Conspiratorialism: A Philosophical Defence by Bruce Bennett

Our enemies say that we are conspiracy theorists. But what exactly is wrong with a conspiratorial thesis? A conspiracy is simply a secret plan or agreement to carry out a harmful act, with a political motive. A conspiracy theorist holds that insofar as human history is shaped by conscious, intentional and purposive human behaviour rather than chance events, it is conspiratorial in that sense. Those with money and power typically shape history. They have plans for what they want to achieve and they rightly believe that secrecy or semi-secrecy is the best way of achieving it.

We know that important conspiracies have occurred which have left their mark on the history of nations as well as on personal history. For example, there is good reason to believe that President Franklin D. Roosevelt provoked US entry into Pacific War, knowing full well that the Japanese intended to attack at Pearl Harbor. See: Eric Rusbridge, Betrayal at Pearl Harbor, (Summit Books, New York, 1991) and R. P. Forbes and G. Fowler, Pearl Harbor and the Secret of Lanakai and Isabel, The Barnes Review, vol. 11, 1996, pp. 19-22. He did this because of political pressure put on him by wealthy elites who wanted the US to destroy Germany.

Another conspiracy involved the FBI concealing crucial evidence at the end of the Waco siege. The FBI had admitted using an inflammable form of tear gas in the March 1993 assault on the compound of the Branch Davidian sect. Fires were likely set off by “flash-bong” munitions used by the FBI. The use of tanks to knock down the main walls trapped people inside. At the time this was denied, and it was up to the “conspiracy nuts” to try to get the truth out: D. Wastell, FBI Behind Cover-Up Over Waco, The Weekly Telegraph, September 8- September 14, 1999, p. 21.

The real difficulty facing conspiracy theories is the problem of generalism: attempting to account for all events in human history by one conspiracy. This type of theory is almost certain to fail because the diversity of human history cannot be reduced to one cause, such as elite plotters. Such a theory is likely to be self-refuting because it too must fall into the plot of being created by the conspirators and hence must be false.

However, a sensible conspiracy that does not need to be so susceptible to this criticism. It can be self-consistently proposed that there is a power behind the scenes in modern politics which acts to destroy the nations of the world and the distinct races that make up those nations, and to replace nations with a world government which rules a raceless placeless coloured man. This secret power manipulates the affairs of nations by exerting pressure through financial control and the media. Historically, it may be possible to show that this secret power has created most of the subversive philosophies and movement is of the modern world, including socialism, communism, multiculturalism, multiracialism and globalism.

Most of the conspiracy theory texts available from Christian patriot movements in the US tell a familiar story. The New World Order is a satanic plot. The evil conspirators (always including Adam Weishaupt), worked in Freemasonry (just look at its “satanic” symbols) and formed an Illuminati to achieve this end: C. Kelly, Conspiracy Against God and Man (1974); N. Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (1924); E. Cahill, Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement (1930).

There is no doubt much merit in these works, but there may not be an unbroken chain of conspiracy running from the Illuminati of Bavaria founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. That could be one attempt at world domination, among others, and some attempts may date back further, to the dawn of Western civilisation.



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