For that Money, Maybe I Too Should Jump Ship and become a Pirate … eh … a Climate Protester!!! By James Reed

     Follow the money trail – that is always good advice about getting to the bottom of things, of who has greased whose palms. The climate zealots, for example, seem to be on a good wicket:

“Extinction Rebellion is paying activists up to £400 a week to lead the protests that have brought chaos to the streets of Britain, documents seen by The Mail on Sunday reveal. Protesters have received payments totalling more than £70,000 in four months alone. But the eco-protest group privately fears it could face a six-figure tax bill if the money, which is given as expenses, is deemed to be payment for work done on XR's behalf. Last night, one Tory MP called on HMRC to launch an immediate investigation into the movement's tax affairs. Most of the thousands of activists who brought chaos to London last week were unpaid volunteers, but a select number are claiming the funds which enable them to dedicate their efforts to the protest group, also known as XR. This newspaper has seen claims for expenses from 168 activists, including Tamsin Omond, a baronet's granddaughter who has appeared in Tatler and rubbed shoulders with Boris Johnson – and who asked for money after ditching some public relations clients to concentrate on protests. A dossier of files from within XR reveals the inner workings of the protest movement and its finances.

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Why are Mad Scientists Allowed to Dabble in Potentially Universe-Destroying Experiments? By Brian Simpson

     There is so little criticism of the sorts of dangerous experiments that high energy physicists engage in, mainly because the ordinary people know so little about elementary particle physics and high energy collisions. However, the potential does exist to destroy not only the Earth, but by a chain reaction, the entire universe.

“CERN is currently working on a lofty plan to revamp its “flagship accelerator complex” over the course of the next two decades. But a more powerful particle accelerator could be the very last thing the world needs, according to British cosmologist Martin Rees. Rees, a well-respected expert in his field, issued a grave warning to the scientific community about particle accelerator experiments gone awry in his book On The Future: Prospects for Humanity published late last year. These experiments meant to push the boundaries of nature and physics, he writes, “might do something far worse — destroy the Earth or even the entire universe.” As alarmist as it sounds, this is no crackpot notion. Rees writes that, "Maybe a black hole could form, and then suck in everything around it [...] The second scary possibility is that the quarks would reassemble themselves into compressed objects called strangelets. That in itself would be harmless. However, under some hypotheses a strangelet could, by contagion, convert anything else it encounters into a new form of matter, transforming the entire earth in a hyperdense sphere about one hundred metres across."

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So Much for Scientific Objectivity By James Reed

     We have been fed an enormous amount of bs about the 97 percent of scientists who believe in the global warming, or is it now global climate change, hypothesis. But how objective is this science? Is it value and politically neutral? Well, looked at as an ordinary civilian, I have my doubts:

“Almost 400 scientists have endorsed a civil disobedience campaign aimed at forcing governments to take rapid action to tackle climate change, warning that failure could inflict “incalculable human suffering.” In a joint declaration, climate scientists, physicists, biologists, engineers and others from at least 20 countries broke with the caution traditionally associated with academia to side with peaceful protesters courting arrest from Amsterdam to Melbourne. Wearing white laboratory coats to symbolize their research credentials, a group of about 20 of the signatories gathered on Saturday to read out the text outside London’s century-old Science Museum in the city’s upmarket Kensington district. “We believe that the continued governmental inaction over the climate and ecological crisis now justifies peaceful and non-violent protest and direct action, even if this goes beyond the bounds of the current law,” said Emily Grossman, a science broadcaster with a PhD in molecular biology. She read the declaration on behalf of the group. “We therefore support those who are rising up peacefully against governments around the world that are failing to act proportionately to the scale of the crisis,” she said. The declaration was coordinated by a group of scientists who support Extinction Rebellion, a civil disobedience campaign that formed in Britain a year ago and has since sparked offshoots in dozens of countries. The group launched a fresh wave of international actions on Monday, aiming to get governments to address an ecological crisis caused by climate change and accelerating extinctions of plant and animal species. A total of 1,307 volunteers had since been arrested at various protests in London by 2030 GMT on Saturday, Extinction Rebellion said. A further 1,463 volunteers have been arrested in the past week in another 20 cities, including Brussels, Amsterdam, New York, Sydney and Toronto, according to the group’s tally. More protests in this latest wave are due in the coming days. While many scientists have shunned overt political debate, fearing that being perceived as activists might undermine their claims to objectivity, the 395 academics who had signed the declaration by 1100 GMT on Sunday chose to defy convention.”

