Biden Silent on Democrat Kill Trumpers, Threat By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Apart from the FBI raids, which have been given the A-Okay by the Biden administration, we have Democrat senators calling for a need to “kill and confront” Donald Trump and his MAGA supporters. The comments came from Senator Tim Ryan, and was ambiguous enough to hide behind. But, it is clear that the rhetoric could incite violence, given that less inflammatory remarks led to one Leftist crazy seeking to kill a Supreme Court judge. Dangerous times are ahead, given the level of mental instability in many Leftists.

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Britons Want the Monarchy! By Richard Miller (London)

More good new! I know that there is a report at the blog by one of the Aussie writers on the poll showing that 60 percent want the monarchy to remain. The good thing is that even more people in Briton support the monarchy, 64 percent in fact. Although there is an aggressive republican movement here, led by raging Leftists, they will have to keep working away if they want to undermine this most noble of institutions. After all, with the US coverage, who wants to become like those guys?

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A War on the Population: Tucker Carlson By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Tucker Carlson has been on fire lately, tackling all of the hard questions, and really getting up the regime’s nose. He comes to the point in a program by saying what we have concluded, that civilisation as we knew it is being dismantled by the globalist elites, so that the world can be reconstructed as they want. Their plans are radical, taking in transhumanism, were most of us will become useless eaters, supposedly to be disposed of, or allowed to perish via food shortages, or engineered disease. In the US, there is a plan to allow the criminals to roam free, not needing bail, like something out of the TV shows, The Purge.


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Even the Pillow Guy was Not Safe from Deep State By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Now the FBI has gone after the pillow fellow, Mike Lindell, seizing his phone. Again, it is all part of a politically weaponised police force being used to target individuals the present tyrannical regime deems problematic. In reply, today, good old Mike is suing the FBI. Apparently like most people, he has everything on his phone. This is putting all of one’s eggs in the same basket, and is not a sensible strategy in a time of war. Maybe keep passwords on something else that the creeps can not access. Money and valuables used to be buried in river banks, hence the name “banks.”

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Australians Want King Charles to Long Reign Over Us By James Reed

Good news! Good news! While the Republican press delights in quoting bs surveys showing that an Australian republic is inevitable, here comes a survey to contradict this. A recent Roy Morgan found that 60 per cent of people want to remain in the monarchy which is an increase of five per cent since the last such poll in November 2021. Again, I say: long live the King!

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Human Cyborgs Cometh: Dark Fate By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola has given an outline of one disturbing trend from the transhumanism agenda, that of creating human cyborgs. This has been seen in Hollywood movies, the universal soldier theme, and taken to the limit in the Terminator movies. It seems that communist China, Russia, and now the United States, are well down the road of making these monsters, that will make the conventional soldier, redundant. Add to the enhancements, there will be psychological changes, mind control devices, with chips implanted in the brain. The National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative was implemented by false President Biden’s Executive Order on September 12, 2022, which puts biotech as a national priority to achieve certain unspecified objectives.

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The High Tech Surveillance State: From China to a Street Near You By James Reed

Here are some informative extracts from an interview with Maya Wang of Human Rights Watch, an organisation, which among other things, keeps a critical eye on China’s social credit and high tech surveillance state measures. She points out that the tyrannical strategies employed by the Western authorities, including those of Victoria, were perfected by the CCP. At this moment Xi is again pursuing a zero Covid policy which has lock downed once again, with according to some estimates, up to 400 million people subjected to some form of lockdown. This is said by the CCP to prevent China facing the Covid collapse that the West is allegedly experiencing. The last lockdown failed to achieve zero Covid, and so will fail again.

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Useless Eaters: World Economic Forum By James Reed

Ben Bartee, an independent Bangkok-based American journalist, whom I am following, who looks like an early bloomer into a James Reed type, rips into the World Economic Forum idea that you and me are, well, useless eaters, who have no place in their supposed coming dystopia. Naturally, anyone who has a grain od self-preservation must therefore oppose these monsters. Ben suggests, along with political action, and getting the message out, building parallel societies able to cope with the planned collapse that they are already well advanced in promoting. Being off grid, if possible, would be excellent. At least, grow as much of your own food as possible.

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Google’s War on Privacy By James Reed

One of the greatest threats to freedom comes from something most of us use daily, but should not: Google. As detailed by Dr Mercola in a now deleted post, Google constantly manipulates public opinion through its search engine, even, some speculate, altering the course of elections, shifting some 15 million votes in the 2020 US election. Of course, there is the outright censorship of vital issues such as the Hunter Biden laptop, which never got serious attention due to algorithmic censorship. Clearly, this entity has become both too powerful, monopolistic, and political and needs to be broken up. People though need to wise up and use other search engines, as detailed below.


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Crashing Life Expectancy By Chris Knight (Florida)

Life expectancy in the United States in 2019, before Covid was, on average for all ethnicities, 79 years, but by the end of 2021, a year into the Covid vax rollout, life expectancy had dropped by three years to 76 years. According to a National Institutes of Health paper; “An estimated 936,911 excess deaths occurred during 2020 and 2021, of which 171,168 (18.3%) were not assigned to COVID-19 on death certificates as an underlying cause of death ...

The proportion of excess deaths assigned to COVID-19 was lower in 2020 (76.3%) than in 2021 (87.0%), suggesting that a larger fraction of excess deaths was assigned to COVID-19 later in the pandemic. However, in rural areas and in the Southeast and Southwest a large share of excess deaths was still not assigned to COVID-19 during 2021 ...

