The Strange Death of the West By Peter West

     Is all of this talk about White genocide and the collapse of the West, “over-the-top”? Perhaps those who deal only with economic issues may think so. But, economic continuity depends upon a stable society, and there is not much economics in civil war zones. Any economy depends first upon the continuity of supporting institutions, and if these are threatened, there goes your economy.

     Let me introduce another test, called The Australian test. If there are claims made in this direction in that newspaper, which is itself globalist and pro-immigration, then you know that we must be onto something. Thus, if we find someone normally supporting mass immigration and multiculturalism saying, “Well, there may be a wee problem here,” then we know that there is a mighty big problem. If that same person begins to speak in Peter West terms of “disaster” – well, watch out!

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Letter to The Editor - One or more Hidden, Distorting Factors in German Politics

     The best result now for Germany, but it won’t happen, is for Angela Merkel to establish a coalition government with the Free Democrats and the Alternative for Germany. As you note in your editorial (‘A chastened Merkel soldiers on’, 26/9) ‘she must accept that Germany is not immune to anti-immigration sentiment’, and, that being so, any kind of partnership with the Greens just does not make sense.

     A centre-right coalition could ensure that only reasonable and responsible policies are accepted from the AFD as a junior partner, and that Germany regains national pride and greater free speech without any danger of lapsing towards Nazi authoritarianism. That it won’t happen, and that all the other parties have officially shunned the AFD, suggests that there are one or more hidden, distorting factors in German politics.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Germany needs to curb immigration, as does Australia

     While one does not admire every statement attributed to spokespeople for the Alternative for Germany party, its success in the recent elections may have some benefits for Germany and for world culture. Peter Hartcher notes (‘Two elections, no shock’, 26/9) that ‘until now, Germans didn’t have a way of talking openly about the problems of immigration.’ The lack of free speech in Germany since World War Two has indeed become a scandal and needs to be addressed. The group shunning of the AFD by other parties is a hangover from that repressive period.

     Quite plainly Germany needs to curb immigration, as does Australia; and the reinforcement of Germany’s national identity and pride can be achieved without a return to the errors of Nazism.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

How Does a Police State Happen? by Jeremy Lee

     If the idea of a Police State was announced in advance, it would never happen! The people would resist, find leaders, rise up and stop it. But, of course, the loss of personal freedom never happens in one moment of time, but gradually, inch by inch, never moving fast enough to cause too much opposition, taking a backward step now and then, in order to take two forward steps later.

     How do we recognise it? And what do we do about it? There is a hundred and one symptoms, chief being absence of justice for the weak. When one person cannot find justice, all are endangered.

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Who Sheds a Tear for the Neanderthals? By Brian Simpson

     As one contemplates personal death, one likes, I suppose, to reflect back on achievements, to tell oneself that it was all worthwhile and a job well done. Likewise for civilisations, when they die.

     The Neanderthals were a form of the hominin linage who are now extinct. Bigger, more muscular and maybe even smarter than primitive Homo sapiens, they nevertheless became extinct about 40,000 years ago.  DNA analysis shows that Neanderthals interbred with the ancestors of modern humans, or what I think is more realistic, modern humans interbred with Neanderthals.

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European People Built Minoan Civilisation By Brian Simpson

     Continuing my theme of European achievements, researchers using DNA analysis have concluded that the same people who built the bronze-age Minoan civilisation, also built Europe. DNA analysis of Minoan skeletons revealed that ancient and modern Europeans had the closest genetic relationship with the Neolithic inhabitants who reached Crete:

