China and the Great Foreign Investment Non-debate by James Reed

Perhaps I am just being my optimistic self, but I observe just a little bit more caution from some of the leading journalists at The Australian, especially over the Chinese bid for the NSW electricity network – a sale which is still potentially open to the Chinese as attempts are made to jump over security concerns. (The Australian, August 19, 2016, p. 2) Of course, Asianisation first; security second.

This sale is of an asset and is not an investment which builds a new business. Thus, the Reserve Bank governor, Glenn Stevens (The Australian, August 17, 2016, p. 1), has recently warned against this sort of foreign investment, which is pushing up the value of the Australian dollar.
Stevens said: “Foreign capital that builds new assets – like some of the capital that funded the mining boom – that’s one thing. Foreign capital that buys up the existing assets, I’m not saying that we should be closed to that, but that’s not creating new capital for the country. That’s just altering the allocation of who owns the capital that’s here now".

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China’s Conquest of New Zealand (and Australia-ed)

Here’s the question: Did large Chinese companies, in league with their government, deliberately intend to harm the New Zealand and Australian economies by stockpiling products, in order to then purchase devalued land and commodities at a cut rate?

For several years, there have been whispers in New Zealand that farmers are becoming “tenants in their own land.” As Chinese companies move in more and more, carving out and buying for themselves swathes of New Zealand farmland (and Australian, too), those concerns are growing louder.
We New Zealanders are few in number but have slogged it out over the past century and a half to become the largest dairy exporter on Earth—sending out 95 percent of our product. Our dairy industry is critical to our economy. The livelihood of our country depends, to a great deal, on how well our farms do. Judging by what has been happening of late, that’s not so well at all.

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Gender Ideology Leads to Child Abuse: Pediatricians by Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D., C-FAM
NEW YORK, August 19 (C-Fam) “Facts – not ideology – determine reality,” the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) said in a warning  to legislators and educators about the dangers of surgical and medical sex change operations to children.

“Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse,” the physicians said, “Rates of suicide are twenty times greater among adults who use cross-sex hormones and undergo sex reassignment surgery, even in Sweden which is among the most LGBTQ – affirming countries.”

The group, which aims at getting parents involved in their children’s health and education about health, said, “Gender (an awareness and sense of oneself as male or female) is a sociological and psychological concept; not an objective biological one,” and that, “A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking.”

To the contrary, the group maintained that human sexuality is a “binary trait” and said the XY and XX chromosomes that determine female or male sex are “genetic markers of health” not “genetic markers of a disorder.”

“No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex,” the statement said.

To which Wallace Klinck of Canada responded:
In my opinion “gender ideology” IS child abuse.  If the courts put up with this sort of societally disintegrative nonsense and "Marxist” dialectical mischief then I would conclude that they are in collaboration with the revolutionary agenda—a particularly vicious variant of the insane ideological “equality” virus.  What is inducing this “gender confusion” in pre-puberty or puberty youth anyway?  They must be being subject to some very abnormal developmental psychological influences—or are being denied normal identity relationships. I certainly never had any doubts about my “sexuality”—such doubts or thoughts never even entered my mind.  I am beginning to think that some people, mentors especially and victims alike, have too much idle time on their hands—and I am an uncompromising advocate of leisure.

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In Praise of Being Bad-Tempered and Pessimistic! by Peter West

Everyone knows that I am the bad-tempered and pessimistic one at this site. But is that necessarily a bad thing? Could this entire self-help cult of positive thinking actually be wrong?
An article by Zaria Gorvett, “Why it pays to be Grumpy and Bad-Tempered” August 10, 2016, puts the case against the self-help ideology. Cynics actually have more stable marriages, higher earnings and live longer. Cranks turn out to often be superior at negotiating.

Good moods and optimism comes at a cost. It can make one gullible and blind to problems that the pessimist, one who is sceptical about human goodness, will pick up on in a flash. The fact is, our emotions, including the so-called negative ones, evolved with mankind, and have survival value. Anger, even hatred, can in various circumstances, save one’s life. Psychological experiments testing the ability of anger versus sadness in creativity have found that anger wins hands down as it “prepares the body to mobilise resources.”

