Is Australia God’s Laboratory? By James Reed

     I have written before that new world countries like Australia and America are social experiments in liberalism, to see if the fundamental natural laws that have governed human societies since the beginning of their existence can be over-ridden in favour of money economies, and the rule of commerce. That being so, this idea of a grand experiment has been taken even further by the car man, Jeremy Clarkson, who likes to say crazy things, but things which still have a serious sting to them:

“I’VE suspected for some time God didn’t want people to live in Australia. He created it as a continent far, far away where he could house all his experiments that had gone wrong. It was his under-the-stairs cupboard for stuff he wanted to forget about. Like, for instance, the saltwater crocodile. He designed it, built it then realised it was far too savage and bitey to live in, say, Milton Keynes. Or the poisonous redback spider which likes to hide under lavatory seats so it can bite a man’s penis when he sits down to do his number twos. No way could God have that living in Europe or the US. He also made a lot of snakes. Some are very pretty and some are very impressive. But occasionally it all went wrong and he ended up with something that could kill a fully-grown man with one small bite. And again, these could not live in populated areas. He needed a home for all these things, so he made Australia. And to make sure people didn’t go there, he put a huge coral reef on the approaches and filled the interior with a sea of sand that goes on for ever. He even used this remote outpost to house some of his more ridiculous ideas. Stuff he came up with when he was drunk. Like those birds that can’t fly and that otter with a beak. Then you have the kangaroo, which gets about by bouncing, and the koala, which is permanently stoned and catches chlamydia if anyone ever picks it up. For millions of years, this big, sandy cupboard under the stairs went unnoticed. But then along came Captain Cook and now the world knows all about Oz and its stupid, dangerous creatures. Plainly, God is embarrassed. Because he’s decided to set fire to it. It’s been argued the fires raging across the country were caused by global warming or out-of-control barbies. But when you look at the footage, you know something biblical is going on. Those things are huge.”

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Fires Expose Green Folly By Viv Forbes

     Green Folly locked up 11% of Australia in a tinder-box of bushfire fuel, much of which is now burnt or burning. Green Folly closed forest tracks and gates, expelled foresters and timber-workers and prevented property owners from removing flammable fuel from their own land and adjacent roads, parks and forests. Those responsible for these follies should face Class Action. Green Folly promotes electric vehicles but not one fire truck, dozer, water bomber, helicopter, ambulance or naval vessel ran on batteries. They all used hydro-carbon fuels - diesel, petrol or avgas. And with so many power lines down, electric toys could not have recharged their batteries anyway. Green Folly believed that widely scattered wind turbines, solar panels and their spider-webs of transmission lines would continue to produce power in gale-force firestorms and thick smoke. Many will be burnt. Blackouts are inevitable. Green Folly promotes “green” building materials like timber which adds fuel to fires while using fake CO2 scares to denigrate steel and concrete which won’t burn. For decades, Green Folly opposed every new dam proposal and wasted stored water on another Green Folly – “Environmental Flows”. Dams were emptied, farmers suffered, towns ran out of water, food prices increased and some fire-fighting water bombers had to take water from private dams. It was criminal Green Folly that babbled on about “the Climate Emergency” while they sponsored forest conditions that caused agonizing deaths for so many innocents - residents, firefighters, live-stock, koalas and other native animals, birds and insects. Australia cannot afford any more Green Follies. Politicians must stop sacrificing Australians on the Green altar.

Income Redistribution, the Global Warming Way By James Reed

     One part of the global warming agenda, to destroy the West, is to make universal income redistribution … no, not to poor deplorables like you and me, but to the non-West:

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Australian Needs 400 Million Chinese Refugees, Not, Today, No, Yesterday By James Reed

     Global warming is a truly amazing thing, it leads to the elimination of a meat diet, and everything else about the West including …  us. Get ready now, along with the African exodus, for 400 million Chinese climate refugees: 

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Subject: Australia's Hottest Day on Record 1828

     It is a pity that our knowledge of History and Science is at such a low level in the community that we are being led to believe that we have a climate emergency and that CO2 is the villain! Australia's Hottest Day on Record 1828. Not 2019, BUT 1828 at a blistering 53.9 °C. Back before man-made climate change was frying Australia, when CO2 was around 300ppm, the continent savoured an ideal pre-industrial climate... RIGHT? This is the kind of climate we are spending $10bn per annum to get back to... Right again? We are told today's climate has more records and more extremes than times gone by, but the few records we have from the early 1800s are eye-popping. Things were not just hotter, but so wildly hot it burst thermometers. The earliest temperature records we have show that Australia was a land of shocking heatwaves and droughts, except for when it was bitterly cold or raging in flood. In other words, nothing has changed, except possibly things might not be quite so hot now! Silliggy (Lance Pidgeon) has been researching records from early explorers and from newspapers. What he's uncovered is fascinating!   It's as if history is being erased!

