Greenies Hoisted by their Own Petard! By James Reed

     The sight of a wind turbine sends me into fits of rage, like e-scooters and all the gee whiz tech that makes inner city elites, uni. types, those sorts of people feel morally superior to people like me who have to burn every scrap of lead-paint encrusted timber, and toxic coloured paper to survive this colder than usual (due to global cooling leading up to an ice age), Melbourne winter.

“Researchers from Harvard University have made an interesting and hilarious discovery with regards to wind power, which actually causes more global warming than the burning of fossil fuels does. While massive wind farms are said by some to be the “renewable” energy source of the future, two Harvard scientists have found that the spinning blades of these massive metal monstrosities create more climate warming than coal plants, as one prominent example of the fossil fuel energy that climate alarmists claim is creating global warming. In fact, wind turbines are more “polluting” in terms of the heat they give off than any fossil fuel energy source currently in use, which just goes to show that so-called “clean” energy is, at least in this case, a myth. Published in the journal Joule, the paper concluded that, if all of the electricity demands of the United States could suddenly be supplied by nothing but wind turbines, the surface of the continental states would increase in temperature by a shocking 0.24 degrees Celsius. This figure is vastly greater than the 0.1 degree Celsius temperature reduction that climate fanatics are aiming to achieve by “decarbonizing” our nation’s electricity sector before the finality of this current century. “If your perspective is the next 10 years, wind power actually has – in some respects – more climate impact than coal or gas,” says David Keith, a professor of applied physics and public policy at Harvard, and one of the study’s two primary co-authors.”

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On Climate Spare Change, Hockey Sticks and Law Suits By Ian Wilson LL.B

     I don’t write on the climate change issue because I do not know much about science, and others here are best to address it. However, here is a case where climate change, allegedly, and the law meet, and the mainstream did not do so well. Note that I am not necessarily endorsing any of the following remarks, merely quoting a source in the public interest, as an Australian:

“Supreme Court of British Columbia dismisses Dr Michael Mann’s defamation lawsuit versus Canadian skeptic climatologist, Dr Tim Ball. Full legal costs are awarded to Dr Ball, the defendant in the case. The Canadian court issued its final ruling in favor of the Dismissal motion that was filed in May 2019 by Dr Tim Ball’s libel lawyers. The plaintiff Mann’s “hockey stick” graph, first published in 1998, was featured prominently in the U.N. 2001 climate report. The graph showed an “unprecedented” spike in global average temperature in the 20th Century after about 500 years of stability. … On Friday morning (August 23, 2019) Dr Ball sent an email to WUWT revealing: “Michael Mann’s Case Against Me Was Dismissed This Morning by The BC Supreme Court and They Awarded Me [Court] Costs.” A more detailed public statement from the world-renowned skeptical climatologist is expected in due course. Professor Mann is a climate professor at Penn State University. Mann filed his action on March 25, 2011 for Ball’s allegedly libelous statement that Mann “belongs in the state pen, not Penn State.” … Previously, on Feb, 03, 2010, an … academic investigation  by Pennsylvania State University had cleared Mann of misconduct. Mann also falsely claimed the NAS found nothing untoward with his work. But the burden of proof in a court of law is objectively higher. Not only did the B.C. Supreme Court grant Ball’s application for dismissal of the 8-year, multi-million-dollar lawsuit, it also took the additional step of awarding full legal costs to Ball. This extraordinary outcome will likely trigger severe legal repercussions for Dr Mann in the U.S. and may prove fatal to alarmist climate science claims that modern temperatures are “unprecedented.” According to the leftist The Guardian newspaper (Feb, 09, 2010), the wider importance of Mann’s graph over the last 20 years is massive: “Although it was intended as an icon of global warming, the hockey stick has become something else – a symbol of the conflict between mainstream climate scientists and their critics.” Under court rules, Mann’s legal team have up to 30 days to file an appeal.” That is the principal statement, not my personal expression; take it for what it is.”