“A team of researchers in the United States and Greece has used mitochondrial DNA analysis of Minoan skeletal remains to determine the likely ancestors of these ancient people.
Mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of cells, contain their own DNA, or genetic code. Because mitochondrial DNA is passed down from mothers to their children via the human egg, it contains information about maternal ancestry.
One of the buildings in Knossos restored by British archeologist Sir Arthur Evans. Knossos was the major civil center of the Minoans.
Results published May 14 in Nature Communications suggest that the Minoan civilization arose from the population already living in Bronze Age Crete. The findings indicate that these people probably were descendents of the first humans to reach Crete about 9,000 years ago, and that they have the greatest genetic similarity with modern European populations. Dr. George Stamatoyannopoulos, University of Washington professor of medicine and genome sciences, is the paper’s senior author. He believes that the data highlight the importance of DNA analysis as a tool for understanding human history.
“About 9,000 years ago,” he noted, “there was an extensive migration of Neolithic humans from the regions of Anatolia that today comprise parts of Turkey and the Middle East. At the same time, the first Neolithic inhabitants reached Crete.”
“Our mitochondrial DNA analysis shows that the Minoan’s strongest genetic relationships are with these Neolithic humans, as well as with ancient and modern Europeans,” he explained.
“These results suggest the Minoan civilization arose 5,000 years ago in Crete from an ancestral Neolithic population that had arrived in the region about 4,000 years earlier,” he said. “Our data suggest that the Neolithic population that gave rise to the Minoans also migrated into Europe and gave rise to modern European peoples.”

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Same Sex, Time for a Bex By Mrs Vera West

     How I miss Bex tablets, taking a Bex with a cup of tea, then a nap really helped with psycho-political neurosis. What a pity that they were highly addictive and caused kidney disease. And, now we have the brain ache of the same sex plebby, and the endless debate and conflict that goes with it.

     Good to see that some of the points made earlier in this debate by some of us are getting presented by others, not that they have been influenced in any way by us. The rational mind reaches the same conclusion.
     For example, the threat that same sex marriage would have on parent’s rights to their children’s education, has now been put in an advertisement, telling us, that based on the Canadian experience, a Yes vote will lead to the celebration of homosexuality in schools:

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Letter to The Editor - Tony Abbott is right to warn that if people fear them, they should vote ‘no’.

     Peter van Onselen produces a few furphies himself in his defence of a ‘yes’ decision for the postal survey (‘”No” side offers a masterclass in debating techniques’, 23-24/9). First of all, slippery slopes really do exist. The ‘no’ lobby has produced convincing evidence that an apparently innocuous change to the law could lead to several undesirable results, including compulsory application of ‘radical and gender programs in schools’ and serious attacks on the free speech of traditionalists.
     Secondly, while a comparison of children of same-sex couples to ‘the Stolen Generations’ may be excessive, that does not dispel the argument that children do significantly better with their own biological parents in a firm marriage.
     Thirdly, a ‘yes’ victory may not mean that every ‘yes’ voter endorsed political correctness or Safe Schools, but it will certainly strengthen those trends; so Tony Abbott is right to warn that if people fear them, they should vote ‘no’.
     Finally, same-sex marriage isn’t just about alleged ‘equal rights and freedom’, it’s about giving to one small minority at the expense of other persons, especially children.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Let’s not compound the error!

     Peter Hartcher is right that the legal definition of marriage ‘has not stood since time immemorial’ (‘An Australian tradition we need to remember’, 23/9), but what has remained constant is the nature of marriage itself. Although it is not true of every individual person, in general human beings are monogamous, and rightly so, because that is the best and safest way for children to be successfully raised to maturity. That is what the churches and their biblical doctrine are defending.

     Australia does not have a ‘proud progressive tradition’ in this context. The increased number of divorces and separations, leaving children without one or both parents in the family home, that has occurred in recent years is not progress but retrogression, resulting partly from foolish legislation. Let’s not compound the error.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Well, Let Them Eat Ice By James Reed

     I don’t normally like any of the journalism of Caroline Overington, but she did a great piece, “Exorbitant Energy Bills Can be A Death Sentence If You’re Old and Short of Cash,” The Weekend Australian, September 23-24, 2017, p. 17.

