Socialist New Zealand PM Says No to Guns for Business By Bruce Bennett (Former Kiwi)

People outside of New Zealand, and those who are outside like me, but seek out the news from back home, may not be aware that there is a massive crime problem that is disturbing business, so much so that some business leaders are saying that they need guns. Next to abortion, making sure that only the oppressive state apparatus has guns, while everyone else are subjects, is the raison d'être of the left.  The violence includes including ram raids by youth offenders, gang violence and shootings, and stabbings. “Firearms are not the answer; firearms are not the answer,” Ardern said. “They will never be the answer. We don’t want to see people put themselves at risk.”  Wow, she said it twice, so she must be serious. All said by a feminist protected by men with the guns she bans, just like her comrades in the US. It was Biden who said to her that the US needs to learn gun banning from her. It is a disgusting world today; what would King Leonidas (died 19 September 480 BC), or even later adventurers such as Gustavus Von Tempsky (1828-1868) think of this? No surprises there.

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The Great Toilet Roll and Paper and Towel Glue Up Conspiracy By Uncle Len, Former Toilet Cleaner, Back in the Day

Hello everybody, yours truly Uncle Len, has just been told that lockdowns are over, and has emerged from his shed where he lives with his pet rats and cockroaches. I do not know how I survived two years of being inside a shed, shaking in fear as the New Black Death, Covid monkey flu, killed off the majority of the Australian population, didn’t it? Still, isolation gave me time to think, about something I have had a lot of experience with, toilet rolls, and paper hand towels. People can say what they like, but I have observed that the toilet roll companies are gluing up the beginning/first sheet, so well that one needs to rip into the roll, tearing away great masses of paper just to get things moving. Paper towels are even worse. There is simply no need to glue up the beginning sheet, since toilet rolls are in packets, and do not uncurl like, I don’t know, barbed wire. I believe that the companies do this to gain by making the initial tears unusable, hence over thousands of rolls making a pretty penny. It is a terrible, sad thing, to see such waste of one of mankind’s most important products.

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The Murderous Drives of the Left By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Left are in murder mode, and always have been having had practice committing genocide over the 20th century, to feed the hungry dark god Karl Marx. Thus, their latest adventure, is that some raving Leftist, who was mighty upset about the supposed decision of the majority of the Supreme Court of the United States, to over-rule the holy grail of Leftism, the abortion on demand case, Roe v. Wade, thought it would be a good idea to shoot one conservative judge, so that the decision would collapse. You can see the warped logic here; no morality, just utilitarian mathematics. That is why the judges now need to stop sitting on their hands and get to work to press the send button on their computer and release the judgment and send a message to the Left. The enraged Left will burn down America too, and have already started burning down various Christian buildings, that they identify as being pro-life. After all, a group of people defending a doctrine that says women have a right to dispose of their unborn, and now, even born babies (infanticide), naturally would find murder the next thing to do.

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ANZ More Than Generous Help of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Staff, Way to Go Bankers! By James Reed

Fantastic news for staff working for the ANZ Bank, who are gender fluid, if I have that correct, but don’t cancel me if I have not, because I am a really old guy, on the way out of this fantastic world. Here, see what I mean, I am too embarrassed to write about this one which is a big social media thing on Instagram, which I am not allowed on, being too ugly, all the rage with the young ones I am told by the guy with the skateboard who sells these things he tells me are lollies, in small brown paper bags, down the street:

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Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) By Chris Knight (Florida)


We have covered threw issue of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) at the blog previously. This is the death of people under 40-years, with no known cause. Mike Adams puts the case that the most reasonable explanation is that the real cause is the vaxxes. If so, we can expect more of this down the track, and a cover-up by the system.

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Biden Predicting Mini Revolution of Violence Over Abortion By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Talk about stirring the pot and getting the results Leftist want, as false President Joe Biden says that the over-turning of Roe v. Wade, the pro-abortion case will lead to a mini-revolution. What he is saying is: go Leftists, do what you do best, kill, crush, destroy!


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Severe Covid Rare Among the Unvaccinated By Mrs Vera West

Survey data from the International Control Group project, also known as the Vax Control Group, initiated by an Eastbourne (U.K.) cooperative, the Control Group Cooperative,  has more than 300,000 subscribers. That is a weighty sample by any means. And their survey work knocked over many establishment myths pushed about the unvaxxed and Covid:

  • The unvaccinated “control group” participants don’t place a disproportionate burden on health systems — in fact, quite the opposite, they have experienced very low hospitalization rates and severe COVID-19 disease is rare.
  • They are more likely to self-care, using natural products like vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and quercetin.
  • Many have used ivermectinand hydroxychloroquine.
  • Women have suffered menstrual and bleeding abnormalities despite being unvaccinated, possibly owing to spike protein exposure and shedding.
  • Their mental health burden has been considerable, possibly aggravated by their stigmatization by the mainstream, “vaccinated” society.

The mainstream Covid narrative is unfolding, which is why the elites now are moving on to the next level, war and starvation.