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But James, What if You are Wrong about Climate Change???? By James Reed

     If one is a rational scientific thinker, then the possibility of being wrong must be addressed. Here at this beloved site, we oppose the mainstream on climate change, global warming, you know that nonsense and hot air. But what if we are wrong, someone in an email recently asked? Is the UN and globalists right, and  should we  pack our bags and give up, living a life of drinking soy milk, instead of hard liquor? Hardly. Here is some literature discussing this hypothetical. The basic line of response is that the best way of dealing with any environmental problem is locally, not globally, because globally the problem is just too big to solve. Thus, if there is a need to reduce waste, then fine, let us overhaul the financial system, which because of its debt structure leads to the need for endless growth, much of which does not serve genuine human interests. In other words, environmentalism could be reinterpreted from the Right, and it would make more sense too.

     But don’t panic! Nobody here is saying anything positive about environmentalism, only in the logically possible scenario that we IF were wrong, the argument is far from over.

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Tyranny right on our Door By Bruce Bennett

     If things were not tough enough for our battling farmers, now they have to deal with anarcho-tyranny, not immediately in the form of Camp of the Saints invasions, but by Big government claiming rainwater as soon as it hits the ground:

“Lakeland farmers have been told they no longer own the water after rainfall hits the ground on their properties. Desperate for irrigation water to keep their banana crops alive the State Government delivered a mortal blow preventing farmers from building any more dams over 50 megalitres capacity without applying for an expensive licence. Mareeba-based Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy officer Patrick Huber broke the devastating news at a meeting of Lakeland farmers recently. Mr Huber stressed that water caught in domestic rainwater tanks was safe from government hands but any other water belonged to the State. Releasing the Draft Water Plan for Cape York Peninsula he said overland flow had to be protected and the department would soon require land owners with existing dams, large or small, to supply dam measurements and capacities to the department. Within 12 months of receiving the information the DNR would then issue a licence for the water and install meters on all private dams to get an idea of water usage.

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Now the Elites Want to Literally Eat You! By Brian Simpson

     If the people do not fight against tyranny, should they cry when it is decided by the Dark Lords of the Universe that they be eaten? The normalising process is beginning:

“For humans though, cannibalism is the ultimate taboo. In fact, our aversion to cannibalism is so strong that consent and ethics count for little. In one of our own experiments, participants were asked to consider the hypothetical case of a man who gave permission to his friend to eat parts of him once he died of natural causes. Participants read that this occurred in a culture that permitted the act, that the act was meant to honour the deceased, and that the flesh was cooked so that there was no chance of disease. Despite this careful description, about half of the participants still insisted that the act was invariably wrong. The tragic anecdote above illuminates why humans are the exception to the animal cannibal rule. Our capacity to represent the personalities of the living and the departed is unparalleled. This deep connection between personhood and flesh can mean that careful reasoning in certain situations over the merits of cannibalism is overridden by our feelings of repulsion and disgust. So why our disgust for human flesh but not that of other animals? Philosopher William Irvine has us imagine a ranch that raises plump babies for human consumption, much like we fatten and slaughter cattle for beef. Irvine suggests that the same arguments we apply to justify the killing of cows also apply to babies. For example, they wouldn't protest, and they're not capable of rational thought.

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Should We Care if the Lungs of the Earth get Cancer? By James Reed

     This one has really got all the young ones and people who still see some point in living very worried: the Amazon is on fire!

     The Amazon fires have been described as an apocalypse, plunging entire cities into darkness:

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Amazon Fires: Fake News! By James Reed

     Ha! Just what I thought, the Amazon fires are false news! I was excited for a time, as this would have been a real test of the global warming nonsense, especially when the entire Amazon swamp was eliminated so that burger-producing, methane releasing beef cattle in all their beauty would be free to drink and poo in the Amazon River. But, who know?

