“Fake news” and the alleged hacking of the Democrats by the Russians during the US elections, were the buzz international stories over the Christmas break. “Fake news” arose as an establishment response to news it did not like, especially items critical of the elites and migrants. Thus, the German government wanted new laws to prosecute social media outlets such as Facebook for publishing so-called “fake news” and “hate messages’ – defined as criticism of the said groups: http://www.breitbart.com/news/german-legislators-want-to-fine-facebook-for-fake-news.
In responding to this, Facebook will now label “fake news,” using liberal “fact checkers” such as Snopes, Factcheck.org and PolitiFact. But these “fact checkers,” according to Breitbart.com, “have records of left-wing partisanship,” as revealed in the 2016 US presidential election. Thus, it was claimed by PolitiFact that it was “mostly false” (whatever that means), when Donald Trump claimed in a presidential debate that Hillary Clinton wanted “open borders.” This was said even though Hillary Clinton was on record as saying at a speech to bankers: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.”