Bees are Fish, Court Decides, Now Species are Social Constructions By Chris Knight (Florida)

Bees are fish? That is a decision by a California appeals court for the purposes of getting protection of bees under the Endangered Species Act. Now for once, I think conservatives, who should also be conservationists of nature, would agree that bees need protection even more than cuddly furry creatures with sharp teeth and claws. Yet, couldn’t the Act be modified to include protection of insects, rather than an arbitrary redefining of words? After all, if courts can simply redefine words, then not only is new law created, but at a stretch any law could be created with enough imagination. And, guess where that goes? Thus, the “right to bare arms,” could be taken to meant the right to wear short sleeve shirts, tank tops, or no shirt at all! Did the founding Fasters (redefined as transgenders) therefore support a right to quasi-nudism?

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The AstraZeneca Vax and Guillain-Barre Syndrome By Richard Miller (London)

While much critical attention has been devoted by Covid vax critics to the Pfizer shots, the non-mRNA adenovirus vector AstraZeneca jab has its problems too. Research here in London, about a 5,000-hour drive by car in peak hour traffic from my apartment, by the University College London, has found “small but significant” cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), which is a serious neurological disease, where the immune system attacks its own nerves.  The research indicated that “the majority or all” of the 121 UK cases of GBS in March to April 2021 were associated with first doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine administered in January, but is not seen with a second dose. US studies have found that there were increased cases of GBS after all adenovirus vector jabs, and this has been observed with non-Covid 19 vaccines in the past, such as the swine flu one. A 2022 study found the incidence in receivers of Johnson & Johnson’s adenovirus vaccines to be 32.4 per 100,000 people within 3 weeks following the vaccine.

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The Weekly US Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Effects Report By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data shows a total of 1,287,595 reports of adverse events following Covid-19 vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and May 27, 2022, an increase of 9,615 adverse events over last week. There was a  total of 28,532 reports of deaths, an increase of 220 over last week and 235,041 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period, an increase of 2,347 compared with the previous week.

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Monkey Business with Monkeypox: More on the Lab Origin Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

There is speculation that monkeypox could pass the baton from Covid as the next Big Plandemic. To do so though, the disease will need to have been subjected to gain-of-function genetic engineered research. The establishment have said that the monkeypox virus is the same as the one found in West Africa. However, a new study from Portugal’s National Institute of Health found evidence that the virus that is now doing the rounds, was created in a lab.  The virus has 50 single nucleotide polymorphisms or genetic variations, indicating that this has been altered in a lab, as this number of mutations is unlikely to occur by random mutations. Get ready, because, here we go again folks!

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Edward Jenner, the Fake Father of Immunology By Chris Knight (Florida)

With monkeypox now swinging through the trees of the urban jungle, and the smallpox vaccine about to be rolled out, said to be 85 percent effective against the circulating monkeypox (how exactly do they know this?) it is good to reflect upon the origins of vaccination, and the smallpox vaccine, going back to vaccines Founding Father, Edward Jenner (1749-1823). Natural has done a great job of digging into the dirty history of Jenner, who never studied for a medical degree, and only much later actually bought one! As well, he did not make the observation that those who had cow pox were immune to smallpox, but took the idea from milk maids. Doctors at the time scoffed at the idea, as there were hundreds of cases of people getting cow pox, then getting smallpox. The vaccine faith was not off to a good start. Is it any surprise that with Covid, the mess continues?


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Nuclear-Armed Pakistan May Soon Collapse, then What? By James Reed

Keeping with the flavour of the blog today, which is reporting on collapseology events, it should be noted that nuclear-armed Pakistan – how did they get nukes but Australia did not? – is on the abyss of economic collapse. Sri Lanka for example, if facing severe hyperinflation and food and fuel shortages, all underpinned with crushing debt levels. Pakistan seems to be falling down the same pit, only the difference is that it has about 165 nuclear weapons. The collapse of the nuclear-armed to the teeth USSR was a dangerous time for the world, and this could come around again if Pakistan destabilises, and it is in constant tension with India, having fought wars in 1947 and 1966, and a limited war in 1999, and could go nuclear.

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Civil War II Cometh By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With anxieties about an approaching World War III, concerns with civil war on the local front may have fallen onto the back burner. But, the issue is real as the economic hurts from inflation and food and fuel shortages bite deep, and Biden has said that there is nothing he can do. Now 44 percent of Americans, including 53 percent of Republicans and 39 percent of Democrats believe that the United States is headed to Civil War II. While I believe that secession, the Great Divorce, is needed, it should not come from violence any more than a domestic divorce is helped by violence. Further, in the present global political climate of impending chaos, it is best to wait until World War III is over, since a breakup of America now would encourage attacks while the nation is in metamorphosis.

