Now the Rosary is, for the Left, an Extremist Symbol By Peter West

It was predictable given the decision of the supreme court of the United States in over-turning the holy grail pro-abortion case of the Left, Roe v. Wade. With Catholic churches and centres being under attack, it is quite predictable that Catholic symbols such as the Rosary would come under attack. “Atlantic contributor Daniel Panneton recently wrote an op-ed entitled, "How the Rosary Became an Extremist Symbol,"  in which he stated: "Just as the AR-15 rifle has become a sacred object for Christian nationalists in general, the Rosary has acquired a militaristic meaning for radical-traditional (or 'rad trad') Catholics."  True, there are a minor few doing this, probably trolls and set-ups, but not the vast majority of Catholics. Still, this has never got in the way of a Leftist attack.

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Little Coffins By Chris Knight (Florida)

With the Covid New World Order ruling elite having succeeded in the regime of Covid vaxxes for children and babies, coffin manufacturers have noticed an increased demand for child and baby-sized coffins since the Covid vax roll out. Perhaps this will be the historical image of the Covid plandemic, once all of this is done, rows of small coffins, full of corpes, all  that should not exist

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Covid in the Hospitals: The Real Story By Chris Knight (Florida)

What is going on the hospitals regarding Covid? I expect that the same story can be told right across the West. But, here in the US, hospital officials are denying that there is a crisis of the health care system threatening collapse, the great Covid fear tactic. Chief Medical Officer Brad Spellberg presented the actual case data and hospital admission data. “The numbers at [LAC+USC] Covid-positive tests have continued to go up, but this isn’t because we’re seeing a ton of people with symptomatic disease being admitted. We’re seeing a lot of people with mild disease in urgent care and [emergency department] who go home and do not get admitted.” “Of those who are admitted, they’re 90% of the time not admitted due to Covid. Only 10% of our Covid-positive admissions are admitted due to Covid. Virtually none of them go to the ICU, and when they do go to the ICU, it is not for pneumonia. They are not intubated.”

Thus, we await to see how the Covid elite will manipulate things to see if yet another round of the tyranny we have seen is back on the menu. Or, will monkeypox,  given a suitable new woke name, or some new bioweapon, be the next Big Plandemic Thing?

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Is The West Suicidal? By James Reed

The present quest by the Western elites to undertake a war with both Russia and communist China, either of which could in principle win such a war on their own, is insane, at least if the goal is the survival of the West. But should we assume this? Could it not be that the ruling elites are committed to communist China as the new model for humanity, and are happy to sit on the mountain and watch the two tigers kill each other, as the old Chinses proverb goes? But as I keep saying, even ignoring theological concerns, given randomness in the universe, not ever thing can be controlled in advance, and it is quite possible that he mountain upon which the elites intend to sit and gloat, may not prove to be so safe.

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A Totally Corrupt System By Chris Knight (Florida)

Moving a little away from the Trump raid, has looked at the broader picture of what the FBI has been up to recently, and its continuous abuse of power. Before the Trump raid federal agents had staged  intimidating raids against Trump allies—such as lawyers John Eastman and Jeffrey Clark, disputing the 2020 election. The US Department of Justice, or rather, Injustice, as detailed below, has made over-the top charges, rubber-stamped by corrupt courts, to the January 6 protesters, while BLM and antifa were allowed to walk even after the 2020 riots that burnt America down. Thus, raiding Trump is simply going to the next level. Who knows what comes next in this New Third World cesspool.

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One Out of Every 246 UK People Who Gets a Covid Vax Dies Within the First Two Months Post-Injection! By Richard Miller (London)

The revelation has been made that that one out of every 246 people who gets jabbed for Covid-19 in England, ends up dying within the first two months post-injection. The data comes from an interpretation of data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which revealed that at least 90 percent of all “Covid” deaths over the past year have occurred in people who were vaccinated. In April and May of 2022, some 94 percent of all “Covid” deaths were fully vaccinated, with 90 percent of those being people who had gotten triple vaxxed. As stated by Exposé News “According to the Office for National Statistics between 1st Jan 21 and 31st May 2022, a total of 14,103 people died with Covid-19 within 60 days of vaccination, and a total of 166,556 people died of any other cause within 60 days of vaccination,” Exposé News adds. “This means that in all, 180,659 people died within 60 days of Covid-19 vaccination between January 2021 and May 2022 in England.”

It is now not merely the pandemic of the vaccinated, but the funeral march of the vaccinated.