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China’s Crime of the Century By James Reed

Dr. Yan Li-Meng who has intimate knowledge of what went on in Wuhan, has gone on the Zelenko Report on Brighteon TV, to tell that Covid-19 was deliberately engineered and released by the CCP as a bioweapon, designed to destroy the West, or at least begin the softening up process. She believes that SARS-CoV-2 was a test run by china for using bioweapons, much deadlier against the populations of the West in the coming World War III. There will certainly be no shortage of a fifth column in the West, including the Left-wing traitors who will only be too happy to see their homelands destroyed for their CCP masters.

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From Great Reset to Global Force Majeure By James Reed

Mike Adams details the forces that the Democrats are unleashing to produce chaos before the November mid-term elections, that will cause panic in the sheeple and somehow get them to embrace Biden, no matter what zombie state he is in, perhaps even if he dies and serves as a stuffed president. The latest piece of planed chaos is a comprehensive rail strike that will impact more upon America than it would even in Australia, given more goods in the US are transported by rail than road. This will add to already existing supply crisis issues. The idea, no doubt is to prepare the people for a three-way war with both Russia and China, which will almost certainly annihilate the West. As Adams argues, it is difficult to see how a slide intro the use of nukes can be avoided, which will be the game changer the globalist elites have not adequately bracketed into their equations.


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The Threat of Climate Change Policy By James Reed

Regardless of the climate change debate, the real issue is climate change policies, and the inconsistency of the elites in applying them. Thus, while advocating the banning of meat, those elites, such as the Hollywood and Big Tech sects have been seen boarding their private jets, far more polluting than any meat eating, which is itself totally open to debate. But, beyond this, there is no real coherent methodological principle governing the climate change policies we see. All are targeted at the little people, not the elites. It is you and me that has to make the massive changes needed. This discrimination shows the main problem behind it all.

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Deep State Intimidation By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Harmeet Dhillon, who was the vice chairwoman of the California Republican Party, has gone onto Fox News that the FBI is set to raid the homes of an increasing number of Trump supporters, with broad search warrants or subpoenas. No doubt, there is an obvious intimidation factor, hoping to scare the weak, who do not take much to scare. But, the real hope is to find some dirt that could be used, which is a desperate measure really.


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Noah’s Ark for the Elites By John Steele

There has been much written in the mainstream media about the elites getting bug out places in New Zealand and Chile. Some following Musk are hoping for the elites to live in outer space while the rest of us perish. But, given various problems, like radiation overdose, that has been held up. Terraforming Mars or some other planet is on the agenda. But, keeping to planet Earth, Yuval Noah Harari, World Economic Forum philosopher has said that the elites will need to escape by a technological Noah’s Ark. Remember, this is the guy who has said that the majority of us are simply useless eaters, with no part in their Great Reset New World Order. So, we are getting closer to the die off depopulation thesis of thinkers like Mike Adams, conscious or not. Well, at least the cards are being shown.


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China’s Murder Through Forced Starvation Via Covid Lockdowns By James Reed

I was mighty suspicious abut the latest rounds of Covid lockdowns in China. The last lockdowns, where people were welded into their flats, did not produce zero Covid. Now it seems that at least one part of the strategy to wipe out the Uyghurs in East Turkistan, where the CCP has locked them into their homes since July. Apparently, they are not permitted out for food. So, there seems to be evident truth in the claim of genocide.

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Too Good to be True; Sweden’s Right Wing Election Victory? By Richard Miller (London)

This is interesting, maybe hopeful, for Sweden is one of the most woke Left-wing countries on Earth. Yet it has been subjected to an immigration invasion, and a massive crime wave, complete with no-go zones, grenade attacks, you name it. Early reports have the Right narrowly beating the Left in the recent elections. In fact, at the time of writing this, the results are undecided, and the Left, by postal votes and the usual cheating may get over the line. Still, good to see the Right making inroads into a place many of us have dismisses as longing for racial suicide.


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Medical Crisis Declaration By Mrs Vera West

From time-to-time, brave medical professionals, very much in a minority, have been protesting the Covid mandates. Here, however is a declaration by medical professions across the world dealing with the adverse effects of the Covid vaxxes. One wonders when the dam will finally burst, but with the mounting evidence of vax harm, something must surely come sooner rather than later.

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On the “Do Viruses Exist?” Debate By Brian Simpson

Roosh v has joined the debate, now among Covid critics, about whether viruses exist at all, or whether if they do in some sense exist, do not play the causal role that mainstream medicine says. The main arguments are basically epistemological, based upon questions of proof and evidence. It is interesting, but one claim is that there has been no isolation of SARS-Cov-2. That is heavily disputed on the internet by the fact checkers. I don’t know. Something is definitely going on, and the postulation of a virus as the causal mechanism explains more than numerous ad hoc hypotheses about environmental causes. Still, interesting to think about, at a level that the mainstream seldom does.


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Covid Vaxxes and Abnormal Blood By Brian Simpson

Continuing our exposure articles about the adverse effects of the Covid vaxxes, studies done by Italian researchers have found foreign matter in the blood of the vaccinated, long after receiving the jab. The results of the blood tests was published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research in August 2022. Of the 1,006 patients examined, after vaccination, only about 5 percent—just 58 people—had blood that looked normal. The blood of 12 patients was examined before receiving the Covid vax, and all patients had normal blood. But not after the vax. The researchers did not speculate about the causes of the abnormalities in detail.

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