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Alarmist Over-reach By Viv Forbes

     For over 15 years the global warmists have become progressively more outspoken with their scare stories, and less careful with facts and science. But their latest tactics of promoting Extinction Hellions and exploiting a teenage Swedish Doomsayer represent alarmist over-reach. Ordinary people are becoming suspicious: “If their science is sound, why do they resort to media scare stories, traffic disruption, street rebellions, school truants, religious zealots and academic purging?” We are close to the peak of this global warming madness. Their models and forecasts have failed and consumers suffer soaring electricity cost and blackouts while tenured academics produce Play-School plans for 100% “Green” power. Climate sense is finally starting to ooze through the cracks in the stone wall built to keep Skeptics out of the flimsy marquee that shelters the warming nobility. It is downhill from here for the alarmists and bad news for their academic mercenaries, Hollywood backers, Rebellion puppets, business vested interests and alarmist propaganda machines like Australia’s ABC, UK’s BBC and Guardian, Canada’s CBC and CNN in USA. They are losing their credibility and their thinking audiences just when they will need them for backpedalling, explanations and apologies.

Now There are Ecological Sins! (and Witches, Too!) By Peter West

    As readers may know, as an ex-Catholic I cover events associated with our present commo Pope who has brought the Faith into disgrace. As a protest I no longer go to mass and will not until the Pope of political correctness is removed. For example, there is controversy at the moment about whether or not the Popeye, sorry, Pope, blame Word spell check, denied the divinity of Jesus Christ:

“Participants in the Vatican synod on the Amazon region proposed adding “sins against the environment” to lists of traditionally recognized sins in their second day of discussions and deliberations. Synod fathers called for an “ecological conversion” that would allow people to see “the gravity of sins against the environment as sins against God, against our neighbour, and against future generations,” Vatican News reported Wednesday. “This would imply a need to produce and spread more widely a theological literature that would include ‘ecological sins’ alongside traditional sins,” the report stated.”

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Life On Mars? By Brian Simpson

     Is, or was there, life on Mars? One line of thought has it that life has been discovered but covered up because it would be too threatening to orthodox beliefs, such as religion.

However, I very much doubt that the discovery of bacteria on another planet really threatens Christianity in any way. After all, we deal with evolution here and all that, so bacteria on another world should not be a problem. Even in the case of the encounter with an advanced alien civilisation, that does not mean much about the foundations of religion. If their bug-eyed theologians disagree, then that is just like the debates on Earth with our bug-eyed theologians. But if the aliens were human-like, and also believed in Christianity, that would be a startling confirmation of Christianity, making it simply irrational not to believe, because the probability of that religion arising by chance in two distinct worlds is infinitesimal. It would still mean that a lot of questions would be raised, but no more than theology does now.

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Brains to Just Explode! By Brian Simpson

     Now that I have an audience … it has been proposed that low levels of EMF radiation, does not turn one into a super-hero, but causes a leak in the blood-brain barrier, which is not good, no, not good at all.

