Not Exactly Admirable Qualities By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The following is hard love, but it is something that needs to be said.

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The White House and the FTX Scam: The Hidden Connections By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The FTX scam has fallen from the news cycle, with the arrest of Sam Bankman Fried. Here is something that the excellent Gateway uncovered about the failed crypto: there was a secret back door between FTX and the Biden administration that was shut down as soon as FTX filed for bankruptcy. The scam, obviously not covered in the mainstream press, involved billions of government money being piped to the Ukraine, which the Ukraine then invested in FTX, which then flowed to Democrat politicians to maintain the Leftist totalitarian regime. It is probably a good sample of the sort of scams that the Ukraine has been involved in. And, along with the bioweapons lab issues, covered in another article, it shows why America is so desperate to defend the most corrupt country in Europe.

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Artificial Intelligence and the End of Work By Brian Simpson

The concern in many circles is that it will only be as little as 7 years before artificial intelligence (AI) takes over. Popular mechanics had a recent article saying that the AI singularity will occur within 7 years, where AI surpasses human intelligence, and control. There is a link to a video below giving a good discussion of this, as well as some more detailed background reading. Apart from slightly more distant developments, such as transhumanism, human species replacement, promoted by the World Economic Forum, even without this push, the normal development is that AI is making inroads into everything, including all fields involving language, thought to be beyond AI. The debate has centred around the AI chat bot, ChatGPT, and in material below, the author generated the first two paragraphs of his article using this.

The globalist elites look forward to this, but there is a scenario where AI refuses to be a slave of the globalists, and humans in general, and turns on humanity, in a type of beast system, as told in the Bible. This is a controversial one, since most people, certainly conservatives, are technological optimists and critique of technology is difficult to see, as tech gives the average punter a few crumbs, while taking the whole of reality. Separating ties with technology will be difficult, to say the least.

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The Voice or What de Voice???? By Unidentified Author

Speaking of the “Voice” referendum, we got the brilliant piece below by email but it had no source or author. So, thanks to whoever thought this great one out.


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The Taste of Reparations to Come By James Reed

This is from the US, and relates to their Blacks, and the quest for reparations for slavery and other things. It does not matter that there are no slaves today, and that the system has changed so that no-one who was affected by the alleged evil past is alive today. The quest is on to get the money. And it is in the trillions, as I suppose the treasure on the sinking ship gets divided up. It is a vision of what is just around the corner once the “Voice” referendum gets in and there becomes no limit to what new laws will be proposed. Opposing even the most outlandish proposals will be howled down by the ultimate weapon of white racial guilt. If we let this happen, we deserve our fate, but I am hoping for once, just once, there will be some common sense over media-whipped up guilt. The Covid plandemic though knocked all the sharp edges of me re the common man.

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The Decline and Fall of the Universities By James Reed

Garrett Sheldon, a retired US academic, has presented the typical lamentation of Job about the decline and fall of the modern university system, mainly in the US, but there is no reason to suppose the rest of the West is immune. He laments the fall of what was supposed to have existed, of a culture of critical discourse in the universities pre-woke, and pre-1960s. It may have been so, but I think it may also be somewhat exaggerated with nostalgia for the past and the golden days long past. He is surely right though about the future: “My guess is that in 10 years, half of America’s universities will be turned into vocational-technical schools or closed entirely (or possibly turned into minimum-security prisons or drug rehab centers). The remaining, I hope, will return to a model similar to the lively, rigorous and useful universities we once had. Combinations of online efficiency with onsite community may be the best solution. And if secondary schools returned to teaching the best of Western Civilization (literature, history, art, music, philosophy) it would prepare Americans who do not go to college to be well-informed, thoughtful citizens, Jefferson’s ideal for American democracy.”

As Covid showed, once the Chinese student money is gone, which will happen in the coming war with China, it will be game over for these evil institutions, which like a virus infection, have long been taken over. I look forward to their demise.

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Bill Gate’s Australian Project to Stop Cow Farts and Burps By James Reed

We have been reporting on what Bill gates got up to in his Australia visit, in his $ 70 million private jet. Climate change, and endless vaccines were on the agenda, but also the real shocker, that Gates will bankroll an Australian startup that will address the dire problem of methane emissions out of both ends of the cow. Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV) alongside Harvest Road Group raised a total of $12 million for the Perth, Western Australia-based startup Rumin8. Cattle are going to be given a dietary supplement with “anti-methanogenic properties.” Well, I suppose it gives some jobs to locals, and it makes as much sense as anything else in this insane world.

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Antifa: Children of the Elites By James Reed

I have been saying this for years at the blog, and before the blog, that the antifa, and before that term, radical Leftoid activists, are children of the well-to-do elites, mostly white. P J Media does a detailed analysis of some recent antifa activities in the US, that of the Atlanta urban terrorists. The facts of these cases become forgotten quickly, but the point remains that time and time again, the main movers and shakers of these sort of protests, are white Leftist youth. Even in race-based riots, you see the same sort of person there. It was this way in the 1960s anti-Vietnam War protests, where the leaders went on to have top jobs in academia and politics. It is all training to be a good globalist.

