Christmas has been Cancelled … Too Much Carbon Emitted By James Reed

     I think that it is time that I give up, and since the communist Chinese government does not want to pay me I guess I will become a high priest of the new climate change religion. What’s that? All the high priest positions have been long filled, even after the departure of Al Gore’s gory mass. Can I be a low priest then? How low do we go? Well, Thanksgiving has been cancelled by the Eco-maniacs, so now get ready for the attack on Christmas:

     Do long URLs increase carbon emissions, too? And look, I finally discovered how to cross out things: climate change. How good is that? If only it was magic.

“A recent report from National Geographic and the Climate Action Tracker found that we are far from reaching our 2020 goal of lower emissions. In 2015, the U.S. and 196 other countries signed the Paris climate agreement (which President Donald Trump is now pulling out of) with the goal of limiting the increase of global average temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Despite having originally signed the agreement, the U.S.’s action on the issue has been “insufficient,” according to Climate Action Tracker, an independent scientific body that holds government to account on climate action. With that in mind, one wonders: How much damage are we doing with our epic Thanksgiving meal every year? We spoke with three researchers to find out more about Thanksgiving’s carbon footprint. It turns out that your food isn’t the biggest holiday culprit of carbon dioxide emissions — traveling for the meal is. No one should be discouraged from enjoying the holiday or celebrating with family and friends, but we’re here to provide insight into the ingredients and dishes that have the largest ecological impact. The researchers we interviewed shared suggestions and alternative ingredients that cause less environmental damage.”

    Ok, cancel Christmas. A pity that, since we missed out on Thanksgiving, being in Australia, and not celebrating it, all of that tasty turkey,  but it has a high carbon footprint too, thus offending the gods of the climate change religion

     All that is left now is for he human race to die off, to save the planet. Look around; is it really such a great loss now: Genesis 18: 16-33.




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