“Neurosurgeon and researcher Dr. Leif Salford has conducted many studies on radio frequency radiation and its effects on the brain. Dr. Salford called the potential implications of some of his research “terrifying.” Some of the most concerning conclusions result from the fact that the weakest exposure levels to wireless radiation caused the greatest effect in causing the blood brain barrier to leak. Since he began his line of research in 1988, Dr. Leif Salford and his colleagues at Lund University Hospital in Sweden has exposed over 1,600 experimental animals to low-level radiation. Their results were consistent and worrisome: radiation, including that from cell phones, caused the blood-brain barrier–the brain’s first line of defense against infections and toxic chemicals–to leak. Researchers in 13 other laboratories in 6 different countries had reported the same effect, but no one had proven whether it would lead to any damage in the long term. In a study published June 2003 in Environmental Health Perspectives, Salford’s team repeated the experiment on 32 additional animals, but this time waited eight weeks before sacrificing them and examining their brains. In those animals that had been exposed to a cell phone, up to two percent of the neurons in all areas of the brain were shrunken and degenerated.

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Peeing in the Rain, Just Peeing in the Rain By James Reed

     Music for this post, Singin’ in the Rain, an oldie but goodie, with great dancing by Gene Kelly Aaaaah, music, how is has sunk into the trash, since even the 1950s. Just look at the second clip celebrating murdering a white woman by one of today’s top “stars,” Rihanna:

     Over in the home of racial suicide, Scandinavia, Norwegians have been told by Big sister to pee in the shower to save water, to help with global warming blah, blah:

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Peeping Behind the Climate Change Conspiracy By James “CO2” Reed

     How is this for an opening for a Leftoid article; I am impressed and at this late stage of life, I am not usually impressed about much:

“Yes, yes, I know. The climate is breaking down. It’s urgent. An emergency. We’ve only got a few years left to ‘fix’ it. Indeed, we won’t fix it. Weather patterns will become increasingly unstable and unpredictable, and the effects it will soon have on how humans around the world grow food will be devastating, likely causing harvests to fail across entire continents and food prices to sky-rocket. Millions have already suffered due to the amplified instability. We’re facing imminent societal collapse (whatever that means), both around the world and in the UK. All of our lives are soon going to radically change. None of this is particularly controversial. When a bus is driving with a certain momentum towards a person, it gets clearer and clearer that it will hit the person. After a certain point, it’s inevitable. And that’s where we stand now, with regards to the momentum of climatic change. The bus is about to hit us. Our lives are about to change. It’s not clear whether or not we’ll survive (as a species). Many species have already been run over. Two hundred species each and every day go extinct.”

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The Idiot ideology of Anti-Meat By James Reed

As readers know I have developed into a crazed anti-climate change bug-eyed fanatic, but close on my list of manias is defending meat. Yes, yes, yes,  the taste of the juice, the primal blood, that brings back memories of the cave. That must be what the elites hate about meat, and why they embrace male emasculation, ready for the UN New World Order, helpless and bound, like meat itself, in fact:

“For at least the past ten years the United Nations has been aggressively promoting the concept of a meat free world, based on claims that accelerated land use and greenhouse gas emissions are killing the Earth. In the west, militant leftists with dreams of a socialist Utopia have adopted a kind of manifesto in the Green New Deal, and an integral part of their agenda is the end to the availability of meat to the common man (it's interesting the Green New Deal agenda matches almost perfectly with the UN's Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030). Some of these elitists have argued in favor of heavy taxation on meat products to reduce public consumption; others have argued for an outright ban. The problem with this dietary revolution is that it is based primarily on junk science and cherry-picked data, along with outright lies and propaganda. The majority of studies and articles covering this issue are decidedly biased, left leaning and collectivist in nature. Now, I plan to touch on this issue, but what I really want to focus on is the “WHY” of the matter – Why are the elites targeting human meat consumption, and why are they willing to lie about its effects in order to get us to abandon our burgers and steaks? What is the real agenda here...?

