Sterilising the Military By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here are some astonishing claims about the extent of Covid vax injuries, coming from data dealing with the US military. There are 1,195,000 active-duty military members in the USA and  778,000 reserve troops, but 43 percent of them,  863,013, the majority Covid-vaxxed, who developed nervous system diseases in the six-month period between August of 2021 and  January 2022, according to data by  Thomas Renz, presented  to a US Senate committee. Renz is an attorney presenting 30 US Navy sailors, who are suing the US government over the vax mandates.


Renz also had data from the US Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), which is one of the most accurate data bases documenting vaccine injuries. From August 2021 through January 2022, cases of testicular cancer went up 369% (3,537 cases). Breast cancers went up 536 percent (4,357 cases), stomach cancers were up 624 percent (4,060 cases) and thyroid cancers were up 474 percent (1,950 cases). There were significant rises in neuroendocrine cancers, ovarian cancers, and oesophageal cancers.

This is startling evidence, and Renz is arguing, that the Covid vaxxes are dangerous, and use must halt. And, if in another article, it is the case that Big Pharma is gearing up to use the mRNA technology in all vaxxes, we should be even more concerned; Big Pharma, Big Problems.

“The COVID data that I’ve read through and analyzed this week is so shocking that I had to check my math twice. I must have made a mistake, I thought. Out of the 1,195,000 active-duty military members in the USA and the 778,000 reserve troops, 863,013 developed nervous system diseases in the six-month period between August of 2021 and this past January. That’s 43% of the troops.

That’s according to data from an attorney named Thomas Renz, who just presented the military vaccine data to a US Senate committee. Renz has also put the US government on notice with a warning: All COVID vaccine mandates from the US government must end immediately.

Renz presented the data to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) this past week. He’s the attorney representing 30 US Navy sailors in Florida, who are suing the lawless Biden regime over the vaccine mandates. A few days ago, I wrote about one of Renz’s whistleblowers who is a US Army flight surgeon, Dr. Theresa Long. Dr. Long broke down and cried on the stand last week as she testified about how thousands of her fellow soldiers have been permanently harmed by the COVID vaccines.

Renz also sent the same document – roughly 200 pages – to every elected Member of Congress, all 50 state governors and all fifty state Attorneys General. There is no longer any excuse. Almost every high-level elected official now has a copy of the data that Renz pulled from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED). They all know that the COVID vaccines are doing permanent damage to people and shaving decades off their lives.

DMED is one of the most highly respected epidemiology databases in the world. The Army has a whole division that monitors and maintains the database. It’s a far more accurate database than the CDC’s VAERS system, which supposedly under-reports vaccine injuries by about 90%.

From 2016 to 2020, the five-year average for military members developing nervous system diseases was about 82,000 per year. Between this past August and January, right when Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for the troops went into effect, that number jumped by 1,048% to 863,013.

“Nervous system diseases” is a blanket term, but some of the conditions that this includes are extremely serious, like epilepsy. If you start having seizures, your military career is over, no matter which branch of the service you’re in. People with epilepsy aren’t even allowed to join the military.

Those aren’t the only shocking data points from the DMED information. During that same time period of August 2021 through January 2022, the following spikes in serious illnesses and diseases occurred in the US military:

Cases of testicular cancer went up 369% (3,537 cases). Breast cancers went up 536% (4,357 cases). Stomach cancers were up 624% (4,060 cases) and thyroid cancers were up 474% (1,950 cases). Neuroendocrine cancers, ovarian cancers, and esophageal cancers were all up significantly as well.

22,620 servicemembers developed thyroid dysfunction after getting vaccinated, a 303% increase over the five-year average. 2,750 servicemembers developed multiple sclerosis, a 680% increase.

53,846 servicemembers were diagnosed with hypertension after being vaccinated. The five-year average prior to Joe Biden’s illegal, conscience-violating vaccine mandate was 2,360 cases of hypertension each year. Hypertension cases jumped by 2,281% after Biden’s mandate.

307 servicemembers developed myocarditis, 850 developed pericarditis, 3,489 had pulmonary embolisms, and 3,136 had cerebral infarctions. Their military careers are over. The babies of 18,951 pregnant servicemembers developed congenital malformations in the womb after the mothers were vaccinated.

The saddest data point revealed by the DMED data is the number of servicemembers who were sexually sterilized by the COVID shots. 11,748 women and 8,365 men became sterile after Joe Biden forced them to take these experimental shots. That’s 20,113 people who volunteered to serve their country, who will never be able to have children now. Another 4,086 female servicemembers now have ovarian dysfunction, so they also may or may not be able to have children.

If tens of thousands of servicemembers have sustained these injuries from the vaccines, how many millions of Americans in the general population must be suffering right now? This human experimentation program has been catastrophic, and it needs to end immediately.”




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