Creeping Sharia by Peter Ewer

A Danish man, who filmed himself burning the Quran, and placed the film on Facebook, will be charged for blasphemy, the first prosecution in 46 years:

Here is what Denmark’s  Jan Reckendorff, from the public prosecutor’s office in Viborg, said: “It is the prosecution’s view that circumstances involving the burning of holy books such as the Bible and the Quran can in some cases be a violation of the blasphemy clause, which covers public scorn or mockery of religion.
“It is our opinion that the circumstances of this case mean it should be prosecuted so the courts now have an opportunity to take a position on the matter.”

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The Right Stuff by Michael Ferguson

UK Tory MP Pauline Latham has shown some spirited resistance against the New World Order philosophy of open borders, by claiming that the Dubs Amendment, regarding refugees, would act as a “pull factor” and encourage more so-called refugees to flood into Europe. The best thing that the UK could do is to push to ensure that refugees remained in their homelands. “We should stop being so sentimental and be looking at what [is] the best thing to do for these families and children and that is keep them in the region,” she said during an emergency House of Commons debate over the scrapping of the Dubs amendment.

Latham also said that France is not “Nazi Germany.”
“These children are not under threat of murder, they are in safe countries, [and] the governments [of those countries] should be dealing with [them].”
If France is “rat-infested,” it has nothing to do with Britain, she chirped.
Good to see some old-fashioned cannon fire from Britain.

“White People Shouldn’t Breed,” But They Can be Spat On With Impunity by Chris Knight

This one has it all in one power-packed toxic capsule: “RACIST THUG WALKS FREE: Man Escapes Jail after SPITTING in 9-Month-Old Baby’s Face and Screaming at Stunned Mum: ‘White People Shouldn’t Breed’” at

Rezzas Abdulla spat on little Layla-Jean in her pram and told the stunned mother his thoughts on racial eugenics. Although any “White” person would have faced not only the full wrath of the courts, and endless attacks by Leftoids and other chatterers, Mr Spit, who had two previous convictions for race-hate attacks on White women, escaped jail and was handed an eight month sentence, suspended for 18 months, thank you very much, to attend psychiatrists paid for from the public purse.

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Star-Struck Starbucks by Chris Knight

Coffee house Starbucks was one company that was first off the mark to oppose president Trump’s temporary hold on immigration from seven countries which had been flagged by the Obama administration as being a source of terrorists. It then announced that it would hire 10,000 Muslim refugees in  response.

But, if Starbucks feels so morally superior, why hadn’t it employed these migrants before? Why not 20,000? Why not have an entire Muslim staff, including senior management?

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The Cure for Depression by Mrs Vera West

Stephen S. Ilardi, The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression without Drugs, (DaCapo Press, 2009), is a must-read book for anyone suffering from depression.

The fundamental premise of the book is that “human beings were never designed for the poorly nourished, sedentary, indoor, sleep-deprived, socially isolated, frenzied pace of twenty-first-century life.”

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Here is What Trump Has Been “Smoking”: Swedish Ethnoracial Social Chaos by Peter West

The “false news” media zeroed in on Trump for allegedly speaking of a “phony terror attack” in Sweden and the former Swedish foreign minister wondered what Trump was “smoking”:

Trump, however, did not state that a terrorist attack as such had occurred in Sweden, but said, “You’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this? They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.”
Do you see any mention in this of a terrorist attack, at least conventionally defined? No, anyone with eyes would see that this is not so.

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Letter to The Editor

To The Age
No, we should not ban Christianity (Letters, 27/2), but Christian sacred tradition needs to be better understood in many quarters. The profound initiatory teaching of Jesus, plainly visible in the canonical gospels, has become embedded in a mire of erroneous dogma and incompatible cult practices. Yes, there’s another swamp that needs to be drained!

However, the great religions (Christianity, Islam and others) remain vitally important for the sustaining of just and viable political orders within nations. This is mainly because of their insistence on the need for humanity to maintain connections with the worlds beyond, angelic and divine. It is those connections that support the practice of virtue and nourish qualities such as humility, love and honour.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Green Enemies of the Environment by Viv Forbes

There was a time when true environmentalists strove to protect wild things. Now the green shirts have become enemies of the environment by pushing green energy and demonising the building blocks of life - carbon and carbon dioxide.

