska and Canada a day apart.
  • F-15s have reportedly been scrambled out of McChord Field near Seattle.


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The Evils of New Generation AI Porn By Mrs Vera West

Artificial intelligence (AI) seems to have made rapid “progress” recently, with added power in language manipulation and image creation. The situation was grave before with on-line porn producing numerous sexual dysfunctions on males. However, the new threat is that with the power of image-producing programs, it is now possible to take a facial imagine and cut and paste onto independent degenerative graphics. It was done to one innocent lass, linked below. Truly sad to see, but at least she is going to sue the guy who did this.


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El Gato Malo’s Take on Vax Limitations By Brian Simpson

El Gato Malo, the vax critic, “Bad Cat,” who seldom uses capitalisation, gives a concise argument about why the Covid vaxxes do not work. By “work” he means in the traditional sense, before World Health Organization re-definitions, of preventing the disease and stopping transmission. That was what the word “immunity means. All vaccines can do is to produce an immune response from the human immune system; not perform magic, although the mRNA vaxxes remind me of black magic. And, the core assumption is that the targeted pathogen is not rapidly mutating, so there is no moving target. As the Bad Cat says: “there has never been a successful vaccine for a recurrent respiratory disease. not for flu, coronaviruses, RSV, none of it. these viruses mutate too quickly. there is always a new one, a new strain, and it will infect you whether or not you got sick last year.” The Covid event proved this fundamental claim right once more, as once one alleged vaccine, or rather gene therapy, was produced, a new variant came along, produced by the evolutionary challenge that the “leaky” vax posed. Expect the same for the next adventure with bird flu. Still, it pulls in the big money from Big Pharma!

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Madonna Giving Me PTSD after Grammys! By James Reed

Previously, to report on the satanic Grammys, I watched segments, including Madonna, who has used plastic surgery to bloat her face, which produces a scary look. So terrifying, that like many youngsters across the world, I now have Madonna nightmares, fearing that she may be coming after me in my dreams, like that guy from the film A Nightmare on Elm Street. So now it is the New World Order globalists by day, and Madonna by night!

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The Australian Concentration Camps; Ready to Go Again By James Reed

Bobbie Anne Flower Cox a lawyer who conducted a quarantine camp law suit against US Governor Hochul of New York, reports on the conditions of the Australian Covid concentration camps. Although not presently in wide use, the camps were put into active duty, and can be revived at a minute’s note: they are ready to go for the next plandemic, which looks like being bird flu, H5N1, this time. And, who knows, a genetically modified version of H5N1 could be released by some globalist bioweapons lab to create a new plandemic, and billions of profits for Big Pharma with a new vax. 

The World Health Organization says that the virus has been found in both wild domestic birds throughout the world, and now it seems that mammals have been infected. If there is a spread to humans, then be sure we will see a repeat of everything that the Covid plandemic gave us. That includes the Covid concentration camps, where, as detailed below, people were denied basic freedoms, and all this will definitely happen again. This time, things will intensify more along CCP lines, as this is the direction the Western technocratic medical systems are now moving. The World Health Organization pandemic treaty, coming up for signing in may this year, will move for compulsory vaccination, no doubt, effectively  at the point of a “gun.”

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Will Bird Flu H5N1, Ride Again? By Brian Simpson

I have been watching the disease scene while doing the Covid reporting, expecting there to be the next big disease thing, since all the elites, such as Bill Gates have said that the next “pandemic” will be soon, and far worse than Covid. While some thought that monkey pox could be it, that disease disappeared into a “community,” and we do not hear much about it now.  But, over the same period bird flu, H5N1 has been decimating poultry across the planet, less so in Australia. And now the virus has jumped to mammals, such as minks, which have a similar respiratory tract to humans. This is not definitive, but is suggestive that the virus could adapt to the human respiratory tract, and in short time, there is likely to be another pandemic, perhaps this time, a real one, and not a politically constructed one, which is not to say that the elites will not exploit this to the max.  I will keep watching, as I did with Covid. Fortunately, this bird flu panic occurred previously, so that there is a lot of information and books about what to do if bird flu does become a problem. I will report further if the situation arises.

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The Real Appeal of the Manosphere By John Steele

Ben Rich, Senior lecturer in History and International Relations, Curtin University and Eva Bujalka Co-director, Curtin Extremism Research Network (CERN), Curtin University, have addressed the issue of the rise of the manosphere, the men’s rights movement. The media zeroed in on this with the issue of one bad advocate, Andrew Tate, who is facing charges of organised crime. But, he is only one person, and there are other great champions of men’s rights, such as Jordan Peterson, who cannot be knocked over so quickly.


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The Australian Government is Ignoring the Vax Injured By Brian Simpson

Liberal MP Russell Broadbent has taken a stand on the shocking disregard that the Australian government has of the vaccine injured. Recall that the government, which granted a full exemption of liability to its master, Big Pharma, for the Covid vaxxes, assured us that the Covid vaxxes were “lifesaving,” as one state premier called them. And, naturally they said, the vaxxes were safe, and injuries, exceedingly rare, they added. This has proven not to be true, and regardless of this, the vaccine compensation scheme has been set up with stringent criteria, such as a TGA approved COVID-19 vaccine, meet the definition of harm, have been admitted to hospital and incurred losses of $1000 or more from the injury. No doubt, this is done to keep the numbers down, so people are intimidated, and hopefully go fall into a hole. Thus, it is fortunate that there is at least some political support for those who are now not being heard by a government that has in the mRNA ear plugs of Big Pharma.

The possibility of a mass tort suit against the government needs careful legal consideration.

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