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Science Nerds Question 5 G Tech By Brian Simpson

     We have been presenting material for readers to understand some of the threats involved with the gee-whiz 5G tech that the high tech corporate madmen have ben relentless promoting, delivered to our brains, with no debate, because technology never gets debated only forced upon us. That’s what it means to live in a technocracy. Thus, here is some concerns from a Scientific American article, mainstream stuff, so you know we are in deep trouble;

“The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of "fear mongering" over the advent of wireless technology's 5G. Since much of our research is publicly-funded, we believe it is our ethical responsibility to inform the public about what the peer-reviewed scientific literature tells us about the health risks from wireless radiation. The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently announced through a press release that the commission will soon reaffirm the radio frequency radiation (RFR) exposure limits that the FCC adopted in the late 1990s. These limits are based upon a behavioral change in rats exposed to microwave radiation and were designed to protect us from short-term heating risks due to RFR exposure. Yet, since the FCC adopted these limits based largely on research from the 1980s, the preponderance of peer-reviewed research, more than 500 studies, have found harmful biologic or health effects from exposure to RFR at intensities too low to cause significant heating. Citing this large body of research, more than 240 scientists who have published peer-reviewed research on the biologic and health effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for stronger exposure limits. The appeal makes the following assertions:

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Immigration and Invasive Species Report By Charles Taylor

     Here in the US police officers are losing their jobs for enforcing immigration law, which goes to show that the cosmopolitan religion of open borders immigration transcends even the rule of law now; it is a fanatical cargo cult, a mass insanity march of Western civilisation to its socio-ecological doom:

“Left-wing socialist Democrats have moved portions of our country – the portions they control – to near-anarchy with destructive policies that include non-enforcement of duly passed laws. The most obvious of these have to do with immigration, or, rather, illegal immigration. Democrats are the authors and backers of so-called “sanctuary city” policies, which forbid local police officers from identifying and helping federal officials remove people who are not in our country legally. So enamored with open borders are today’s Leftist Democrats that they are beginning to punish officers who dare to cooperate with federal immigration agents in removing illegal aliens. As reported by Big League Politics, the police chief of Fairfax County, Va., suspended one of his officers this week for assisting Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents:

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The Rebellion against Reason By Viv Forbes

     We don’t need rowdy Extinction Reb-hellions on our streets – we need Education on Extinctions in our science academies, classrooms and media. Extinctions are natural events that close every chapter of Earth’s history - they remove species that can’t cope with competition or change. The rocks are Earth’s archives, recording past climates, extinctions, ice ages, droughts, planetary impacts and volcanic activities. There is NOTHING unusual about current conditions or trends except for today’s huge human population. (Dinosaurs also were very numerous and successful, but only remnants of their line remain today.) There are at least 17 major extinctions recorded in Earth’s archives. They are revealed by discontinuities in surface outcrops, and in drill logs and core samples taken from deep drilling, sea sediment sampling, lake strata, tree rings, stalactite rings and ice cores. There is zero evidence in Earth’s archives of an extinction event caused by high levels of carbon dioxide or by gradual global warming. In fact we see the reverse – warm eras like the modern warming are followed closely by higher levels of carbon dioxide, which encourages plants and supports abundant life on Earth. Past extinctions were caused by meteor impacts, earth movements, geomagnetic reversals, volcanism, tidal waves and changing sea levels. Most eras are closed by life-extinguishing ice ages. Increasing ice is the big thing we have to fear. This is always followed by declining levels of the gases of life (carbon dioxide and water vapour) in the atmosphere. This twin disaster will herald widespread starvation of all plants and animals on Earth. The planet’s archives will then record one more Extinction Event.

Greentopia By Viv Forbes


They planned the Land of Make Believe. They wanted water without building dams, cheap reliable electricity without burning coal or gas, transport without using petrol or diesel, food without farmers or fishermen, employment without factories, and metals and motor fuels without refineries. Their countryside was uglified by paddocks of magic mirrors, forests of whirling bird slicers and spider-webs of access tracks and power lines that delivered abundant electricity when it was least needed. But the taps went dry, cattle and crops died, lights went out, seafood and rice came from Vietnam, metals were smelted and refined in China, trains were built in India, cars and trucks came from Japan, motors fuels were imported from South East Asia, and savings fled to Zurich. Welcome to Green Australia.