Wind turbines and their cobweb of connecting roads and transmission lines have destroyed native trees and grasses, scarred and uglified wild hilltops, and littered continental shelves with naval and aerial obstacles. They create wind and rain shadows and decimate resident and migratory birds and bats.

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The Economic Cost of Immigration by Chris Knight

Some indication of the enormous economic costs of immigration are given by Breitbart news in a cost estimate of the amount of money that will be needed to support the 519,018 refugees who have been resettled by the United States government since October 2009:

The cost is US $ 4.1 billion. The article grimly notes, “Even if the Trump administration were to entirely shut down the flow of refugees into the United States in FY 2018 and beyond, the refugees who have already arrived in the country will cost at least another $3.5 billion in 2018, and about $2 billion to $3 billion annually thereafter until FY 2022 and beyond.”

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Beware: Indigenous Demands by Ian Wilson LL.B.

The latest on the Aboriginal recognition issue: predictably enough a treaty and an elected body with the power to veto legislation, has emerged from nationwide indigenous discussion meetings on constitutional reform: The Weekend Australian, February 25-26, 2017, p. 10. This, of course, is quite contrary to the hype given by conservatives, that the changes will only be cosmetic and of no political significance.

As has been argued in many articles at this site, this will lead to the breakup of Australia, and will make law-making virtually unworkable. It is time that the barely disguised radical agenda behind this issue be fully exposed to the public. Ensure that all you speak to know, to vote “No”!  Get onto Pauline Hanson and educate her on this issue. It is high time for her to speak up on it. Enough on Muslim immigration!

The Liberal Road to Ruin by James Reed

The Weekend Australian, February 25-26, 2017, has a big spread on the crisis in the Liberals. First, there was the cover story about Tony Abbott’s continuing criticisms of Malcolm Turnbull, where he sees Mal as lacking the conservative values to lead the party. On this line of thought, there will be a continuous drift of voters to One Nation, and the Liberal party will be doomed.

On this, I first note that Abbott showed himself to be lacking in basic conservative, let alone liberal values. He did not pursue his promise to axe section 18 C, cowardly caving in to the ethno-multicult lobby. Why should anyone therefore listen to him? He is yesterday’s man.

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Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
It is going to be very hard at this stage for Malcolm Turnbull to offer ‘a credible reason why conservatives should remain within the tent’ (‘The crisis of conservatism’, 25-26/2). He had his chance: he could have promoted Abbott and Bernardi to ministerial rank at least, but he didn’t; and now look at the result!  Paul Kelly painstakingly shows the mess the Liberal Party is now in, but not how it can regain electoral momentum.

It is correct that, historically, conservatism has been weak in Australia and for the reasons Kelly notes; but this does not mean that, with a lengthening history and more chance of developing political maturity, it cannot become stronger. One serious problem is indeed that ‘there is no leadership figure accepted as the authoritative voice of conservatism.’ Perhaps a more serious problem is that the Christian churches have failed to provide significant support for conservative philosophy, too many of their leaders fellow travelling with the left.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Adelaide Advertiser
Many have claimed the need for both Israel and Palestine to negotiate their peace. Such a superficial comment lacks any regard for the Palestinians. 
Recognition of borders would be a fundamental requisite to any talks and while Israel continues expanding across the shared border, does anyone expect reasonable peace talks to begin?

Israel has ignored UN policy to recognise borders and defiantly stated that any seized land will not be relinquished to Palestine. What would the world say if President Trump decided to build his Mexican wall one kilometre inside Mexico?
Why should Israel be different?
KG, Naracoorte, SA

Letter to The Editor

To The Sunday Age
Don Mackay’s ‘Faith’ column only scratches at the surface of the topic of the afterlife (26/2). It seems clear that our ordinary mind (or everyday level of consciousness) is unable to conceive an answer to questions such as ‘What is the universe? Why is it here? Who or what created it?’ This suggests that a higher or deeper level of cognition is required; and the great sacred traditions confirm that this is so. Connected to this enigma is the tradition that we do not know who we are and that answering this question is ‘the first step towards wisdom.’