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How World War III Happens By James Reed

It is a dangerous game being played. Russia has warned that it will strike the West if the rockets being supplied to the Ukraine forces hit Russian territory. As I see it, President Z will find it irresistible not to do so, and even if he does not order it, probably some Ukrainian grunt, who has had a bit too much fire water might think that firing his new sky rocket over the fence sounds like a good idea. Then it is on. How can NATO possibly police what will be done with its missiles? But, it will reap the consequences and they do not seem to think that Vlad is serious. No-one has been more serious, and it is amazing that World War III has not yet broken out. It is something that the world seems to be sliding into.

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The Smallpox Vaccine Exposed (It’s Made a Comeback with Monkeypox) By Brian Simpson

I emailed a few anti-vaxxes for information critical of the smallpox vax, historical stuff, but got no reply; people are busy, busy, busy. But then Mike Adams comes out with what I was looking for, a debunking of the poster-child of the vaccine movement. I read that the majority of people were not vaccinated against smallpox, so it cannot be claimed that the vax saved the day. Anyway, here is historical material indicating that the smallpox vax had a high number of adverse effects, something not matched until the Covid vaxxes. And the smallpox vaxxes are making a comeback with monkeypox. Don’t you think it strange that only a few years back it was said that smallpox had been eliminated, and only two samples were kept, one in Russia, and one in the US? And now, there are smallpox vaccines ready to go?

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Communist Chinese Fighter Jets Bully Poor Little Aussie Jet By James Reed

This is as worry; communist Chinese fighter jets intercepted a Royal Australian Air Force routine flight over waters that China is disputing in the South China Sea.  The communists then released a “bundle of chaff” containing small aluminium pieces, some of which were “ingested” into the P-8’s engine, causing indigestion. Unlike Tom Cruise in Top Gun Maverick, the pilots were unable to avoid the “chaff.” Just imagine if the jet had released the ultimate communist weapon, copies of Chairman Mao’s Collected Works, which if sucked into an Aussie jet engine, would certainly cause the engine to revolt against the rest of the aircraft, of the grounds of economic exploitation and the extraction, vampire-like of surplus value!

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The Church of Covid and the Religion of Western Medicine By Mrs Vera West

I have in the past often compared the Covid establishment to an organised religion, only one eviller, something along the lines of a death cult, like the Jim Jones’s one, where followers readily consumed poisoned Kool Aid. A Mid-Western Doctor, who has excellent material on the corruption of modern medicine, has pursued this with more eloquence than I can muster. I have also found a book about the same theme by Dr Robert Mendelsohn on the same theme of modern medicine as a fanatical religion, also referenced here.

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CEO JPMorgan Chase: Coming Economic Catastrophe By James Reed

I have compiled items where there are predictions of coming economic doomsday by leading financiers. Of course, I know nothing about economics, and my opinion is therefore worthless, and in the past when I raised issues about runaway debt, the experts put this ignoramus in his place mighty quick, which is what I deserve. Yet, warnings by leading elites of coming economic catastrophe, a hurricane of dire forces, should at least be considered, if ultimately dismissed. After all, the global elites who run the show could be right, and these elites are not warning the little people like me, but fellow elites, it is just that the information gets out. So, here are extracts of what they are saying, regarding runaway inflation, food costs, food shortages, and other riders of Armageddon. With electricity set to double or more, never to ever come down, none of the costs really being met by low income concessions, I will turn off my fridge and live on tin food, such as tin vegetables and dog food, maybe dry cat food for a real treat. Some people I know are doing dumpster diving, but there is now competition for “quality garbage,” but that is too dangerous for an old guy like me. We are now in the Third World. It did not take long, did it? And those quoted below are saying that we have not seen anything yet.

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Naomi Wolf: Biofascism and the War Against the Human By James Reed

I have collected all available interviews with feminist critic Naomi Wolf, whom I have criticised in the past, but who has now taken a stand against the Covid mandates, and all that they represent, putting her in opposition to the Left, who worship any form of authoritarianism, since they hope to cease that power for their own diabolical purposes. She now has out a new book, The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human, (All Seasons, 2022) where not only does she detail the totalitarian consequences of the Covid New World Order – and the World Economic Forum was explicit that Covid fitted into their agenda, by accident or design – a CCP “social credit” society, but sees even more dire ramifications in terms of the transhumanist agenda, where the very meaning of what it is to be human, and the nature of the human body, is transcended, supposedly by AI and genetic engineering. It is a frightening brave new world, that has been anticipated by sci fi dystopian writers only in part, since the technology itself has been exploding, out of control. Conservatives are not fully aware of the seismic changes that are at foot, which will totally destroy the notion of the traditional. Most are concerned with simple single issue topics, like CIR and opposing gun control, say, or fighting against rising energy costs, noble things, but there is a real danger of the entire edifice being swept away, like a sea-side house that collapses as the sea swallows up the foundations.

