Hugh Mackay On the State of Australia by James Reed

Social commentator Hugh Mackay says much that we would disagree with, but all he publishes is informative and thought provoking. Thus, in his Gandhi Oration, delivered at the University of New South Wales on January 30, 2017, while acknowledging that we have much to be grateful for in this country, there are still alarming problems, indicating that we are no longer “the lucky country”:
“We are a society in the grip of epidemics of anxiety, obesity and depression – 20% of Australians experience some form of mental illness.

More than 700,000 children are living in poverty. Although we pride ourselves on our low rate of unemployment, we often overlook the problem of underemployment. About 2 million Australians are either unemployed or underemployed. 100,000 Australians are homeless. We are further from egalitarianism than we were 50 years ago. We are showing signs of a disturbing retreat from the values of an open, tolerant society for which we were once famous.”
Australians do not trust big business, and for good reason, given their track record on selling us out (my view). Mackay says; “An international survey conducted by Ipsos showed that more than 70% of Australians believe the nation “needs a strong leader to take the country back from the rich and powerful”; 68% believe “the economy is rigged to the advantage of the rich and powerful”; and 61% believe “traditional parties and politicians don’t care about people like me”.

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BOOK REVIEW by Louis Cook

‘Underground’ by Suelette Dreyfus & Julian Assange.
Rolling Stone described it thus: ‘Gripping … The bizarre lives and crimes of an extraordinary group of teenage hackers’.
My copy, 2011 edition ~ $22.70 posted from Book Depository.

I read most of this story as a ‘pirated edition’ off the Internet about 20 years ago. Rereading this updated edition, rate it as one of the few books that did not put me to sleep late at night.

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Keith Windschuttle on the Break-Up of Australia by Ian Wilson LL.B.

Following on from my previous article in On Target on the Aboriginal recognition agenda and the break-up of Australia, I will offer some remarks in review of Keith Windschuttle’s The Break-Up of Australia: The Real Agenda Behind Aboriginal Recognition, (Quadrant Books, Sydney, 2016). This is a long, scholarly book of 470 pages (including the index), so many readers are not going to have the time to read it. Nevertheless, there are people who should be given copies, such as One Nation members, and other independent members of parliament, for even if they do not read it themselves, they often have young, eager staff who can. I would therefore highly recommend people consider getting copies of this book to circulate ready for the coming battle of this century. Sooner, rather than later.

Windschuttle’s thesis is that the agenda behind Aboriginal recognition, is problematic from the start, because it is based on the false claim that the Australian Constitution was drafted to exclude Aboriginal people, where it was nothing of the sort. Windschuttle demolishes these arguments in the early part of his book, especially in the preface, which gives a concise “No” case. Aborigines voted to approve the delegates to the Constitutional Conventions and to approve the 1899 Constitution before being put to the people. They were not excluded and nor was there any desire to attempt in any way to give any history of Australia, because this enabling document is a charter for the creation of a federal government. Windschuttle points out that the “Yes” side confuse, perhaps deliberately, the history of a continent or land mass, with the history of a nation, one which only came into existence in 1788.

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Time to Deal with the Political Correctness of the Law by Ian Wilson LL.B

The La Times was beside itself proclaiming “Trump’s Shock-and-Awe Strategy Produces His First Major Setback,”
Judge James Robart has issued a temporary restraining order, in a suit filed by Washington and Minnesota, claiming that president Trump’s travel ban on Muslims violated the U.S. Constitution.

Yes, the Founding fathers certainly wanted America to be full of Muslims. But of course, a “living” interpretation of the Constitution is adopted where the intentions of the framers count for nothing, and the only opinions worthy of consideration are the new class elites and globalists.
Maybe Trump has not yet caught on to what is going on here. He tweeted: “What is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with bad intentions can come into the U. S.?”

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Politically Correct Culture is “Muzzling” Free Speech (Whoever Would Have Thought That?) by Ian Wilson LL.B.