     For all that we hear about recent record-breaking climate extremes, records that are equally extreme, and sometimes even more so, are ignored. In January 1896 a savage blast "like a furnace" stretched across Australia from east to west and lasted for weeks. The death toll reached 437 people in the eastern states. Newspaper reports showed that in Bourke the heat approached 120°F (48.9°C) on three days.

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The Environment and the Dissent Right By James Reed

     I have been hammering environmentalism in my columns, even though they run across the page, this year, but others from the Dissent Right think that there is a role for environment issues, while I am happy living surrounded by nothing but concrete, which is really a rather sexy substance, once your face hits it enough, from drunk encounters:

“It was not by chance that the modern conservation movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was founded and led by men such as Theodore Roosevelt and Madison Grant who possessed a strong sense of ethnic identity. Although the Left took over the environmental movement by the 1960s, an ecological perspective is inconsistent with the Left’s global universalism whether animated by neo-liberalism or neo-Marxism. Instead, there is a natural congruence between ecology and the particularism of the Dissident Right, an ideology that never loses sight of man as a biological entity belonging to a specific ethny or race requiring certain physical and cultural conditions to survive and thrive. The Dissident Right emerged in opposition to conventional American conservatism that has failed to conserve much of anything. We want to conserve the genetic heritage of our European-American people, the best of our cultural legacy, and the physical environment that promotes our health and wellbeing. Our environmental concerns include both natural ecosystems and the manmade physical and social environments. Humans, with their comparative lack of instincts, need the support of cultural institutions such as stable families, communities, and states. In lieu of innate behaviors Homo sapiens requires the guidance from these institutions for beneficial socialization.

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Christmas has been Cancelled … Too Much Carbon Emitted By James Reed

     I think that it is time that I give up, and since the communist Chinese government does not want to pay me I guess I will become a high priest of the new climate change religion. What’s that? All the high priest positions have been long filled, even after the departure of Al Gore’s gory mass. Can I be a low priest then? How low do we go? Well, Thanksgiving has been cancelled by the Eco-maniacs, so now get ready for the attack on Christmas:

     Do long URLs increase carbon emissions, too? And look, I finally discovered how to cross out things: climate change. How good is that? If only it was magic.

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Man-made Wildfires in Australia By Viv Forbes

     No one should be surprised that our bush is ablaze and our cities are smothered in smoke. For decades now we have been locking up land, banning burn-offs and encouraging eucalypt fire-trees. On a hot day, the blue haze on distant timbered hills is highly-flammable eucalypt oil vapour, waiting for a spark. The Australian landscape of open forests and treeless grasslands was developed and maintained under an aboriginal regime of continual small fires. This was followed by planned cool-season burn-offs by European graziers. But a few decades ago this safe black and white fire regime was replaced by green-worshippers who continually expanded the area of locked-up protected parks (now over 11% of Australia). Then they peppered private land with protected-vegetation fire havens, and hampered undergrowth clean-ups and burn-offs. This created many tinder boxes of eucalypt fire-trees waiting for a spark. The spark could be a fearful landowner seeking fire protection with a risky/belated back-burn, a thrill-seeking arsonist, a dry-lightning strike, a careless cigarette butt, a power-line problem or high-flying burning embers - and an unstoppable fire storm is inevitable. Centralised management of bush-fires and National Parks has failed totally. Locals and neighbours are better at managing fires and park land. Posturing politicians and uniformed fire generals should confine themselves to posing for photos, baking scones and boiling billy tea for fire-fighters. And Greens should serve on the fire front.

More Water Bombers? No - Fight Fire with Fire

     In a furious firestorm with high winds, extreme temperature and big loads of dry fuel, water bombing is usually just wasting water and avgas. In hot winds, water will evaporate quickly, embers will start glowing and blowing, and soon the fire will be raging again. And with few dams getting built, and much stored water released to irrigate the oceans, where will they get the water? Too often they will steal it from private dams, leaving prudent landowners with inadequate water in a drought. Water can extinguish house fires, and protect homes and towns, but is useless for raging forest fires. The only solution here is to fight fire with fire – back burning from the wide cleared tracks which should protect every park, forest and property. The best fire insurance is to keep tracks and firebreaks clear and conduct regular cool-season burn-offs, especially in National Parks. And stop creating fire hazards by locking up more land. Don’t blow money on more water bombers – we need more back-burning, more boots and tyres on the ground and more graded tracks. And we should build more dams.

