There is Something Mighty Fishy about Police Response to the Uvalde Shooting By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Wall Street Journal reports that some strange events occurred at the latest US shooting at Uvalde, Texas. For a start, the Hispanic gunman who massacred 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, was outside the school for 12 minutes firing shots at people in a funeral home across the street. Then he scaled a fence to enter the school. There was no armed officer protecting the school, even with a cell phone. Then the bulk of police arrived at the scene (two who had confronted the gunman had been injured), but did not go in to take down the gunman with superior numbers, waiting outside the school for an incredible hour while distraught parents pleaded with them to do something. When an unarmed parent, whose child was murdered wanted to go in alone, the parent was restrained by the police. Perhaps the cops were gutless and were waiting for armoured robots or whatever they have. In my opinion, it is more likely that they were told to wait so that a massacre could occur, as this was needed by the evil Democrats for gun control. Clearly a group of armed parents would have done better. I would have gone in myself, with my Glock .45. But, the answer by the Democrats is to take guns away from parents, while with the massive supply of illegal guns, let psycho killers have a field day.

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You Will be Starving but You Will be “Happy”; World Economic Forum Confronts Global Food Crisis By James Reed

The World Economic Forum annual talkfest has had globalists offer stern warnings of a world food crisis. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that Russia is engaging in a kind of food warfare in the Ukraine War. “Today, Russia’s artillery is bombarding grain warehouses in Ukraine – deliberately. And Russian warships in the Black Sea are blockading Ukrainian ships full of wheat and sunflower seeds,” she said. “…on top of this, Russia is now hoarding its own food exports as a form of blackmail – holding back supplies to increase global prices, or trading wheat in exchange for political support,” she added. “This is: using hunger and grain to wield power.”


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Crisis? What Crisis? Australian National Supply Chain Faces Imminent Collapse By James Reed

Petrol prices in Oz are set to hit record levels, with there being no end in sight, and the same problem, we see from reports from our two US and one UK correspondents, is happening across the West. Petrol is now over $2 a litre, and this trend, said by those in the know, is set to sky rocket. It is all part of the orchestrated global crisis of the Great Reset, the West is now experiencing, including food. Some US supermarket shelves are empty, and we can expect the same here.

But taking one crisis at a time, over half of the state of South Australia’s trucking companies, for example, face bankruptcy, and it is much the same story across the country. Truckers lost their diesel tax discount when the former Morrison government gave a six-month halving of the fuel excise tax in response to exploding prices arising from the Ukrainian War. Thus, the truckers took the brunt of the fuel discount for other motorists. And discount there must be, but the price should not be taken by the trucking industry. Industry insiders say that a collapse of the national supply chain is imminent unless the policy, which expires on September 30, is reversed. At that date, it may be too late for the majority of truckers.

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The Disease is Not Meant to be Cured, it is Continuous By Brian Simpson

Monkeypox, many Covid critics are now arguing, is a “crime-in-progress” brought to us by the same suspects and in the usual manner that we have become accustomed to. However, with monkeypox, the script is based on a paper, Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats, that was based on a “2021 tabletop exercise conducted in partnership with the Munich Security Conference.” This was a simulation of a bio-terror attack, based on an intentionally weaponized version of the monkeypox virus.

The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), produced the event, which overlapped with Big Players from the Event 201 simulation that predicted Covid-19, its rollout and its mandates: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, China CDC, United Nations, Merck, John Hopkins, U.S. Department of State, the usual players. Somehow these elites must “get off” on sending opening warnings us little people, to see how we respond, and find that time and time again, there is little recognition of what they are up.

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The World has 10, No Eight, Weeks of Wheat Supplies Left By James Reed

There is now a countdown to the world running out of wheat. The stage for this was set by China’s vast buy-ups, then came the Ukraine War, disrupting a quarter of the world’s wheat supply, and boycotts of Russian resources. The result will be starvation in Africa, as usual, and millions of refugees pouring into Europe, making the 2015 refugee crisis, and all that went on then, look minor. And this is only the start of the globalist plans, for the dialectic is to create a crisis, and generate mass movements of refugees, to swamp the West Camp of the Saints style. Apparently, the elites think living in underground cities for them is the way to go.

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Whoa! US Government Buys 13 Million Monkeypox Vaccines from Vax Company with Strong Ties to Dr Fauci! By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is no monkeypox pandemic, merely a few cases, largely restricted to the gay community, and even then, restricted to a subset of that, meaning that monkeypox is not a “gay disease.” Yet the system, facing something of Covid fatigue in the general population is desperate for new “fear porn,” and monkeypox has some of the elements of a classic zombie apocalypse, contagion movie, with the pus-filled sores invoking horror - but never mind that adult chickenpox can produce even worse legions, and people do not freak out about that. Only the reality is, if it is the case that the present virus is not a genetically engineered variant from a bioweapons lab, it is  not very infectious, and certainly not another Covid. Bird flu would be more a concern if a gain-of-function version of that is released.


