Fake News about the Crowds at Trump’s Inauguration by Charles Taylor

The mainstream media, true to form, showed its true colours, for its “false news” portrayal of the crowds at the Trump inauguration. The photographic comparison was made with Barack Hussein Obama’s inauguration in 2009. Trump claimed that at least 1.5 million people flooded into the National Mall area, but the mainstream photographs show mainly white space:
I expected to see even desert tumble weeds blowing through their depiction of “lack of popular support for Trump”!

I did not go from Florida to Washington DC, but plenty of my friends did; there was no space, the place was packed. You can see this from numerous YouTube videos. As Trump said, “it’s a lie… So we caught them and we caught them in a beauty.”
I particularly enjoyed watching a YouTube video of thousands of bikers for Trump heading to Washington DC, enough manhood to scare even an army of sucker-punch throwing Leftoids.
And don’t forget, oh orcs of the media, to try this one again on Trump in 2020 and his more radical successor, in 2024!


The Assault on Christianity by Paul Walker

The Provost of Glasgow’s Episcopal Church, St. Mary’s Cathedral, as a form of multicult interfaith, or whatever, replaced a reading from the Bible with a reading from the Koran, at the Eucharist of the Feast of the Epiphany. The reading was Surah 19 which is a famous passage denying the divinity of Christ:
Here is the passage:
The passage was enthusiastically read by a Muslim law student, who then placed the video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCXgjWfsmIY.

Chaplain Gavin Ashenden protested about this, pointing out the obvious absurdity in the affair. However, “after a conversation instigated by officials at Buckingham Place,” Ashenden decided to resign as a queen’s chaplain, so he could freely comment. He was not sacked as such, but under the circumstances, had to resign.
He stated: “the Queen should not be drawn into public affairs where she is deemed to be taking a position,” which includes matters such as the assault on Christianity, even if she is Fidei Defensor.

Harvesting Bodies in France by Brian Simpson

This is one way the future could go! There is a great concern in the medical community about the shortages of human organs for transplant purposes. Some advocate a free market trade in organs (i.e. the freedom to sell a kidney), while others hope that advances in science, such as the recent creation of a pig with human cells, could lead to new organs being grown from human stem cells:

France, however, passed a law that took effect on January 1, 2017, that gives “presumed consent” to organ donation. Thus, everyone is presumed to be an organ donor, unless they object and enter their names on a National Rejection Register:

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TPP – The Madness of Unfree Trade By James Reed

Here’s a headline for you: “PM Taunts Trump With China Push” (The Australian, January 25, 2017, p. 1) And how is Mal Turnbull doing this “taunt”? Is he raising his fingers to his nose and saying “Nay, Nay!” No, he is inviting China to take the US’s place because he is so fanatical about “free trade.” Never mind that China is one of the most protectionist countries on Earth, that does what it likes.

Never mind that sitting next to this article is in bold: “Fears Grow of China Confrontation Over Disputed Islands,” which says that the danger of a military confrontation between the US and China has grown after Trump’s administration has pledge to defend islands in international waters from being swallowed up by the Chinese dragon.

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The Crystals of Time by Brian Simpson

Time crystals have been created by two physics labs: http://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-have-just-announced-a-brand-new-form-of-matter-time-crystals

While most matter is in a state of equilibrium, time crystals are not. While ordinary matter may have a crystalline structure repeated in space, like diamonds, time crystals have a structure repeated in time: N. Y. Yao (et al.), “Discrete Time Crystals: Rigidity, Criticality, and Realizations,” Physical Review Letters, January 20, 2017.

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Boxer Mundine Tries to Do an Ali, Fails by John Steel

Boxer Anthony Mundine has said that he will refuse to acknowledge the “racist” Australian national anthem in his match with Danny Green at the Adelaide Oval, something which he has said before:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2016/09/30/anthony-mundine-says-boycott-anthem-buddy-says-dont-be-stupid/; “Mundine’s Anthem Slur,” The Advertiser, January 30, 2017, pp. 1, 6.

Mundine is certainly a controversial figure. Here is some of the things he has got up to from the Wikipedia page on him:

“In an interview in October 2001, Mundine said of the 11 September terrorist attacks, "They call it an act of terrorism, but if you can understand religion, and our way of life, it’s not about terrorism. It’s about fighting for God’s law, and America’s brought it upon themselves".