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Australia’s Great Green Gamble By Viv Forbes

Australians took a great green gamble in the recent election.

Green millionaires and other left-wing activists supported slick campaigns promoting a gaggle of well-off women who won 6 seats in the leafy-green suburbs. Being rich blue-bloods with dark green policies they adopted Teal-coloured uniforms.

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Another Sad Covid Vax Death Story By Mrs Vera West

Here is yet another Covid vax tragedy, the death of a 34-year-old man from an acute aortic dissection, where the inner layer of the large blood vessel branching off the heart’s aorta tears. This was after his first Pfizer Covid jab. So, having these vaccinations is a game of Russian roulette, where the odds of such events may be low, but the cost, infinitely high, and the benefits, minor, since even if the vaxxes did work as advertised, efficacy wanes rapidly.

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Covid Origins; A Great Detective Story By Brian Simpson

Covid origins is getting some coverage again in the mainstream media, with Vanity, addressing the issue: lab leak or natural, the so-called “bat soup” hypothesis. In 2020, leading scientists condemned the lab leak hypothesis as a conspiracy theory, as Trump had held to it, and because it supposedly hurt China and Chinese science, probably a nation paying some of their bills of some of the researchers. However, it was later revealed that many scientists rejected the bat soup hypothesis in private and indeed did think that the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab, but still pushed the bat soup line, to protect communist China. But not all have abandoned the quest for truth.

Jesse D. Bloom, an evolutionary biologist, during the early part of the plandemic, noticed that a number of early SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences mentioned in a published paper from China, had disappeared. Bloom thought that this disappearance indicated that the communist Chinese had hidden evidence about the early spread of Covid. He soon discovered by a bit of detective work that the deleting was by the US National Institute of Health (NIH), done so because the Wuhan lab had requested it. As described by Vanity, who have done the world a great service of pursuing the Bloom issue, Bloom put his concerns in a paper, which generated great contention at a Zoom meeting with the NIH head, and other scientists. In general, to the outside observer, there was an effort by US scientists in the early stage of the plandemic, to protect China, and certainly US funding links to the Wuhan lab. This is all public knowledge now, as the connections and funding grants have been uncovered by successful Freedom of Information requests and is thus no conspiracy at all.

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Western Greens Funded by Russia! By Richard Miller (London)

Italian journalist Giulio Meotti, details how Western Greens collect a pretty penny form Russia, which does not surprise me in the slightest. But more interesting, and not discussed, is how not just environmentalists, but masses of the new class, academics, intellectuals, and other chatterers, are in the deep pocket of communist China, who has the money to buy their hearts and souls, for what they are worth.

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Renewable Energy Will Not Solve the Energy Crisis By James Reed

Irina Slav details why renewable energy will not solve Europe’s energy crisis, and her criticisms have merit in discrediting the worship that environmentalists have for renewable energy as some sort of “sustainable” replacement for fossil fuels. Renewables do not match fossil fuels for energy concentration and reliability; solar panels become useless on rainy days. Further, it takes vast carbon-producing resources and processes, to make things like solar panels and wind turbines, something conveniently ignored by environmentalists. With the present energy crisis, the West cannot afford to allow environmentalist bs to  cripple modern life.


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Microplastics in Our Blood By Mrs Vera West

This is a worry, and shows how far plastic pollution has gone, with microplastics now being found in human blood. In tests, 80 percent of people were found to have such circulating plastics, which could lodge in organs. It is not yet known the exact effects of this, but it could well be a major health risk. It is known that microplastics were 10 times higher in the faeces of babies compared with adults and that babies fed with plastic bottles are ingesting millions of microplastic particles. The effects of this ingestion is not known as well, but is unlikely to be minor.

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Fitness: The Gateway to the Far Right? By James Reed

No doubt about it, the Left certainly have a warped sense of unreality, where all matter of things can trigger them, generating temper tantrums. For example, US MSNBC published an article a few weeks back, time fliers doesn’t it when one is having Covid fun, claiming that fitness and health are being used by the far Right to recruit members. The article says that behind the fitness ideal is promotion of  “the concept that physical warriors are needed to create the strength and dominance to defend one’s people from a perceived enemy.” Hey, why didn’t we think of that, it sounds like jolly splendid idea! Make note to self: must get fit.


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