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At the World Economic Forum Australian eSafety Commissioner Wants to “Recalibration” of Free Speech By James Reed

The tyrannical globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) is churning out its classic attacks on traditional values. And, in the spirit of globalism, the tyranny is not just given to us by glazed-eyed Europeans and Americans, for now Australians are getting in on the “let’s deconstruct traditional liberal values to make our Great Reset New World Order” mantra. Hence, the spectacle of Australian eSafety commissioner Julie Inman,  telling the World Economic Forum that there needs to be a "recalibration" of free speech.


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Gain-of Function Research on Monkeypox Virus at the Friendly Wuhan Bio Lab By Brian Simpson

Talk about suspicious, and any detective worth his salt would be putting two and two together to get gain-of function research. That research was done at the Wuhan bio lab to make coronaviruses deadlier to humans, but they found time to play with monkeypox viruses too, making monkeypox also deadlier to humans. The reason why these labs create viruses deadlier than those in nature is not because they are making a bioweapon (they are), but because nature just might make such a virus, and if it does we will be ready. Then, the virus is released. It would be safer not to have made the thing in the first place. But, that is not how the game of genocide is played.

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Baby Formula Crisis; Another Food Conspiracy? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The great US baby formula crisis continues. We cannot write this off as part of the Great White Replacement, since American  babies of all races are suffering, except the babies of illegals, for as reports have indicated, there is plenty of formula for them. Why it has taken so long to deal with a contamination issue at the main depot is anyone’s guess, well, maybe not if you are of the conspiratorial mind set, and see this event as fitting in with other food destroying events, such as the burning down of food factories. I put this down to being but one part of the planned chaos the elites are unleashing upon a suffering, if not scared people, bashed into submission.

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One in Five of Generation Z American Adults Now Identify as LGBTQ; the Left’s Goal is to Make it Six in Every Five! By Mrs Vera West

I do not know what the comparable statistic is for Australia, but my best guess is that it is not too far behind the US, where one in five of Generation Z now identify as LGBTQ. The American has an article thinking through the logical, or rather demographic consequences of this, as the numbers seem to expand all the time, going up with each survey. This socially learned set of behaviours will rapidly reduce population numbers, which are precarious even now. From a biological perspective, this is but one more depopulation factor. The Left, no doubt, will see this as a good thing.

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Just Monkeying Around with Monkeypox By James Reed

With all the serious material on monkeypox, and the legitimate concern that the globalist elites may be using this as the next tyrannical thing after Covid, it is best to have a laugh at this theatre of the absurd, and no-one does it better than the Christian satire site, The Babylon Here is a recent sample.

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The Mysteries of Monkeypox By Brian Simpson has done a good job of detailing the “mysteries” of monkeypox. Monkeypox exists in west and central Africa, but is not readily transferrable, usually being associated with bush meats, such as rats, and is usually transmitted by close contact between humans and the animal hosts. While the monkeypox virus can be spread by human -to-human contact through  respiratory droplets or contact with the body fluids of an infected person, this was rare, as people are usually over the virus before the usual contacts. However, the cases of monkeypox seen across the West do not have a link to west and central Africa. And, genetic analysis of the virus has indicated that it is not a new variation. So, it is not known why the virus is spreading now. Nor have  received science given an explanation, generally accepted, as to why the virus in the West seems to be predominantly in the male homosexual community. My guess is that this will be a mystery for some time.

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Communist China’s Taiwan Invasion Plans Revealed: India Media By James Reed

This leak of an audio clip has been taken up by leading mainstream Indian media, as seen below, but as predicted, not here in Australia with a generally Leftist, pro-China set of quislings. The audio clip which was obtained by Jennifer Zeng, China-born human rights activist, has the voices, allegedly, of top CCP and PLA big wigs, stating blatantly their plans to invade and subdue Taiwan. The detail is impressive and it would be difficult, if not pointless to attempt to fabricate this. We should not be surprised to wake up one morning and find Taiwan has fallen; it will not be a long, dragged out affair like the Ukraine War, as communist China will attack with gusto.     


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The Genocide of the Uyghurs by Communist China; The Shape of Genocides to Come By James Reed

A massive amount of Communist Chinese internal CCP documents have revealed that CCP dictator Xi Jinping had personally ordered genocide against the Uyghurs, showing what China really thinks of diversity. Other Turkic groups, such as Kyrgyz and Kazakh people, in East Turkistan are also under attack, by measures such as the use of over 1,000 concentration camps to indoctrinate, torture, enslave, and rape victims and the  the mass sterilization of non-Han ethnic women.  In a 2018 speech, China’s Public Security Minister Zhao Kezhi, loyal to Xi, naturally, advocated that Administrators in East Turkistan “break the lineages, break the roots, break the connections, break the origins.” And this is precisely what has been done.

