They All Fall Down: Turn Head, then Collapse By James Reed

I saw this video on, of people turning their heads, looking behind themselves, anxiously, then collapsing. Is it fake, or is there something new to worry about, “Mad Turn Around Disease”? Or, is the vax continuing its black magic sorcery?

Beijingo Joe Biden’s Sixth Sense By Chris Knight

In the Bruce Willis movie The Sixth Sense, the little kid says to Bruce: "I see dead people." It seems that old Joe Bejingo Biden may think he sees dead people to. No, that is not quite right. He looks for dead people, but cannot see them. For example, old Joe went off script, and wanted to recognize Republican Congresswoman Jackie Walorski of Indiana. He asked if she was in the audience. Problem … she died on August 3, 2022, and Biden had known about this, having made a comment previously. So, no, he forgot, as senile folk often do. Fortunately, all presidential decisions are made for him, so we are in Deep State hands, and deep trouble.


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Vaxxed, then Drops Dead …But Everyone Told to Keep Quiet By Dr Abigail Knight (Florida)

As the title says, a poor woman got the Covid vax at a pharmacy, then she drops dead, minutes later. Everyone is keeping quiet about it. Things like this are becoming common, but one did not hear about such things before the vax.

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Pooh to Peer Review - Again By Professor X

Peer review is the thing in academia; publishing outside of the network of self-supporting dog-sniffing academics does not yield the needed points to stay in the sheltered work sop, sorry, shop, of the universities. So, the manure is poured out, and it is not even the sort of material to make the garden grow. More likely it will kill it off, with its internal corruption.

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Ben Bartee on the Green Police By James Reed

Journalist Ben Bartee covers the issue of the emergence of the police state in the West. The main difference now, compared to the USSR, is that ideologies such as environmentalism are used as the cover, whereas in the past, it just open power. Under the Biden administration we have seen the FBI, for example, being rolled out as a secret police force, targeting conservatives. It is likely to be coming to other countries as well, as the Covid plandemic was a trial run for this.

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Genetically Modified Mossies as Flying Syringes By Mrs Vera West

Here is a solution to a problem that must have kept Bill Gates awake at night, if such a computer-based cyborg needs sleep, maybe down time. Now it seems, genetically modified mosquitoes can vaccinate humans. This was done using a vaccine against malaria. That done, I suppose the next plandemic will involve sending out the little blitters to pump mRNA into everyone. Best buy up mossie nets and insect repellent!

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Does the Australian White Leftist Feminists Brigade Care about Violence Against Aboriginal Women? By Mrs Vera West

No, and there are plenty of articles to prove this; the silence, otherwise, is deafening. The Left has their agenda, and now the Indigenous Voice is their thing. Well, there is climate change too, but the issues will come together. So much for “voices.” It is more the sound of silence.

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Burning Up with Lithium By James Reed

As outlined below, lithium, used in the batteries of the sacred electric cars is a wee bit dangerous, or potentially so: “lithium-ion batteries have a volatile, flammable electrolyte. So, while there are safeguards to avoid fires, all the combustible ingredients are still there. Flames can accelerate through chain reactions, known as thermal runaway. Big batteries are made up of several cells packed together. Current is constantly flowing inside, which generates heat. If there are no barriers between the components, a failure in one part quickly cascades through. While elaborate (and critical) equipment for cooling the system is put in place, it draws on the energy of the actual powerpack and reduces its output. In addition, when charged, a coat of lithium metal can form on the surface and dendrites, or needle-like structures can grow, and lead to short-circuits.”


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Covid Vaxxes Tested in Communist China: Why? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Slowly the pieces of the puzzle are being uncovered. The watchdog, Judicial Watch has received 115 pages of material from the US Department of health and Human services that shows that there were Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine studies’ locations at a number of Chinese locations; at Medicilon Preclinical Research LLC, a testing facility located in Shanghai, China; all in vitro metabolic stability studies of ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 were conducted at Medicilon Preclinical Research LLC, a testing facility located in Shanghai, China. Previously ties to china re testing was denied by the Biden administration. So, what was behind the lies?