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So, Electoral Fraud Does Not Occur, Eh? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The mainstream media tells us that electoral fraud is a rare as hen’s teeth, and that the 2020 election was the fairest in history, with Joe Biden getting a record number of votes, even more than Obama, that is how popular he was. That is so0 even though few people attended his rallies, which were more like backwoods church meetings, with security personnel taking up most of the space. Even so, there are a steady number of people being prosecuted for various electoral crimes, mostly ballot stuffing, so the notion that electoral fraud does not occur, is a myth.

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The Evils of Scientism, Religion of the Technocrats By Brian Simpson

Technocracy and transhumanism have their own religion, scientism, which lies behind the mantra of “believe the science.” It is a fanatical belief in the pronouncements  of scientists, without a critical appraisal of evidence. The attitude is best illustrated by the example of a doctor I once knew, who would justify his various claims in many areas, not restricted to medicine by saying “I know because I am a doctor.” It seems to be the same arrogance that Fauci also has. The core problem with scientism, as noted below by Dr Mercola in a now deleted post, is that scientism is anti-science and anti-reason to the core, not making a rational and critical evaluation of evidence. Covid has illustrated this with the scientific priesthood moving to censor those who dissent. But it is the same across science, where those making critiques of doctrines in science, get dismissed as “cranks” by the gatekeepers. An academic told me recently that one is hard-pressed to publish critical material of received doctrines even in Humanities disciplines. Basically, Leftist dogma now rules the rotten roost.

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Pop Music Pops the Brain By James Reed

Even mainstream media sources have reported on the cognitive damage that pop music does. The material below deals with the dumbing down effects, which is of course correct. However, the main issue as I see it is the Leftist political agenda of almost all mainstream music. One seldom hears anything pro-nationalist, it is mostly modern versions of millionaire socialist John Lennon’s Imagine, an open anthem for communism, with lines such as “Imagine no possessions.” But that was the 1970s, and more recent music, such as rap, has openly anti-white racist material. And, ethno-masochistic whites are the main purchasers of this. Popular music is the music of Western collapse.

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Taxing Cow Farts in Climate Change Crazy New Zealand By Bruce Bennett (Former Kiwi)

I thought that this was a joke from a satire site like The Babylon Bee that the socialist pro-CCP government of socialist woke lady, Jacinda Ardern, but it looks like the farts and burps from cows and sheep will be taxed. New Zealand has  just 5 million people, but around 10 million cattle and 26 million sheep, so it will be a lot of loot for the government to spend on socially destructive communistic projects. But, my guess is that things will not stop there with this being a Great Reset test run, first to put out of business meat production, as part of the starvation/depopulation agenda, and then to begin a tax on people, because they too produce gases, and if sheep and cows can be taxed for existing, then so can we. The Great Reset makes our very existence problematic.

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Is Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) Another Adverse Effect of the Covid Vaxxes? By Brian Simpson

The appropriately named SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, has caught the eye of medical technocrats. The term is an umbrella term referring to the sudden deaths of otherwise healthy young people, under 40-years, who usually die of cardiac arrests. What is odd is that a full post-mortem does not find an “obvious cause of death.” There have been 750 people in Victoria suffering such cardiac arrests, and 100 of these have no cause found even after a full autopsy. Note that these are fit and healthy people who often go to the gym.

So, there is no cause after a full autopsy. But what is a “full autopsy”? Usually if one sets out with a defined paradigm of problems, one does not think outside the square, especially if, what is highly likely, these young people were fully vaxxed up. There is no information about this, and the matter does not seem to even surface in medical consciousness, since the vaxxes are regarded as items of religious faith, about which what used to be scientific judgment is suspended. Maybe this is an uncaused “mysterious” phenomenon, perhaps due to black magic, who knows, for when there are no causes at all one is free to speculate. But, keeping to material science, the vaxxes should be investigated. It would be a mighty inconvenient truth if these “lifesaving” concoctions turned out to be the cause. But, now that the medical technocrats have a label for it, SADS will become just another cause of death; nothing to see here.

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Dire Birth Dearth By Mrs Vera West

Environmentalists from the Left are typically raving about the human population crisis, too many consumers for the available resources and nonsense like that. There is also a more concerning political movement among the elites, Bill Gates being as leading example, who also take the world overpopulation view. Many Covid critics, such as Mike Adams, see that there is a conspiracy behind all of the present converging catastrophes, from diseases to food shortages, to cull down populations.

Yet, what if both the Left and Dark Lord globalists are wrong in their fundamental premise of over-population?  It is therefore somewhat ironic that a demographic study funded by the Gates Foundation and published in The Lancet, conducted by researchers at the University of Washington, predicts that the global human population will peak at 9.7 billion within several decades, and then start to decline. “Once global population decline begins,” the authors conclude, “it will probably continue inexorably.” Thus, the idea of a population bomb has been exaggerated, although there may be localised explosions in Africa, such as in Nigeria, to cause immigration concerns to Europe. Will Bill Gates change his position on population based upon the new research? We will see, but it is certainly yet another inconvenient truth.