  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld 

National Parks are Bushfire Havens By Viv Forbes

     Too many recent headlines say: “A fierce new bushfire is burning in the XYZ National Park. Nearby residents should prepare to evacuate.” Neglected, overgrown, weed and log infested, un-grazed, unburnt, government-protected parkland is a danger to all neighbours. All it needs is a fire-bug, a fearful neighbour attempting a too-late back-burn, or a lightning strike, and a wildfire is inevitable, especially when the weather is hot, dry and windy. Wild-fires will not stay in their National Park. Never before in Australia’s long history of black and white occupation have such large areas of bush been quarantined from annual burn-offs, cultivation, slashing or grazing. Four policy changes are needed to fix this problem: Firstly, a reduction in the area of land locked in national parks and reserves, and an end to “protected” vegetation on private land. Secondly, repeal of the sneaky state/commonwealth conspiracy that created the Kyoto protected “forests” on private land. Thirdly, regular cool-season burning of all national parks and private bush. If it will burn in the cool season it should be encouraged to burn at appropriate times. Otherwise it will support a fierce un-planned wildfire once the hot dry winds blow. Fourthly, greater local autonomy on pre-emptive burns or back burning. Only experienced local landowners and fire wardens can say:
“Today after 3.30pm is our best chance to have a burn-off with reasonable safety.” Most of the huge bushfires that burn homes and kill forests are man-made national disasters, fed by excessive fuel loads, magnified (but not caused) by drought, and turned into wildfires by hot dry winds. Trying to blame carbon dioxide, a non-flammable plant fertiliser, for today’s wildfires is yet more Flannery fiction.

Time for Climate Sense By Viv Forbes

     Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a Swedish scientist who first claimed that the burning of hydro-carbons like coal, oil, gas, peat and wood may cause global warming. In 1895 he calculated (incorrectly) that a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration would lead to a 4-5o C rise in global temperature. However, Arrhenius suggested that this increase could be beneficial, making the various climates on Earth “more equable" and stimulating plant growth and food production. Then a showman/politician, Al Gore, gave life to the theory that extra carbon dioxide due to human activities will cause dangerous global warming. But temperatures refused to obey the alarmist computer model forecasts. So they switched to the universal bogey-man - climate-change, where every bit of bad weather was blamed on western industry. But this did not scare enough people so it morphed into climate emergency, which allows coal, oil, gas, cars and cattle to be blamed for everything bad - floods and droughts, snowstorms and heatwaves, bushfires, coral bleaching, species extinction and pollution anywhere. But the carbon dioxide scare is proving false - it’s time for some climate sense.

     Human activity can never control atmospheric CO2 or global temperature. Much bigger forces are at work – solar system cycles, earth orbital changes, volcanic activity (especially on the sea floor), El Nino episodes, declining magnetic field and magnetic pole reversals, variable cosmic rays and cloud cover, and absorption/expulsion of CO2 by the mighty oceans. Geological records show that today’s CO2 levels are very low - so low that plants grow slower and need more water. Moreover, the ice core records from Antarctica and Greenland show clearly that atmospheric temperature always rises before CO2 levels rise. So rising CO2 is the effect of rising temperature not the cause. Warming oceans are like warming beer – they both expel bubbles of CO2 into the atmosphere. When oceans cool, they take it back. The dense plant and animal populations in equatorial regions shows that humans need not fear global warming – in fact the Russian President has welcomed the possibility of warming for his cold land. We live in a natural warm interlude but we are past the warming peak. There will still be fluctuations and extreme weather events but the next big move will be global cooling – the 11th freeze-up in about a million years. All it needs are oceans heated by submarine volcanoes, and skies made cold by volcanic ash that blocks incoming solar energy.

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Fighting Fires with Fire By Viv Forbes

The Power of the Torch
“There can be few if any races who for so long were able to practice the delights of incendiarism.”
                Geoffrey Blainey “Triumph of the Nomads – A History of Ancient Australia.” Macmillan 1975.

     The Fire-lighter was the most powerful tool that early humans brought to Australia. Fires lit by aboriginal men and women created the landscape of Australia. They used fire to create and fertilise fresh new grass for the grazing animals that they hunted, to trap and roast grass dwelling reptiles and rodents, to fight enemies, to send smoke signals, to fell dead trees for camp fires, to ward off frosts and biting insects, and for religious and cultural ceremonies. Their fires created and maintained grasslands and open forests and extinguished all flora and fauna unable to cope with frequent burn-offs. Early white explorers and settlers recorded the smoke and the blackened tree trunks. They admired the extensive grasslands, either treeless or with well-spaced trees, and no tangled undergrowth of dead grass, brambles, branches and weeds. Making fire without tinder boxes or matches is laborious. So, most aboriginals tried to keep their fires alive at all times. When on the move (a common situation), selected members of the tribe were charged with carrying a fire stick and keeping it alight. In really cold weather several members may have each carried a fire stick for warmth. When the stick was in danger of going out, the carrier would usually light a tussock of dry grass or leaves and use that flame to rejuvenate the fire stick (or light a new one). As they moved on, they left a line of small fires spreading behind them. They have been observed trying to control the movement of fires but never tried to extinguish them.