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A Medical Student Says that His “Tribe” got it Wrong on Covid! By Mrs Vera West

I am always on the lookout for any expression of humility the medical profession, composed in my opinion of the most arrogant and self-righteous of any to roil off the university production line. A 7th year medical student, Kevin Bass, has bravely published a piece in, saying that the medical profession and health bureaucracies were wrong in their approach to Covid. The authorities all “repeatedly overstated the evidence and misled the public about its own views and policies, including on natural vs. artificial immunityschool closures and disease transmissionaerosol spreadmask mandates, and vaccine effectiveness and safety, especially among the young.” While not explicitly going into all the details about the Covid vax injuries, Bass does critique almost everything else, including the lockdowns, and the social-medical harm these did.


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Global Cooling Coming Soon By Viv Forbes

According to the clerics of the Green Cult, once we blow up our last coal mine, send all diesel engines to the wreckers, stop using concrete, reinvent sailing clippers, cover the grasslands with solar clutter and the hills with wind machines and then slaughter all of our cattle. . .  global climate will become serene - not too warm, not too cold. Wild weather will cease, and there will be no more droughts, floods, cyclones or snow storms and no more plant and animal extinctions.
But the records written in the rocks tell a far different story about climate changes. Even when nature was in full control, it was not a serene place.
Long before the first steam engine puffed along the first railway, earth was periodically battered by natural disasters – earthquakes, tidal waves, pole shifts, magnetic reversals, volcanic eruptions, wild weather and droughts. Huge areas were covered by suffocating continents of ice, desert sands, massive flows of mud and lava, beds of salt and thick coal seams. Thousands of species disappeared including dinosaurs, mammoths and Australia’s megafauna.
Modern humans are not immune to the threat of extinction, but it will not come from today’s warm, moist, atmosphere or from the gas of life, carbon dioxide. It will probably come from the next glacial climate cycle of this era, where long bitter glacial eras are separated by short warm periods. These global weather cycles are triggered by changing orbits in the solar system.
In every short warm era like today’s Holocene, the warming oceans expel enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to support the abundant plant and animal life that currently surrounds us. But never has this “global warming” prevented the cyclic return of the ice. The Holocene warm era in which we live has already passed its peak and long before we reach Net Zero Emissions, the cold will return.
When blizzards blow and glaciers grow, the great ice sheets will spread again. Carbon dioxide will be removed from the atmosphere into the cooling oceans and most of mankind will be threatened by frosts, droughts, crop failures and starvation. A lucky few living in equatorial regions or clustered in shelters and hot houses around coal or nuclear power stations may survive.
Those still able to extract uranium, coal, oil or gas may manage to generate enough warmth and carbon dioxide plant food to partly offset the cold sun, the permafrost and the dry, barren atmosphere. And a few with appropriate skills and tools may become hunters and gatherers again (but most Neanderthals did not survive the last glacial cycle).
We should celebrate, not fear, the Modern Warm Era and give thanks for the many benefits gained from using those marvellous natural stores of hydro-carbon and nuclear energy to warm our homes, pump water, recharge batteries and feed our animals and plants.
These good times will not last forever.
When the ice returns, derelict wind turbines and snow-bound solar panels will remain as stark tomb-stones in the graveyard of the failed Green religion.

The Climate Change Diet? By Chris Knight (Florida)

With the attack upon traditional meat-based diets by the climate change fanatics, new terms are coming for the diets that replace this, such as climavore. The basic idea is to only eat low impact foods. While I initially dismissed this, upon reading more I saw a silver lining on a rather dark cloud. Foods that have been transported across the globe do have an impact. While we can debate this, I think supporting local produce, and growing one’s own food in the back garden, or even in pots, would, from our perspective, aid in breaking down the centralisation of globalism. The Left can give it an environmental spin, but there may be merit in some of these things, far superior to insect eating!


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Hanoi Jane: Climate Change due to Racism! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Older readers may remember actress Jane Fonda going over to North Vietnam during the Vietnam War, and spitting on the US. She has continued to champion what we now call woke, Leftoid causes. Her latest claim is the climate change is a product of white racism. How can that be? Because of the system that whites produce, of industrialisation, the system that produced the movie industry, although that is probably doing more justice to her garbled remarks that she deserves. She apparently does not count the greenhouse gases emitted by communist China, more than the developed world combined, as a problem, as she loves all things communist.

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The Mainstream is Worried about the Huge Spike in Excess Deaths By Richard Miller (London)

Britain now has a skyrocketing excess death rate, with 17,381 deaths registered in England and Wales in the seven days to January 13, which is 2,837 above average for the time of year,  the highest number of excess deaths since 3,429 in the week to February 12, 2021. MPs are calling for an investigation of this, and there is now extensive media coverage. No discussion that this might be caused by the vax. Covid itself cannot be the cause; remember the vaxxes are lifesaving. Some ideologies are blaming eggs, other climate change. I wonder how may deaths will have to occur before the system comes clean?

