The Mainstream Media: The Ones Who Tell the Most “Pork Pies” by Chris Knight

The chattering and scribbling class need to have a constant stream of horse manure circulating to keep the gardens of illusion of the capitalism class growing strongly, and the plants of deception alive.
Gerard Baker, editor-in-chief of the The Wall Street Journal (“Trump, Lies and the Challenge for Honest Traditional Journalism,” The Australian, January 6, 2017, p. 8), says that “Trump certainly has a penchant for saying things whose truthfulness is, shall we say for now, challengeable.”
Leaving that to one side, not a word in the article is voiced about Hillary Clinton’s outright lies and deception, matters about which whole books have now been written.

Baker feels superior to other establishment journalists because he doesn’t call Trump a liar in his high class rag. Oh, Trumps “untruths” are that there were substantial votes cast illegally in the presidential election (even though Obama himself recommended that illegals vote) and Obama’s supposed foreign birth. Leaving the issue of revelations of computer alternations of the Obama birth certificate, Trump did say in late 2016 that he believed that Obama was a “natural born” citizen. Any “honest traditional journalism” would have checked this out. This is the sort of distortion and false/fake news, or if you prefer – lies – that has undermined the limited credibility of the mainstream press.

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Malcolm Turnbull’s Ethnic Roots by Charles Taylor

Not that ethnicity and race matter, or explain anything at all for we Christian universalists, but, readers may be interested to know that Malcolm Turnbull, according to The Times of Israel, is Jewish as “his mother’s family was Jewish”:

The article says:
Turnbull revealed in a 2013 interview that his mother’s family was Jewish, making him possibly halachically Jewish as well, but that he’d never really researched his background.

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Criminals Have Illegal Guns by John Steele

Relevant to the Australian gun debate is a study conducted by the Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, which has that four out of five US criminals obtain their guns illegally:
The study examined guns recovered at Pittsburgh crime scenes in 2008. One in five guns were used by people who had no prior criminal record and thus were able to legally acquire a gun.

An article “Young, Dumb, Armed” at, tells us that although Australians have been disarmed, Melbourne (and probably Sydney) is a gun city, awash in illegal guns.

"The Delusion of Super-Production" - C. H. Douglas. English Review, December, 1918

It is hardly necessary to draw attention to the insistence with which we are told that in order to pay for the war we must produce more manufactured goods than ever before--a powerful section of the Press would have the whole military, political, social and industrial policy of the Allied Governments directed to the purpose, that, when by a complete victory we have acquired control of raw material and disposed of our most dangerous competitor, we may adjust our internal differences and settle down to an unfettered era of commercial activity, from which all other desirable things will, it is suggested, proceed naturally.

There are an almost infinite number of aspects to this proposition which is not dissimilar, so far as it goes, from that with which Germany went to war: it is possible to attack it from the point of view of the historian, the psychologist, or even the physiologist. It is even possible that certain quite indispensable suffrages have still to be obtained for it. But it is sufficiently interesting to take it as it stands on a frankly material, "practical" basis, and see what are its logical consequences.

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God give us men

GOD, give us men! A time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands;
Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
Men whom the spoils of office can not buy;
Men who possess opinions and a will;
Men who have honor; men who will not lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue
And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking!
Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog
In public duty, and in private thinking;
For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds,
Their large professions and their little deeds,
Mingle in selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps,
Wrong rules the land and waiting Justice sleeps.

Josiah Gilbert Holland

The Great TPP Battle: Turnbull’s Last Stand by James Reed

The fight is one. Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s great “Big Australia”, mass migration globalist, is in love with the TPP. There is no problem about the loss of Australian legal sovereignty or jobs. He is, above all else, a globalist.
But Bill Shorten has smelt the battle smoke in the wind from the Trump triumph and has joined with the unions and the Greens in opposing it. Turnbull was outraged and called the Opposition leader a “shallow populist.” Well, it is a start. Worst, he said that Shorten had betrayed the interests of Australian “families!” (The Australian, January 17, 2017, p. 1)

What Australian “families’ do you think he is referring to? Those working class families that will be destroyed by waves of cheap migrant labour, even vaster than the swamping that is now occurring? Surely not. He must be thinking of the capitalist elite families of the upper crust of Australia who benefit now from mass migration and its demographic replacement of Anglo-Australia and stand to benefit more from globalist deals like the TPP. The big end of town.
Clearly what Australia needs is an alternative nationalist leader many orders of magnitude stronger than Trump to clear up over 70 years of civilisational decline.