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Professor Norman Fenton Debunks “Nature” Article By Brian Simpson

Recently Nature published this commentary:


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Weaponising the Tax Department: Licences to Kill! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Talk about chaos in America! Australians should be grateful that your ATO does not yet pack the weapons that our Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is now acquiring, the massive arms and ammo for its special tax agents. According to one job posting, a "key requirement" for applicants is that they have to be "legally allowed to carry a firearm," and "major duties" include "Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary" and "Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.” Who would have thought that making people pay their tax would come to this; your money or your life! But I guess crooks like the Tax department, which should not even exist in a healthy society, have always been one step away from this.

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The Illegal FBI Raid on Mar-a-Largo By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is some more material dealing with the illegality of the FBI raid upon Trump’s Mar-a-Largo mansion. We have legal experts detailing how the raid violated the Fourth Amendment which governs research warrants to precisely prevent what happened, happening. For this article, one point not yet made elsewhere at the blog is the Trump staff left the security cameras on, after being told to turn them off by the FBI. Imagine, the spooks never even checked that the cameras were off! If Trump is right that the reason staff were kicked out (which was not in the search warrant by the way), was so that evidence of some false crime could be planted, then the tale of the camera will win the day. I will be laughing if something like this turns up. Trump could even bluff further with it, saying, we have got them planting evidence, then bagging it. I am not lawyer, but it seems that the sloppy procedures have destroyed the legal use of anything found, anyway.

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America’s Fall into the Abyss By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The attack upon Trump is not without rationale; the swamp elites fear that this time, with only one term, and having had his political nose punched in so many times, he may actually do what he said he will do in 2016, and clear out the swamp. With a Republican majority, he could truly wreak havoc. And, that is what they fear. However, suppose they succeed in putting Trump behind bars, while Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise, as Bob Dylan once sung in a song. It is likely that this very act will radicalise Republicans, not already radicalised, and De Santis as a replacement for Trump could very well succeed in sinking the Left where Trump may have failed. So, there must be vast quantities of headache powders being consumed with the cocaine by the Leftist New Class at present as they try to work out strategies for dealing with disaster.

How much easier would it have been to have let Trump win in 2020, then continue to neutralise him, as was done in the presidency? No, it must be full bore exterminationism all the time.

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Project Veritas Fights Back! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Project Veritas has got up the nose of the Biden regime with its exposures, and has had its share of federal agency oppression. Now this watch dog is fighting back as any healthy “dog’ must do, and is letting the legal hounds lose, which is a mighty fine thing to do, for litigation is what made America, once great. Just kidding.

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Sri Lanka as the Future of the West Under Planned Social Collapse By Richard Miller (London)

It is no accident that Sri  Lanka’s economy is being collapsed. It is in many respects a test case of the agenda that the globalist elite have for the West. While organic farming is of course of merits, at a society-wide level it needs to be carefully implemented, especially regarding alternative fertilisers. But in Sri Lanka, as we are now seeing in the Netherlands and elsewhere, there was no attempt at making a slow and careful transition. The nitrogen bans in the Netherlands, which will decimate one of Europe’s top food producing areas, is also done in the name of climate change control, without any prior study of the grassroots consequences, beyond I suppose, the broad globalist agenda of destroying farming. The warnings have been given, so hopefully people will not be as passive and compliant as they were over the Covid mandates. If there is opposition now, it still may be possible to save the farms. It is all a matter of getting the people to act en masse, no easy task.

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Covid Vax Pandemania By Brian Simpson

Charles Eisenstein makes an interesting observation about the Covid plandemic, that much critical efforts have focused upon the elites and technocrats pushing their agenda. But, there is also the issue, which disturbs me, of the mass compliance that occurred. Sure, there were protests that were large relative to other times, but given the society-wide suppression of freedoms, beyond what occurred during other more legitimate pandemics such as the 1918 flu, the issue needs addressing. In short people in modern society have become accustomed to comfort and security, unlike in say pre-modern times. Death is something to be feared, probably because of secularisation, that the material world is all there is. And, given the assumption of materialism, the only control man has over this hostile, allegedly godless world is science, and medicine provides what witch doctors in other societies gave. Thus, social control via health becomes easy because it plays on the basic primal human fear level. The counter, I believe is a return to God, and a God-based universe, especially for science, which at present is grounded upon crass materialism and secularism.

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The Weekly Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Events Report By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data showing a total of 1,379,438 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and August 5, 2022, an increase of 7,964 adverse events over last week. The data included a total of 30,162 reports of deaths, an increase of 181 over last week, and 251,075 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period, an increase of 1,959 compared with last week. Of the 30,162 reported deaths, 19,462 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, 8,038 cases to Moderna, 2,613 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J). No cases have yet been reported for Novavax.