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The Break-Up of Australia: Aboriginal Recognition, Treaties and Racial Separatism by Ian Wilson LL.B

Australia Day, January 26, is basically the Aussie equivalent of America’s Fourth of July. It is called “Invasion Day” by the usual university types, leftoids and radical Left Aboriginalists. In Sydney this year, a man tried to burn the Australian flag, and violence erupted with protestors duplicating Black Lives matter-style battles with police. See the action shots here: http://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/news/violence-at-invasion-day-protest-in-sydney/news-story/5501ab73659c57e2a2936cf24eaac591

The protestors see Australia as an illegitimate nation, founded on invasion (which makes most nations illegitimate), a “day of killing” and of “genocide” which is “still going on today.” It seems that the majority of the protestors were whites, as we have come to expect from the 1960s on, the offspring of those who committed genocide.
Should they therefore engage in acts of “self-punishment” as comfortable US academics have advised their students, while these academics sit back and feel morally superior? Should they emigrate from Australia, and to where? Should all of the infrastructure and buildings in Australia be levelled and an attempt made to return the land to what it might have been prior to European settlement? Or should the white liberals just wait for Australia to fall into communist China, so that a really good society is created, as they see it? It is hard to work out their demands beyond the baby elites’ desire for violence and assaulting police. And in a few years’ time, these folk will rule us, no doubt growing up and becoming globalists. Better to follow Trump and dish out 10-year gaol terms, to put the evil day off.

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Were Japanese World War II Soldiers as High as Kites? by John Steele

One of the shameful things I do is to get emails from a variety of geek sites because… well… you never know, something useful might come up. Quoro.com is a bit too Left for my taste but sometimes something catches my eye before I hit the delete icon.
In response to the question: “Which Weapon of Japan did U.S. Fear Most in WWII,” William Tait MacDonald, resident of Japan replies: methamphetamine:

“I noticed with interest that many of the people writing here have written about the Japanese soldier’s willingness to die for their country, but have wrongly attributed it to love for Japan, love for the Emperor, honor, bushido or being just plain suicidal.
The answer is far more interesting, and is relevant here because it was also one of Japan’s greatest weapon. The answer is methamphetamine.
Methamphetamine was a Japanese invention, first synthesised back in 1893 by Nagai Nagayoshi, a Japanese chemist, but was relatively obscure until World War II when the Japanese government began to mass produce crystal meth in quantities that would make Walter White blush, under the name hiropon ヒロポン.
It was issued as part of the standard ration to everyone from soldiers to factory workers. For factory workers it suppressed hunger (no snack breaks!), gave them energy, and allowed them to focus on boring and repetitive tasks without losing concentration for insanely long periods. This contributed to Japan’s incredibly high military-industrial output.
The soldiers also received crystal meth, and this is probably the source of their reputation for great energy, ferocity and willingness to die. Simply put, they weren’t any braver than the average Joe, they were just high as kites.
Note that I am not denigrating the bravery or loyalty of the Japanese soldiers - even without drugs they were probably as committed to their country as the soldiers from the U.S. and other countries.
What I am trying to debunk is this notion that persists in fiction and history that the key to the Japanese soldiers’ amazing acts of bravery and suicidal ferocity can somehow be attributed to loyalty, bushido, bloodline or other such nonsense.
They were probably brave, well-trained and loyal soldiers for the most part who were committed to their countries and their comrades, but one cannot ignore the fact that Japanese soldiers were high on crystal meth in most major engagements, and this explains their exceptional performance far more rationally and elegantly than any quasi-mystical ideas about bushido or samurai ancestry.
It should also be noted that other countries toyed with giving their soldiers drugs - the Germans also used crystal meth and the U.S. gave their soldiers benzos - however no other nation did it to the extent that Japan did.
In summary, one of Japan’s most feared (and hidden) secret weapons was their wide-spread use of crystal meth during WW2.”

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The Climate Surprise – Why CO2 is good for the Earth

The Climate Surprise – Why CO2 is good for the Earth

The material in the linked pamphlet is drawn from “The Climate Surprise: Why CO2 Is Good for the Earth,” a conference organized jointly by the CO2 Coalition and The New Criterion, which first published these essays in a pamphlet to accompany its June 2016 issue.  The conference took place on March 29, 2016 in New York City.