The Cost of Women’s So-Called Liberation by Mrs Vera West

Although conservatives typically look at the rise of women’s liberation and feminism from the 1960s onwards in terms of social harms such as the destruction of the traditional family, there are other evils. One, is the increasing support for liberal policies such as welfarism, where women’s natural maternal instincts are manipulated by the elites to support policies not in their interest.
John R. Lott and Lawrence W. Kenny, “Did Women’s Suffrage Change the Size and Scope of Government,” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 107, 1999, pp. 1163-1198, reach the following conclusion based on research in the United States:

“This paper examines the growth of government during this century as a result of giving women the right to vote. Using cross-sectional time-series data for 1870-1940, we examine state government expenditures and revenue as well as voting by U.S. House and Senate state delegations and the passage of a wide range of different state laws. Suffrage coincided with immediate increases in state government expenditures and revenue and more liberal voting patterns for federal representatives, and these effects continued growing over time as more women took advantage of the franchise. Contrary to many recent suggestions, the gender gap is not something that has arisen since the 1970s, and it helps explain why American government started growing when it did.” (p. 1163)

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The Triumph of Trump by Chris Knight

President Donald J. Trump’s inauguration speech was magnificent. He basically said that the power mad Washington DC elites had rule like tyrants for too long, and now it ends. It was a speech that brought tears to any patriot’s eye. Bill Clinton, on the stage with the rest of the folk Trump was attacking was looking with lust at Trump’s daughter Ivanka (you can see it on YouTube), and Obama looked like he had been kicked in the guts. He had.

There seems to be even a slight awareness that a profound revolution against globalist ideology is occurring. Here are some interesting words from someone who needs no introduction to this site,  Greg Sheridan, The Australian’s foreign editor, “Trump’s Triumph Explained: Xi and Obama Fuel America’s Revolt,” The Australian, January 19, 2017, p. 1.
“Two presidents, China’s Xi Jinping and America’s Barack Obama, have taken actions which do much to explain why Donald Trump is triumphant.
Xi Jinping, at the World Economic Forum at Davos no less, posed as the champion of globalisation, even preaching against protectionism and populism.
“Just blaming economic globalisation for the world’s problems is inconsistent with reality, and will not help solve them,” he said.
You have to admire Xi’s chutzpah. If every nation in the world practised globalisation in the way the Chinese government does, it would be a world of constant chaos and near inevitable conflict.

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Australia: A Multicultural Totalitarian Country by Ian Wilson LL.B.

Donald J. Trump uses the metaphor of a swamp, a politically-disease ridden cesspool, to describe Washington DC.  Australia, though, is in many respects worse, and the appropriate metaphor for us is a desert, waterless, lacking in the life of freedom.

Of course there is section 18 C, the very latest farce being that Australia’s Grand Mufti, Ibrahim Abu Mohammed (Grand Mufti since 2011), wants Muslims to be given the same protection as other ethnic groups under section 18 C of the Racial Discrimination Act:  But they are! Well, what he wants is an amendment to the Act to create what one Liberal senator has called a “national blasphemy law” to prohibit “religious vilification” of Muslims and all religions. (The Australian, January 19, 2017, p. 5)
Radical Islamists in the West have also been pushing for global blasphemy laws to suppress criticism of Islam. (The Australian, January 20, 2017, p. 13)

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The Globalist War Against Cash, the Internet and Freedom by Richard Miller

In India millions of people are already in revolt against new anti-cash laws which has led to hundreds of millions of poor people being unable to access their savings:

The global financial elites want to eliminate cash as this will give them even more control over the ordinary people, and India is being used as a test-run for what is planned across the world. Without cash the New World Order overlords can readily control what one buys and what one does.
The Australian government, following calls from multinational finance companies, is examining abolishing the Australian hundred-dollar note, done under the guise of reducing the “black market economy”:
As Mike Adams points out, the attack on cash is part of a globalist offensive on freedom, including freedom of the internet (Natural, December 5, 2016) There is already censorship of the social media in German:

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Conspiratorialism: A Philosophical Defence by Bruce Bennett

Our enemies say that we are conspiracy theorists. But what exactly is wrong with a conspiratorial thesis? A conspiracy is simply a secret plan or agreement to carry out a harmful act, with a political motive. A conspiracy theorist holds that insofar as human history is shaped by conscious, intentional and purposive human behaviour rather than chance events, it is conspiratorial in that sense. Those with money and power typically shape history. They have plans for what they want to achieve and they rightly believe that secrecy or semi-secrecy is the best way of achieving it.

We know that important conspiracies have occurred which have left their mark on the history of nations as well as on personal history. For example, there is good reason to believe that President Franklin D. Roosevelt provoked US entry into Pacific War, knowing full well that the Japanese intended to attack at Pearl Harbor. See: Eric Rusbridge, Betrayal at Pearl Harbor, (Summit Books, New York, 1991) and R. P. Forbes and G. Fowler, Pearl Harbor and the Secret of Lanakai and Isabel, The Barnes Review, vol. 11, 1996, pp. 19-22. He did this because of political pressure put on him by wealthy elites who wanted the US to destroy Germany.

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Letter to The Editor

To the Sunday Age
The gentle and affirmative spirit of Bishop Philip Huggins (22/1) is admirable, as is his call for ‘leadership marked by courage, imagination and compassion.’ However, our leaders will also require a new realism of outlook which necessarily qualifies his summary of the condition of Australia. Despite his optimism, there are dangerous disharmonies within our social and political structure: diversity without understanding and the honouring of truth will result in future conflict. Then again, as the debate over section 18C shows, we lack adequate intellectual freedom and, in many quarters, even respect for the principle of free speech. As for Church renewal, yes, that is essential, but not so much in regard to sexual misdemeanours of some priests as in the field of basic theology which needs the repudiation of erroneous doctrines still at the centre of ‘orthodoxy’.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To the Weekend Australian Magazine
Disparaging Australia Day (‘Our day of dilemma’, Jan 21-22), Nikki Gemmell wrongly states that ‘many of the people resolutely not joining in the rejoicing are the ones who were here first.’ Wrong! No living Australian was here in 1788. Equally wrong is her claim that indigenous culture is ‘front and centre of our national being.’ That honour goes to British culture. Yes, the world changed ‘most grievously’ for the Aboriginal peoples after 1788, but history cannot be undone; and many of their descendants benefit greatly from the culture and infrastructure of our modern nation.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
Sev Ozdowski provides several good suggestions for reform of the Australian Human Rights Commission ('How to restore public confidence in the human rights commission', 20/1), but he fails to justify its existence. Simply asserting that 'Australians whose rights are being breached or who are unlawfully discriminated against deserve protection' is not an argument. Our traditional legal system can provide adequate protection and is less liable to manipulation by 'the political Left' and 'progressives championing political correctness and social justice'.

Brigitte Dwyer is thus right ('It may not be ideal, but we are saving lives at sea', 20/1) to warn against the dangers of 'the idealism embodied in the human rights movement'. We do not want to see in Australia Italy's problem of 'a facility built for15 people hosting up to 1500 immigrants' or the violence against women by migrants experienced in Germany. To defend our patch successfully, we are going to have to be very tough-minded indeed. It is about more than just diminishing deaths by drowning.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Obama’s Last Shot by John Steele

Writing in the Harvard Law Review (, soon-to-be yesterday’s man, Hussein Obama said, among other things, that prayer is not enough, but that America needs even more gun control. All that from a man who has killed many innocent civilians (,  and who is always guarded by big guys with lots and lots of…guns. He should be the first to go unarmed to prove his sincerity.

On the bright side, the gun side, Occidental Observer, not known for being much of a survivalist warrior site, has published an extract from Stefan Vestappen’s new book, A Masters Guide to the Way of the Warrior (Woodbridge Press, 2016).  The section published gives a concise argument as to why every free citizen, mentally capable and law abiding, should own a gun and know how to use it:

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The Logic of Homelessness and Sleeping Rough: Some Meditations by Uncle Len, PhD in Bumology

Once again, large bags of emails have been piling into central office, cluttering the desk space, inquiring about the fate of everyone’s favourite degenerate, Uncle Len.