     The point made is that rising energy bills, something that will be talked about at the League National Weekend, 14 and 15 October, 2017, threaten the vulnerable who cannot afford sky high energy bills, and many will die. Winter can be harsh, but it is always possible to struggle through using plenty of warm clothes. But, hot summers are a killer, and a real danger. The heat can offer seemingly no escape.

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Our Chinese Kow-Towing Universities By James Reed

     The influence of China on “our’ universities has been admitted at long last:

“The peak body representing Australia’s elite universities has for the first time acknowledged there have been “isolated” instances of Chinese government interference on campuses but warned mishandling the issue risks the country’s third-largest export market.
In an interview with The Weekend Australian, Group of Eight chief executive Vicki Thomson said the response to China’s influence within universities must be countered in a “measured way” to prevent a backlash and protect the inter-national education sector.
Unprecedented growth in international student enrolments, largely driven by the influx of approximately 170,000 Chinese nationals, resulted in a $22 billion boost to the Australian economy in the 2016-17 financial year — an 18.5 per cent increase on the year before.
In four prominent cases this year, academic staff at Australian universities have been targeted in Chinese social media campaigns after complaints from Chinese international students about “offensive” teaching material.
In the case at the University of Sydney, the institution issued an apology on behalf of the lecturer for using a map which did not show the Chinese interpretation of their territory.
In cases at the University of Newcastle and Monash University, Chinese consulate education counsellors became involved, sparking debate about academic freedom. The Chinese government also supervises students in Australia through Chinese student and scholars associations inside universities.”

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H-bombs in My Back Yard By Uncle Len, also in His Dotage

     It is word which we don’t hear too much of nowadays: “dotard.” The ever-slim-faced Kim Jong-un called President Donald Trump a “deranged dotard,” for his UN speech and a new grab bag of sanctions. Oh, wait…before I go on, being a dotard myself, I forgot to define my terms: it means old and frail, senile decay, and particularly mentally:

     Well nothing to get upset abut here, because we all go down that route, or die, or die before we get to know the joys of dotage, just bobbing along in the great ocean of life, and not worrying about the hard knocks of existence any more. Things like H-bombs, soon to be explode by North Korea in the Pacific.

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Uncle Sam vs. Russia in Eastern Syria: The Nightmare Scenario Mike Whitney

Military Situation in Eastern Syria.  Credit: Al-Masdar News.


     The impending collapse of ISIS has touched off a race for territory in the oil-rich eastern part of Syria pitting US-backed forces against the Russian-led coalition of Syria, Iran and Hezbollah. This is the nightmare scenario that everyone wanted to avoid. Washington and Moscow’s armies are now converging on the same area at the same time greatly increasing the probability of a conflagration between the two nuclear-armed superpowers. The only way a clash can be avoided is if one party backs down, which seems increasingly unlikely.

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Same Sex Marriage: About More than Religious Freedom By Mrs Vera West

     John Howard has been copping it from the chattering class for saying that the same sex marriage debate encompasses issues of religious freedom: The Australian, September 19, 2017, p. 4.
     It is hard to see how the issue does not, since the issue has already  angered multicultural Australia, with Chinese Christian churches fearing that same sex marriage would open their children up to radical gender theory in schools, as well as ringing in legalised polygamy: as above. Religious leaders now say that once same sex marriage is legalised it will become illegal to preach that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman. After all, it will not be.
     At the base level, Christianity is under threat. It is an illusion to think that there can be some protection for religious freedoms when the entire point of this movement is to deconstruct the past. The debate brings out all the issues of centrism, identity politics and political correctness that have been with us since, well, when Adam met Eve, I mean, Steve.
     Are you out door knocking on this issue? If you are old, use your phone. If not, and it gets in, don’t complain. I will not listen to you.

Warriors of Wolves: Thinking Racially By Tom North

     A Chinese movie, Wolf Warriors II was shown in Australia, with attending Chinese singing the national anthem of China and waving Chinese flags:
The bad guys are Whites, of course. Ok, Rambo had Asian villains, but the real difference is the audience reaction:

“At the end of the film the red cover of a Chinese passport is shown, alongside the message: “Citizens of the People’s Republic of China: When you encounter danger in a foreign land, do not give up! Please remember, at your back stands a strong motherland.”