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The Vaccine Holocaust is Here! By Brian Simpson

As documented in the two references below, the real threat to the sacred hospitals, which were to be protected at all costs, even locking down entire economies and destroying small businesses, is now here, with record excess mortality and illness right across the fully-vaxxed up West. Hospitals are now becoming overwhelmed. One wonders how this will go in the future after four rounds of jabbing, then infinity. And then an mRNA vax for everything, and maybe even mRNA vaxxes loaded up in mosquitoes to inject everybody. Gee, nuclear was looks better by the day, being a faster death!

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The Wasteland of Europe By Richard Miller (London)

Natural gives a grim report on the economic wasteland that Europe is becoming with the energy crisis caused by the Ukraine War, and the shutdown of Russian gas. Even the London banks and financial institutions, as I covered in an article published yesterday at the blog are preparing for blackouts. Chemical plants are threatening to shut down, such as Germany’s BASF. If it was to shutdown there would be chaos: “BASF is critical to the world’s supply chain for fertilizer, petroleum refining, medicines, plastics, consumer products, industrial materials and more. If BASF were to go down, Western Europe’s industrial economy would rapidly collapse into ruin, and the global supply chain crisis would dramatically worsen far beyond anything we saw due to covid lockdowns.” Yet, this seems to be the path that the globalists are placing the world on.

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Joe Biden, Man of Hate By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Following on from the latest death of a Republican via the car of a drunk, enraged Democrat, we should look at Joe Biden’s anti-MAGA speech. As shown by an article at American, the rave has all the elements of a classic hate speech, and with the fascist red background to boot. What is disturbing is that half of America can be condemned as being racist non-persons, by a president who promised to bury differences and govern for all. Biden ironically says that MAGA conservatives do not respect the rule of law, when this is a guy, who, if there is any justice left, must be impeached if the Republicans regain the House.

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Only Things Leftists Hate, Burn By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have covered in many articles the strange phenomenon of food plants burning down both in the US and Europe. There has been little reporting on whether the authorities ever captured the arsonists; I certainly have not found any information. Still, what makes me suspicious is that it is only things that the left hates that burn down; never a Marxist book shop, a communist office, some climate change activist centre and the like. Now, why might that be?

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FBI Does it Again; Biden’s KGB By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is the latest FBI horror story, where this supposed law organisation is becoming to resemble the private police force of the Biden regime. Fully armed FBI agents raided a Catholic pro-life activist, terrifying his children with their guns. The victim, Mark Houck, had allegedly violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act during his regular sidewalk counselling outside of an abortion clinic in 2021. The aim of the Act is to keep the abortions flowing. “The alleged violation the charges were from an incident in which he shoved a pro-abortion activist who had been harassing his 12-year-old son in front of an abortion clinic during one of his sidewalk counselling sessions. The charges were reportedly “thrown out of the District Court in Philadelphia” earlier this year only to later be picked up by Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice. Per LifeSiteNews:

On several occasions when Mark went to sidewalk counsel last year, he took his eldest son, who was only 12 at the time, she explained. For “weeks and weeks,” a “pro-abortion protester” would speak to the boy saying “crude … inappropriate and disgusting things,” such as “you’re dad’s a fag,” and other statements that were too vulgar for her to convey.

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Leading UK Cardiologist Calls for Immediate Suspension of mRNA Covid Vaccination By Richard Miller (London)

This is a surprising piece of Covid vax news. Preeminent cardiologist and public medical expert, Dr Aseem Malhotra, who was once a leading champion of the vaxxes is now calling for the mRNA vax to be suspended until all safety aspects have been objectively investigated. The claim was made in a two-part article in the per-reviews journal, Journal of Insulin Resistance. The conclusion: “‘In the non-elderly population the “number needed to treat” to prevent a single death runs into the thousands. Re-analysis of randomised controlled trials using the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalised from COVID-19. Pharmacovigilance systems and real-world safety data, coupled with plausible mechanisms of harm, are deeply concerning, especially in relation to cardiovascular safety. Mirroring a potential signal from the Pfizer Phase 3 trial, a significant rise in cardiac arrest calls to ambulances in England was seen in 2021, with similar data emerging from Israel in the 16–39-year-old age group.”