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Is There Really a Grand Conspiracy to Kill All of Us Off? by Peter West

I will let you in on a little secret, since there is just you and me and no-one else listening in – I have a morbid interest in the so-called grand conspiracy theory that the super-elites are planning to wipe out most of the human race. I, of course, don’t believe this, but the case has been put by excited folk on the internet. Usually they take out of context the words of high-flyers such as Bill Gates, about the need to reduce human population numbers, and say that he is advocating some plan of high tech genocide, probably using vaccines:

I grant, as my mother has documented in article after article at this site, that vaccines have negative consequences. But I seriously doubt whether anyone attempting to genocide the world would choose such a slow method, where genetically engineered diseases, such as a new strain of super-small pox, would take out 95 percent of humanity overnight.
So, I’m sorry; I dislike Bill Gates as much as the next man and his dog, but I just don’t follow my fellow conspiracy theorists in seeing him pursuing that agenda.

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Dumped files show influence of George Soros on Western politics

It is disappointing that both sides (sic) of politics support Getup and the Soros initiatives. Our Nation does not belong to us (the people), thanks to the two party political system. It has been handed over to the elite internationalist with our politicians playing the public as fools for the highest bidder.

Jennifer Oriel, The Australian, 22/8/2016.
In perhaps the biggest political scandal since WikiLeaks, a group of hackers has dumped hundreds of files exposing the influence of socialist billionaire George Soros on Western politics.
The files show Soros has established a transnational network that pressures governments to adopt high immigration targets and porous border policies that could pose a challenge to legitimate state sovereignty. His Open Society Foundations target individuals who criticise ­Islamism and seek to influence the outcome of national elections by undermining Right-leaning politicians. The Australian arm of the Soros network is GetUp!.
GetUp! was established by ­activists Jeremy Heimans and David Madden with funding from Soros. The Labor-affiliated Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union donated $1.1 million to the group. Bill Shorten and John Hewson are former board members. A major funder listed on its 2014-15 Australian Electoral Commission expenditure return is Avaaz, the US GetUp! ­affiliate that has received copious amounts of funding from Soros networks.
Like most NGOs, GetUp! claims to be independent from political parties. Like many NGOs, however, it has close ties to the Left. As Sharri Markson ­revealed in this paper, GetUp! chairwoman Sarah Maddison urged people to vote for the Greens in the past federal election.
In the wake of the election, GetUp!’s Paul Oosting revealed its campaign strategy was to target conservative MPs to reduce their influence. Immigration Minister Peter Dutton was a primary GetUp! target. In Tasmania, the organisation spent up to $500,000 to unseat Andrew Nikolic and forked out $140,000 on campaign advertising alone.

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Senator Pauline Hanson: I’m back!

According to the Sydney Morning Herald 23 August 2016, Senator Pauline Hanson had just two words to say when she arrived at Parliament House: "I'm back."
Senator Hanson joined her new colleagues on Tuesday for what is known as 'Senate school' - a guide to the procedures and practices that govern the upper house.

More Good News, Maybe about Fighting Cancer by Mrs. Vera West

Human trials are under way, testing an extract from the blushwood berries found in Australian rainforests, which may prove to have strong anti-cancer potential:

The chemical is known as EBC-46, which when injected into subject generates an immune response leading to the white blood cells targeting the cancer and destroying it. Treatments in animal models have included mast cell tumours, melanomas, squamous cell carcinomas, adenocarcinomas, soft tissue sarcomas, myxosarcomas, nasosinal facial ulcerations and equine sarcoids.
For those with a biochemical background, and a few chemistry kits lying around, here is the chemical basis of EBC-46:
I don’t know what this means, but it is certainly a pretty pattern, that would look good on the bathroom tiles!

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Vaccines and the Human Papilloma virus by Mrs. Vera West

In an article that most of us would have trouble understanding, we may find some interesting material about the possible ill-effects of vaccines: S. Colafrancesco (et al.), “Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine and Primary Ovarian Failure: Another Facet of the Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants,” American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, vol. 70, 2013, pp. 309-316.

The paper examined cases of women suffering from post-vaccination autoimmune phenomena, often caused by an immune-based inflammatory syndrome produced by adjuvants (chemicals which allegedly make the body produce a stronger immune response, such as aluminum or aluminum salts). This has occurred after the administration of the HPV vaccine.

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The Waves of Fukushima by Brian Simpson

The Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster, Japan, may well prove to be a fitting symbol of the plight of the West in late Asianised postmodernity. As reported by Collapse, “From Tiny Sardines, to Behemoth Whales, Fukushima is Claiming Thousands of Lives Off the West Coast,” radioactive waste is causing destruction to marine life on the West coast of the United States.
The sardine population has crashed, threatening populations of higher feeding fish. Whales and dolphins have begun migrating out of season.

