CCP Bioweapons By James Reed

Clare M. Lopez, has given a concise overview of communist China’s bioweapon’s research. In fact, most countries have some sort of bioweapon’s programs, and it has been said by Russia, for what it is worth, that the Ukraine was a key centre for US bioweapon’s research which was too controversial to do on US home soil. Communist China took over Japan’s World War II Unit 731 in Manchuria, and worked with the USSR to further it. Of course, the revolution in genetics, begun with Watson and Crick in 1952, has led to genetic engineering and now gene editing. Gain-of-function research is now possible at a level previously unthought of. All sorts of hyper-dangerous creations are now possible. With the extreme secrecy, we do not know what is being done in these labs. We do not even know what might be done in undisclosed labs, perhaps in literal underground research facilities. It is a good guess to think that the CCP has created many such labs.

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Dr Andrew Huff on the Great Wuhan Covid Conspiracy By James Reed

Dr Andrew Huff, a former insider and former vice president of EcoHealth Alliance, which was associated with the funding of corona virus research as the Wuhan Institute of Virology, has a book forthcoming, entitled The Truth about Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History. That is really saying something, as so much of the system is founded upon lies. And, surely the Covid plandemic is one great lie, if not the greatest. Dr Huff saw corruption at first hand in  EcoHealth Alliance, and was pleased to leave left his senior scientist and vice president role. He sets out to explain why the US was funding CCP bioweapons research, which was apparently a CIA ploy to gain inside information about communist Chinese bioweapons development. It is far from clear how this would work, and what exactly would be gained. I suspect that there is even more to the real story than covered by Dr Huff, but like 9/11, you can be sure that this is now a “cold case,” and crucial evidence has just disappeared. Whatever the true story, it is clear that the US had a crucial involvement in the covid-19 plandemic, which is why Trump was shutdown so rapidly, and made to conform with the vax rollout with Operation Warp Speed.


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Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Greenhouse Gasses: Our Friends! By James Reed

Scientist Douglas J. Cotton, is one of a number of scientists who are beginning a systematic challenge of climate change dogmas. One of the key planks of present-day climate change hysteria is that greenhouse gasses, so called, such as carbon dioxide and methane, and nitrogen as well, are harmful because of their warming effects, raising the average global temperature. Dr Cotton, in a paper referenced below, shows that the warming effects of such gasses are mythical, given the thermodynamics (heat-nature) of the open climate system, which is dynamic, and not like a classical closed system like a fish bowl. He believes that scientists such as him, chipping away at these dogmas will bring the climate change hysterical system down by 2025, but here I think he vastly under-estimates how much political millage the elites get from this, which goes far being Covid. As some critics have noted, climate change hysteria is a way of deconstructing Western civilisation, and that is the real agenda.

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Better Put Off that Planned Haiti Holiday! Here Comes Another Failed State! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

At present Haiti has rolled into becoming a failed state, with the last 10 senators in the disintegrated parliament now leaving. There is a malnutrition crisis as food production is plummeting given the economic chaos. Gang violence is everywhere, and essentially gangs now rule the country, and engage in bloody battles for territory. Rape has become a political weapon. This situation is an indication of how societies are not immune to falling off the edge into social chaos. It is a sober lesson for the West, heading down the same track.

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The Silence of the Supposed Guardians of Freedom By Chris Knight (Florida)

US lawyer Michael Lesher, has commented on how in the US all the organisations that were supposed to safe guard freedom and liberty, failed to respond to the massive violation of fundamental human rights that occurred with the Covid mandates. The lockdowns, which would be hard to justify even if Covid was the Black Death 2.0, were imposed upon the masses with no debate, and no mercy.  This observation should be of interest to all, as the US, unlike the UK and Australia, has a reputation for defending freedom and upholding liberty. But, alas, no longer is this is true. Tyranny now moves its dark hand all over the West. We now live in a surveillance society, which was fast-tracked via Covid, although it was on track anyway.

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The World Health Organization’s New World Health Order By Brian Simpson

This is a worry because there is little discussion of the issue of the World Health Organization’s power grab by the resistance. Trial Site does a good job of summarising the present state of play. What is rolling ahead is the creation of a supranational legal authority which will decide what accounts for constituting a “pandemic,” and the policies that will follow. Given the massive influence the CCP has over WHO, we can see our fate reflected in that of communist China, especially regarding lockdowns, which is now standard operating procedure. The WHO aims to have the power to enforce mandatory vaccinations in the coming plandemics, no doubt enriching beyond measure Big Pharma. These proposals could be stopped by international action, particularly from the US, but that is unlikely under the Democrat’s regime. Hopefully African nations will short circuit it all, being less brainwashed than places like Australia.