If a Western white, or formerly white, country had done any of this, the condemnation would shake the Earth, and rightly so. But a combination of China fear, and/or worship has blunted criticism. As well, the movement in the West to the Left has put China in a leading light, much like Leftists held the USSR during the heady days of the 1960s.

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Bill Gates Hunting Elon Musk By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Elon Musk is said to be the richest man in the world, although he says that Putin has more loot than him. Anyway, he is loaded and that should mean power. But, as soon as he announced that he would purchase Twitter and restore free speech, a diverse array of Leftists and globalists went into attack. One interesting thing was the canvassing of an alleged sexual assault by an airline hostess on one of his personal jets. Problem here Musk said is that he does not have such people on his planes. So, where did this come from?

But the main attack upon Musk has come from Bill Gates’ Foundation, where hundreds of millions of dollars went to 11 of the 26 organizations that signed an open letter last month urging Twitter advertisers to boycott the company if Elon Musk restores free speech on Twitter. In response, Musk mobilised his 94 million Twitter followers to uncover the funding behind the 26 NGOs who signed an intimidation letter. Some of the results are listed below. But the move suggests the strategy that Musk could begin organising his followers as activists to oppose the likes of Gates.  He could in principle finance an opposing organisation to those we see with Soros and Gates. There needs to be funds to get strong opposition moving.

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Bad Days for Bees By Brian Simpson

A newly discovered virus, a variant of the Deformed wing Virus (DWV), is threatening the existence of all bees worldwide, with Australia at present not yet having this problem. the virus is spread by varroa mites, which are a threat in themselves to bees, so this is a double whammy.


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A 2021 Report Predicted the Monkeypox Outbreak on May 15, 2022 - Clairvoyance! By Brian Simpson

Here is a great piece of investigative journalism the sort that the mainstream media should do, but are too corrupted by vested interests to do.  The National Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security Conference in March 202 to conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats, with a focus specifically on a monkeypox outbreak. The Munich Security Conference has received funding of $1.2 million from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The report was entitled: “Biosecurity Innovation and Risk Reduction: A Global Framework for Accessible, Safe and Secure DNA Synthesis.”

Page 6 of the 36 page report in the Executive Summary states: “The exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that emerged in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months. Ultimately, the exercise scenario revealed that the initial outbreak was caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight. By the end of the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than three billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide”

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Davos Elites Tell Us to Get Ready for Pain! By James Reed

There is no doubt about the modern globalist elites; they are now so arrogant and over-confident, that little is held back, and they hide in broad daylight, having no fear of any revolt of the masses. Thus, Norwegian finance CEO Kjerstin Braathen depicted the global energy upheaval as a “transition,” presumably to some of unspecified green energy, and she admitted that  there will be mass shortages and economic hardship, but said the “pain” is “worth it.” For whom; certainly not us, the ordinary suffering people. You can bet your solar panels that she is not suffering from the ills of the present crisis. Indeed, this globalist elite used the same terminology of Joe Biden, in one of his rare lucid moments. This is no coincidence and is clearly part of a grand plan of the Great Reset, which first requires societal collapse, so that their communist world can be built from the pieces.

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CNN Admits mRNA Vaxxes May be Adversely Affecting Immunity By Chris Knight (Florida)

As we Covid vax critics all know, the mainstream media has ruthless promoted the Covid vaxxes, have downplayed deaths and adverse effects, and have been essentially sales reps for Big Pharma, using fear and sensationalism. They have worked to censor critics, particularly on-line. In this context it is worthwhile reporting on any news where the mainstream break ranks, however slight.

Thus, CNN has implicitly admitted that so-called immunity supplied by the jabs does not last. They asked whether this drop-off in immunity could be due to the mRNA technology used in the vaxxes. Even Dr Fauci was quoted: “We got a really great platform with mRNA … But let’s try to be better.” In the context of failing immunity, this is simply a tacit admission of failure. The vaccines were supposed to make one immune to the disease, not fall off a cliff. And some critics believe that the vaxxes also can push one off a metaphorical cliff, too.

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World Economic Forum: The Future is Built by Them, Not Us By James Reed

This is one of those things best seen on the video, as the written word does not convey adequately the true horror. In his speech to the Davos elites, Klaus Schwab, of World Economic Forum fame, openly gloated saying that “the future is built by us… by a powerful community… as you here in this room.” He means every one of those words. The future, he is saying, belongs to us assembled globalists, not the masses outside their two towers. Of course, all of these high-flyers come to the talkfest in private jets, while mouthing pious words about the dangers of climate change and the need to act to reduce carbon emissions. Yes, as stated in a video on the World Economic Forum website, this will be by measures that will impact upon us, the little people, such as not eating meat, but instead, dinning on insects. Can you imagine Schwab and Soros wolfing down a plate of insects? I bet that they had fine, meat-based, high carbon footprint meals at the talkfest.

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