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Put Foresters back in the Forests By Viv Forbes

     There was a time when Australian foresters kept Australian forests safe and productive. They maintained access tracks bridges and fire breaks, undertook prescribed burning, cleared flammable litter from the forest floor, cut suckers, manned fire lookouts and maintained their own fire-fighting crews in decentralised districts. University-trained professional foresters were supported by tough experienced rangers who learned their job in the bush. Almost every advance in bushfire management in Australia, from the science of fire behaviour to aerial burning was thanks to our foresters. Into the 1980’s they were regarded as international leaders. To pay for good forest management, sections of the forest were logged, allowing ground space and sunlight for the swift re-growth of new trees. And those fading die-hards still beating alarm drums about man-made global warming should be reassured - the use of hardwood and softwood timber in power poles, telephone poles, bridges, wharves, posts, sleepers, haysheds and houses provided long term sequestration of the dreaded carbon. Moreover, growing trees extract CO2 more quickly than mature trees. Win, win, win.

     Then we entered the Green Era. Foresters and timber-getters were demonised by urban greens, their tame bureaucrats and academics, and their ABC mates. State forests were converted to National Parks and Wilderness Areas and John Howard created the hated Kyoto Protocol Forests on private land. Timber imports rose. Every locked-up, un-managed, un-burnt forest inevitably breeds disastrous wild-fires. The combination of heavy fuel load, poor access for fire fighters, drought, hot winds, arsonists and dry lightning has only one assured outcome – a bushfire tragedy for the forest and the neighbours. (Why are no greens chaining themselves to trees now?) This must change. No enquiries are needed. Anyone without green blinkers can see the evidence daily. So, cut the locks, open the tracks and remove the trash. Then call tenders from local people to use recreation, tourism, timber getting or hunting feral animals to fund proper care and maintenance of our forests. A well-managed forest can pay for its own management and also keep the community safe and happy.

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Three Cheers for Global Systematic Ecological Collapse! Yes, Please, Three Bags Full of It! By James Reed

     Here is some more fantastic news about the coming environmental apocalypse from Professor doomsday himself, who has been wrong about doomsday since the 1960s.

“It’s happened before, now some claim it’s happening again. In 1200BC, the world’s most advanced civilisations — Egypt, Assyria, Cannan — were burnt to the ground all at once. It was the era of the Biblical Exodus and the poet Homer’s Trojan War. A convergence of catastrophes made these nations weak. And it’s happening again. “We’re f**ked,” says eminent biologist, Paul Ehrlich, whose 1968 book The Population Bomb triggered international debate. Speaking to, Professor Ehrlich was pulling no punches. “We’ve talked for a long time about the coming collapse. Now we’re in it. Every sign says so.” He has joined with Flinders University ecologist Professor Corey Bradshaw to present their global systems change modelling to Australia’s politicians. And the predictions are not pretty. “We can limit the damage, but we can’t avoid it,” Professor Bradshaw says.

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Clintel = “No Climate Emergency” By Viv Forbes

     This week Clintel attended the Heartland COP 25 conference at the Marriott Hotel in Madrid. The hotel was full of champagne-drinking COP delegates who were clearly enjoying themselves (‘climate business model in action’). To be sure they were not disturbed by demonstrators, Clintel had a recording room somewhere at the back and we heard about its coordinates on the same morning. Guus Berkhout was the first speaker at the event that was live-streamed from the Marriot Hotel. It was not an official COP25 event but a Heartland side-event with the aim to sound a different message to the world. Heartland had arranged several excellent speakers, such as Will Happer (who for the past year worked as an adviser in the White House), Lord Monckton, Anthony Watts, Douglas Pollock (our Chilean Clintel ambassador), Tom Harris, Stanley Goldenberg and a fascinating young German girl, Naomi Seibt, who gave an impressive speech about contentious issues such as climate change and the immigration crisis. The whole event was available online at  and a record 76,000 watched.

