Once Upon a Time, Having a Bug in One’s School Lunch Box was a Matter for Concern; Now Kids Eat Bugs! By James Reed

I saw this one on an American site; but Aussie kids are being brainwashed now to eat bugs, and see meat as … racist I suppose, as that is the category for everything sinful now. They are being trained to avoid meat as part of the climate change fanaticism being pushed upon impressionable minds in the animal farms called modern schools. It leaves me stunned, but then again, look what has been done to the present population, far beyond anything cultural pessimists on the Spengler line like myself ever dreamt of.


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Suddenly, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome By Chris Knight (Florida)

The mainstream media are recognising that there is excess mortality, as well as mysterious deaths of young people such as athletes. How is this being dealt with; is there any discussion that the Covid vaxxes may have a part to play? Not at all, these deaths are mere water of a Covid duck’s back. Some sources say it is long Covid at work, again never blaming the sacred vax. Other media sources leave it just as a mystery. The most blatant is to put it as a new normal; that any young person could collapse and die, and there are TV ads now pushing this line. It shows the hubris of the vax mad system.


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Californian Collapse By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Economic Collapse Blog.com, makes a compelling case that we are seeing in real time the collapse of an American state, California, with epidemic levels of violence. “According to the new annual report from the California Study on Violence Experiences across the Lifespan (CalVEX), violence statistics have seen a significant increase since COVID-19 emerged. The report, conducted by scientists at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, reports more than one in six Californians (18%) experienced either physical or sexual violence in just the past year.” I refuse to go to California for my work now, even armed,  and have passed the miserable task onto another less fortunate person. Not only is one open to being killed by all matter of people, with all matter of weapons, but many cities, such as San Francisco house large-scale homeless sub-cities. Streets are litter with human poop. One would need to wear long Wellington boots to avoid the mess! Maybe even a full-body biohazard suit! Disgusting … but social collapse is never clean and hygienic. This is the lesson for socialist woke republics across the world; collapse looms.


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Martha’s Vineyard has Plenty of Room for Illegal Democrat Voters! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A final comment on the glorious event of DeSantis sending a crateload of illegals to the elite enclave of Martha’s Vineyard, and the hypocrisy of the elites in packing these people up fast and getting them off the island to be dumped at a military base, even though there was room for millions. The event was hilarious, with the Democrats saying it was a “racist,” event, though they had championed open borders for the rest of America. There has been no clearer demonstration that the New Class are only concerned with the globalist agenda, and part of that involves keeping their stuff, all to themselves, while giving our heritage to the world.


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China Shows the Way in Ecological Deceit! By James Reed

You have to hand it to China; they are proof of the maxim of my old Uncle Bob, that bs baffles brains. The CCP mouthpiece, The People’s Daily ran an editorial celebrating the ecological progress that China has made over the past decade. This is done under the dark cloud of being the world’s worse polluter, emitting more dreaded greenhouse gasses than any other country, and most of the developed world combined, and who is building coal-powered power stations like there is no tomorrow. Not that I in any way oppose glorious coal fired power stations, which enrich the environment with much need plant food. It is just the two-facedness of it all that I do not like. China should come clean and say global warming is just a big hoax, the hoax of the 21st century. I could respect that.


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Covid Vaxxes and Organ Transplants By Brian Simpson

This is something which has not received too much critical attention in the Covid debate; the problem of organ transplants and the vax. It is no longer the medical ethics question that the unvaxxed miss out on needed organs for punishment. Instead, what has been found is that organ transplants are failing because of the vax. It is very unusual, surprising even for critics in fact. It probably shows how toxic the spike proteins actually are.


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Those Who Cling to the Covid Panic Narrative By Mrs Vera West

Some interesting comments from the great Covid critical site, Brownstone.org, with its pretty brown type face. Why do so many people cling to the Covid narrative? Well for many it is supper profitable, so these elites will keep to the cash cow as long as it milks for them. Then they move on to the next big thing. For others in the political class, and academics, they are loath to admit any error, as this would be a moral defeat for narcists with huge psychopathological egos. Yet, what about the people unthinkingly getting vaxxed? Some did it because of blackmail, no job if no vax. Others seemed to have trusted the government and health authorities, much like primitive people might trust the pronouncements of witch doctors and medicine men. Overall the Covid issue does not show human nature in its best critical rational light.


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The Debate: Covid Less Risky than the Flu? By Brian Simpson

Here is coverage, both pro and con, that Covid today is now less risky than the flu. I suppose it depends upon what variant of Covid one considers; Omicron variants are generally pretty mild, and it performed the ironic task of establishing herd immunity before the vaxxes for it could be rolled out; not that they were any good. As for the statistics on Covid-19 deaths, there is considerable discussion in the Covid critical literature, that numbers were vastly inflated, with people dying having Covid, regardless of cause, being counted as a Covid death, to beef up the stats, to keep the momentum up for Big Pharma profits, and the moral panic that fuelled the madness.


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Slipping on the Slippery Slope Argument By Chris Knight (Florida)

The slippery slope argument has been employed in many areas of public policy, but is widely rejected by professional philosophers, which is a mighty good reason for thinking that the argument has merits. The idea is to take some position, and through steps accepted to the holder, show that absurd conclusions, or at least conclusions inconsistent with the position of the opponent follow. For example, the liberal philosophy of “thou shall not discriminate,” leads to ultimately accepting animal rights, and with some argument, plant rights as well, as recent evidence indicates plants may have proto-mental qualities. Likewise, arguments for abortion seem to fall into infanticide, which is exactly what we are seeing. Thus, the slippery slope argument is a valuable tool for showing the absurdity of the ideologies of the present regime.


