The Vassal State Bites Back By James Reed

     Of course this is correct: Well, maybe not the use of “an”

“At this point it clearly is the case that under the erratic 32-year-old Swiss-educated Kim Jong Un, Washington has found the perfect boogie man to scare South Korea and Japan into embracing Washington’s agenda to maximize pressure, military as well as economic, against Russia and against China. James R. Lilley’s Davos remark to me is borne out by the recent militaristic and foreign policy actions of North Korean Supreme Commander, Jim Jong Un. It seems it wasn’t even necessary for the United States to “create North Korea.” Washington only had to cultivate the infantile personality of Kim Jong Un.”

     Ok, US bad and wrong on everything, as the Left say. But, conspiracies have to be kept within the bounds of natural causality. The US has created many things which have blown up in their faces, and fat Kim (please don’t nuke me) is just one of them. The conspiracy does not show that there is no nuclear  threat, and that we can all go back to sleepy land, consuming, and forgetting about existential threats that can wipe the smiles off of our faces in a nano-second, along with our faces off of our faces. Sure, North Korea does not want the US and south Korea doing the military thing, but that does not mean that Kim won’t send off a missile, maybe an EMP-devised one, as many experts think:

     Anyway, if nuclear war does occur, even by accident, and that is still possible in the world of endless conspiracies, we will know which side of the debate is right, for all the good it will do us.



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