The Ideology of the Gun Amnesty By John Steele

     The Deep State hates private citizens having guns because it wants to have a passive population that are completely helpless and totally controlled. Return the Founding Fathers of America to this day, and they would condemn Australia in the strongest possible terms. They would find it hard to believe that an Anglo Saxon people have sunk so low. Have a read of this:

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined...”
- George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790

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The Institutional Threat of Same Sex Marriage By Mrs Vera West

     Although our politicians and the media are firmly behind the same sex marriage push, the margins between the Yes position and No are getting narrower:
Yes, one has to go to overseas sites to get any critical news, that is just how bad it is. One poll has 58.4 percent supporting gay marriage, but the numbers are falling, and can be made to fall more, if people stop sitting on their hands and get out there.

     Former Prime Minister John Howard, who will be remembered for his massive support of Asian immigration to Australia, has said that the legalisation of gay marriage will have substantial impacts on a range of issues, such as free speech and religion: The Weekend Australian, September 9-10, 2017. That is putting it mildly.  In an insightful, and indeed frightening article at, David Sergeant says that there have been substantial changes to basic institutions:

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Western Christianity at an End? Time to Wake Up or Die By Chris Knight

     The threat of same sex marriage, and the assault upon traditional institutions is arising at a time when Christianity is in rapid decline in the West. This issue has been commented upon before at this site, but there is more bad news, that you need to hear.

     White Christians are now a minority in the United States:

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Ecosex Nonsense and the Dreadful Decline of Christian Sexual Morality By Mrs Vera West

     Apparently there is an “ecosexual” movement, which advocates having “sex with the Earth,” to save it:
As usual, there is an academic involved, UC Santa Cruz Professor Elizabeth Stephens, a pioneer in the “ecosexual” movement. Here is what another site said:

“We chatted with Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D., and Beth Stephens, Ph.D., performance artists, ecosexual experts, and the authors of ‘The Explorer’s Guide to Planet Orgasm’ to get the scoop on this trend. They describe being ecosexual as this: ‘you don’t look at the Earth as your mother, you look at it as your lover.’ You also experience nature ‘as sensual, erotic, or sexy.’ This could mean anything getting off while writhing around naked in the mud to simply getting joy out of doing it in a hot tub or going on a naked hike.”

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Jihadists Bring the Joy of Diversity to Europe By Peter West

     There are more than 50,000 jihadists now living in Europe, which is a real victory for multicultural diversity, exciting food, dancing, culture, “end racism now!” and anything else you would like to throw in the great cauldron of modernity:

“in an Aug. 31 interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo, EU Counter-terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerchove estimated more than 50,000 jihadists are now living in Europe.
“Three years ago, it was easy to identify someone who has become radicalized,” de Kerchove told El Mundo. “Now, most fanatics disguise their convictions. We do not have exact figures, but it is not difficult to do approximate calculations. United Kingdom, it is not a secret, it has been published, it has 20,000. France, 17,000. Spain much less, but more than 5,000, I suppose. In Belgium almost 500 have gone to Syria and there are about 2,000 radicals or more. I would not venture to a specific figure, but tens of thousands, more than 50,000.”

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Inter-Racial Ideology Criticised By Brian Simpson

     A recent article reports that race matters in dating, with most men allegedly wanting Asian women, and the majority of all females preferring White men:

     The data is based on AYI use, which is the largest Facebook dating app, having over 70 million users. While most men preferred Asian women, Asian men did not, and it is claimed that men from all racial groups preferred women from races other than their own. This, of course, contradicts the claim that most men prefer Asian women, explicitly.

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The Vassal State Bites Back By James Reed

     Of course this is correct: Well, maybe not the use of “an”

“At this point it clearly is the case that under the erratic 32-year-old Swiss-educated Kim Jong Un, Washington has found the perfect boogie man to scare South Korea and Japan into embracing Washington’s agenda to maximize pressure, military as well as economic, against Russia and against China. James R. Lilley’s Davos remark to me is borne out by the recent militaristic and foreign policy actions of North Korean Supreme Commander, Jim Jong Un. It seems it wasn’t even necessary for the United States to “create North Korea.” Washington only had to cultivate the infantile personality of Kim Jong Un.”

