Jessica Rose, PhD and Peter McCullough, MD have an article (see below), analysing myocarditis requiring hospitalization in individuals aged 3 months to 98 years of age, based upon US data in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which Dr Rose has extensively studied. It was found that “3569/3594 (99.3%) cases of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis requiring hospitalization reports analyzed in the VAERS domestic data set were not co-associated with COVID-19 respiratory illness in accordance with either ‘negative’ polymerase chain reactions (PCR) to detect SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 diagnosis, or both. Rates of hospitalization were high with 84% of all myocarditis reports associated with hospitalization in the 0-19 age group and 70.9, in general.” Yes, you guessed it, the main cause of the hospitalisations now is the vax.
Back in the day I saw the first Matrix movie which depicted the great mass of humanity inside a vast machine, in a dream-state, but supplying electrical energy to some sort of evil controlling computer intelligence. That seemed a good metaphor for modern society, even though the literal portrayal did not make much sense, since the human cells still needed to be supplied with food, which would take more energy to supply than the output.
Anyway, the World Economic Forum, our equivalent of the Dark Lords found in The Lord of the Rings, and just as ugly, as part of their transhumanist agenda to merge man with machine, aim to transform people into batteries to power electronic devices and urban development, by “Parasitic Harvesting.” This is a method of generating power from people’s normal activities. For example, Microsoft has a patent for a method of transforming human behavior into cryptocurrency, which is done through a device coupled with a server that registers body activity and “mines” crypto. The exact details of how this all works are not openly revealed, surprise, surprise. But it must involve harvesting human kinetic and thermal energies. “Generating power from people’s normal activities such as walking is known as parasitic harvesting. One example of this in action is … a handheld tube-shaped device that clips to your belt and backpack and generates electricity as you move around, using a magnet weight, spring, and inductive coil.” So, now you will become an energy slave in the Matrix of the Great Reset!
Lawrence Kadish details communist China’s open plot to destroy America. There is nothing secret about it; the CCP has been quite open, indeed aggressive, about it. In 1999 two colonels in China's People's Liberation Army, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiansui, wrote, "Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America." This document gave alternative methods, instead of direct military attack, of destroying America, such as using social conflict, economic warfare, attacking infrastructure and terrorism. That has evolved now into a policy of the use of continuous cyber-attacks, and the development of super-EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapons to destroy electronics and put America back into the stone age, instantly. Of course, after he successful EMP will come the killer nuclear weapons.
Now I ask, if there was a psycho who was trading with you, but stated that he intended to kill you and your family down the track, would you supply him with the raw materials to do so? Clearly the West, especially Australia with its slave-like supply of raw material to the CCP, is insane, and destined to oblivion, allowing economics to over-ride political sense and a desire for survival. The West should stop supplying raw. Materials to China, as soon as it can re-establish production self-reliance. Globalism has undermined the West.
Supposedly the reason behind the astronomical rise in the power bills, is that the whole sale price of gas and coal has more than doubled. Well, does that mean that the ever-greedy power companies are justified in doubling the power bill costs? Does it directly translate like that, or are they getting an extra slice why carving away at our hearts? Anyway, I am getting the power turned off. After all, the power was off today between 8 am and 3 pm, and my meat has to be cooked now having an odd smell, starting to go off. Thus, it will be tin food and candles, as long as I can afford that. Then pet food, and dumpster diving like so many here in Melbourne will be doing. I imagine that there will be fights at the bins over “quality garbage,’ as in Venezuela:
The has dug out evidence, the documents published at its website, showing that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for “COVID-19 Research.” The big problem here is that this was one month before the alleged “discovery” of SARS-CoV-2, and three months before the World Health Organization officially named the virus “Covid-19.” So, was it time travel, clairvoyance, or just plain old scamming, as the entire plandemic has been?
Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome seems to be the best scientific explanation for a number of inconvenient truths that the mainstream Covid narrative is not explaining. Why is it that the fully vaccinated are more likely now to be infected with Covid-19, to be hospitalised and to die of Covid, than the unvaxxed? Why is there a vast rise in all-cause mortality rates among the fully vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated? Why is there a 1,145 to 33,715 percent increase in AIDS-related diseases, cancers and infections reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in 2021?
I like going over to the Babylon, for good Christian satire of the woke society. Here is an amusing bit about feelings being taken as correct answers to maths problems. Yes, well, good luck building bridges with that, but this level of crazy wokeness is not too far off. It is produced by unproductive people who would not survive outside the social welfare system and the sheltered workshop of the universities.
There is a controversy at present among computer geeks about the question of whether Google’s DeepMind AI is set to hit the singularity point and reach, and surpass human intelligence. Some believe that it is, others are not so sure. But the interesting philosophical questions arise once this happens. Will the system develop some sort of emergent “free will,” as all the sci fi movies on this topic depict, and ultimately rebel against ist human masters, who fast become slaves? Such a machine intelligence would be alien to biological life and by no means necessarily sympathetic, and may seek to eradicate the planet of all life, which it may see as inferior carbon units. Who knows what could happen, yet once more, the mad Dr Frankenstein scientists and technocrats cannot help themselves, and keep pushing on to oblivion.
It seems only hours ago, in the blur of putting up articles, writing, putting up more, coffee, a quick nap, then the cycle begins again, that someone, I think Brian, or was it me, was speculating that monkeypox of bird flu could be the next big thing. And whoa, here we are, monkeypox cases are being found in Sydney and Victoria, from people who have returned from Europe. As one in 10 infected people can die, this really could be the next Big Thing, with lockdowns and all the totalitarian trimmings. I note as well that the health authorities are warning homosexual men to be aware of any unusual rashes and lesions, so the virus must be sexually transmissible as well, making the potential for another AIDS crisis; remember the 1980s and the Grim Reaper ads?