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Climate Fanaticism and the Destruction of Modern Civilisation By James Reed

Physicist Dr. Wallace Manheimer, has recently published work challenging the theoretical foundations, if it can be called that, of the present climate change hysteria. Usually critics dance around the edges, lacking a grounding in theoretical and experimental physics, but Dr Manheimer zeroes in on key assumption, completely unjustified by organisations like the UN IPCC. He sets out to show, by first principles, that carbon dioxide cannot be the warming agent that the climate change lobby supposes, as the Earth system is not like some (thermodynamically) closed room, but is dynamic and ever-changing. As well so-called renewables are highly unreliable, compared to fossil fuels and nuclear energy. He fears that the present mania for renewables against fossil fuels will lead to mass starvation and the collapse of civilisation. The madness has to be stopped, and I think it will, but as usual much damage will be done.

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The Profitable Cult of Climate Change By James Reed

If the corporate elites, like Bill Gates, who are now born-again environmentalists, were really serious, they could do much to reduce the dreaded carbon emissions. Bill Gates could easily prevent the clearing of rainforests with financing of alternative industries for people in the Amazon and Borneo. The use of careful burning could reduce forest fires in California and Australia, but the environmentalists will not allow it, so each year there is devastating bushfire damage, doing more damage. And if environmentalists were really serious about reducing emissions, the they would be open about the enormous emissions needed to set up and maintain the renewable energy infrastructure, and would examine nuclear.  But, none of these things are done.

The conjectured reason for this paradox, is that for the corporates, climate change represents a new area to make a dollar, even though some industries, such as the fossil fuel industries, will suffer. The corporates are not a totally unified force. But for the woke, the beat goes on. Thus, for the Left, environmentalism channels the powerful emotions that lead young people to embrace socialism, giving the young the equivalent of a religion. There are all the ingredients, with sin, being producing carbon dioxide, the devil, being the West and white people, and redemption, being Green socialism. It is all as dangerous as it can get, but conservatives are not fully aware of how deep this all goes.

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Mate With Short People to Save the Planet!!!!! By James Reed

The New York Times has featured another weird piece dealing with climate change, this time taking the spin that people should breed with shorter people to save the planet, as shorter people use less resources, and are more conservation minded! I could not find any empirical evidence for these sorts of claims, and a moments reflection would reveal them as nonsense. Who has not seen short fat people; they are everywhere? Also, everywhere are tall thin people. But really, I was disappointed, as I was expecting the anti-natalist line of not having children at all, but that has been said many times, and probably would not be read. Oh, close down all mainstream hardcopy print media, like the New York Times to save on resources as well!

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Is Exercise Racist? By John Steele

I came across this interesting Counter-Currents article discussing a mainstream article called “The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, and 6 Other Surprising Facts About the History of U.S. Physical Fitness.”  I did not read the original, getting all the information that I could take from this article. So, physical culture has been promoted in the past by white supremacists. Well, so was algebra and calculus, so should these studies be rejected too? It is something of an industry now for academics from the Left to drag up this sort of material. But, really, why should we care? After all, these are the same sorts of people defending obesity, saying that even a “healthy” body is racist. When everything is “racist,” nothing really is any more, as words get drained of meaning.

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Japan Investigates Covid Vax Deaths By James Reed

There is a slow awakening across the globe that something is very wrong with the Covid vaxxes, with significantly large numbers of people, dying suddenly after being vaxxed with the Covid goo. Japanese researchers are now investigating how the mRNA vaxxes could be causing these deaths. For example, Hiroshima University School of Medicine Professor Masataka Nagao had observed that the corpses of people who were Covid vaxxed were unusually warm, indicating immune system abnormalities, resulting in a massive inflammatory response. Others believe that the mRNA spike protein produces the inflammatory response. It will thus be interesting to see the exact details the Japanese researchers uncover as Sherlock Holmes’ of microbiology.


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The More Shots One has, the More Likely a Covid Infection! By Brian Simpson

The mainstream medical establishment is now admitting that the bivalent Covid boosters are not very effective, and most interesting of all, that the more shots a person has, the more likely they are to get a Covid infection! These are findings from the US Cleveland clinic, reported at Trial site News that covers the latest experimental research, very objectively as well. “This is not the only study to find a possible association with more prior vaccine doses and higher risk of COVID-19. A large study found that those who had an Omicron variant infection after previously receiving three doses of vaccine had a higher risk of reinfection than those who had an Omicron variant infection after previously receiving two doses of vaccine. Another study found that receipt of two or three doses of a mRNA vaccine following prior COVID-19 was associated with a higher risk of reinfection than receipt of a single dose.”

That conclusion would seem to refute decisively the idea that the Covid vaxxes are preventing on getting infected, and in fact increase one’s chances. So, what would be the point of the vax?        

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Who is Afraid of New Covid Omicron Variant XBB? What about “White Lung Disease”? By Brian Simpson

There is concern, which is not surprising in Covid culture, about the new Omicron variant XBB, and its subvariants. The problem for the mainstream Covid establishment is that XBB can evade antibodies from prior Covid infections and vaccines as well as existing monoclonal antibody treatments and evidence  suggests that repeated vaccinations may make people more susceptible to XBB and could be leading to the XBB’s rapid evolution. But, the good news is that XBB does not appear to be more lethal than other Covid variants.