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, the Alice Springs councillor and daughter of former Aboriginal MP Bess Price, recently had this to say about section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act and the culture of political correctness:

“Political correctness is a set of rules that governs the way in which we use language about, or towards, minority groups so as not to offend them. Oddly, people of Caucasian backgrounds are exempt from this protection. They are fair game... .
If a non-Aboriginal person attempts to address any of these issues [of Aboriginal poverty and dysfunction] and an Aboriginal person is offended, they can simply call out “racist” and the debate is shut down...
What, then, are the non-Aboriginal people to do in order to address any issues their Aboriginal or ethnic loved ones are facing? How are they supposed to deal with the issues causing incredible suffering to their fellow Australians who happen not to be white?
I believe 18C invalidates the idea that we are all human and hold differing opinions. It denies basic human nature that allows us critical thinking and the means to learn and grow. It is absurd that 18C ever became legislation...
The Racial Discrimination Act has made many who identify as indigenous believe they are exempt from its provisions. That they can’t be racist and therefore they feel free to insult, offend and humiliate whomever they please. They do it to white people and they do it to other Aboriginal people who refuse to follow the “party line”.
In Alice Springs a member of the public is far more likely to be randomly assaulted, physically or verbally, if they are perceived as “white” rather than “black”. Grossly offensive racist insults are used liberally in the streets of Alice Springs against white people. I have walked the streets of this town with my white friends to protect them from this sort of thing. But there have been no complaints under 18C, which is not seen as a protection of the rights of Australians generally. White Australians feel intimidated, not protected, by this act.
Both my mother (a senior Warlpiri woman and former minister of the crown) and I have been vilified in obscene sexist and racist terms by somebody who described themselves as an indigenous activist, because we refuse to be told what to think and say. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been called a coconut and much worse.
We have not once been insulted in racist terms by white people, not as far as we know. And if that happens we know how to defend ourselves. We aren’t victims, we aren’t afraid to stand up for our people and ourselves.
Our people are suffering and their problems are daunting and complex. We will not find the answers if we are denied the right to take part in an open and honest debate.
We can’t do that without offending those who are ideologically committed to the party line that has been laid down by the activists of the eastern cities and their white allies.
They are educated, speak English and know how to use the system against anybody with whom they disagree. We speak for the most marginalised, those whom the education system has failed, who are often illiterate and don’t speak standard English.
It is not just the white people who are closed down, it’s also the most marginalised and least powerful of the Aboriginal population who are denied a voice by the self-appointed spokespeople who know nothing of the circumstances in which they live. The agenda is controlled by an English-speaking Aboriginal middle class ignorant of the values and issues of those who live remotely.
The Racial Discrimination Act’s 18C treats us Aboriginal Australians as infants who can’t speak or stand up for ourselves. It treats non-Aboriginal people as if they have no right to hold an opinion about anything that relates to us, especially the problems of our own making that are killing us.
White people are not game to speak out. That should never be allowed to happen in a democracy.
The way to beat racism is through debate, not the closing down of debate.
We have an absolute right to find our own solutions, to find our own way forward out of this misery without being vilified by those who claim to be on our side and claim to speak for us.”

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End Climate Propaganda

It’s time to stop wasting taxpayer funds on climate propaganda posing as “research”. In Australia, the CSIRO, BOM, government universities and media, federal state and local governments are all wasting our money trying to prove that the trace amount of colourless CO2 gas produced by human activities is producing dangerous global warming.
With a solidarity that makes North Korea look distinctly liberal, they have relentlessly claimed that “the science is settled”. This “fixed opinion”, supported by a deluge of government cash and media control means that open-minded research is impossible – all we get is one-eyed propaganda, doctored data and vilification of sceptics.

Worldwide, taxpayers have financed over 100 computer models needing massive computers with a well-paid priesthood all trying (unsuccessfully) to forecast global climate trends. If they worked, one is enough. Bigger, faster more expensive computers using the same failed Greenhouse assumptions just get the wrong answers faster. In addition there are the frequent climate conferences where well-financed bureaucrats and government propagandists get re-cycled through the world’s smartest cities seeking powerful roles for themselves in collecting carbon taxes and dispensing climate aid.
This vast expenditure has failed to forecast or change world climate, but has taken funds from the infrastructure needed to cope with inevitable recurring natural disasters such as floods, fires, droughts or earthquakes. In fact, the paranoiac focus on the supposed dangers of global warming has left the world more vulnerable to the biggest climate risk – global cooling. And it has starved research on bigger climate factors such as solar and ice age cycles, deep sea volcanism, plate tectonics and massive oceanic weather events like El Nino.
President Trump is right. All government expenditure on anything with “climate” in its title or mission statement should be scrapped immediately.
Viv Forbes
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Rosevale   Qld Australia

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Letter to The Editor

To The Age
The proposal for significant change to our marriage law is not just 'a straightforward reform about fairness', as Alex Greenwich claims ('Momentum builds for MP free vote', 6/2). There are subtle issues concerning religious liberty and the welfare of children which need to be carefully considered, so that the slogan 'marriage equality' is simplistic and misleading.

