Western Christianity at an End? Time to Wake Up or Die By Chris Knight

     The threat of same sex marriage, and the assault upon traditional institutions is arising at a time when Christianity is in rapid decline in the West. This issue has been commented upon before at this site, but there is more bad news, that you need to hear.

     White Christians are now a minority in the United States: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_REL_SURVEY_WHITE_CHRISTIANS?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2017-09-06-06-46-35

     White Christians are now only 43 percent of the US population, and 30 percent identify as white Protestants, a product of both mass immigration and a general decline in Christian  numbers. The situation is almost as bad in Britain, with 53 percent of people describing themselves as having no religion, and only 15 percent regarding themselves as Anglican.

     This is a time to mention a brilliant new book by Australia’s Andrew Fraser, Dissident Dispatches: An Alt-Right Guide to Christian Theology, (Arktos, 2017). Not having any money for research, like most of the writers here, I have tried to work out what the book is about by reading samples, and book reviews. My assessment is highly positive from what I have read.

     Professor Fraser relates the details about how, in his retirement he undertook theological study. I don’t now why one would want to do this knowing the state of Christian theological colleges, but maybe he did not know what he was getting into. Anyway, he soon found that the college was a “hotbed of multiculturalist ideology.”  In particular, the now mainstream church advanced a cosmopolitanism, where formerly White countries must be eternally open to migrants until the whites ethnically disappear. The Bible is seen as advancing the anti-racist, anti-nation agenda of the globalists.

     Professor Fraser, God bless him, opposed this at the college in his student papers, and put the case for a Christian defence of nationhood. After all, the entire Old Testament was addressed to one nation, and has been seen as reinforcing group-solidarity. So why shouldn’t Anglo-Saxons have a right to exist as well?

     I don’t know if the issue of the postmodern construction, or deconstruction of Christianity comes up in the book. Most “normie” Christians are not aware of the massive amount of theological material that needs to be addressed, and this is probably not the site to do it even if we had the qualifications in ancient languages and archaeology.

     In essence, Fraser show in his book how far the theological schools have gone from common sense Christianity, and indeed from common sense. It struck me that the problem with Christianity today, which is leading to its rejection by Whites, is that the Christian institutions have been overtaken by the new morality of anti-White racism and political correctness. Peter West’s articles over the past few months about all the mischief the Pope has got up to well illustrates this.

     Yet, it should not be surprising. It is the same situation with all the institutions, such as the schools and the universities. Traditionalists have been sleepy, and I think, cowards, and have let most of this just happen, hoping that the next generation will save the problem. Now we are facing annihilation.

     Search the internet if you like and get a sample of the growing anger of young people against the older generation which have deprived them of the good life, and maybe life itself. I wonder how this is going to be played out?



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