Most critiques of transhumanism, as popularised by the gurus of the World Economic Forum, and AI obsessed academic scribblers, or rather keyboard punchers, have focused on the social ramifications of this question of the emergence of man and machine. Will it result in runaway AI along the Terminator movie lines? Will humans be totally replaced in the process in employment, which is rapidly occurring now. What happens to the vast billions of the world, who only have traditional skills? Social chaos seems to dawn.
But, as discussed at, a new site for me, the real issues are theological. What the philosophy and policy of transhumanism represents, is the elites playing God at the ultimate level, the highest form of blasphemy. The idea that humans can be “liberated” from their God-given bodies is on the transhumanist agenda, and while I think this project will fail in its own terms, they, and their busy beavers of technocrats and Dr Frankensteins, and going to try.