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The Meaning of the End of White Christianity By Peter West

     The issue of White Christians becoming a minority in America, Britain and Australia, among other places in the West, screams out for analysis. How did this happen? Basically, because of two trends. First, mass immigration of non-White people, who are predominantly non-Christian, and more significantly, a trend of secularisation, brought about by increasing materialism, affluence and leisure:

     This is all problems, problems, problems, for our worldview. The displacement of Christianity, which provide the metaphysical foundation for Western civilisation, would have been beyond comprehension for most traditionalists, in the 1960s, yet it has happened. Likewise would be the creation of White minorities through mass immigration of non-Whites.

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Is That the Sound of Royal Wedding Bells I Hear? By Peter West

     As loyal subjects of the Crown, we are naturally excited about the prospect of another Royal wedding, between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle:
     Here are some interesting facts about the Royal bride to be, who celebrates being biracial, having an African-American mother:
and, apparently,  a Jewish father:
Not that any of this should matter when young love is in full swoon.

     I am sure that we all wish the couple well, and rejoice in the increased diversity that their union will bring to the Royal heritage.
     Already we are discovering that England, according to multicultural theorists has had a number of Black kings:
     Certainly this may be true in the future.

Letter to The Editor - No-one need be ‘baffled’ by what has happened

     In reflecting upon ‘the collapse of European civilisational self-belief’ Greg Sheridan avoids mentioning two vital factors (‘Merkel might yet leave Europe in ruins’, 21/9). The first of these is the failure of Christian leadership to renew Christian sacred tradition by reforming it. The analyses of Carl Jung, Rene Guenon, Piotr Ouspensky and other intellectual giants have been almost completely ignored. European culture cannot grow fruitfully into the future without a religious base that does not flout 200 years of scholarship in comparative religion and study of esoteric initiation.

     The second factor is the widespread influence of certain aspects of Jewish culture, as has been capably analysed by Jewish writer Gilad Atzmon in his 2017 book ‘Being in Time’. Largely atheistic and hostile to intellectual freedom, this influence has been eroding the philosophical tradition that goes back to Plato, Aristotle and the ancient Egyptian civilisation before them. No-one need be ‘baffled’ by what has happened.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

The Magic of Statistics By Charles Taylor

     While many conservatives are lamenting about Alt Right street marches, following Charlottesville, opinion polls may give room for pause.
     A recent Ipsos poll has revealed that 31 percent of responders agreed that “America must protect and preserve its white European heritage.” That is about 100 million people, something to work with. Further, 8 percent of respondents supported White nationalist ideals, whatever that means:
That is more than the population of Australia.

Science is Dead By Brian Simpson

     Here is the argument, summed up in a paragraph by Bruce Charlton, in his on-line book Not Even Trying: The Corruption of Real Science:

“Briefly, the argument of this book is that real science is dead, and the main reason is that professional researchers are not even trying to seek the truth and speak the truth; and the reason for this is that professional ‘scientists’ no longer believe in the truth - no longer believe that there is an eternal unchanging reality beyond human wishes and organization which they have a duty to seek and proclaim to the best of their (naturally limited) abilities. Hence the vast structures of personnel and resources that constitute modern ‘science’ are not real science but instead merely a professional research bureaucracy, thus fake or pseudo-science; regulated by peer review (that is, committee opinion) rather than the search-for and service-to reality. Among the consequences are that modern publications in the research literature must be assumed to be worthless or misleading and should always be ignored. In practice, this means that nearly all ‘science’ needs to be demolished (or allowed to collapse) and real science carefully rebuilt outside the professional research structure, from the ground up, by real scientists who regard truth-seeking as an imperative and truthfulness as an iron law.”

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