The Illusion of IQ By Brian Simpson

Hewitt E. Moore has presented a good piece deconstructing the IQ fetish amongst conservatives and the Right. IQ does not feature in the discourse of the Left, except by critique of the Right, since they have their own mythology, as expressed in Critical Race Theory, which is used to legitimise their hegemony, while the Right, largely powerless and dispossessed, rattles on about Bell Curves and the like. I have argued for years, that the theory behind IQ is conceptually flawed, but the deeper problem is that there is no mileage in this concept for conservatives and the Right. IQ is falling across the West now, and it is probable that this will continue, as intelligence itself gets degraded by a multitude of social and chemical pollution factors. It is thus, not a winner to put one’s political strategies all around such as retreating concept.


“Right-wingers are fascinated with IQ to the point that it’s a focal point of the ideological brand. It’s an unspoken credo that says, “We’re the smart ones.” And that’s fine. All movements have mantras. There’s certainly nothing unappealing about being “the smart ones.” But when was the last time you heard the Left discuss IQ?

The Left understand that practical politics involves consistent messaging that resonates emotionally with their audience. Black Lives Matter was so successful because they took their best meme and named their movement after it. Regardless of how you feel about that, it was brilliant.

The upper echelons of political movements should to a degree be exclusive. They should be hierarchical. They should carry prestige. Obviously, they should have the smartest and brightest leading the way. There needs to be a handful of chiefs and a lot of Indians. But to insinuate that the Left doesn’t have high IQ leadership is being naïve — particularly when you consider they’ve been winning at every turn for the last 50 years. That’s not by accident. They’ve used their intelligence, instead of making it a talking point.

What the Left gets right is their appeal to the commoner. Perhaps even more importantly is their staked claim of the moral high ground. It’s not that they don’t think they’re smart; they just prefer to brandish their intellect proactively. They recognize that power is achieved in numbers, and that everyone (regardless of how smart they are) has potential and worth. So slogans like “we all bleed red,” or “inclusion and equality” resonate with average people. And let’s face it, it’s the common people who invoke the change that swings the pendulum of power.

Leftists understand that to the average person, the truth doesn’t matter. In the political and social realms, truth is perception. The truth is what individuals believe, not what they know. Nothing snags people on the Right more than the quest for truth. Potential political gains are repetitively lost due to the Right always wanting to prove they’re right. But, have you ever argued with a liberal? Did being “right” ever make a difference? If politics was about being right, then it would be game over.

If there was to be an open debate in the public square between the Left and the Right on the subject of IQ, who would win the public’s heart? Would it be the side that used “facts, figures, and data” to conclude that the genetic inheritability of intelligence makes people of certain racial groups inferior intellectually, thus other racial groups are more suitable to be in positions of power? Or would it be the side that claimed the only reason everyone isn’t intelligent is because they didn’t have the same privileges as “the smart ones”? And that “the only thing preventing equality is systemic oppression; with the appropriate resources we would all be geniuses!”

IQ discourse in the political sphere should be the equivalent to something like critical race theory (CRT). An intellectual concept submitted within the institutions of power — which are controlled. There’s a reason that CRT is a subject of lectures in universities, and differences in racial IQ scores is not — even though one is an observable phenomenon, and the other is blatant anti-white propaganda. The winners always write the curriculum.

Furthermore, the Right has been obsessed with IQ for decades (perhaps even a century; eugenics was an intelligence-based movement in the early 1900s that heavily influenced Hitler). This isn’t to imply that IQ isn’t extremely important; of course it is. That goes without saying — particularly with regards to systemic cohesion and functionality. And just the overall quality of life that socially evolves in societies with higher IQs (it’s not a coincidence nobody wants to move to Haiti). The Bell Curve was written 30 years ago, so not only has the empirical data been known for a long time, but everyone has observed racial IQ differences in the real world (and on social media). Has it mattered?

This isn’t to say, “Shhh. Don’t talk about IQ, the dummies will vote Democrat if you do.” Rather, we should focus on practical politics and consistent messaging that resonates with a broader audience. There’s nothing wrong with noticing what the opposition is doing successfully and implementing it into the game plan. “The smart ones” will typically seek the truth; it’s the dumb ones who need to be persuaded.

In a recent essay titled “IQ Is a Phenotype,” an assertion about Leftist ideology is made which highlights its religious dogma:

My armchair analysis concludes that the ideologies which prop the Left up rely more on demonstrable lies and unprovable dicta than Rightist ideologies. At the heart of the matter is the notion of equality. The Left claims against all evidence that people — regardless of class, race, or sex — are equal; that is, equal in mind and in potential. This is the Left’s original sin, the lie which begets all other lies. Agents of the Left are so invested in it that the truth becomes anathema to them, causing them to stamp it out wherever they see it.


He is absolutely right in his analysis. The Left doesn’t care about the truth, because they don’t want to establish the truth; they want to be the establishment of truth. The truth is irrelevant to the politically powerless. Politics has one goal, and one goal only: power. The Left understands the adage “all is fair in love and war,” and their actions prove it.

