Klaus Schwab and Pfizer’s Albert Bourla have a Heart-to-Heart! By James Reed

We would be mistaken if we thought that globalist did not have “feelings,” Yes Jim, it is feelings, but not as we know it, to paraphrase Spock from the original Star Trek.


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World Economic Forum’s Algorithmic Approach to Suppression of Free Speech By James Reed

We know that the tyrannical globalist World Economic Forum are making the big push now to crush free speech, and have said so at their talkfest. But how exactly do they intend to do this? According to a “freedom of the press” panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos, this suppression is best done through use of social media algorithms. Kenneth Roth, the head of Soros-backed Human Rights Watch, said in a speech that algorithmic manipulation should be used in order to promote content from a “subset of society… journalists,” to convey information as “carefully as possible” to the public. In other words, manipulate information. “I don’t focus so much on what should be taken down, the overt censorship, but rather what is being promoted. If algorithms are promoting information that in essence is false or divisive because it is profitable, there I think there is accountability that is quite warranted for these companies.” And who decides that? In other words, IT will be used to prevent one from even finding critical content. This is happening now. For example, try using key words to find what the adverse effects of the smallpox vaccine was when first introduced. I found nothing. As well, articles at this blog, searched even by exact title, seldom come up. So, this censorship is happening right now.


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Guns Do Save Lives By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This story did not make the mainstream media coverage, as these members of the chattering class are, consistent with Leftism, taking an anti-gun agenda. It does not fit their politics to have cases of people with guns preventing massacres. The elites want the general population unarmed because an unarmed population, like Australia, can be easily brutalised and controlled.


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The Weekly US Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Events from VAERS By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data shows a total of 1,277,980 reports of adverse events following Covid-19 vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and May 20, 2022. The data included a total of 28,312 reports of deaths, an increase of 171 over last week,  and 232,694 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period, an increase of  2,330 compared with last week.


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The Evidence for Antidepressants Causing Mass Shootings By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A Midwestern Doctor, in the light of recent US mass shootings, discusses the role that antidepressants might have played in tipping the killers over the edge. If one Googles “psychiatric medications and mass shootings,” you will soon see from the search results that a lot of energy has been put in by the Left-wing fact checkers in debunking the proposition that psychiatric medications have influenced, if not caused mass shootings mass shootings. However, as documented extensively below, almost all of the young men who were mass shooters, had severe psychiatric problems, and were on these meds. Was it the meds which pushed them over the edge, or would their mental illness have done this anyway? The question needs investigation and free discussion, but the globalist agenda for private gun control is the main agenda.


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The Kill Phase of Globalism By James Reed

Technocracy News makes the case, the same on made by other thinkers such as Mike Adams at Natural News.com,  that the globalists have moved into the “kill phase of their New World Order agenda. Actually, this began with the Covid plandemic, both from the virus itself, if you believe like I do that this was all a deliberate creation and release from a CCP/American Deep State bio-lab, but most of all from the ill-effects of the vaxxes, the effects of which are in the early stages. The elites of Davos and the World Economic Forum this week have been openly gloating about the elimination of free speech, the end of meat, and everything that critics have said was their agenda, but which the Left-wing fact checkers denied. It is most likely that the perfect storm of disasters now unfolding is part of a depopulation agenda, to cull out the useless eaters of the population, people like me, so that the elites, with advanced AI, and selected slaves can live in their communistic dystopia. The battle of the human race is now on.


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Tyranny Unlimited: The Plans for the Apocalypse By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is doubtful that the Australian government has plans like the US does for apocalyptic scenarios, but given what the plans are, that is probably a good thing for Aussies, seeing what the oppressive states did with the Covid mandates and lockdowns. The presidential emergency action documents that have recently been disclosed show but some of the plans the US executive have in the case of a disaster, such as nuclear attack or an EMP strike that takes down the grid. The emergency and wartime powers will achieve in an instant what the Biden administration is doing right now, including giving wide powers of imprisonment, shut down communication networks (that are still working), impose martial law, and perhaps confiscate guns. This poses a temptation for the political tyrants who rule us, and lust for even more power, to set up a false flag, to make it all happen.


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The Sedition of Hillary Clinton By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As is well known, former US Attorney General Bill Barr is no friend of Donald Trump. But, he has concluded that Hillary Clinton engaged in a "seditious" conspiracy against Donald Trump with the strategy of trying to paint Trump as a Russian stooge. Barr has now recommended that Special Counsel John Durham investigate her. "I thought we were heading into a constitutional crisis. I think whatever you think of Trump, the fact is that the whole Russiagate thing was a grave injustice. It appears to be a dirty political trick that was used first to hobble him and then potentially to drive him from office," Barr said. We wait to see if justice will be done, but the Clintons have more than nine lives.