It seems that there may not be any future life for who we think we are, but that there may be for who we really are. There does seem to be a large worldwide consensus that our ‘souls’ or ‘spirits’ do continue; and that what happens to them is shaped by what we have done here. The matter deserves serious thought because the kind of political order we live in is ultimately shaped by our religious beliefs.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Stand Tall, Fight Hard from Bernard Gaynor

The last three weeks have been as busy as ever and the attacks on sanity grow daily. Gillian Triggs continues to pretend the Australian Human Rights Commission did the right thing in the QUT case, Bill Shorten is upset over Trump’s measures to restrict Islamic immigration, and the entire state of South Australia is shutting up shop thanks to the wonders of eco-friendly power.

The good news is that we finally have an admission from Australia’s Islamic leadership that Islam allows wife- beating. However, all the feminists (including the Chief of Defence Force’s gender advisor) have failed to notice because they’re out rallying around Yassmin Abdel-Magied. She supports Sharia law and recently claimed that Islam is the most feminist religion. Ever.

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Letter to The Editor

To The Age
Kevin Donnelly's conservative critique of multiculturalism ('Multiculturalism is no recipe for success', 23/2) has its heart in the right place, but may be a bit old-fashioned. He should have developed more carefully his important qualifying insight that 'Western civilisation is far from perfect.' This being the case, it is not clear that 'if there is any conflict between imported values and our way of life then traditional Australian values win out.'  For example, superior insights from Islamic Sufism, Chinese Taoism and Indian Hinduism may be just what our own sacred tradition of Christianity needs in order to regain the capacity to wisely guide society. Nor is a disguised plutocratic oligarchy masquerading as 'liberal democracy' deserving of uncritical acceptance. We need a sensible balance between diversity ('the spice of life') and a core of shared values in accord with truth.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
There is no truth in Greg Craven's claim ('"King Charles" would skew our republican debate', 23/2) that the death of Her Majesty the Queen 'could set off a constitutional crisis here.' Upon her death Prince Charles would be at once proclaimed King of the United Kingdom and he would then immediately become King of Australia and of the other royal realms. There is no possibility of interruption of a smooth process of succession.

Prince Charles is one of the most intelligent and dedicated royal personages in the 1100-year history of the British monarchy. He holds a university degree and is the author of a brilliant book on the world's ecological crisis ('Harmony') and of many profound and perceptive speeches on a wide range of important cultural matters. He has worked tirelessly for many charities and performed his long period of service as heir apparent with great dignity. Craven's description of him as 'an unlikeable nutjob' is nonsense.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Stand Tall, Fight Hard from Bernard Gaynor

The last three weeks have been as busy as ever and the attacks on sanity grow daily. Gillian Triggs continues to pretend the Australian Human Rights Commission did the right thing in the QUT case, Bill Shorten is upset over Trump's measures to restrict Islamic immigration, and the entire state of South Australia is shutting up shop thanks to the wonders of eco-friendly power.

The good news is that we finally have an admission from Australia's Islamic leadership that Islam allows wife-beating. However, all the feminists (including the Chief of Defence Force's gender advisor) have failed to notice because they're out rallying around Yassmin Abdel-Magied. She supports Sharia law and recently claimed that Islam is the most feminist religion. Ever.

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The Time for One Nation by James Reed

This time round Pauline Hanson is tougher and more politically streetwise. She is speaking up on the big issues of concern to Australian, such as the recent revelations that within three years each child will owe $ 100,000. (The Australian, February 15, 2017, p. 1)

Australia’ gross public debt is set to rise from $ 474 billion to over $ 600 billion in the next three years. The debt burden per capita threatens, under the conventional economic system, to erode away the standard of living of young Australians. Billions are wasted on a multitude of politically correct programmes, that should have been abandoned long ago, but are financed because of the power of the multicult/ethnoracial lobby.

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The Crash of Testosterone by John Steele

There is something of a broad emerging consensus among the diverse groups and free-wheeling thinkers, going under the umbrella term “Alt Right,” that the key to dealing with the multitude of problems facing us – whether it be the financial/money question, race realities, immigration, feminism, etc. – is that there needs to be strong manly people to seek solutions and to fight for them. But manhood, along with other virtues of our civilisation, has been undermined.

Many see the destruction of manhood in purely socio-political terms, and of course, at a minimum, there is in this, much truth. But, as Roosh, a microbiologist, argues in his article “The Decline in Testosterone is Destroying the Basis of Masculinity,”, there is probably an underlying biochemical explanation for the rise of leftism and general cuckoldry, or what we may now call, “cuckism.”

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