This Gives the Covid Vax Game Away! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Hundreds of European elites have faked their Covid vaccination status, including this ripper, of Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, president of European pharmaceuticals giant PharmaMar. So, of all people, why would this Big Pharma leader have such a lack of faith in his fellow Big Pharma techno-elite’s product? Could it be that he knew, as an insider, that there was something rotten about the vax?

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Russian Sources Say World War III Has Begun By Richard Miller (London)

This claim, that did the media rounds, was made by Russian TV by pro-Putin speakers, to no doubt deliver a message to the West on the Ukraine affair. The world is itching ever closer to world war, and Russia is not showing any intent to back down from this final game of “chicken” that is being played. Apparently, two Russian Satan II missiles, fired hypersonically, could destroy the entire US west coast. I imagine if that was done, the US would still fire everything it has at Russia. China might think that this is a good thing, taking out two rivals, like the old Chinese proverb goes of sitting on a mountain top watching two tigers destroy each other. But the old proverb knew nothing of radioactive fallout. Surviving Han Chinese will have to live underground for centuries if the final battle happens.


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Dr Naomi Wolf: The Genocide of the Babies By Mrs Vera West

Dr Naomi Wolf began her career as a feminist academic and writer, attacking things like “the beauty myth” (concepts of beauty are a social construction), but since 2020, has moved to become a leading social critic of the Covid narrative. She has a substack page dealing with this.

Her most recent entry at the time of writing this, is the announcement of genocide, a “baby-die off,” due to the vaxxes. She notes that critics pouring over the Pfizer documents, forcibly released by a court, has shown that they knew that the vax “waned in efficacy,” in the trial stage. They knew by may 2021 that 35 minor’s hearts had been damaged. And they were aware of biodistribution studies showing that the injected mRNA spike proteins, did not stay in the deltoid muscle, but migrated to organs such as the liver, the lymph nodes, and in women, the ovaries. Wolf then details the effects of the mRNA vaccines upon pregnant women: “It seems that there can indeed be a happenstance genocide. Reproduction itself is targeted, intentionally or not, by the mRNA vaccines. And if you know that reproduction is harmed, and babies and fetuses are harmed, and you know that this is at scale, which everyone at Pfizer and at the FDA who read these documents, knew —and if you do not stop — then does that not ultimately become a genocide?

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Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker: World Economic Forum Tyranny By James Reed

Enough evil came from the recent World Economic Forum talkfest to last a lifetime. We had calls for intense internet censorship, the elimination of meat and eggs, and also in the name of the climate change crisis, the individual carbon footprint tracker that will document all the carbon you produce each day, including, I suppose flatulence, perhaps, especially flatulence.

This research and development is being done by the Alibaba Group, a China-based corporate conglomerate. At first it will be voluntary for individuals worried about the climate to keep at tab on their lifestyle. Good luck with that one, since almost everyone, including the consumerist Generations Y and Z, over-consume according to the environmentalists. Then when this fails, as it must, the move will be to make it compulsory, and then control individuals producing too much carbon, or who are critics of the system. If cash is eliminated, the regime will cancel bank accounts, as was done by the totalitarian Trudeau government in the Canadian truckers’ protest.

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The Death from Shootings in Chicago By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The globalist tyrants are moving ever-quicker with gun control, with Trudeau, rumoured to be Castro’s son, now banning all handguns, even without any recent mass shootings occurring at all. Never let an opportunity go to a waste for pushing the globalist communist agenda. The passive Canadians will no doubt let it all happen. But what is not advertised in the mass media are dally shootings involving Black on Black gangs in Chicago. There we can see a refutation of all this liberal nonsense of gun banning, as these shootings, with illegal guns will go on anyway, as Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US.


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World Economic Forum: Controlling the Internet By Brian Simpson

Apart from pushing for an end of meat, a measure that would destroy a large part of the agricultural sector, and the replacement by insect eating, one topic that has not received the attention it needs, also pushed at the recent World Economic forum talkfest, was internet censorship. YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki detailed how “misinformation,” never defined objectively, but is essentially any thought which is contrary to the line that elites like WEF are promoting at the time, will be dealt with. YouTube showed what it will do with the Covid plandemic, where anything contrary to the mainstream narrative got struck down as misinformation and false news. Videos that challenged the mainstream Covid narrative were removed, simple as that. Other YouTubers received strikes before being put in the sin bin. Clearly one must use the alternatives to YouTube to get political messages out, maybe just keeping YouTube to advertise the alternative sites, like Rumble and Brighteon, and many others now. These sites will not grow unless people make the break from YouTube, and let it wither on the vine, and fall to deserved cyber-dust.

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Climate Change Humiliation: Eating Bugs and Grubs! By James Reed

Here is some material on the next Big Oppression, the war against meat in the name of the alleged climate change crisis. In Wales schoolchildren are already becoming part of an experiment to eat insects at school. This is being done by universities as part of an agenda to convince children of the joys of bug easting, and in the hope that the children will influence the food consumption patterns of their parents, but if not, well, we nailed and brainwashed the next generation!