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Questions about the Uvalde Mass Shooting By Chris Knight (Florida)

The web is now featuring numerous pieces raising some fundamental questions about the police response to the shooter in the Uvalde Texas affair. Even the mainstream media are reporting that the police held back and did not storm the building for, according to some reports, up to one hour. As well, parents who wanted to go into the building themselves were maced and handcuffed. It was admitted by the authorities that the police held back as they di not want to get shot! So much for the anti-gun rant that the police will save you! But, there is more I believe, Mike Adams doing his usual good work. What does not make sense is how the shooter, with no know employment was able to buy equipment that would cost up to $ 8,000. Where did the money come from to buy the expensive equipment?


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Civilisation Needs Fossil Fuels, Not Renewables By James Reed

Time magazine has a piece which makes some important points regarding fossil fuels. These are not just used for petrol/diesel cars, so that supposed electric vehicles can replace them, when these cars are not blowing up and/or, catching on fire.  In addition, fossil fuels are needed for creating cement, steel, plastics and ammonia, the later essential for fertiliser manufacture. There are no readily available substitutes for these materials, and no effective replacement for fossil fuels in their manufacture. Thus, this shows the delusion of the Green plan to abandon fossil fuels, unless the real Green goal is to destroy Western civilisation and allow the global domination of the number one love of the life of the Left, communist China.


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The Great Replacement of Western Civilisation By Richard Miller (London)

Giulio Meotti, Cultural Editor for Il Foglio, an Italian journalist and author, ploughs in on the issue of the Great Replacement of white Europeans. We notes that the mainstream media is not covering this, which is not surprising, because they have an active role in promoting this act of racial vengeance, as all Leftists have, it is in the political DNA. He notes that there is a growing number of diverse politicians that are radical advocates of mass immigration of their own ethnic group, which will fuel the Great Replacement. "What we see in big cities today will be normal for the whole country in the future. In a city like Frankfurt, we will have between 65 percent and 70 percent." — Herbert Brücker, head of migrant research at the Federal Institute for Employment Research, Die Welt, April 11, 2019. "The massive vote for Mélenchon is proof that the strategy of community victimization that began in the 1990s produced what it was intended to produce in one or two generations. Mélenchon gathered a large part of the Muslim vote, which obviously does not make it a Muslim or Islamist party, but only a 'cuckoo' party. Like the cuckoo hatching its eggs in the nest of a bird of another species, a cuckoo party shelters and protects ideas that are not its own. The Muslim Brothers have a strategy that they expressed in their plans from the 1980s: to form an alliance with the most docile parties to propagate their ideas". — Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, anthropologist, Marianne.net. April 22, 202


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Covid, Not Diamonds are Forever! By Brian Simpson

Igor Chudov has presented a great piece dealing with the issue that Big Pharma is claiming that we have not seen the last of Covid, and that more waves of Covid are coming. Yes, well they would know. Chudov focusses upon the new anti-Covid drug, Paxlovid, a mix of a novel protease inhibitor nirmatrelvir, and an HIV medication ritonavir. Paxlovid costs around almost 30 times more than the Covid vax, so it is a money spinner. The reason is that this drug will increase, not decrease, Covid infections, Igor explains:


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Medical Shortages Coming By John Steele

There is not much about this at all on mainstream media, but the issue was covered in detail, from personal contacts at the Full Spectrum Survival YouTube site. Brad at this site reads emails from doctors in hospitals who report that there is a disaster in the making of a shortage of crucial medications, such as anaesthetics. The problem is that most of these medications come from China, and the lockdowns and supply crisis is producing the shortages. I could not find any information on this relevant to Australia, but I believe that we are just as dependent upon China for medical supplies, as shown by the Covid plandemic, where there was shortage of things like face masks, because, due to the insanity of globalism, it was all made in China. Guess what happens during war with China to our medical supplies? Don’t get sick, and if you are contemplating elective surgery, maybe it is a good idea to get it sooner rather than later, if you can afford it.


Covid Vax Fraud and Data Manipulation By Brian Simpson

The truth is slowly coming out about fraud and the Covid vaxxes. The first internal crack in the system was in November 2021, when Brook Jackson, a whistle-blower who worked on Pfizer’s Phase 3 Covid jab trial in the US autumn of 2020, said she had seen evidence of fraud in the trial. This testimony even made it to mainstream medical journals who showed concern, but nothing happened.