While that is interesting, and about time it happened, one wonders why it took so long to reach the logical conclusion that safety issues had not been adequately addressed. The initial trial data should have been scrutinised before humanity participated in this great medical experiment.

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Israeli Investigators Find Covid-19 Vaccines Cause Side Effects: Leaked Video By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is a leaked video from the Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH), base upon cases from the new adverse effects surveillance system, where researchers presented findings. What is significant is that the phenomenon of rechallenge occurred, where adverse effects from an initial vaccine were observed with an additional dose, proving causality. “The report presents all the cases that were reported in close proximity to the receipt of the coronavirus vaccine, and does not necessarily indicate a causal relationship between receiving the vaccine and the reported phenomenon,” MoH said in the report. “A total of 29 categories of adverse events were identified, 22 of them from the blank space option on the questionnaire. However, only data for the first five categories with the most reports were analyzed: neurological (395 reports), general side effects (295), menstrual disorder (282), musculoskeletal disorders (279), and the digestive, kidney, and urinary system (192).”

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The Magic of Black Pepper By Mrs Vera West

Who would have thought that the humble herb, black pepper, was such a powerhouse of good health? Rich with piperine, black pepper is a powerful antioxidant and has cardioprotective, neuroprotective and hepatoprotective properties. As well, black pepper increases the bioavailability of other herbs such as turmeric. There is no reason not to generously sprinkle these herbs on one’s evening meal. Wonderful on steaks and delicious meats. If you have no allergy to it, have some tonight! It is truly “black gold,” as it once was known.

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The Biden Regime’s Transhumanist Biotech Agenda By Chris Knight (Florida)

Technocracy is making its home run for the elimination of traditional humans and their replacement by trans-humans, not to be confused with transgenders. What is being contemplated by the elites is the emerging of man and machine through AI and biotech, first with military applications to create super-soldiers, a fusion of biology and robotics. On September 12, 2022, President Biden signed the “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure American Bioeconomy,” which is the US government’s official nod in that direction. This will first involve the development of genetic engineering technologies and techniques “to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers,” as well as genetic technologies to “unlock the power of biological data” using “computing tools and artificial intelligence.” It is all sci fi stuff, but the technocrats are deadly serious about it, and we should be concerned. Most conservatives have not yet grasped the existential threat faced, and just don’t see it, or believe it. Just on the vaccine front, Moderna wants to create an annual mRNA shot that covers all of the top 10 viruses that result in hospitalizations each year.


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London Banks Preparing for Lights Out! By Richard Miller (London)

The European energy crisis may get to resemble post-apocalyptic movie thrillers such as 28 Weeks Later, with a London that has gone dark. In fact, banking and financial firms in London are preparing for such a lights out scenario, when Russia gets  mean and instead of going to the effort of blowing things up, just turns off the juice, or gas as it is. Really though, that is the last of their worries as the recent Nord 2 attacks indicate that internet cables, even satellites could be targeted, which would make the present mantra of work from home, practiced during the lockdowns, redundant.


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Vaxxed to the Hilt Australia Records Record Excess Mortality By Mrs Vera West

Even given the fact that Australia is one of the highest vaccinated countries on the planet, a record number of deaths have been recorded in 2022. More people have died in Australia in the March 2022 quarter than any time in the last 41 years; total deaths nationwide are 18 percent higher in the quarter when compared to 2021, increasing from 36,100 to 46,200 deaths. Over this period around half the deaths were from Covid, even given the almost universal vaccination in the land of the long weekend.

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