A few conclusions:

1) The world should move from mitigation panic to intelligent adaptation (Guus Berkhout)

2) The economy of Chile is ruined by climate policy (Douglas Pollock)

3) The energy prices in Germany are vastly increasing (Wolfgang Müller)

4) New scientific insight shows that future climate sensitivity for CO2 is not more than 1.5 degrees, probably significantly smaller than 1.5 due to saturation effects (William Happer)

5) Climate models are immature and unfit for making policy (Christopher Monckton)

5) There is no evidence that global warming causes more natural disasters (Stanley Goldenberg)

6) Homogenisation of measurements lower the temperatures in the past (Anthony Watts)

7) The killing of birds and bats by wind turbines is much higher than reported (Tom Harris)

8) School children are massively brainwashed (Naomi Seibt)

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Australia is for Sale, and has Been for a Long Time By James Reed

     I have assembled a large number of articles updating the vast selloff of Australia which is occurring now. We have pretty much lost this country, and organisations that should be fighting this, are caving in:

“KAP Federal Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter has today slammed the National Farmers Federation (NFF) after they appeared on national television and announced they were lobbying the government to provide financial incentives to drought-affected farmers to leave their land; a campaign which is being echoed by the National Party. A livid Mr Katter said, “Your solution is to get rid of the farmers. It is in the back of the mind of every intelligent Australian ‘why do you want these people out?’ So your big corporate masters, Chinese investors, prominent amongst them can buy them out and we can have corporate farmers.  The city suits and foreign nations will be our farmers and we peasants will be out there working for nothing in little towns that are vanishing. That is the solution by National Farmers Federation.”

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Burn the Earth to Save It! By James Reed

     I knew nothing about biochar before reading this article, and now know a little more.

“The Importance of Soil Biology
As explained by Bates, soil microbes create what you might think of as a coral reef in the soil — a highly fertile area of water storage, air storage and nutrient storage that can nourish a wide variety of soil microbes. This soil biology makes for very nutrient-dense plants. That, in turn, allowed large civilizations to flourish in the Amazon. The charcoal also takes carbon from the atmosphere, sequestering it in the earth for long periods of time — thousands of years, typically, provided you don't use destructive agricultural processes such as tilling. So, this carbon sequestration benefits not only soils and plants but also the atmosphere. "Right now, at this point in time, we really need [carbon sequestration] for another reason; we need to have that timeout to give us some time to slow our emissions down, to go carbon-neutral. This is what you might call carbon-negative or a drawdown effect of carbon actually leaving the atmosphere, leaving the ocean and coming back into the land, where it had been, as fossil fuels, before."

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An Inconvenient Discovery By Brian Simpson

     Received opinion, always laced with political correctness holds that European colonisation of the United States, and Australia, was done by genocide, racism, etc. Otherwise, the indigenous people lived in peace with each other and in perfect harmony with the environment. But, in the case of South America, there are some doubts.

     As this is a controversial one, let’s hear it from the mainstream media:

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Enough is Enough! By James Reed

     Fun days; an Extinction Rebellion co-founder, that group being those who are doing all the disruptive protests so that presumably we Westerners will stop making entropy, has been filmed saying, well things real close to that: civilisation needs to be “taken down”:

“A co-founder of Extinction Rebellion has been filmed at an event calling for activists to “take down” civilisation as part of the group’s disruptive fight for climate change. LBC can reveal today, as part of Nick Ferrari’s campaign for police to have greater powers to clamp down on the group, that Simon Bramwell spoke publicly at a meeting hosted by Deep Green Resistance UK, calling for them to adopt more extreme tactics. Nick Ferrari’s Enough is Enough campaign is calling for changes to be made to the Public Order Act to give the police power to ban any protest that will cause serious public disorder. At present this power is limited to just protest marches. Mr Bramwell spoke at a meeting by a group named By Any Means Necessary?, which was advertised on Facebook. The talk was advertised online with a slogan asking whether nonviolent action was the most “effective tactic for bringing about climate change.”

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Turn Down the Heat By James Reed

     I get a warm and fuzzy feeling every time I see politically correct cubs, trying to be oh so morally superior, as kings of their moral mountains, getting a taste of the real world, with a smack down:

“A professor at St. John's College, Oxford University, just taught student protesters an invaluable lesson in personal sacrifice. According to the school newspaper, Oxford students have been occupying St. John's College since Wednesday in protest of the school's investments in fossil fuels. Dozens of students have reportedly set up camp in the front quad with signs and banners, vowing to remain until their demands are met. Amid the protesting, professor Andrew Parker, also a manager of the school's financial affairs, received a letter from two students requesting a meeting to discuss their demands — including the school's divestment from fossil fuels. His speedy response was almost certainly not what they were expecting.

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