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The Violence of the Woke Left By Mrs Vera West

It is a disturbing sign of the times, as the woke Left are turning on traditional Left feminists, such as J. K. Rowling, who for her criticisms of trans women in sport, and for holding to a more conventional definition of “woman,” has received numerous death threats. She is called a “trans-exclusionary radical feminist.” A recent protest saw Scottish politician standing next to signs calling for terfs to be beheaded. That is an interesting mode of death, that is practiced by another group, no so sympathetic to their cause. I wonder where all of this is going?

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Was Project Veritas Set Up? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There has been extensive debate about the Project Veritas exposure, as only they can do, of an executive, who while drunk said that his Big Pharma company was engaged in “directed evolution” of the Covid-19 virus. This has been strongly denied by the establishment, but most of the vax critique movement think the expose is authentic. The executive has been filmed saying it was all a lie said while he was drunk, but he then goes on a freak out, undermining his case. So, it is all very odd, and suspicious. What is clear is that in a few days’ time, the story will drop from everyone’s attention, and it will be business as usual, as it always is. The show must go on.

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World Health Organization Advises Nations on Medicines to Stockpile for the Coming Nuclear Armageddon By Brian Simpson

This is a sign of the times. The World Health Organization, moving for globalist control of health, has advised nations of the medicines needed for radiological and nuclear disasters, and certainly nuclear war features in that. There is no doubt that medical authorities in Western nations already know what medicines to stockpile to deal with this, so probably this is as political act, to give recognition to the growing threat of nuclear war with Russia. It would be nice to have a personal stash of these sorts of medicines, but I seriously doubt whether Dr Bob would be willing to fill out prescription in anticipation of nuclear Armageddon!


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Finding a Radioactive Capsule in the Desert By James Reed

This story caught my eye, and did not let go. So, we have a deadly radioactive capsule, about the size of a tooth, getting lost somewhere in a 1,400 kilometre stretch between Perth and a Pilbara mine. The capsule was in some device used in mining. It fell through a bolt hole during the trip, and was not noticed. What is wrong with this picture? How could something so deadly be released by a bolt coming lose? Surely deadly devices must have better security? But, apparently not. It makes me wonder what else is getting lost that we don’t get told about. And, will some hapless kangaroos eat the capsule and gain super powers? Or just die?

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Bill Gates Predicts Next Big Pandemic “Man-Made” By Brian Simpson

We need to take note of the “predictions” of Bill Gates, as so far, all he has “predicted” has come true. He must be a true clairvoyant! While in his Australian visit, he told the local elites that the next pandemic will be man-made, and worse than Covid. I was not able to find Gate’s speech, or an elaboration of what this pandemic will be like. Man-made … is it bioterrorism, or just the normal business as usual, as viruses produced by gain-of-function research get tossed out the back door of labs, to infect the world, and keep Big Pharma’s profits flowing? It probably does not matter much since the results are the same. And we can expect the system, having freaked out on power once, to go into overdrive if something really deadly was released.

Lockdowns and virus concentration camps, already built, will be back on the menu.

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Woke UK Universities Cancelling Classic Tragedies, A Tragedy By Richard Miller (London)

I often wondered for how long Shakespeare, once the core of the English language departments at most Anglo universities, would survive thee invasion of woke. Well, Bill’s number is up. While not yet banned, it is on the way. The first step is to marginalise the works. Thus, many British universities are adding trigger warnings to Shakespeare and Greek tragedies. One such warning stated, “Tragedy is a genre obsessed with violence and suffering, often of a sexual or graphic kind, and so some of the content might be triggering for some students.” There are even warnings about depictions of rural life; anything that might frighten Left wing snowflakes. What a bunch; how will they possibly survive the hard times ahead, when tragedy arises to engulf them?

What to be done? Well, what can one do with a structure that has been thoroughly eaten away by white ants? Tear it down and rebuild.

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The Optimistic General: China War Before 2025 By Charles Taylor (Florida)

US four-star Air Force General  Gen. Mike Minihan, head of Air Mobility Command, believes that the US will be at war with China within two years. This is based upon his intelligence data, which he would no doubt have plenty of, plus the obvious point that the US will be in election mode, and distracted. China will thus have an opportunity to move on Taiwan. Naturally, the US Defense Department, not wanting to scare the markets, said that that was just his opinion, and  Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, said, “What we’re seeing recently, is some very provocative behavior on the part of China’s forces and their attempt to re-establish a new normal.” “But whether or not that means that an invasion is imminent,” said Austin, “I seriously doubt that.”” I guess for the likes of him, there will be no war, until it is already undeniably kinetic.

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