The Prime Minister is right that 'this issue should be determined by a vote of every Australian in a plebiscite.' It is too important to be decided by a so-called 'free vote' by MPs, most of whom hold their seats thanks to their party membership, not their personal views on marriage law. It will be a disgrace if the Government allows itself to be swayed by a poll organised by an interested group.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor

To The Australian
The open letter about offshore detention camps by 72 organisations and community groups published as a full page advertisement in your edition of 6/2 excites a number of reflections. Without impugning the good will and humanitarian concern of the signatories, I wonder if they have adequately considered the long-term implications of the action they call for (the immediate bringing to Australia of detainees on Manus Island and Nauru). Far more people want to come to Australia than our infrastructure can accommodate; and excessive numbers of immigrants will lower our quality of life considerably - as can already be seen happening in our largest cities.

We need to persist in policies that will deter prospective illegal immigrants and people smugglers. Toughness of mind is called for to protect our way of life. I also wonder about the propriety of some of the signatories engaging in such a statement, as I believe that some of their own members might have alternative views on the matter.
NJ, Belgrave, Vic

Remarkable Anniversaries for a Remarkable Lady

Prince Charles will be 69 in November, the Duchess of Cornwall 70 in July and Prince William will be 35, also in July.
On the 6th of February, Her Majesty will celebrate 65 years as our sovereign head of state and on the 21st of April she will celebrate her 91st birthday and on the 20th November she and the Duke of Edinburgh will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary.
Remarkable anniversaries for a remarkable lady indeed.

In the 6th century, after the rule of Rome had ended there lived a philosopher called Boethius. He wrote a number of books, some drawing on the philosophy of Plato and Socrates. One of his books was called ‘The Consolation of Philosophy’.  King Alfred the Great was so taken with this work that he had it translated into English which was a huge task for those days. He wrote an introduction to his translation:

“What I set out to do was to virtuously and justly administer the authority given me. I desired the exercise of power so that my talents and my power might not be forgotten. But every natural gift and every capacity in us soon grows old and is forgotten if wisdom is not in it. Without wisdom no faculty can be fully brought out, for anything done unwisely cannot be accounted as skill. To be brief, I may say that it has always been my wish to live honourably, and after my death to leave to those who came after me my memory in good works.”

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The Queen. 65 Years on the Throne!

Today, the 6th February 2017, marks the 65th anniversary of the Queen’s accession to the Throne.
For Her Majesty this is also the anniversary of her father’s passing and she has indicated she will spend the day in quiet contemplation.
Yet, it appears that there will be no formal acknowledgement by Australian Federal and State governments nor, more importantly, does it seem that there will be any church services commemorating the first time in our shared history that a monarch has served her people for so long.
Called the “Blue-Sapphire Jubilee” it is unlikely that we will see another such anniversary for at least a hundred years and probably far longer.
The Australian Monarchist League has written on this matter to the Prime Minister and other dignitaries but without response.
Philip Benwell
National Chair
Australian Monarchist League

Stand Tall. Fight Hard.

This morning the New South Wales Court of Appeal ruled in favour of Bernard Gaynor against Garry Burns, bringing to an end almost three years of illegal harassment from him and the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Board.

Nordicide: The Planned Destruction of the Descendants of the Vikings by Peter West

A disturbing article in The Express: “Sweden Crumbling: Demands for Military Intervention as Thugs Turn Malmo into “No-Go Zone””:

Opposition politician, Magnus Olsson, has said that crime, murders shootouts and even grenade attacks, have made Malmo, a migrant city, into a “no-go zone” and that the military need to be called in to stop violent crimes.

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The Rise of the Machines by Brain Simpson

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) accelerate, with a new tool  allowing AI to learn to do almost anything on a computer, learning to use Apps like humans do:
Open AI, the Ai lab backed by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, has released “Universe,” a virtual world for AI to learn, which covers any software, everything that a human can do with a computer. Universe is thus a software platform, software for running other software, and in principle this will lead to AI being able to solve any problem, better than humans can do. This is early days yet, but that was so with facial and digital image representation previously.

A recent article in The Australian: “Future Shock: What Happens When Robots Take Our Jobs” (January 17, 2017, p. 9) discusses the idea of a universal income scheme for dealing with the “end of work” problem. A side bar discussion notes that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, after scrapping two high-value bank notes which account for 86 percent of India’s currency by value, now wants to introduce a universal basic income which directly gives cash to India’s poorest. His goal is, apparently, to control corruption in India.
India, after Russia, is the world’s second most unequal country, where the top 1 percent own 60 percent of the wealth.