“The hysteria over Brazil’s “lungs of the earth” has even become a central contention at the G7 meeting in Europe, with global leaders calling for intervention to save the Amazon jungle. The problem is that most pictures being circulated on social media are NOT of this year’s fires at all! Photos are being dragged out from fires dating back to 1989 and presented as if they were taken in 2019. “This is fake news and blatant disinformation at its worst, but the world’s news media is using it to fan the fires of outrage in an attempt to achieve a political outcome, namely, Sustainable Development. In particular, the Amazon rain forest is seen as vital to countering global warming. Meteorologist Eric Holthaus, who writes for the radical environmental journal Grist, Tweeted today, “Smoke from the fires currently burning in the Amazon rainforest is covering about half of Brazil. We are in a climate emergency.” Apparently fire and smoke is seen as proof of global warming. However, considering that the rain forest stretches across Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana, why is it that only Brazil is under attack by the Sustainable Development crowd? First, remember that the first Earth Summit that produced Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development in the first place was held in Rio DeJaneiro, Brazil in 1992. Thus, Brazil is akin to sacred ground to UN policy wonks. Second, Brazil’s newly-elected president Jair Bolsonaro is strongly opposed to globalization, left-wing policies and is pointedly anti-Communist. Bolsonaro has become a lightning rod for attack much in the same way and for the same reasons as U.S. President Donald Trump. The bottom line is that while fires are real, the Chicken Little panic is fake.”

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Letter to The Editor - Canberra Water for Environmental Flow?


A delegation of people from waterless western NSW is planning to come to Canberra to demonstrate to the people of the ACT how they are destroying lives and businesses across the Murray-Darling Basin.

“We intend to drain Lake Burley Griffin as an environmental flow down the Murrumbidgee River.
Just as the MDB Authority did with the Menindee Lakes.

“Then to add more volume to this environmental flow we will also drain the Cotter dam.
Just as the MDB Authority did with Keepit and Burrendong Dams.

“Then when the people of the ACT have no water for basic needs we will try to get you some bottled water.

“You must make-do with bottled water until there is rain in the catchment.

“We are very angry people so do please do not get in our way.”

  Ron Pike, Sapphire Beach, NSW

Ron Pike has spent a lifetime in the Murray Darling Basin. He is water spokesman for the Saltbush Club.

Some reading:

A Basin Plan that works for all:

Letter to The Editor - Canberra Water for Environmental Flow?


A delegation of people from waterless western NSW is planning to come to Canberra to demonstrate to the people of the ACT how they are destroying lives and businesses across the Murray-Darling Basin.

“We intend to drain Lake Burley Griffin as an environmental flow down the Murrumbidgee River.
Just as the MDB Authority did with the Menindee Lakes.

“Then to add more volume to this environmental flow we will also drain the Cotter dam.
Just as the MDB Authority did with Keepit and Burrendong Dams.

“Then when the people of the ACT have no water for basic needs we will try to get you some bottled water.

“You must make-do with bottled water until there is rain in the catchment.

“We are very angry people so do please do not get in our way.”

  Ron Pike, Sapphire Beach

Why are Academics Insane? By James Reed

     There is no end to the amount of bs that comes out of the universities, and in fact these institutions of ecological horror should be closed down solely because of their carbon footprint! I mean to say, if people have to give up meat to save the planet, then surely, we can give up on these evil institutions?

“A paper currently being promoted by a New York university calls on society to consider the rampant “sexual exploitation” of dairy cows by the milk industry in order to “fully fight gendered oppression.” Specifically, the author compares cattle insemination to "rape" and the milking of cows to "sexual abuse." “the dairy industry is a host for sex-based discrimination"   

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The God of Chaos May Kill Us All! By Brian Simpson

     Am I the only right-wing fringe dweller who lies awake at night fearing asteroid attack? It could happen sooner than most people think, which could be a bad thing, or a good thing, depending upon whether you are a bug-eyed religious apocalyptic fanatic, like yours truly:

“It may be 10 years away, but NASA is already preparing for the arrival of what is being called the "God of Chaos" asteroid, which is slated to skim past the earth in 10 years, according to Express. The asteroid has been named 99942 Apophis. The asteroid is gargantuan, measuring 340 meters across, and will come within 19,000 miles of the earth's surface. It’s one of the largest asteroids to ever pass so close to the earth and a collision with it could be "devastating for all life on earth". No word on whether or not it'll wipe out all student debt, however. The asteroid will even get closer to the earth than most communication and weather satellites that are currently in orbit. These satellites are about 22,236 miles from earth. Meanwhile, the asteroid is traveling at about 25,000 mph, meaning that if it were to be slightly jarred off of its course, it could be a catastrophe for the earth. The asteroid's size and its proximity to the earth have resulted in it being categorized as a "Potentially Hazardous Asteroid" (PHA). NASA scientists are aware that the asteroid's trajectory could change between now and 2029, raising potential fears of a collision. Should it not collide with earth, it’s expected to shine "exceptionally bright" and pick up speed as it passes our planet. It’s moving so fast that it will cross the width of the moon in a minute and will be as brightly lit as the stars.”

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Support this Climate Petition - Please spread this around

1. Climate Petition – call for support

A petition being prepared by hundreds of independent climate scientists and professionals from numerous countries for submission to heads of the European Council, Commission and Parliament declares: "There is No Climate Emergency."
They welcome more signatures from all over the world.

Here is the petition:

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The Environmentalist Roots of Anti-Immigrant Bigotry By Charles Taylor

     On this freezing cold Melbournian Sunday morning, there was nothing much to refute until I came across this beauty from the Leftoid The Guardian, and the eternally poetic, politically correct New York Times.

“Recent mass shootings have been linked to ‘eco-xenophobia’ – part of a tradition that dates to America’s first conservationists. The environmentalist, white nationalist, and influential anti-immigration activist John Tanton died less than three weeks before the El Paso shooting. Tanton lived to see his movement shape much of modern US immigration policy, but not this latest violent turn. A hate-filled document allegedly linked to the man suspected of killing 22 people in El Paso on 3 August echoed the kind of rhetoric generally favored by the far right – and also had a decidedly environmentalist, Tanton-like bent. The document praised the Dr Seuss character the Lorax, who says he speaks for the trees, and complained about the unsustainable overuse of paper towels. It concluded that the best course of environmental action would be mass murder. A week prior, on an Instagram account reportedly linked to the alleged Gilroy, California, garlic festival shooter, he complained about migrant-driven sprawl. Months before, the Christchurch, New Zealand, shooter called himself an “eco-fascist”. Long before this violence, researchers warned of “the greening of hate”. From Tanton’s anti-immigration nonprofit network to some of today’s avowed environmentalists, across the political spectrum, overpopulation and immigration in particular has been blamed for environmental collapse for over 50 years.

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Nuke Mars? Only After Nuking the Earth! By James Reed

     The globalist elites are dead keen about terraforming Mars, making it into a new home for the elites, once earth is destroyed. That makes sense; destroy a perfectly good planet and then make another one from scratch, to destroy that one in time. The only problem is that conventional technology will not deliver a habitable Mars. So, what to do? If all else fails, nuke it from space, just to be sure:

“Nuking Mars is still on Elon Musk's wish list, it would seem. Four years ago, the SpaceX founder and CEO went on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" and discussed a strategy for making the Red Planet more livable: detonating nuclear bombs over its poles. The explosions would vaporize a fair chunk of Mars' ice caps, liberating enough water vapor and carbon dioxide — both potent greenhouse gases — to warm up the planet substantially, the idea goes. This terraforming concept is apparently still bouncing around in Musk's head, because on Thursday (Aug. 15), he tweeted, seemingly unprompted, "Nuke Mars!" A few hours later, he followed up with another tweet: "T-shirt soon."