Vegan Protests and Violence By James Reed

     Vegan protesters stormed, well, strolled into a pizza joint in Brighton UK, and one oldish angry guy punched a female protester in the face. I am no lover of fine vegan food, the fibre giving me terrible flatulence, but this act of violence must be condemned, and rejected. But that is not my main concern. I was interested to read about other UK protests where the vegans seemed to break the law, but, surprise, surprise, nothing happened:

“Brighton has seen a number of protests in restaurants led by Direct Action Everywhere, which has seen members in court because of their demonstrations. They previously raided a McDonald's wearing pig and chicken masks before spraying fake blood on the floor. A Sussex Police spokesman said: 'Incidents involving animal rights activists at several restaurants in Brighton on Sunday evening, in which protesters with loud hailers chanted slogans at diners, have been reported to police. 'It was alleged that at one establishment a protester was punched by a customer, and at another activists were thrown to the ground. 'Several activists have chained themselves to the exterior of Brighton town hall. 'Police are investigating and are meanwhile monitoring the situation. 'Currently no arrests have been made but if criminal acts are found to have taken place, appropriate action will be taken.'”

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Banks and the Climate Agenda By James Reed

     Here is a tremendous media release by the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia, 3 October 2019, “Banks Push Deadly Climate Agenda,” which is well researched and informative about the forces behind the present climate hysteria:

“Banks push deadly climate agenda
The following article is from the Australian Alert Service of 2 October 2019. It was accompanied by “The real Al Gore”, a profile of Al Gore’s actions in his political career on issues other than climate change, which show his true colours as a ruthless enforcer for corporate-military interests—see link at the end of the article. Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney, in a 23 September speech at the United Nations, revealed the City of London and Wall Street financial oligarchy’s agenda on climate change. It threatens a bleak future for the children of today—one of poverty, death, and environmental destruction. The banking elite brazenly ignore the scientific realities of climate change, and scientists who warn of the disastrous polices promoted by … Goldman Sachs et al. are routinely ignored or bullied into following the establishment line. Carney, formerly a Goldman Sachs executive and Chair of the G20-BIS Financial Stability Board in 2011-18, oversaw the drive to bully nations into a bail-in regime in preparation for the now looming “economic Armageddon”. Now he reveals a climate policy that defies science and lacks humanity for the poorest and most vulnerable in society, many of whom would die under the bankers’ “zero carbon” energy austerity program. In his 23 September speech to the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit 2019, Carney boasted that current supporters of the G20’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) “are responsible for assets totalling US$120 trillion and include the world’s globally systemic banks, top 10 global asset managers, leading pension funds and insurers”.

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Do the Chlorinated, Sorry, Climate Change Fanatics, Want an Indian Pakistan War? (Global Cooling, After All!!) By Jimbo Reed

     Here is an utterly crazy story about the US Democrat called lovingly AOC, to save breath and hence carbon emissions from over-talking, who thanked a possibly trolling audience question, based upon Jonathan Swiftian philosophy, about eating babies (A Modest Proposal (1729)):

“Prank or no, my take away from the eat-the-babies episode is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-CA) repeatedly thanking the woman who said we need to eat babies to save the planet. Watch the video for yourself, but this time pay special attention to Ocasio-Crazy’s demonic and demented reaction to some crazy woman howling about how eating dead people is not enough. By the way, the idea of eating dead people to save the world from Climate Change is no joke. Just last month at something called the Gastro Summit, Swedish behavioral scientist Magnus Söderlund did a whole PowerPoint presentation arguing we must “overcome our taboo against cannibalism” and eat our own dead to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability. The woman at Ocasio-Crazy’s town hall was only taking this idea to the next logical step, a step that combines cannibalism with the Democrats’ utter disregard for newborn babies. The Democrat party is now openly pro-infanticide, openly okay with slaughtering a child post-birth, so why not go for the two-fer? Hey, eating the baby not only aborts it, it’s one less carbon-emitting feast for the whole family!”