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Planet Africa: Coming Soon by Michael Ferguson

By the end of this century Africans will account for 40 percent of all humanity and almost half of all children; Africa accounted for only nine percent of the world’s population in 1950. UNICEF predicts that by the end of the 21st century the African population will increase by 4.2 billion:

The projections are based on a revision of the projections previously made by the UN’s population division. Nigeria alone is set to account for one-tenths of all births in the world by 2050, and it alone will have a population of one billion by the end of the century.

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How Will the “Only Anglos are Racists” Elites Deal with this One? by Michael Ferguson

You know the old dopey song: only Whites can be racists, racists, racists, and Nordic (Northern European) Whites, “the ice people,” are the most racist of all! Sing-a-long! They are kings and queens of racist castle. A whole academic industry is based on this, and as you read (at least from 11–3pm, academic time), some chatterer is telling a captive audience class of impressionable students all of this. In the United States, academics have told White students that they need to kill themselves: White genocide? Hell no; just retributive justice for the slave trade.

But wait – what happens when an Asian is “racist” to a Muslim, as allegedly in:

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Physics: It Too Is Politically Correct by Brian Simpson

I don’t teach physics, but maths and biology, and frankly in my school I have only noticed a deterioration in maths ability over the years. There has not been much political correctness; human race and biology issues simply don’t get discussed in biology, there is simply too much to cover.
Therefore, I was surprised, knowing that political correctness has degraded other subjects, such as history and English, to read that physics has fallen. (The Australian, January 25, 2017, p. 1)

A leading quantum physicist (physics of the small) Professor Michelle Simmons, in her 2017 Australia Day address, has expressed alarm at the “feminised” physics which students in the HSC physics exam are now exposed to. Gone are problems in electronics, mechanics and light, requiring the use of theoretical knowledge and mathematics, to get a solution. Instead, we now have essays which are just sociology. This is not physics but sociology of science; there is a place for it, of course, but not as a substitute for hard science. Students will crash when they attempt to study physics at university.

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… And the Communist Pope Needs Criticism Too by Peter West

Pope Francis, the Third World communist Pope, since taking office, has championed all the causes of the globalist Left except one, the homosexual/transgender agenda. I imagine though, given his political direction that we will eventually see a weakening on this one. Then he will be a complete liberal.

At present, open borders and the end of traditional Europe by immigration swamping and demographic displacement are his big things. But he is worried about the election of Donald Trump, a nationalist, who is opposed to the sort of manic globalism that he embraces.

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The United Nations Must Come A-Tumblin’ Down by Michael Ferguson

Those of us who have been in this movement for a while know that the United Nations is evil and a threat to national sovereignty, aiming for a one world government, the New World Order. It has given us the foundation for legislation such as the Racial Discrimination Act and the tyrannical section 18 C.  The UN is an anti-Northern European institution.

But now something is being done about this. A US Republican-proposed House Resolution has proposed that the United States withdraw from the UN. And it gets better – another bill proposed that the UN cut funding the globalist monster:
The UN would then have to get out of the building in New York.

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A Stand is Needed Against Returning Jihadists by Bruce Bennett

Canberra has a “headache” as Australian fighters from Syria are making a “jihadist exodus” back to Australia, often with new wives and families. (The Australian, January 23, 2017, p. 2) The children are “entitled to Australian citizenship as well as all the support and care the government can muster.”
Really? If Australia was more than the cuck state which it now is, no fighter would have gone to Syria – that would be treason. And if they did go, they would be stripped of citizenship and not permitted to return.
Who knows how many “terrorists” will be returning to Australia?
Malcolm, what if they start blowing up Australian capitalism? Won’t it be bad for business?  Do something, not for the children’s sake, but for that holy of holies, capital!

Would The Nukes Even Work? by Brian Simpson

It seems that a malfunction occurred with a British nuclear missile, a Trident II DS missile fired from a nuclear submarine off the coast of Florida in June last year. The missile, which was unarmed at the time, veered in the wrong direction towards America. That obviously could have set off a global nuclear war.  Downing Street covered the disaster up, until now, so that a House of Commons vote on the missile system would not be disrupted. Ah, corruption, it’s everywhere.
Apart from that, it makes one wonder, if push comes to shove, would the nukes even work, especially if spare parts are needed from China?