Radioactive water has been reaching the West coast since march 2011, but the authorities kept the public in the dark about this for months. At present there is at least 130 tons of “hot” fuel debris at the bottom of the vessel of No. 2 reactor, and it will not be removed until 2021.
Until then, thousands of tons of radioactive water will continue to pour into the oceans, endangering our common future:

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The “Great Benefits” from Free Trade Agreements by Tom North

The information which one can obtain from your local member can be instructive. One of our supporters wrote to his local member asking about recent cuts to dairy prices and potential assistance to the industry. The letter, in part, said:
“I referred specifically to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (Articles 3 and 5) and the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (Article 13 and Annex 2).
These agreements prohibit governments from providing subsidies or direct assistance to businesses which can then influence the export performance of a product, or preference domestic over imported products.”

So, a 50 c/L levy on milk, that would save our local dairy farmers, would breach these agreements. But, other nations only give a nodding glance at these agreements, which are basically only for the West to hold to, so both hands are tied behind our backs. It does not take long surfing the net to find vast literature on Chinese protectionism of industry and agriculture. Even Obama accused China of protecting its car industry, contrary to WTO dictates. Indeed, much industry in China is based on the communist state-run enterprises, so there is not even a sharp distinction between public and private, which is presupposed by the WTO documents.
These WTO Trade Agreements and other agreements such as the TPP are a recipe for Australian economic suicide.

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Meet the Politically Correct Class of 2016 by James Reed

An interesting article, worth noting is by Michael Sexton, “Telling Argument Against Dissenting Perspectives,” The Australian, August 16, 2016, p. 12.
Sexton says that the politically correct class in Australia is extremely powerful and rules the public agendas and debates, tolerating little dissent.
It champions same-sex marriage, section 18 C, sees Australia as deeply racist, and believes in human-caused climate change, all with the passion of a religion.

We can add to this list; such that Australia is a part of Asia,  and a fanatical support for multi-culturalism/multi-racialism and mass migration, and the array of Aboriginal issues.

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The “Trump-Apocalypse” Cometh by Chris Knight

The “Trump apocalypse” is a term I use to describe what will happen when Hillary Clinton is inevitably elected president of the United States in November, and the political fallout that will come from it.
There are, of course many who believe that Trump will triumph, such as exhibited by a recent turnabout by former critic Brad Thor (“Rethinking the #NeverTrump Position,” August 16, 2016, at
Hillary is a “cancer drug” which will kill the US; the Trump-drug may also kill the US, but it may also slow the cancer down.

David Cole at Taki Mag (“My God, What if He Loses?” August 18, 2016, at,  expresses doubt that Trump could win. He interviews some Alternative thinkers, who are also concerned. The polls for Trump look bad, Cole argues, and the polls are usually right. Yes, sure, like they were right about Brexit; all polls indicated a defeat, and look where that went. And not all polls, if any, can be trusted at all, indicate that Trump is losing.

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To The Editor

The proposed reforms to section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act suggested by Judge Ron Sackville ('Align 18C with community standards: judge', The Australian, 20-21/8) are not a satisfactory defence of free speech on race.

Firstly, there is no need to balance freedom of speech with retention of 'an effective armoury against racial hatred'. Such a retention is a significant and unacceptable inhibition on true freedom of speech, because of the range of interpretations to which the phrase 'racial hatred' is subject.

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Australian businesses with close ties to China donated $5.5m to political parties, investigation shows

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To The Editor

The disastrous visitation imposed on Australian Dairy-farmers was not unexpected.
It has been building up for many years and if you had been following the trends it was inevitable although its final form unknown; invariably it would be accompanied by misery and hardship for honest hard-working Australians.

The number of cows needed to remain a viable business has increased year by year pushed by costs arising from outside the farm boundary. In the beginning it was relatively easy to milk a few more cows or plant a couple more acres of crop. It was akin to a raging fire under the steam-boiler and adding more weight to the pressure relief valve.

All of the increased costs are induced by State and Federal Governments who automatically increase their taxes and charges by the annual inflation rate and this flows right through the community.
Added to this are local government rates and charges; have you ever known rates to be reduced? Capping council rates is another weight on the ‘pressure valve’.
Whenever there is a tariff review or references to the Productivity Commission, it always means increased costs whether it is energy (power and fuel), water for irrigation, etcetera. Farmers cannot pass these costs on to somebody else.

To offer farmers’ loans at concessional interest rates is also an inane response when the total rural debt carried by a diminishing number of farmers is rising each year.
It is not sustainable and will lead to ever more hardship and misery spread throughout the entire population of Australia with the only exemptions the few who live in ‘ivory towers’ who are insulated from the results of their decisions; it is time for a change!