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Wind Turbine Pollution! Take That Green Saint Greta Thunberg! By James Reed

     I don’t like picking on children, but climate change activist Greta Thunberg is different, since, following her UN rave, she picks on adults. So, let’s go. First, renewables, yes, but even the sacred wind turbines take massive quantities of resources to make, and break down, getting dumped:

“Hundreds of giant windmill blades are being shipped to a landfill in Wyoming to be buried because they simply can’t be recycled. (Article by Adan Salazar republished from Local media reports several wind farms in the state are sending over 900 un-reusable blades to the Casper Regional Landfill to be buried. While nearly 90 percent of old or decommissioned wind turbines, like the motor housing, can be refurbished or at least crushed, fiberglass windmill blades present a problem due to their size and strength. “Our crushing equipment is not big enough to crush them,” a landfill representative told NPR. Prior to burying the cumbersome, sometimes nearly 300-foot long blades, the landfill has to cut them up into smaller pieces onsite and stack them in order to save space during transportation. To make matters worse, the blades aren’t exactly compostable. The Casper Solid Waste Manager tells Wyoming News Now they’ll take hundreds of years to biodegrade. “So Casper happens to be, I think it is, the biggest landfill facility in the state of Wyoming. These blades are really big, and they take up a lot of airspace, and our unlined area is very, very large, and it’s going to last hundreds of years.” As if that’s not bad enough, NPR reports researchers estimate the US will soon have to grapple with over 720,000 tons of blades over the next 20 years, “a figure that doesn’t include newer, taller higher-capacity versions.” So much for saving the environment.”

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The Attack of the 5 G Drones By Brian Simpson

     I saw the terrible Spider-man movie Far from Home, which basically had an evil guy use drone technology, based in space, to shoot up places. Now it seems the same idea is being used in reality, so it is your fault, Spidey, and you deserved to have your secret identity exposed at the end of the movie, which introduces the “Secret War” theme, just to spoil the movie:

“Massive football field sized drones flying in the stratosphere, beaming down toxic 5G radiation into the earth, into the ocean, into our homes, into our bodies. Sounds like something out of a science fiction nightmare. But if the sponsors of the HAWK30 program, tech giant SoftBank of Japan, defense contractor AeroVironment of California and Alphabet, the parent company of Google, have their way that nightmare will become a reality this fall for some Hawai’i residents and eventually for much of the world’s population. The HAWK30 program, proposed by the Research Corporation of the University of Hawai’i(RCUH), wants to use the Hawaiian island of Lana’i in Maui county as a launch pad for unmanned drones, HAPS (high altitude platform stations) flying at 65,000 to 80,000 feet carrying wireless communications relays and transmitting 5G signals into air, land and sea in a three-phase program. In the final phase of the surreal plan, tiny Lana’i island becomes a drone manufacturing plant, launch pad and mission control center to fly massive drones throughout the equatorial belt.”

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Greta, Now be a Good Girl and Listen to the Kind Billionaire! By James Reed

     Remember the old saying,” children should be seen, but not heard.” When did that die out? Surely in the early post WWII era, since the 1960s brats did not listen or shut up. Neither is this generation, Z, the last one, with any luck (i.e. Biblical Second Coming).

“French business magnate Bernard Arnault, 70, has described climate activist Greta Thunberg as 'demoralising for young people'. The billionaire Chief Executive of LVMH made the comments while speaking at his luxury giant LVMH's sustainability event earlier this week. Arnault said that while Greta was a 'dynamic young girl,' she has 'surrendered completely to catastrophism.' Arnault's giant group boasts Fendi, Christian Dior and Givenchy among its brands. 'I find that her views are demoralising for young people,' the fashion CEO continued. 'I prefer positive solutions that allow us to get towards a more optimistic position.' He added that there was a positive side to economic growth, pointing out that it had helped to create jobs and lift many people from poverty. 'If we don't want to go backwards, we still need growth,' he said.”

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