… And the Communist Pope Needs Criticism Too by Peter West

Pope Francis, the Third World communist Pope, since taking office, has championed all the causes of the globalist Left except one, the homosexual/transgender agenda. I imagine though, given his political direction that we will eventually see a weakening on this one. Then he will be a complete liberal.

At present, open borders and the end of traditional Europe by immigration swamping and demographic displacement are his big things. But he is worried about the election of Donald Trump, a nationalist, who is opposed to the sort of manic globalism that he embraces.

The Pope has said that the rise of populism is similar to the circumstances in the 1930s leading Germany to elect Adolf Hitler and he obviously sees Trump as a potential Hitler. It’s incredible stuff because there are no real parallels between 1930s Germany and the US today. As well, this is quite ironic given his own support of the 1976-1982 junta in his native country, a junta he never opposed at the time: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/mar/14/pope-francis-argentina-military-junta.

On the great US wall, Pope Francis said that, surprisingly enough, that “each country has a right to control its borders,” but “no country has the right to deprive its citizens of dialogue with their neighbours.” Obviously we don’t need to remind him that the Vatican itself has a mighty big wall around it, and does not take migrants. But returning illegal Hispanics back to their real homeland will only expand the true dialogue. And there are always phone calls and the internet.

With all due respect, the  Popey comments are just plain dopey:

The Catholic Church is an institution that could eliminate world hunger, or the refugee problem, just with the spare change that it has accumulated without even making a dent in the Vatican billions, if not trillions: https://www.amazon.com/Vatican-Billions-Avro-Manhattan/dp/0937958166.
I do not regret no longer being a Catholic.



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