Sterilising the Population By Mrs Vera West

     This article:, straight from The New York Times,  is entitled; “A STERILITY DRUG IN FOOD IS HINTED; Biologist Stresses Need to Curb Population Growth.”

     Mike Adams discusses this 1969 article, arguing that an agenda of population regulation is well underway, with vaccines, Big Pharma, etc., etc.:
     The problem here is that it is highly unlikely that a deliberate conspiracy is at work, beyond the normal conspiracies, such as the great Given: destroy the White race. With the explosion of population numbers in Africa, it is unlikely that there is any globalist plan to eliminate Africans. All the evidence points towards the elimination of the White race. And, no drug in food is even needed. It is easy enough to do things politically, allowing Whites to simply fall on their own swords of political correctness.

Doomsday September 23, 2017? By James Reed

     There have been reports that the world will end Biblical style on September 23, 2017:

     The predictions are based on numerology, centred around the number 33. However, the world will not end on that day, but rather a series of events eventually leading to the Second Coming.

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The China Threat By James Reed

     At long last America seems to be waking up to the military and technological threat of China, another one of the creations of the global financial elites. As noted in an article at:

“Just the other day, two think-tankers at the D.C.-based Center for a New American  Security (CNAS), Daniel Kliman and Harry Krejsa, raised a warning in Politico, “Is China leaping past us?  With little notice in Washington, Beijing has quietly become an innovation superpower.  How should the U.S. respond?”

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Dick Smith and the Reduce Immigration Write On By James Reed

     I have followed the media response to Dick Smith’s strategy dealing with immigration, which was to launch an attack on the growth economy. It has received almost no sympathetic response in the MSM: The Weekend Australian, September 16-17, 2017, p. 22. This is to be expected, since the MSM is pro-growth to the core.

     It has not been a wise use of money by Dick. The growth mad pro-immigration lobby accept none of his assumptions. They think that the more migrants that are brought in the more jobs are created. No matter about IT displacing jobs, migrants have so much magic that they can solve every problem.

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Letter to The Editor - Tweaking Triggs’ accolades

The article, “Triggs’ one important contribution to human rights” by Greg Walsh (News Weekly, August 26, 2017), is objectionable for a number of reasons.

1. The so-called Anti-Discrimination Act is rotten to the core. Is it necessary to recite the shocking cases of Andrew Bolt, the Queensland University of Technology students, the late Bill Leak and the memorial to the Japanese sex-slave women?

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The North Korea Super-Volcano, Set to Blow? By Brian Simpson

     While many of us are deeply concerned about North Korea, predictably, the ultra-conspiracy wing of things tells us that it is all a conspiracy and that there is nothing to worry about. Thank God for that! This must all be nonsense:

     But, wait! Now there is talk that North Korean underground nuclear tests, may have awoken a super-volcano:

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Vaccinate, This By Mrs Vera West

     Vaccinations have become something of a magic bullet of the age, supposedly giving people Superman-like protection against disease. But, is this magic bullet view correct, or is a more kryptonite position a better fit of reality?
     The flu which hit Australia this year, hit harder because the strain mutated after the vaccine had been produced: The Australian, September, 14, 2017, p. 4. There were 155,000 confirmed cases, which is 70 percent more than the entire 2016 flu season. Yet, the concern was made that vaccination rates were still not high enough.
But, wait. If the flu mutated, and hence the vaccine, made for the pre-mutation flu was rendered inadequate, the vaccine rate is besides the point. The fact remains that there is a continuous arms race between bugs and humans, and often the bugs have the upper hand. In this case the mutation was too fast for the vaccine.
It is also interesting to note that research indicates that bacteria can adapt to conditions in outer space, and get stronger and reproduce faster:
Although the bacteria decreased in size, they tended to group together in collective patterns for protection. This suggests that space travel could be extra dangerous due to the increased virulence of bacteria. The elite who hope to leave Earth on space ships, to let us all burn down here, may well die of common bacteria infections, if they get their fantasy ships off the ground.

Top 10 moments of marriage madness you must remember when voting Posted By Bernard Gaynor



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No Safe Financial Haven in the Coming Collapse By James Reed

     Mike Adams has been conducting an extensive critique of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency, generated by a mathematical algorithm, which has taken decentralised money folk by storm. The basic idea is that no central bank can control this cyber-currency, so people have a freedom that normal fiat currency denies them:

     I don’t understand how the algorithm actually works, and how “mining’ occurs:
 but the one person I know who swears by it, doesn’t either, but has put most of his savings in it. I referred him to the Mike Adams critiques which he savaged, and made him aggressive, but I suspect that Adams would have a come-back. Maybe he is right, and that this really is a cult. Stranger things happen today, by the minute.

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The Disgraceful Lionel Murphy By Tom North

     The papers have oodles of material about Lionel Murphy, based on documents which have just been released. The High Court judge, and former Whitlam government attorney-general, was looking to be the first Australian High Court judge to be forcibly removed from office.

     The allegations were extensive beyond even the charges of perverting the course of justice, from which he was acquitted, and include associations with a crime boss, receiving “sexual favours from women” i.e. prostitutes, supplied by the criminal connection, being a silent partner in an illegal brothel,  and so on. It would easily have been enough to sink him, but Murphy got lucky and begun to die from cancer, so the inquiry was called off in August 1986: The Australian, September 15, 2017, p. 1.