  • Introduction: The politics of weather by Roger Kimball, 1
  • The climate surprise by William Happer, 5
  • Benefits of atmospheric CO2 by Craig Idso, 9
  • Recent global temperature trends by Roy W. Spencer, 13
  • Global warming: The science in three nutshells by Richard S. Lindzen, 17
  • The truth about ocean “acidification” by Patrick Moore, 23
  • Rethinking climate economics by Bruce M. Everett, 29

The CO2 Coalition on would like to thank Mr. Roger Kimball and Mr. Benjamin Riley of The New Criterion for their work in organizing and hosting the conference.
A playlist of the conference presentations is available here:

Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
Alas! I looked in vain for some admission by former UK Conservative MP Matthew Parris ('May must champion citizens of the world, not Little Englanders', 30/1) that the idealistic agitation of do-gooders (which he applauds) against the decent and honourable Rhodesian Front government of Ian Smith, contributed to the thirty-eight years' horror of the Mugabe tyranny.
No thanks, Mr Parris, I don't buy your luvvy-luvvy internationalism and misguided claim that 'no nation is sovereign'. I hope that just as President Trump is aiming to strengthen American national integrity, so Theresa May will fight for true British independence and a firm Brexit. Strong national sovereignty is a much better bet for freedom and prosperity than ceding power to entities such as the UN and the IMF.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic                      

Letter to The Editor

To The Age
Jane Sullivan's meditation on the centenary of James Joyce's novel 'Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man' ('Turning pages', 28/1) fails to make the most important point about the novel: that it is composed in language of astonishing brilliance and freshness. 'Dubliners' is a marvellous collection of short stories, written in an unaffected and traditional style; but 'Portrait' is a step up and reveals an extraordinarily innovative genius. Whether or not one considers 'Ulysses' and 'Finnegan's Wake' to be further steps upwards or disastrous blunderings into eccentricity, it is clear that T. S. Eliot was right to champion Joyce as the outstanding imaginative prose writer of his time.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To the Sunday Age
I fear that One Nation's populist simplification about Islam threatens to make Muslims 'the new Jews' in Australia ('Right-hand drive as One Nation puts the foot down', 29/1). The claim that Islam 'is not a religion', not a valid sacred tradition, is ridiculous. Consider the profound history of Sufi mysticism and the world class intelligence of many Muslim sages and saints, such as Rumi and Ibn Arabi. Note also the inspired and comprehensive books on metaphysics penned last century by the Perennialist school of Rene Guenon and Frithjof Schuon. Observe, finally, the wonderful portrait of a humble Muslim worshipper in Rom Landau's chapter on 'The Marabout' in his book 'Personalia'.
Yes, some Muslims interpret their tradition too rigidly and can justly be described as 'theocratic' and 'totalitarian'; but Christian history, too, has its share of such bigots. Subtle and fair-minded analysis of the different manifestations of Islam is needed to avoid future persecution of the innocent majority.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

If a heartbeat can be detected, the baby is protected

Source: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/01/24/rep-steve-king-files-federal-pro-life-heartbeat-bill-if-a-heartbeat-is-detected-the-baby-is-protected/

Rep. Steve King Files Federal Pro-Life Heartbeat Bill: ‘If a Heartbeat Is Detected, the Baby Is Protected’

THE MIRROR OF MIDDLE-EARTH Tolkien’s ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and the Politics of our Times NIGEL JACKSON

‘In the long run, men are moved more by fantasy than by tractarian polemics,’ declared the great American conservative scholar, Dr Russell Kirk, in his monumental study of the battle between truth and ideology, Enemies of the Permanent Things (Arlington House, USA, 1969). Kirk devoted a whole chapter of his book (‘Rediscovering Norms through Fantasy’, pp 109-124) to stressing the important contribution that fantasy can make to the safe-guarding of a nation.

     Kirk pointed out that ‘the modern masters of fantasy’ have an ethical purpose of ‘rousing the moral imagination of a people long ensnared by idols.’ The strangeness of fantasy induces a sense of wonder, and ‘the shock of the fantastic is intended to wake us from dullness and complacency.’ A myth, argued Kirk, ‘is a poetic representation of hidden reality’, and great works of fantasy have similar characteristics. ‘If we are arrested in our march towards Logicalism and its inhumane universalism, our rescuers may be the authors of true tales of wonder, not the theologians of our schools.’