The end of meat was also a message made at the recent talkfest of the World Economic Forum, where getting rid of meat and eggs, for the ordinary people, was, along with internet censorship of anything they do not like, being a hot topic.

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China Broke the China By James Reed

We seldom hear of the financial vulnerabilities of the communist Chinese regime from the largely Leftist and communist-sympathetic press in the West, but occasionally something finds its way in. The communist Chinese government faces a growing shortfall of cash, according to financial analysts and they predict an increase of debt to fill the gap. The financial analysis firm Nomura, estimates a funding gap of around six trillion yuan ($895.52 billion), approximately 2.5 trillion yuan in decreased revenue due to tax refunds and weaker economic production, and 3.5 trillion yuan from lost land sales revenue. But, do not expect that this communist country would have gone to the next step of control of finance, for the answer to the shortfall of revenue will be to borrow, and cop thje debt and compounding interest. Borrow from whom? The same Lords of the Credit who the entire world is in debt to, the international banking/financial system, who control even the communists. If there is a global nuclear war, I wonder what happens to the international financial system, does it live on in hell?

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Covid Vax Jabbing the Kiddies and Babies By Mrs Vera West

We have been covering the justified rollout, in many Western jurisdictions, of the Covid vaccination of children under five-years-of age, and babies. While the idea of vaccination of babies seems shocking to the vax critics, be aware that today babies and toddlers get a vast array of vaccines, I think even the Hep B one, which outside of IV drug using mothers (who may also get HIV, with no vaccine), most babies are not at risk for that. As well in the old days of medical sanity, childhood diseases such as chicken pox, mild for children, but dangerous, if not deadly for adults, were welcomed, and I remember going to a chickenpox party, where all the kids would infect each other, and there would be lifetime immunity. And sweets!

That contrasts with the alleged protection and effectiveness the Covid vax, where the effectiveness of Covid-19 shots in children rapidly wanes. According to a CDC study, it was found that two to four weeks after the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots, effectiveness was 60.1 percent among 5- to 11-year-olds, but then fell to a mere 28.9 percent by month two. Why then bother? Children are at a low risk of serious illness from Covid-19. CDC data show that Covid-19 case rates among children who received two Covid-19 jabs are now higher than rates in children who did not get the vaccines. Further, there is the risk of liver damage from the vaxxes, and the cases of a mysterious hepatitis across the West, that is not any of the conventional alphabet soup types, is likely to be a product of the vaxxes.

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Schizophrenia and Mass Shootings: Against Professor Dutton By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Professor Edward Dutton, human biodiversity expert, has given an interesting analysis of the US shooting phenomenon. The essence of his argument is that most of the shooters were schizophrenic. As this mental illness generally shows up by age 25, he suggests banning guns for ALL people under the age of 25, as well as having rigour mental health checks, so this will sort out possible shooters. This is something which sounds plausible at first but with reflection is not so plausible and is in fact a liberal-gun grabbing policy. I take it that he would ban all schizophrenics, however mild and medicated from firearms ownership? Clearly this would be struck down under the 14th amendment, end of story.


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Was Monkeypox Weaponised in a Deep State Lab? By James Reed

All News joins up the dots on the latest monkeypox frenzy, at least by the medico-Big Pharma elites, and concludes that this is also a bug released from a lab, not some natural development. This is contrary to preliminary genetic analysis indicting that there has not been a mutation in the known monkeypox virus.

Yet, the pattern of spread in the West is not like that seen in West Africa, according to Oyewale Tomori, a virologist who formerly headed the Nigerian Academy of Science and who sits on several World Health Organization advisory boards. “I’m stunned by this. Every day I wake up and there are more countries infected … This is not the kind of spread we’ve seen in West Africa, so there may be something new happening in the West.” If it was the same unaltered virus, one would predict the same behaviour, which is not occurring. And that needs to be read alongside the past German dummy run for a monkeypox plague, and Bill Gate’s warning of the “pox” to come. But the real test is to see what comes from this, and if Covid is repeated. That may be difficult given that monkeypox’s spreads is largely through person-to-person contact, but who knows if it really is a lab creation rom gain-of-function genetic engineering?

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Antifa – Above the Law By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is an example of the disintegration of the rule of law, to be replaced by the rule of the politics of the Left. While the prisoners from the January 6 peaceful protests were tortured and denied human rights in jail, and most are still rotting in jail waiting for a trial, all done to show conservatives that the Left mean business, the antifa rioters who burnt down billions of dollars of buildings, as a temper tantrum about drug criminal George Floyd, mostly were not arrested, and the bulk of those  were got released by Democrat authorities. “During the Antifa-BLM riots of 2020 protesters in Aurora, Colorado shut down Interstate 255 in the afternoon, one family in a vehicle attempted to drive through the crowd of protesters that were walking on I-225 in Aurora, Colorado.