The nub of the problem lies with the financial system and inherent inflationary policies emanating from our Parliaments. The Reserve Bank is a creature of the Parliament and is charged with ‘managing Australia’s Finance’. (Ask your elected Member for a copy of the Reserve Bank Act 1959)

Inflation should NOT BE MANAGED BUT ELIMINATED, and it can be!
This was effectively done during World War II and you can find references in the Australian Year Book, Number 37, 1946-47, beginning page 458.
Chapter XII, Labour Wages and Prices. Section C. Control of Prices during and since the 1939-45 War.

An inquiry into the Financial System needs to be undertaken but not lead by the wolves, (bankers and economists) instructing the foxes (elected politicians) how to manage the lambs and chickens (Australian Public).

It is the Parliament that should be instructing the ‘financial managers’ to implement policies in the best interests of the Australian people or terminate their employment; they must be judged on their performance which at present is wanting.
This also applies to the elected politicians who would rather yield to external foreign and financial interests before serving their constituents.

In the final analysis it comes down to the voting patterns of you, the Australian Voter … when will you wake up?
Louis Cook, Numurkah, Victoria


Some press references for your interest follow …

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The Vaccine Conspiracy by Mrs Vera West

How “objective” is the so-called scientific evidence used to support vaccines? Mike Adams at, August 9, 2016, pretty much sums up our world today when he says: “Are you surprised by blatant scientific fraud anyone? Every informed person in the world today knows that everything is rigged: the money system, government grants, news media, polls and elections, medicine and even science. In fact, over the last two decades, most “science” has become nothing more than a corrupt system of quackery, fraud, and corporate infiltration of the scientific establishment, where “scientists” are turned into corporate prostitutes to fake whatever results produce the most profits.”

Profound words indeed! Adam goes on to report on the work of the Alliance for Natural Health USA/Brian Hooker, which examined the work of many studies “proving” that vaccines do not cause autism. A statistically significant number of these studies were either (1) directly funded by vaccine manufacturers or (2) the scientists had been paid expert witnesses for Big Pharma in law suits. In other words, there scientists had a massive conflict of interest, that almost certainly biased their work. The ANH USA site has the full review:

Sex-Change Stories for 5-Year-Olds! by Mrs Vera West

University research teams, in their “wisdom” have recommended that the “Safe” Schools Program, which is really about teaching gender diversity, be expanded into primary schools. (The Australian, August 16, 2016, p.1) Then, children as young as five will be discussing cross-dressing and gender reassignment surgery. Children have already been involved in a “sex-change stories trial.” They appear to have been confused.

Most five-year-olds have not yet come to understand even the basic biology of sex. To be subjecting them to what is now a “politically divisive issue” is not merely unfair – it is a form of child abuse,  contrary to international human rights, and parents will need to seek, as a class action a legal solution against all involved.

Alcohol Bad; Coconut Oil, Good by Mrs Vera West

There is good news, and there is bad news. The bad news first. In a study of studies (known as a “meta-study”) Jennie Connor, “Alcohol Consumption as a Cause of Cancer,” Addiction, July 21, 2016, presented a summary of the data about alcohol consumption and cancer. It was found that alcohol causes oropharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver, colon, rectum and breast cancer. There is evidence for some reduction in risk, when alcohol consumption ceases, of laryngeal, pharyngeal and liver cancers, but it is bad news for the rest.

It is estimated that alcohol-attributed cancers make up 5.8 percent of all cancer deaths worldwide – and growing. Even moderate to light drinking is a cancer risk, especially in women. There is a significant increased risk of breast cancer from even one drink a day.

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Source: On Line Opinion,  19 August 2016
Louis O'Neill, who is studying writing at Macquarie University defended his right to freedom of speech: 

“Frequently I find myself holding what one might consider a politically incorrect opinion, such as having scorn for Islam, disagreeing with myths peddled by the third wave feminist movement or finding no legitimacy in the claims of the black lives matter movement.
As a result my adversaries are more than ready to deviate from the laws of discourse, veering off into ad hominem, red herring or appeal to emotion fallacies. The legitimacy of my political viewpoint is often times devalued, as I occupy the “privileged” end of the spectrum, being a heterosexual white male, and so I'm told that I mustn't speak on issues which aren't specifically related to my own demographic.
Sometimes the sanctimony of my ideological combatants is so abundant that they feel they need not even engage further in conversation once I've pushed their buttons enough.
Well to them I say, if your idea cannot withstand the corrosive qualities of informed conversation, then your idea is not one worth having. We must herald logic as the great sieve through which we may push idiocy and illogicality, and allow the juices of truth to percolate from it…”
Read further here

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