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Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
Will the definite June 2016 decision of the British people to withdraw from the European Union be frustrated by legal chicanery or not? The answer is not yet clear ('May blow: Top court rejects Brexit appeal', 25/1). The claim made that the UK Supreme Court case 'was about the legal process not politics' is unconvincing: it was about the one in order to facilitate the other. The aim was to overturn Brexit.
It may be that 'MP's are not expected to vote against triggering Article 50'; but that vote has not yet been taken. What if a majority of MP's in fact use their 'invaluable expertise and experience' (as one prominent Remain supporter puts it) to reverse the Leave decision in Parliament? That is plainly the wish of those who brought this case. Let us hope, for the honour of the UK Parliament and its status as a truly representative body, that such does not happen.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Age
Andrea Mason implies ('Annual debate is another step towards reconciliation', 25/1) that at present Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultures are not 'honoured, respected and valued' by Australians generally; but such is not the case. Her prescription for 'a true nation-to-nation relationship' with our so-called 'first peoples' is unjustified by past and present realities and can only create future division and disunity among Australians. She provides no reason at all why 'recognition' of these peoples needs to be enshrined in the Constitution, which is a document currently embracing in its essential language all contemporary and future Australians. The transition of human society on this continent from Stone Age cultures to a modern nation with up-to-date infrastructure involved some wrongdoing on both sides but now benefits both sides. Far from 'closing the distance between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians', Mason's policy would widen it.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Madonna, the “Terrorist” Who Drops the F-Bomb by John Steele

Ageing pop icon Madonna, has been leading the assault on Trump. At the girl’s march the other day, she said that she had thought about blowing up the White House. It’s surprising how these anti-gunners, suddenly become violent when they don’t get what they want. They are still children, and horrible ones at that.

Speaking of pathetic spoilt socialists, the Washington DC protestors who went mad and did the usual rioting will be, at long last, charged with felony rioting which has a 10-year gaol term and a US $ 25,000 fine. The punks are part of DisruptJ20, funded by George Soros: http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/soros-funded-domestic-terror-group-disruptj20-plans-shutdown-donald-trumps-inauguration/.
Soros is the one that needs to be gone after using the USA Patriot Act.

The Problem of Low Testosterone Men by John Steele

Mrs Vera West’s latest “beef,” is that we remain in the mess that we are in because of a decline in manhood, and manhood has declined because of falling testosterone levels and sperm counts as well: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/active/mens-health/10695991/Why-are-mens-sperm-rates-falling.html.
There is no doubt that there is great concern about the loss of manhood – even from certain leading feminist figures! Camille Paglia, an “Amazon feminist,” is quoted as expressing concern in a Wall Street Journal article, “Camille Paglia: A Feminist Defense of Masculine Virtues” (December 28, 2013) at http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303997604579240022857012920.

The devaluing of manual labour and the military and the denying of biological differences between men and women is “undermining Western civilization,” “What you’re seeing is how a civilization commits suicide.” This is from the feminist academic who early in her career in her PhD thesis Sexual Personae said: “If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.”
She is also quoted as saying: “Masculinity is just becoming something that is imitated from the movies. There’s nothing left. There’s no room for anything manly right now.”
In another article Paglia is quoted as saying that the rise of transgenderism is a symptom of the West’s cultural decline: “Nothing… better defines the decadence of the West to the jihadists than our toleration of open homosexuality and this transgender mania now”:

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The confession of the criminal John Kerry by Thierry Meyssan

Source: http://www.voltairenet.org/article194952.html

The war against Syria is the first to have been waged, for more than six years, in the digital era. A wealth of documents which should have remained secret for many years have already been published. Although they have been released in different countries, so that international public opinion is unaware of them, they already enable us to piece together the events concerned. The release of a recording of comments made in private by John Kerry last September reveals the policies of the Secretary of State and obliges all observers — including ourselves — to review our previous analyses.

The broadcast by The Last Refuge of the complete recording of the meeting between Secretary of State John Kerry and the members of the National Coalition (22 September 2016, at the Dutch delegation to the United Nations) calls into question what we thought we knew about the US position on Syria.

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An Aberhart Broadcast to Canada 1943

from: The Social Crediter Saturday, June 26, 1943.
William Aberhart was Premier of the Province of Alberta, Western Canada, from 1935 until his death which occurred very shortly after he made this broadcast, transmitted on 6 May 1943. The Social Credit Government which he led swept to power in 1935, taking 56 of the 63 seats in the Provincial Legislature. Both before the election and during his years as Premier, Aberhart mobilised support for Social Credit ideas and policies through his broadcasts which informed and encouraged the many, many Social Credit study groups which met throughout the scattered population of the province.

The Plan for World Control
A few nights ago I was listening to one of those "quiz" programmes which have become so popular with radio stations; and it struck me very forcibly that it was but another example of how people are being taught today to guess rather than to think for themselves. The kind of questions being asked were: "Who is the Minister of Agriculture?" "Is Moscow further North or further South than Quebec?" and so forth. The participant either knew the answers or he had to guess them. I cannot recall a single question that would have the effect of making people think. Has it ever occurred to you that it is becoming very much the same in regard to all phases of our national life?

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