The “notion of equality” is just propaganda that’s an empathetic appeal to the common citizen. The architects of equality don’t believe in equality any more than you do (if they did, they wouldn’t be the architects). One doesn’t have to have a high IQ to conclude that equality is relevant in mathematics, not biology. But equality is inclusive, which means there are no restrictions on membership. In fact, you don’t even have to apply, let alone be a “smart one.” Or white. Or popular. Or attractive. Or sane. Or even gender-binary. Just participate in some way, and you can be a part of the team.

Politics is a Machiavellian numbers game, with no honor and very few rules. Democracy is half plus one (regardless of how you feel about the legitimacy of democracy, that’s the current system). Thus, quantity over quality is the recipe for success. The Left has dominated the institutions of power by appealing to the unappealable, and gaslighting with Alinsky-style tactics.

The aforementioned mentioned piece goes on to critique the Right’s mindset in comparison to the Left:

The Right, however, does not tell this lie. Instead, it accepts natural group differences and builds social and political hierarchies accordingly. The cruelty is baked in the cake, so to speak. Yes, slavery, racial exclusivity, ethnic tribalism, distinct gender roles, and other authoritarian constructs can be found in Rightist societies, both today and in the past. But these are most often based on group differences, which are in turn based on biological differences. Of course, injustice can appear in Right-wing societies; worthy individuals being overlooked because of their race or gender is a prime example. But this injustice pales in comparison to that found in societies which ignore racial differences.

It all boils down to unprovable dicta. Lying about biology requires the Left to resort to more unprovable dicta than the Right, and so Leftists have to do more work in order to make reality fit their dicta. For example, blacks commit more crime than whites. Why? Because of slavery and Jim Crow, according to the Left. Women cannot perform as well as men in STEM fields because of sexism and lack of opportunity.  … Chinese-Americans outperform everyone in math because tiger moms make them study really hard. Each of these dicta are unprovable, but must be accepted on faith in order to preserve the lie of equality — and there is no end to these claims for as long as group differences continue to manifest.

The Right, on the other hand, relies at most on one unprovable dictum: God — or Zeus, Odin, ancestral spirits, or other such divinity. The Right essentially invokes some kind of heaven-sanctioned human hierarchy — with its concomitant views on good and evil — which cannot be questioned, only accepted. Everything else flows from that. Yes, this is also an unprovable dictum, but it’s only one. It makes Rightist thought more economical and easier to swallow.

If there’s one thing we know about politics, it’s that if you’re not lying, you’re not winning. All successful politicians have some level of sociopathy. If you don’t know this, then you either don’t know the nature of sociopaths, or you’ve never met a politician.

The Left can “lie about biology” because they determine what biology is — at least on the academic level, and to a large degree on the social level (e.g., “gender and race are social constructs”). If some part of biology (or a biologist) is determined to be “racist” (or anything that doesn’t align with Leftist doctrine), then it’s cancelled. Does that objectively change the truth about biology? Well, that depends on what you know about biology, because outside of what you know about biology, everything else is what you believe about biology. The average person doesn’t know the difference between the two. Generally speaking, only high-IQ Right-wingers contemplate the philosophical concept of absolute truth. For the other 99%, truth is just perception.

The modus operandi of Leftism can be simplified and summarized as follows: empowerment via lies. Operating through usurpation. Expanding deconstruction. Literarily speaking, Orwell described the reformation of this unholy trinity with his famous Leftist axiom:

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

This is not to say that all hope is lost, nor that people don’t recognize lies and deception. Of course, they do. These people are what is known as dissidents. But, more importantly, the Left doesn’t reproduce. Thus, with IQ being inherent (0.8), this poses a major evolutionary problem for Leftist intellectualism (the brightest Leftists are feminists, homosexuals, careerists, environmentalists, etc. — all with negative birth rates of effectively zero). In order for them to reproduce, they therefore have to kidnap our children (ideologically) and convert them. So, from an evolutionary perspective, the Left is dying — literally. From a spiritual perspective, they’re already dead. They’ve sold their souls for power and status.

The game of power is a pendulum that is always in motion. The Right’s Achilles’ heel in politics and power is also their saving grace: the truth. Absolute truth undoubtedly exists, even if it’s independent of the observer. As the cited work accurately states, the Right relies on God (i.e. the truth) and the dichotomy of good vs. evil. Any rational person can recognize the evil that has consumed the West. At this point, it’s not even debatable.

All critical thinkers will eventually come to the realization of God. It’s inevitable. It’s at that very point that the concept of free will determines your fate by allowing you the choice to accept or reject God.

The Left’s god, by contrast, is egalitarianism, which is enforced by tyranny. Every shred of evidence contradicts human equality. There is no “coming to equality” moment. Leftism is a lie put forth by the father of lies. The problem with building a society on lies, deception, and deconstruction is that it isn’t sustainable. It eventually implodes — sooner rather than later.

The Right, individually and collectively, needs to focus on inheriting the Earth. How? By showing they’re “the smart ones”: getting right with God, having lots of children, and being meek. We are in the midst of a spiritual war that transcends the political paradigm. As Dostoevsky said in The Brothers Karamazov: “Everything passes, only truth remains.”



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