Then, after Pfizer failed in its court bid to have a ruling over-turned about release of trial data, odd things were found, such as with Trial site 1231, located in Argentina. In this trial they supposedly   managed to recruit 10 percent of the total trial participants, 4,501 in all. This was done in the likely world record time of just three weeks, with no contract research organization.  Site 1231 then held a second enrolment session, given the designation of “site 4444,” that supposedly enrolled 1,275 patients in a single week, from September 22 through 27, 2020.

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At Least 10,000 Reports of Death or Serious Injury Following Covid Vaccination have Vanished Since the Rollout of the Shots By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is something very suspicious, deserving intensive investigation. The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), already shows that VAERS data reveal that the Covid shots are the most dangerous “vaccine” ever made available. These vaccines account for more injuries and deaths than all previous conventional vaccines combined over the last three decades, and that in itself would be a solid reason to stop the endless jab cycle. However, according to data analyst Albert Benavides, at least 10,000 reports of death or serious injury following Covid vaccination have vanished since the rollout of the shots. These were not duplicate reports, which is a common “explanation” for their removal. So, where have these reports gone (eliminated?) and why?


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Race is Only Skeleton Deep! By Brian Simpson

Human doctors cannot determine the race of a person by looking at X-rays, perhaps because they are told in medical school indoctrination that race is only a social construct. But that message was not handed out to AI deep learning models that do accurately identify someone’s race, as traditionally defined, by X-rays. Instead of seeing this as showing the limits of human doctors, the balloon goes up of “racist” AI!


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Beware of Genetically Engineered Transgenic Chickens! By Brian Simpson

With all the threats we now face, here comes another potential one, represented by the technology of genetically engineered transgenic chickens, which sounds absurd, but it is true. A concept patent has been filed for a method that includes the use of CRISPR/Cas-mediated gene editing to generate transgenic birds so that no male offspring are able to hatch. While this seems like a good idea, as male chicks are killed anyway, today we must always ask, how might developments of this technology go, to produce evil, not good. Is there any chance of feminist scientists, if they are out there, using such technology to cull out human males, maybe by use of vaccines? Or, the lethal gene escapes and mutates, causing a Hollywood style apocalypse. A longshot, or jab, but just asking. Nowadays, anything is possible.


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Monkeypox Freak Out Time! By Chris Knight (Florida)

We have covered at the blog the grand arrival of monkeypox as the next plandemic candidate. The fanfare is breathtaking as the media, bored from the drag-on of the Ukrainian War, as such wars tend to do, move to their next Big Thing for the endless news cycle. And I thought bird flu would get more attention, as it is devastating the poultry industry, and a convenient mutation/gain-of-function modification, would generate the same results for humans. But maybe that will come after monkey business has happened. Monkeypox has the trappings of a medieval plague, with the pox marks and pus, it looks horrible if one engages in the activities that produce it, so the stage is set once more.


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The True Source of Evil of the World Economic Forum By James Reed

  1. B. Shurk has a good piece at the great American thinker.com, detailing the true source of evil – and he uses that term – of the World Economic Forum. He says:That's where we are today, as the world's 1% of the 1% celebrate their own magnificence in Davos and plot mankind's future without even the pretence of seeking mankind's consultation, let alone permission.  "The future is not just happening," Schwab proclaimedto his SPECTRE-like cabal in Switzerland.  "The future is built by us, by a powerful community such as you here in this room."  "Good German" Klaus and his merry band of global gentry have decided to take over the planet, and they're so confident in their endeavors that they no longer deign to pretend otherwise.  Yep, here are our New World Order master plans! Yes, we know we've called you guys "conspiracy theory nuts" for forty years, but you were right.  In hindsight, wasn't it obvious? 


We have been saying this for a long time, but now part of normie culture is seeing what we see.

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Who’s Afraid of the Smallpox Vaccine? By Mrs Vera West

The smallpox vaccine is a poster child for the vaccine religion, one of the major religions of modern times. It has a technocratic priesthood, vast wealth and power, and requires uncritical devotion by its followers. Punishments exist for disobedience, the Covid vaccine mandates being one example.

The latest regarding monkeypox, is that the smallpox vaccine is said to be 85 percent effective. Well, the mRNA vaxxes were said, at the time to be much higher than that, and now look at things. There is no evidence given about this effectiveness, based upon clinical trials, as far as I can ascertain. So, how do we know the smallpox vaccine will be that effective against monkeypox? And, if smallpox was eliminated as vaccine ideology proposes, with only two samples of the virus kept in reserve, then how is it possible for the vaccine companies to be going into full scale production of the vax? And, couldn’t governments just give the money to Big Pharma, as a modern form of Danegeld, and skip the pandemic? So many questions, so few answers.

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