The chattering and scribbling class need to have a constant stream of horse manure circulating to keep the gardens of illusion of the capitalism class growing strongly, and the plants of deception alive.
Gerard Baker, editor-in-chief of the The Wall Street Journal (“Trump, Lies and the Challenge for Honest Traditional Journalism,” The Australian, January 6, 2017, p. 8), says that “Trump certainly has a penchant for saying things whose truthfulness is, shall we say for now, challengeable.”
Leaving that to one side, not a word in the article is voiced about Hillary Clinton’s outright lies and deception, matters about which whole books have now been written.
Baker feels superior to other establishment journalists because he doesn’t call Trump a liar in his high class rag. Oh, Trumps “untruths” are that there were substantial votes cast illegally in the presidential election (even though Obama himself recommended that illegals vote) and Obama’s supposed foreign birth. Leaving the issue of revelations of computer alternations of the Obama birth certificate, Trump did say in late 2016 that he believed that Obama was a “natural born” citizen. Any “honest traditional journalism” would have checked this out. This is the sort of distortion and false/fake news, or if you prefer – lies – that has undermined the limited credibility of the mainstream press.