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Libertarianism, Going Islamic By Chris Knight

     I have always disliked American libertarianism, with its hyper-individualism, which morphs into a support of corporate capitalism. Now the libertarian Cato Institute has claimed in a Tweet that “Islamic teachings are consistent [with] many libertarian principles, such as tolerance, property rights & individualism.” They also praised Ibn Khaldūn (1332-1406) as a libertarian hero, describing him as “the most consistent of the many free-market economists in Islamic history,” even though Khaldūn promoted slavery:

“Therefore, the Negro nation are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because [Negroes] have little [that is essentially] human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated.”

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An Apple A Day, Keeps the Prostate Away. By Brian Simpson

     I have a strange sense of déjà vu (/ˌdeɪʒɑː ˈvuː/; French pronunciation: [deʒa vy]) from French, literally “already seen”), when writing this; have I done it before, or did I think that I did it before? Anyway, not to worry, because no one else will.

     Most of us men here are at that time of life when the prostate causes problems, even on a good day. To put it politely, it is like having a roof with a box gutter; you know at some point it will leak, and your house will be subjected to water damage. Even your prized comic book collection may get ruined, if things turn really bad. It can bury you, which is like the house collapsing, totally.

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Antifa: From Punks to Punks By John Steele

     Have you ever wondered what the philosophical, if that is the right word, genesis of the antifa comes from? Sure, communist ideology is a sound bet, but one also notices strands of nihilist DNA and anarchism as well. Yet, maybe we oldies are reading too much into this, as a recent article indicates:

     According to Mark Bray, author of The Antifa Handbook:

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Letter to The Editor - ALP Will Ignore Any ‘NO’ Victory

     Your editorial (‘The survey’s on, so vote “yes” for justice’, 8/9) fails to consider the other parties whose interests are at stake in this plebiscite. Foremost among them are children. I am so grateful that I was raised in a family with a father and a mother, and I urge all Australians who have enjoyed similar good fortune to ask themselves whether they would really be happy to have been brought up instead by two men or two women?
As for Bill Shorten’s promise that the ALP, if elected to government, will ignore any ‘no’ victory, that suggests a bullying and fanatical attitude and tramples on democratic principle.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Would that Really be in the Interests of Society and the Nation?

     Alan Baker has touched on the most essential aspect of the marriage debate (8/9): ‘the importance of children being raised, wherever possible, by their biological mother and father.’ Every Australian who has had the good fortune to be so raised should think carefully about how a ‘yes’ vote might militate against this. It might also facilitate future legal action on the grounds of ‘discrimination’ against anyone expressing this view. Would that really be in the interests of society and the nation?
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Problems in Vaccination Paradise By Mrs Vera West

     Which juicy news item do I start with first? Tossing a coin, or a vaccination syringe, first up,  Oxford University scientists trialled a TB vaccine on humans that did not pass an animal test model using monkeys:
Wait, that should read, hundreds of babies:

“The worrying results from a tuberculosis vaccine trial on monkeys before they tested the treatment on hundreds of babies were ignored by scientists at Oxford University, a former principal research fellow at the institution has claimed.

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A Slippery Slope to Moral Panic: Refuting the Martin Niemöller Argument By Charles Taylor

     Trump, by banning transgenders in the military is apparently on the path to Nazism, since one of the Nazi’s first victims was Magnus Hirschfield who was a leading advocate for transgender rights:

“The Nazis knew that most Germans had negative feelings about homosexuals. They realized that their conservative countrymen felt uncomfortable with the liberated sexuality of Weimar’s Berlin, which was, in many ways, the world’s first and foremost gay capital. The Nazis surmised that no one would protest the closing of gay bars and clubs in Berlin, the round up and questioning of suspected homosexuals or the dispatch of thousands to concentration camps. Whether they hated homosexuals on moral or religious grounds or simply felt uncomfortable in their presence or were afraid that speaking up for them would harm them, most Germans kept quiet, because they weren’t homosexual….
U.S. President Donald Trump is probably making similar calculations. Many people detest transgender people or fear them, as evidenced in the ongoing debate about so-called bathroom bills. Others who may not wish them harm and theoretically support giving them full equality might nonetheless feel uncomfortable with the very essence of transsexualism. Or they might rationalize that perhaps Trump has a point. After all, there are army commanders who claim that transgender people in the military are problematic. And there’s the issue of federal funding for their medical needs.
And even those who are critical of Trump’s decision to ban transgender people from the military probably won’t go out on a limb to fight it. They aren’t transgender, after all, and may not even know any transgender people. This is not the kind of do or die clash that one needs to go overboard with. The limited reaction so far and the fact that tens of thousands haven’t mobilized and taken to the streets already, as they did when Trump first announced the Muslim travel ban, could be the result of August vacations, or a sign of things to come.
There is no need to compare Trump to Hitler to assert that his decision sets a dangerous precedent. Single-handedly, with no immediate cause and only to satisfy his homophobic base, Trump stripped a group of people of a right they had only recently earned. He didn’t order them to don a pink star, but he marked them as outcasts nonetheless. He’s done so before with Muslims, illegal immigrants and journalists. Now he’s coming for transgender people.”