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Playing Nuclear Chicken with Putin By James Reed

The West is playing a dangerous game of chicken with Putin, who has made it clear that it will be war with NATO if the missiles that they are giving to the fanatical President Z are fired into Russia. I cannot see any situation where these longer-range missiles are not used. The Ukraine is right next door to Russia, and it will be difficult for Russian missile defence systems to stop attacks. Some such as Mike Adams see this all as a conspiracy to destroy the US, and the West by forcing Putin to make retaliatory strikes, like a civilian example of death by cop. This seems to be little more than an act of suicide, but today, strange things are happening and I would not dismiss this dire scenario out of hand. In 2019, who would have thought we would be going through the plandemic, and its aftermath of possible global mass vax injuries and deaths?

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Sweden Shows the Way By Richard Miller (London)

Sweden, for some reason that has yet to be analysed, given the general wokeness of the place in everything else, has led the world of freedom in the Covid plandemic. It opposed the freak-out lockdowns practiced by ruthless dictators across the West, most notably Australia, and its Covid death rate was better than most of the rest of Europe. Now it completes the circle of oppositional greatness, by repealing its Pandemic Act, and no longer classifying Covid-19 as a dangerous disease at all. In this respect it is far ahead of the rest of the West, whose elites no doubt did know this, but agreed with the World Economic forum that the Covid situation could be used to dismantle what remains of traditional freedoms, bringing in their version of the New World Order.

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Exercise Really is a Life-Saver! By Mrs Vera West

This one should be of interest to all old people who are not as crippled up with arthritis as myself. Doing between 30 and 60 minutes of strength training per week can put off an early death by up to a fifth. That could involve weights, light for most of us, or simply using body weight as in pushups and squats. But, doing gardening is just as good for older people, and probably more practical that just burning up energy pushing air, really. People need a bit more in intensity than just a quiet walk each day with the more enthusiastic dog, but not much more. And see a doctor for a medical check-up before beginning any exercise program. Even then don’t be too keen, but get into things slowly, in cold weather it is easy to pull muscles, so begin any exercise with sensible stretching. I still do some light upper body exercise with plastic dumbbells, being pretty much crippled from the belly button, down.

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Breaking Up the US By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Spencer J. Quinn, “Let’s Break Up the USA,” is right in his defence of secession, the need to breakup the United States of America, because there is nothing “united” about it now. The Biden regime has declared war upon conservatives and that basically finishes off the idea of any unified nation. But there is a time and place for most things, and it would be wise, given the coming wars, to put what almost a majority of Americans see as a coming civil war, on the backburner until the major war, World War III is dealt with, or it deals with us.

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Defend Florida’s Interim Report on Lack of Electoral Integrity; Lessons for Us All By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The debate on the 2020 stolen election continues, and no doubt will right up to the Democrats stealing, by the usual fraud, the November mid-terms, and then putting Biden back in office in 2024, by no doubt the greatest majority in US electoral history, even beyond his last greatest majority in 2020. Still, the beat goes on, with Defend Florida releasing its Interim Report on Election Integrity Risks in the State of Florida. “The group of volunteers canvassed 14,631 individuals across numerous counties.  Only around 60% of those canvassed verified their registrations, nearly a third didn’t validate their registrations.  Of the remaining voters interviewed (5,571), 89% didn’t live at the address where they were registered at. In addition, the report acknowledges that 800,000 registered voters in the 2020 Election should have been recorded as inactive.”

And all this occurs in a state which was not thought to have serious electoral fraud. The irregularities discovered are most likely worse in other states, especially blue Democrat states. The entire electoral system is a mess, and democracy, as defined simply does not exist.

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The Ancient Ethnostate: Building Blocks for the Future Return to the Past By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With a concern for secession, the breakup of America is very much on the cards, it could well come following the present burst of military conflict in the Ukraine, and to come shortly, over Taiwan. Major messy conflicts with no quick and easy solution can wear down large states, leading to breakdown, especially if such states are already ideologically fragmented, as the United States already is. The breakup of the USSSR is an example of such imperial over-stretch, contrary to Putin, who longs for the good old days of the USSR. Thus, in this context, it is useful to begin the process of thinking about the politics of breakup, and the creation of new political entities. The ancient ethnostate, as seen in antiquity, becomes relevant to political theory once more, as if it was done once, it can be done again.

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Being a Leftist Means Consistency Does Not Matter! By Chris Knight

Professor Edward Dutton has an excellent piece detailing the inconsistencies of Leftism. How about the support by the Left for the trans movement (a Left movement of course) and also the Ukraine, which does not allow gay marriage? Or, that the Great Replacement of whites is, well, great, but if whites object, oh racist conspiracy. The explanation is that politics replaces truth and logic in the Leftist world view, and doctrines are allowed, even if mutually inconsistent if they serve their political agenda. It is a simple as that in the post-truth world of the Left.


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