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The Mouse Utopia Experiment By Brian Simpson

     Ethologist/psychologist, John Calhoun (1917-1995), conducted an experiment with a population of mice, to test the effects of overpopulation and crowding, where food resources were not the limiting factor for growth:
J. Calhoun, “Population Density and Social Pathology,” Scientific American, vol. 206, 1962, pp. 139-148.
He had an area which would permit 3,840 mice to feed and survive. However, he observed that as mice numbers grew, a breakdown in social structure happened, with an increased killing of young, copious quantities of mouse homosexual behaviour, and a rapid rise in the level of aggression. The population crashed and headed to extinction:

“Many [female rats] were unable to carry pregnancy to full term or to survive delivery of their litters if they did. An even greater number, after successfully giving birth, fell short in their maternal functions. Among the males, the behavior disturbances ranged from sexual deviation to cannibalism and from frenetic overactivity to a pathological withdrawal from which individuals would emerge to eat, drink and move about only when other members of the community were asleep. The social organization of the animals showed equal disruption. ...
The common source of these disturbances became most dramatically apparent in the populations of our first series of three experiments, in which we observed the development of what we called a behavioral sink. The animals would crowd together in greatest number in one of the four interconnecting pens in which the colony was maintained. As many as 60 of the 80 rats in each experimental population would assemble in one pen during periods of feeding. Individual rats would rarely eat except in the company of other rats. As a result extreme population densities developed in the pen adopted for eating, leaving the others with sparse populations.
... In the experiments in which the behavioral sink developed, infant mortality ran as high as 96 percent among the most disoriented groups in the population.”
J. Calhoun, “Population Density and Social pathology,” California Medicine, vol. 113, 1970, p. 54.

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White Pathology: The Suicidal Gene Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

     The issue of “white pathology,” has been discussed extensively at various sites, most notably the Occidental

     The basic idea here is that primarily Northern Europeans, and mainly the educated classes, act as if they are like insects that are manipulated by “zombie parasites,” who cause them to act contrary to group interests and survival:

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Gays Against Gay Marriage? After “Yes,” the Apocalypse By Mrs Vera West

     Believe it or not, there are gays who oppose same sex marriage:

    The same sex vote has been pushed as merely doing the right thing for “equality,” just as the Aboriginal referendum is so pushed. But, there are less than hidden consequences, as the article above notes:

“This Marriage Bill seeks to enshrine Gender Theory into the Marriage Act. You may think there are two genders but actually, there are around 112.
Here are a few (list available at Tumblr):

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At Last: the Pope’s Agenda Exposed By Peter West

     The migrant’s Pope has been at it again, this time turning his attention to Trump’s decision to wind down Obama’s crazy scheme which prevented some tens of thousands of illegals from deportation, saying that the decision is not “pro-life,” and young people should not be torn from their roots. Ok, well they should not have been illegals in the first place if they were so concerned about “roots,” and not jumping queues  to serve their selfish economic benefit.

     Behind all of this, though, is economic gain to the Catholic Church, with the Church getting an enormous amount of money for refugee resettlement. As Steve Bannon has said:

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The Wretched Wages of Writing By James Reed

     I don’t write as much as I used to, as age is getting to me. Fortunately over the years, I helped recruit other writers, most fitter than me. Soon, they too will face inevitable decline, and death. Death from the paper/computer disease of …sitting.

     Apparently sitting is a real killer:

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The End of Free Speech By Charles Taylor

     In Europe, to protect the ethnics at the expense of native European populations, severe restrictions on free speech are imposed. While jihadists essentially are free to advocate what they desire, such as rape and genocide rhetoric, for Whites,  even “racist” memes now can land them in jail on terrorism charges, along with having copies of a book freely purchasable on, according to this article:

     This shifts things to a new level, since the same things done by Left groups does not merit punishment. Hell, even rapists get off with a warning if you belong to the right ethno-racial group:
In Sweden the police cannot even cope  with the  large number of rapes since migrants came:

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Transgender Marriage

We received the following email today:

    Launched today in the wake of the High Court decision, explains why there is a mismatch between the postal survey question and the bills put forward in parliament. 

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Letter to The Editor - Society Under Attack

Dear Reader,
This is interesting and shows you should never give up on your letter writing.
The following was sent to the Shepparton News on the 14th August 2017 and published today (13th September 2017) on the eve of the ‘postal ballot’.

To hear our Representatives trying to justify support for this issue whilst other important issues hurting their constituents are of little moment for them as they bicker and squabble among themselves worse than little children.
It is ‘adversarial politics’  at its worst as they try and confuse voters in their grab for Power. It is a very good reason to place the ‘sitting Member’ last next time you are required to vote.
In the meantime, voting negative in the plebiscite might keep the nasty wolf at bay a little longer.
Now it is up to you!

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Attorney-General George Brandis will have the power to block legal action or appeal an injunction

     “It will be unlawful to vilify, intimidate or threaten to harm a person either because of views they hold on the survey or in relation to their religious conviction, sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status,” a government spokesman said.
“That will be a sunset provision, it will only last for the period of the postal plebiscite.”

     The protections are similar to those already enacted in various state jurisdictions around Australia but do not currently exist at a Commonwealth level.
The laws, to be rushed through both chambers of Parliament by Thursday night, will apply to “conduct” during the campaign, which could include advertising, leaflet materials or behaviour.

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Confronting the New Firearm Regulations: The Storage Requirements By John Steele

     Before beginning this paper I need to make the legal disclaimer, that I am not a lawyer and am not offering legal advice, only my political opinion as a citizen. For legal advice, consult a legal practitioner. There, that’s out of the way.

     In this article I want to address an issue of concern by gun owners about the new firearm regulations, especially the new storage and security arrangements. The concern of many is that the tightening of the security arrangements is being done to squeeze gun ownership out of existence, rather than produce extra safety. The safe requirements are “over-the-top” and with CTTV and security firm arrangements, make homes into spaces more like prisons. Meanwhile, the streets of Australia are flooded with illegal guns in the hands of the gangs who are coming to rule the country:

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