I live, barely. The hot weather in the shed has produced an attack of the mutants, with cockroaches as big as cats, and rats as big as small dogs. The combined forces of Mordor have waged war against my meagre possessions. But I have fought back, bravely, with chemical weapons purchased from Billy Bunter, the local hardware store. I almost poisoned myself in the process, but I killed all of the blitters. Until tomorrow. I trust

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German Women are Hiding their Blonde Hair Under Caps: All is Going Well, According to the Grand Plan by Mrs Vera West

German women are hiding their hair to avoid racial profiling by migrants who, it is alleged, are targeting Nordic/Germanic women for sexual violence. A 16-year-old girl has uploaded a video, which apparently violates Facebook’s new “hate speech’ guidelines, because only Whites can be “racist.”

But the plea has been posted at
Here is a transcript of what she says about the death of Germany. Keep in mind, that this fate is what the globalists have for us in Australia too, with some variation:

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The Collapsing Cities by Michael Ferguson

I heard a YouTube video by economist Aaron Clarey, a neo-masculinity blogger, “Why Hasn’t the Economy Collapsed Yet?’ at, and his central argument was that Western economies such as the United States, have collapsed, but we haven’t seen a “Mad Max” situation of anarchy because the system keeps the monster alive by constant resuscitation. That analogy though, doesn’t hold for cities.

A number of sites have commented this week that many cities are on the verge of an almost Mad Max collapse. A Wired article has reported that Robert Muggah (,  using data on 2,100 cities worldwide, has found these cities to be violent, unsafe and unsustainable. At least 30 cities are on the brink of disaster, because of a number of factors ranging from unemployment, ethno-racial conflict, terrorism, natural disasters, income inequality etc.

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The Delusional War on Warmth by Viv Forbes

For decades, global warming scaremongers have been stealing energy from the environment using windmills, solar collectors and biofuels, force-fed by carbon taxes and emission trading schemes. Their delusional dream is to cool the globe.
However, there has been no global warming for nearly 20 years. Right now, the great ice sheets are growing thicker and record snow is blanketing much of the climate change leader – the Northern hemisphere landmass. Solar panels are blinded by snow, and turbines don’t turn in the cold still air or have to be shut down because of icing or high winds. Like all green things, wind and solar power often hibernate in winter.

Meanwhile, the un-loved all-weather energy producers (coal, gas and nuclear) are straining at their limits, as families huddle around heaters fearing the first flickers of failure from overloaded power grids.
No food is produced from land smothered in snow – farmers fear late frosts and welcome early spring rains and warmth.
For the last million years, Earth has experienced long cycles of ice separated by short warm inter-glacials. Today’s warm era is already a mature twelve thousand years old and Earth’s climate is fluctuating naturally towards the next glacial cycle in which many animals and plants will perish. Only fools would assist the return of the ice.
Warmists are making a massive mistake by assuming that global cooling is better than global warming. They are ignoring their precious “Precautionary Principle”.
A frigid ice-house is far more dangerous and destructive than a warm greenhouse.

Beware of the Resurrected Nazi Supercow! by Brian Simpson

The beef industry may never be the same again, as scientists go, not “back to the future,” but back to the past. Or, once they realise the political ramifications, they may forget the whole idea.

The aurochs – said in this article to be as big as an elephant (wrong, they were big, but not that big), roamed Europe for 250,000 years, until being hunted to extinction in 1627.
Now, not exactly through genetic engineering, but selective breeding, geneticists believe that they can produce large cattle very close to the aurochs. These new “supercows” have already been released in Romania, Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic and Croatia, and are apparently doing just fine. Even wolves are not much of a problem, as the animals are so big and strong, they just mince them.

However, be aware that the Nazis revered these beasts, as part of their Germanic/Aryan bad, bad, more bad mythology (, so humanity better not go there even if it could generate a billion dollar industry, and lots of juicy profits and steaks.