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The Paradox of Equity: The Lies of Leftism By James Reed

Edward Ring, writing at American, makes the telling point that there is a profound philosophical difference between “equity” in the sense of equal opportunity, and egalitarian takes on this. The egalitarian wants people to be numerically equal in all respects, and that will involve programs such as affirmative action, to level out the bump in the bell curve. People are not equal in the sense of having the same talents and capacities, and with equal opportunity, there will be unequal outcomes. Liberals once accepted this as part of the natural order, and so did most people. But Leftists, with their philosophy of egalitarianism, which is one of the key planks of communism, moved to undermine this, and produce what we have today, to various degrees. It has led to groups of people having protected status, and an eternal right to feed off of the public pig trough. It is the way for social decline to accelerate, as it dulls the yeast of incentives needed for true innovation, and takes away the work ethic that made the West. But, that was always the Leftist plan, to destroy the West and the people who built it.                       

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New Year’s Eve Berlin Riots of the Diverse By Richard Miller (London)

Here is yet another example of the Great Replacement in action, with the majority of the rioters in Berlin on New Year’s Eve being young migrants, some second generation. What was particularly disturbing about these riots were how emergency service personnel were attacked. One video that can be accessed via the links below, are the youths throwing bricks into an ambulance, not just one person, but an entire troop. Of course, police were also aggressively attacked, with rockets being fired. It is only a few steps away from open civil war, or maybe this is the opening sequence. No doubt, firearms will come next.

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The Great Replacement in Sweden By Richard Miller (London)

As I have discussed in another article, somewhere around here on the blog, Michel Houellebecq and Michel Onfray, leading French intellectuals have gone on record for saying that the Great Replacement of Whites, is not a theory, but fact. They were concerned with the state of affairs in France, but Sweden may also serve as another example of the Great Replacement, especially the demographic changes that are now seen in the Swedish city of Malmö. One-third of Malmö’s residents were born abroad; Iraq is the most common country of birth, while Syria and other Middle Eastern countries are also major demographic contributors. Given present migration, which the Swedes seem to accept, making them feel morally superior, Sweden will be majority non-white in a few decades. It is the same story right across the West, as the cancer of universalism and cultural Marxism take its toll.

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French Intellectuals Houellebecq and Onfray on the Great Replacement By Richard Miller (London)

Unlike here in the UK, and from what I understand from James Reed, in Australia too, France at least allows some degree of discussion of the big issues, such as racial replacement. Michel Houellebecq and Michel Onfray, leading French intellectuals have gone on record for saying that the Great Replacement of Whites, is not a theory, but fact. Both see the main threat as demographic, with uncontrolled mass migration producing this cataclysm. Both see the decline of the West, reflected in the state of France, and civil war. Onfray thinks that civil war in France has already started. Grim, indeed.

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The Conservative Counter-Culture By James Reed

The idea of a counterculture came to prominence in the 1960s associated with the cultural revolution of the Left. At first it seemed like a quaint revolt against polite society which the young with consumer indulgences engage it. But as the 1960s turned into the 1970s, and a new generation became indoctrinated by cultural Marxists, who had already made the long march through the institutions, the old conservative order was overthrown, consistent with the preservation of globalist capitalist corporate values. Indeed, the new woke culture, with feminism, abortion on demand, homosexualism, multi-racialism, multiculturalism and the like, better suited corporates, as it was inclusive, and that is always good for business. And, so, with mass immigration, which changed the very people of the nation, conservative values began to finally die.


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The Things the World Economic Forum Get Up To By Richard Miller (London)

It is on again, and it only seemed like yesterday that we were writing about the horrors to come from the World Economic forum 2021 meeting, with things ranging from the elimination of meat (and we saw the Netherlands and other places move to close down farms in the name of nitrogen reduction) to the transhuman agenda, of replacing the human species itself. Thus, 2021 was the year of the Great Reset, and this year will address “Cooperation in a Fragmented World.” Founder, Klaus Schwab, has already appeared on CCP-run television network CGTN, praising Xi’s government as providing a model for the future world after the Great Reset is completed; no doubt Schwab was impressed by the authoritarian lockdowns. In other words, these globalists will take the CCP model as a starting point, and work from there. Really friends, we have one giant fight on our hands if we hope to preserve traditional Western liberties and freedoms.

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Brazil in Chaos By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It would be easy to dismiss the present uprising in Brazil as a repeat of the January 6, 2021, US Capitol protests, only much more aggressive. Why, there is even a shaman complete with horns and the like! So, is this a CIA operation or is it a genuine protest of people against a corrupt government, that got in by fraud? Certainly “President” Lula will go even further than Biden and Trudeau in the creation of a technocratic tyranny in Brazil, so there is a good case that people are in fact seeing this as a last stand for what freedom remains. And, with Lula, the globalists seem to have their boy, so not much reason to overthrow him. Thus, we will keep a close eye on developments.

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