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Decking DACCA By Chris Knight

     Trump’s abandonment of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), is leading to the next big university protests across America. It show what will happen when any aspects, repeat, any aspect of the Leftoid agenda, is overcome.

     Here is what DACA is:

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Letter to The Editor - I Wonder if He Has Replied?

To On Target
     Thanks for printing the brilliant letter in the September 1st. issue of the “On Target” from Peter Davis to Senator Dastyari. Peter has presented a paper that spells out the problem with our financial system and includes an answer.

     Most people know that the system is ‘broke’ but not many know what to do about it, or know the history as Peter Davis has presented it. We do hope that the Senator will make use of the information. I wonder if he has replied to the letter.
     We are looking forward to hearing Peter speak at the National Weekend in October.
Doug and Jean Holmes.  S.A.

Anyone for White Genocide? By Tom North

     The EU vice president has said that immigration to Europe, primarily of Muslims is unstoppable and that no country will remain the same:

In Australia, our own globalists plan on disposing white Australians by a massive flood of Asians, some elites wanting 150 million just for starters. It is said that unless we let them in, they will invade anyway.

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George Soros: Terrorist? By Charles Taylor

     Many have said it, but now it is all happening: the possibility of George Soros being proclaimed a terrorist!

“A petition demanding the United States government to declare American financier George Soros a domestic terrorist has gathered over 110,000 signatures, more than sufficient to compel the Trump administration to respond.
The Washington Times reported that the petition, which was posted on the “We the People” section of the White House website on Aug 20, had cracked the required 100,000-signature threshold within 30 days to trigger an official response.
“As of early Saturday afternoon, it has been digitally signed over 110,000 times,” the news report wrote.
The petition stated that Soros had wilfully, and on an ongoing basis, attempted to destabilise and commit acts of sedition against the US and its citizens, through allegedly creating and funding organisations exclusively devoted to facilitating “the collapse of the systems and constitutional government of the US”.
It added that Soros had also developed “unhealthy and undue influence over the entire Democrat Party and a large portion of the US Federal government”.
It then urged US Justice Department (DOJ) to immediately declare Soros and all of his organisations and staff members to be domestic terrorists.”

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Going the Full Bowie: That’s not a knife. That’s a knife! By John Steele

     With radical jihadist knife attacks across the West, and police often missing attackers, hitting innocent shoppers, as happened here in Australia, maybe it is time to take a note out of Texas’ book and bring back old school weapons:

“SAN ANGELO, Texas — The phrase “everything’s bigger in Texas” is about to become even more clear-cut.
On Friday, Texans will legally be allowed to carry blades longer than 5.5 inches in most — but not all — places.
This includes openly carrying the famous Jim Bowie knife, as well as daggers, dirks, throwing knives, stilettos, poniards, swords, machetes and spears.
The new law was introduced by Republican state Rep. John Frullo this year but met resistance after a student was killed and three others were wounded at the University of Texas by a suspect wielding a hunting knife.
As a compromise, the measure passed by changing the wording describing the blades from “illegal” to “location-restricted.”

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AI: The Dissenting View By Brian Simpson

     In general most of us see AI advancements as a potential threat to jobs, if not humanity, unless an alternative social credit economic/financial system is set up. Then automation will ring in “this age of plenty.”

     But, are we right about the advancements in AI? Could there be limits already occurring? I simply do not know enough about this field to form a judgment. There are, though, a minority who think that AI claims have been exasperated – I mean, exaggerated –  and that machines will do a lot of replacing, but will fall short of the sci. fi. dystopia scenario:

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