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I Hate E-Scooters! By James Reed

     I see people zipping around the street on these things, these e-scooters, and I am in fear. The other day a young punk crashed into me, knocking me down. He was off in a flash, not caring if I was bleeding or broken. Yes, e-scooters are a modern form of urban terrorism, and need to be stopped quickly so our footpaths are safe again for geriatric cripples like myself to crawl their way along, like decaying snails. Oh, these are not great for the environment either. Take note of this you punks, who think you’re oh so green while killing us old people:

“However, if you look a little closer, you’ll see that they aren’t quite as friendly to the environment as they might seem. A new study carried out by researchers from North Carolina State University has revealed that getting around on a scooter actually creates more greenhouse gas emissions per mile travelled than going by bus, moped, bicycle, or foot. It isn’t the scooters themselves that are the problem – it’s their materials and manufacturing, especially that of the battery, wheels and frame. On top of that, the companies that round up the scooters at the end of the day to charge them and put them back on the street are creating a significant impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. The researchers made their determinations by looking at the scooter models used for the first generation of Birds. After carrying out an analysis that examined all the emissions associated with every aspect of its life cycle, they found that materials and manufacturing accounted for roughly half of the global warming impact of the scooter. The lithium-ion battery and aluminum components are one part of the question; the scooters are also shipped out from Southeast Asia or China. A further 43 percent comes from the collection and distribution process involved in recharging the fleet, while less than 5 percent comes from the electricity that charges them. The finding that half of the scooters’ global warming impact stems from their materials and manufacturing is important when you consider the fact that shared scooters are often targets of vandalism and outright destruction, which means they then must be replaced.

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More On Becoming A State of the US By James Reed

     I have put the case for Australia becoming a state of the United States, primarily to prevent us being swallowed up by China. Here is an article which I cite in further support of my position, making the case that Australia cannot defend itself now. And don’t believe the Arthur Caldwell bs that we need more migrants. Technology can wipe out migrants with rifles in the blink of an eye, and this was true in 1947 too.

“Australia’s decision to buy 12 of the “most lethal conventional submarines ever contemplated” may actually leave it exposed to attack, according to an expert. When the Shortfin Barracuda was unveiled as the design for Australia’s new submarine fleet in 2016, there was excitement about its capabilities and the decision to build the vessel in South Australia. But one expert has now analysed the challenges facing Australia’s military amid the changing power dynamic in the region and believes Australia has invested billions in the wrong weaponry. Professor Hugh White’s book How to Defend Australia looks at the strategic risks Australia faces as China seeks to take its place as the dominant player in East Asia. He believes America will eventually withdraw from the region, which could leave Australia exposed and without the right technology to defend itself against rising powers including China, Indonesia and India. While America has suggested it is “here to stay” in the region, Prof White told it had not done anything to push back against China. “We need to think about how Australia can stand up for itself in an Asia that is not dominated by America,” he said. China has put a massive amount of money into its air and naval forces and now has nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Its nuclear weapons could threaten American cities if war broke out. “In a new Cold War, Americans would have to ask whether saving Taiwan from China — and preserving US leadership in Asia — would be worth losing Los Angeles and Seattle,” Prof White’s book notes.”

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National Socialism Chinese Style By James Reed

     There are a number of articles out there in internet land, putting the case that China with its state socialism, will destroy neo-liberalism. One need not embrace this full-blown communism to see the flaws of so-called free trade where there is no level playing field, and China does not play by the rules:

     What is interesting is that the case has been put that China is following a form of national socialism, socialism, but wrapped in nationalist rather than globalist values:

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Another Day, Another Nuclear Accident! By Brian Simpson

     Just in case you have not heard, there was a nuclear accident in Russia, but, nothing to worry about, have a vodka and toast President Putin, while eating raw potatoes:

“The failed missile test that ended in an explosion killing five scientists last week on Russia’s White Sea involved a small nuclear reactor, according to a top official at the institute where they worked. The institute is working on small-scale power sources that use “radioactive materials, including fissile and radioisotope materials” for the Defense Ministry and civilian uses, Vyacheslav Soloviev, scientific director of the institute, said in a video shown by local TV. The men, who will be buried Monday, were national heroes and the “elite of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center,” institute Director Valentin Kostyukov said in the video, which was also posted on an official website in Sarov, a high-security city devoted to nuclear research less than 400 kilometers (250 miles) east of Moscow. The blast occurred Aug. 8 during a test of a missile that used “isotope power sources” on an offshore platform in the Arkhangelsk region, close to the Arctic Circle, Russia’s state nuclear company Rosatom said over the weekend. The Defense Ministry initially reported two were killed in the accident, which it said involved testing of a liquid-fueled missile engine. The ministry didn’t mention the nuclear element. It caused a brief spike in radiation in the nearby port city of Severodvinsk, according to a statement on the local administration’s website that was later removed. The Russian military said radiation levels were normal but disclosed few details about the incident. News of the explosion set off in nearby cities and towns a run on iodine, which is believed to help prevent the thyroid gland from absorbing radiation. Norway said it had stepped up radiation monitoring after the incident but hadn’t detected anything abnormal. Southerly winds and the large distance between the border and the explosion make it unlikely that Finland will detect any radiation, Pia Vesterbacka, director at Finland’s Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, said by phone Monday. The authority hasn’t checked its air filters since the incident but expects to have results this week, she added.”

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Over-the Top with the Law By Peter West

     If things are not tough enough for our farmers, then we have this nonsense:

“A farmer in the New South Wales Riverina is $4,000 out of pocket in legal fees after the load of hay he was transporting was found to be two centimetres over-width. The drought had forced Brendan Murphy, a farmer from Ladysmith, to supplement his income with off-farm work. The job he took on in July last year was transporting 40 bales of oaten hay from Tarcutta in the Riverina to Murrumbateman near Canberra. The hay had been loaded by someone else, and his task was to drive the truck and deliver it. The financial gain for Mr Murphy from the trip was to be $230. He was stopped by the NSW Roads and Maritime Service (RMS) at Coolac on the Hume Highway where the truck and load of hay was deemed by three RMS inspectors to be two centimetres over-width. Mr Murphy was informed by inspectors he could not move the truck until the load was within the 2.7 metre width tolerance. It measured 2.72 metres at inspection. He said one of the inspectors, in particular, was not sympathetic to his cause of delivering hay to drought-affected farmers. "He was not understanding at all. He had one thing in mind and just went straight after me and there was nothing I could do about it," he said.

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Global Warming Elites Will Kill Us All! By James Reed

     Geo-engineering is the next big thing for the global warming cult, for if we can’t regulate greenhouse emissions in time, well there will need to be some high-tech solution, via changing the climate. Are you confident that the people who do not know how to solve any other social problem will be let loose to change the complex climate system? Yikes!

“The plan sounds like science fiction — but could be fact within a decade; every day more than 800 giant aircraft would lift millions of tonnes of chalk dust to a height of 12 miles above the Earth's surface and then sprinkle the lot high around the stratosphere. In theory, the airborne dust would create a gigantic sunshade, reflecting some of the Sun's rays and heat back into space, dimming those that get through and so protecting Earth from the worsening ravages of climate warming. This is not the crackpot plan of a garden-shed inventor. The project is being funded by billionaire and Microsoft founder Bill Gates and pioneered by scientists at Harvard University. Indeed, the plans are so well advanced that the initial 'sky-clouding' experiments were meant to have begun months ago. This initial $3 million test, known as Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) would use a high-altitude scientific balloon to raise around 2kg of calcium carbonate dust — the size of a bag of flour — into the atmosphere 12 miles above the desert of New Mexico. This would seed a tube-shaped area of sky half a mile long and 100 yards in diameter. For the ensuing 24 hours, the balloon would be steered by propellers back through this artificial cloud, its onboard sensors monitoring both the dust's sun-reflecting abilities and its effects on the thin surrounding air. SCoPEx is, however, on hold, amid fears that it could trigger a disastrous series of chain reactions, creating climate havoc in the form of serious droughts and hurricanes, and bring death to millions of people around the world.”

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