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On Nuking the FBI from Space By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is some material about all the criminal things the FBI has got up to, documented in detail. As shown below, the FBI has been connected with a number of terrorist events, and as well, criminal acts. That is apart from becoming in the Biden regime, the equivalent of the former USSR, KGB. The metaphor of “nuking from space,” comes from the movie Aliens (1986), where the lead female character says about how to deal with the alien monsters: “Nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.” Likewise, closing down corrupt organisations is the only way to be sure.


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You Will Have Nothing to Eat, Not Even Bugs, and be “Happy” By James Reed

A nice piece of satire below at Unz.com, but frighteningly not far from the grim truth; that even eating insects will not satisfy the ghouls of the World Economic Forum. As I see it, if there is a depopulation agenda, there is no reason why the globalists will stop at just eating insects. Even insect production will be seen as having a much too high carbon footprint. The endgame will be eating nothing, starvation, for the ordinary punters. Us.


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Covid Vaxxes: Evidence of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) By Brian Simpson

An article recently published in the journal, Nature, gives evidence of the phenomenon of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), with the Covid vaxxes, where a vaccine produces sub-optimal antibodies that can enhance disease enabling a more severe infection, of the same disease or others. The mainstream medical profession, and Big Pharma have denied that the Covid vaxxes could produce ADE, as indicated by the wiki material cited below for an introduction. But, as indicated, this position now seems to be dated.  


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Globalist Excited by Covid Lockdown Conformity Now Move on Climate Change Tyranny By James Reed

It seems clear that the focus of the globalists, as seen in the publications of organisations, such as the World Economic Forum, that attention is now shifting back to climate change and its tyrannical policy implications. We have seen this with the attacks upon agriculture, as in Holland and across the West, the move to ban meat and uptake insects, and the phasing out of petrol and diesel cars. It would have been impossible to roll all of these measures out if the Covid mandates did not soften the population u, who largely conformed. Still, as terrible as the climate change policies are, we have yet to see the full-ramifications of the Covid depopulation program, which will make all of the climate change policies, somewhat mild.


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Globalist Excited by Covid Lockdown Conformity Now Move on Climate Change Tyranny By James Reed

It seems clear that the focus of the globalists, as seen in the publications of organisations, such as the World Economic Forum, that attention is now shifting back to climate change and its tyrannical policy implications. We have seen this with the attacks upon agriculture, as in Holland and across the West, the move to ban meat and uptake insects, and the phasing out of petrol and diesel cars. It would have been impossible to roll all of these measures out if the Covid mandates did not soften the population u, who largely conformed. Still, as terrible as the climate change policies are, we have yet to see the full-ramifications of the Covid depopulation program, which will make all of the climate change policies, somewhat mild.


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Covid Jab Injuries: International Medical Crisis By Brian Simpson

There has been a new document signed by over 40 doctors from over 34 countries proclaiming that the Covid vaxxes are producing a medical crisis, since these vaccines are unsafe. “We are currently witnessing an excess in mortality in those countries where the majority of the population has received the so-called ‘COVID-19 vaccines’. To date, this excess mortality has neither been sufficiently investigated nor studied by national and international health institutions.” The large number of sudden deaths in previously healthy young people who were inoculated with these ‘vaccines’ is particularly worrying, as is the high incidence of miscarriages and perinatal deaths which have not been investigated.

A large number of adverse side effects, including hospitalisations, permanent disabilities and deaths related to the so-called ‘COVID-19 vaccines’, have been reported officially.” This is exactly what leading Covid critics have been saying for some time now, but the Big Pharma-dominated medical establishment is not listening.

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UK Diversity, Not a Strength By Richard Miller (London)

Lance Welton gives an account of what is really going on in the UK globalist elites gem city of diversity, Leicester, majority non-white. Far from diversity making this city, dynamic and exciting, the India-Pakistan war has been imported, so I suppose in a way, this is “exciting.” Violence between Muslims and Hindus I suppose does constitute “diversity” in a technical sense. But compare this city to competing racially homogeneous cities in china to see that diversity is not a strength, but a profound weakness, and liability, regardless of colours.


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Sports Responsible for Men Being Stronger than Women? Nonsense! By Mrs Vera West

A Canadian feminist sociologist has claimed that sports are responsible for the common “belief” that men are inherently stronger … and also for the “belief” that gender is binary. For a start, men in general, even outside of sports are physically stronger than women, and there is an enormous amount of evidence of this:


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The Wine of Elite Hypocrisy is Sweet at Martha’s Vineyard By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ben Bartee, an independent Bangkok-based American journalist, who I started following after reading a James Reed article, gives his take on our governor Ron DeSantis sending crate loads of beaming illegals, complete with their latest mobile phones and nice running shoes to the elite’s playground of Martha’s Vineyard. As we know, the illegals did not last long there being shipped out mighty fast. The elites only want immigration if the ordinary white people suffer.


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Why Does the West Hate Itself? By James Reed


A new book by Benedict Beckeld, Western Self-Contempt: Oikophobia in the Decline of Civilizations (North Illinois University Press, 2022), may supply an answer to the question of Western suicide, if I could get the book, but I am too poor in this inflation-ravaged economy to buy anything but the basic food items, like dog food. How then to find out about such books? Why, read reviews, and what free info is available. Here are some crumbs from Amazon.com:

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Powerless Times Ahead By Viv Forbes

It is a still winter night in Green-topia.

Wind turbines are idle; solar panels are in darkness; some are covered with snow.

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