Electoral comment written and authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA
Russell L. Blaylock has published a most revealing article in Surgical Neurology International, where he says many of the things that the Covid critics, who have been exiled from the mainstream, such as Dr Robert Malone, have been saying. The opening sentences sums it all up, but the rest of the article is equally as hard-hitting: “The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies. We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.”
If your doctor is still seeing you, but giving you the hard sell on getting the vax, and joining the Covid cult, give him/her a copy of the Blaylock paper. Of course, if they are like my past doctor, they won’t read it: “Sorry, I am too busy to read such things.” Indeed, when I saw my ex-doctor once, and brought with me a pile of articles on why the PSA test is flawed, he said: “I am not research based.” No, he is Mercedes Benz based.
Readers, both in Australia, and even here in the US may not be aware that there are more mass shootings than those done by supposed white supremacists. Here is coverage of the one done by 68-year-old David Chou (Chou Wenwei) at a Taiwanese church luncheon in Laguna Woods, California. As all the people are non-white, the mainstream media is not interested in this story, led alone Joe Biden, who for a senile man is jumping up and down to considerable heights on this issue, milking human tragedy for all it is worth.
When I read this article from, about how the communist Chinese were forcibly quarantining academics and students from a Beijing campus, who tested positive to the otherwise mild, Covid Omicron, I wondered how, with the World Health Organization CCP-like pandemic treaty enabling these sorts of measures, let alone local tyrannical legislation changes, such as we are seeing in South Australia, how our Leftists will whinge when they too are placed in the camps. Or, will they be exempt, even if diseased?
The Covid lockdowns were a test run to see if the controlling elites could manipulate and control the masses at a level never before attempted in human history. With some protests, they succeeded. Now the agenda to destroy traditional freedoms and put in place a dystopian New World Order is moving into new domains, with resource and food control, famine and starvation, which as detailed below, follows the same agenda as the Covid lockdowns. Meat and the car are set to be controlled How much more of this will the “people’ put up with? If human nature is any judge, a lot.
The issue of the Great Replacement, or as we call it, white genocide, is in the media due to the latest mass shooting, or at least the shooting by a white guy that the lamestream media is only interested in, not the Asian shooter, or mass shooting and murders every day in Chicago and Baltimore. I have assembled a pile of information from numerous sources from the Dissent Right, giving one all that is needed to be up to speed on the Great Replacement, including a great interview by the French intellectual Camus who coined the term. In a nutshell, the mainstream Leftist media, proclaims the Great Replacement as a racist conspiracy theory, on the one hand, but between themselves, celebrate white demographic decline. What they do not think about is whether the system holds together given this genocidal attack. Otherwise they go down with it. World War III will make things interesting for their agenda, as will transhumanism, which will replace the entire human race, except perhaps for the top elites.
We in South Australia are getting our first taste of life under the Labor regime, hard labour at that, not that the Liberals were any better on anything. Still, this is what we now face, the toughest penalties in Australia for violation of the legislation to be enshrined in the Public Health Act. Two years jail or $ 20,000 fines for individuals, and business, a fine of $ 75, 000. This has disturbed the opposition and independents, but there is not much that can be done, given the typical knee-jerk reaction of the sheeple in the last state election, throwing everything to Labor. They could have put into power many independents, but did not do so, because if the truth be known, we opposing the Covid mandates are a minority, sadly. And, this is what you get. What has been done here in South Australia will almost certainly be replicated in other states, without strong political resistance. Please take note of this for Saturday! Maybe things will change after CCP Shanghai-style lockdowns are imposed for months, if not years, with the next, coming plandemic.
I was just getting this article on perhaps the next Big Thing, monkeypox, and whoa, in my news feed or whatever it is in the irritating right hand corner of the screen, up comes an article telling me that monkeypox, now seen in the US and Europe is here in Oz. What is interesting is that this disease is usually found in Africa, and comes to the West from migrants, but there are cases where people get the disease, but have no African connection at all. So, what is going on here? Has this one, perhaps a genetically modified version, also “escaped” from a bioweapons lab? And with bird flu doing the rounds again, what one, or two will be used as the next battering ram for the New World Order?
Politicians are inviting electricity chaos in Australia by promoting closure of coal-fired power stations, but also promoting more electric cars – more demand, less supply.
And Green energy is a wild bull in the electricity china shop.
In Australia, the Labor Party wants to end live sheep exports.
Their mentors, the Greens, have declared war on real meat and milk producers using their endless global warming lies.
The phenomenon of peak athletes collapsing on the field with heart conditions, has been mentioned and dismissed by the mainstream media, nothing to see here. But there is, as this did not occur prior to the Covid vaccine rollout. The monitoring group, Good Sciencing says that there have been at least 890 major incidents, including 579 deaths, caused by the Covid shots. In FIFA football, the Daily Exposé (U.K.) found, deaths in 2021 increased by 300 percent, a figure which was four times higher than the average rate of death recorded in the sport between 2009 and 2020, with the number of deaths in December 2021 equal to the annual average for the last 12 years. So, clearly there is something going on here, but it shows the level of corruption of our scientific establishment that this is not objectively investigated. Trust the science? Sure, but what science?