“When they did, Samuel Young, an antifa domestic terrorist, fired five shots at the driver. He hit the vehicle twice and wounded two protesters in the process. He was convicted on four counts of attempted murder.

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Coles to Give Trans and Gender Diverse Staff an Extra 10 Days Paid Leave! By Mrs Vera West

Wow, Coles supermarket will now give trans and gender diverse staff an extra 10 days paid leave! Amazing, I bet that is incentive enough for many people in these terribly hard times to make some quick decisions about their gender construction!

“Coles supermarket will now give trans and gender diverse staff an extra 10 days paid leave.

‘We know that we have at least 900 team members who identify as transgender or gender diverse.’

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Eat Seaweed and Algae to Save the Planet! World Economic Forum By James Reed

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has completed its annual conference talkfest, dealing with the global food crisis and how this, like Covid can aid in their creation of a dystopic New World Order. I jest not; this world will be a meatless one where the ordinary people like us will eat, if we eat at all, things like bugs, sea weed, alae and other sludge. But, just as these elites came in one massive greenhouse gas producing private jets, then preached about the climate crisis, you can be sure that they will be keeping their meat diets. They were careful to make sure the menus of food at the talkfest did not get leaked, as happened with past talkfests.

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Strange Happenings Before and After the Uvalde Mass Shooting By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I came across this little item at the interesting site, which reminds me of the old TV series The Twilight Zone. It is a mixture of news, conspiracy and apocalypse … what is there not to like, something for almost every fringe-dweller. This item, notes that an US army plane landed in Uvalde three minutes before the shooter crashed his car, and then the plane left two minutes after the shooter was killed. Strange that an army plane would make such a short stop, coinciding exactly with the shooting episode, as if it was a surveillance of an on-going mission. Nothing conclusive, but it raises some suspicion.


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The Triumph of Natural Immunity By Brian Simpson

A paper, which was on the internet as a pre-print, has now been published in the world’s leading medical journal, The New England Journal of Medicine, no doubt causing much heart-burn to the medico-Big Pharma establishment. The short and sweet message is one that we have known right from the beginning, that natural immunity is superior to vaccination, and outperforms it. As expected, the argument has statistical complexities, explained below for those wanting the fine details, but the message is again clear that natural immunity for healthy people, such as children, rather than the vax, is the way to go. It is a significant turning point that even a small part of the mainstream is now reluctantly admitting that natural immunity to Covid yields longer protection than all the vaccines, where (debatable) protection wanes rapidly.

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The Plight of a Covid Vax Injured Nurse, Marsha Gee By Mrs Vera West

The story of US ICU nurse Marsha Gee is a real shocker. She was one of the early ones to get the Covid vax in her hospital. And she went from an athlete to someone with a vast list of adverse effects, lingering in the twilight zone between life and death. Apart from the adverse effects of the vaxxes, and how it is not limited to just one ill-effect, the medical profession, even her own colleagues, showed their true colours by denying that the sacred vax was responsible for the deathly effects. This makes one wonder, that if she had such a job getting a diagnosis, what would the ordinary person do with a blind trust of their doctors? It is said that the US Vax adverse effects reporting organ, VAERS, is under-reported by a factor of 100, but given stories like this one, we can make as good educated guess, that the under-reporting factor is vastly higher.

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Things Now Not Going the World Health Organization’s Way By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I am not sure, exactly of the status of the World Health Organization global pandemic treaty, now. However, from this report it seems that African nations were not buying into this New World Order Great Reset agenda regarding the amendments to the International Health Regulations proposed by the Biden administration. Brazil, Brunei, Namibia, Bangladesh, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Iran, also opposed he amendments. Brazil held that it would exit WHO altogether, rather than allow its national sovereignty to be eroded by the new amendments. Being cautiously optimistic this will in turn nullify the point of a global pandemic treaty, since most of the globe, outside of the mind-virus infected Anglosphere, opposed it, and that is not much of a treaty. Still, when the next plandemic comes, be sure WHO will have another go to get this in.

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No Masks for the Great Replacers! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There has been an extension of mask mandates for Americans using trains and planes, and in some states, public transport, what exists of it. The hypocrisy here is that illegal aliens, future Democrat voters, do not need masks at all, or vaccinations. They are quickly moved into the US, typically red states, to fuel the Great White Replacement, so they must be protected from the adverse effects of the vaxxes! While there is still an on-going baby food shortage for Americans, vast quantities of baby food are kept at the border to feed the babies of the Great Replacers. That makes sense, if any sense still exists.

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The CCP Influence on WHO By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The World Health Organization pandemic treaty is moving ahead, and we should be concerned about this even in the best of times, handing over national sovereignty to an organisation heavily influenced by the CCP. The early World Health Organization (WHO) report about the Covid-19 pandemic was influenced by political considerations in China, as has been revealed by emails obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.


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