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Globalists Pushing for New Vaccine Passport Regime: Evil Incarnate! By James Reed

There have been those such as Chris Martenson, who are saying that the CDC dropping Covid mandate requirements means that it has all suddenly ended and we can breathe the free air again. Do not fall into a false sense of security, for the tyrannical globalist elites never rest. The technocrats are obsessed with the idea of vaccine passports and a digital ID, which would accelerate technocracy. Thus, the World Bank proposes that Central Bank Digital Currency, arising from the total elimination of cash, will be tightly linked with vaccine passports, Thus,  people will have their finances controlled as we saw with the Canadian truckers’ protest. This is all part of assembling at a rapid pace a control society the likes the world has never seen before. To oppose this, we first need to understand the details of what is being assembled, as now described.


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The Warrant was Not Warranted By Chris Knight (Florida)

Extensive commentary, some referenced below, has indicated that the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Largo mansion was unconstitutional. As detailed below, constitutional lawyers, and Trump’s legal team have argued that Trump as president had the exclusive power to declassify documents, and did. That defeats the main point in black letter of the search warrant. Under the Fourth Amendment, warrants need particulars to be specified, which is its point, to stop illegal fishing searches such as this one: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. 

As detailed below, the FBI basically trashed the Trump mansion, even putting grubby hands on Melania’s panty drawer, looking for secrets there! And they left with boxes of material which was just grabbed, the required particulars not being given. Clearly, they were talking this home to see what could be found. It is an extraordinary affair, far worse than Watergate, which at least tried for secrecy. Now there is open KGB tactics in the once land of the free. Sad, as Trump says.

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Does an Extinction Level Event Cometh? By James Reed

I let this one sit over the weekend, where I had saved up the money to buy the cheapest bottle of alcohol someone on a starvation wage could afford. Yes, food was put aside for some chemical relief. And, if Mike Adams is right on this one, I need it. Thus, he claims that the Deep State is preparing for an extinction level event. The proof of this is the vast amount of stockpiling that government agencies are doing, far in advance of any individual preppers. Food, ammunition, firearms, fuel, you name it. In fact, so many survival resources are being consumed by the governments, at least the US, that prepping sites like Canadian, are reporting shortages.

My take on this is a little less paranoid, that these are just the sorts of preparations the ruling elites make to ensure after World War III, or the coming economic collapse, or both, there is continuity of rule. They will emerge from their underground cities to rule a devastated surface world, for what it is worth. Long-term life underground may not be “sustainable” so the rodents will need to emerge at some point. But, who knows what black swan events, due to quantum randomness in the universe, could throw overboard these plans? When one deals with apocalypse, anything could happen.

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The Rise of the New Normal Totalitarianism By James Reed

Dr Mercola has interviewed C. J. Hopkins, a leading US playwright, whom I have never heard of. Said US playwright has a new book, The Rise of the Normal Reich, dealing with the cult of Covid, and beyond, to the new “normal” of today, with its fanatical religious measures of totalitarian control and the normalization of the pathologisation of society. There was some resistance to the unheard-of lockdown measures, but far less than a free people should have tolerated, with social control measures being far in excess of those of the Black Death period (1346-1352), and during the 1918 Spanish flu (actually Chinese originated flu again). Masks have become for many, even after compulsory mandates were dropped, part of “normal” dress, even though the masks worn do little to prevent disease transmission, and widespread improper use is likely to lead to further contamination, as masks collect viruses. There is now a vast scientific literature dealing with the limitations of the standard masks worn by the faithful.

Worse still has been Covid cult apartheid, where the unvaxxed become non-citizens, often not being able to attend former medical centres, as fanatical doctors impose their own hysterical mandates to ensure continual profits for their masters, Big Pharma. Still, there is a mounting anger over all of this now, and if the vax injury critique is correct, normies will wake in fright to realise that they have swallowed a time bomb. Many articles suggest that those bombs are now starting to explode.

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Lawless FBI’s Hunting and Fishing Exhibition By Chris Knight (Florida)

A vast quantity of material has been published on the FBI raid on Trump’s Florida mansion. There has been opinions expressed by legal authorities that the documents that the Department of Justice are claiming are illegal, and not declassified, and in fact are declassified, as Trump as president had the exclusive power to do this, and would have had rocks in his head not to have done so. The lawyers will argue about this, with the matter going to the Supreme Court of the United States, who will almost certainly decide in favour of Trump.

Yet, the latest news revelation indicates that search for classified nuclear secrets is no doubt bs, and that the Biden administration was just fishing for any dirt that they could get on Trump. This is shown by the fact that the FBI took documents which were attorney-client communications. Of course, this is illegal, and the material will be ultimately returned, but the goal was to access this information to give them ideas for destroying Trump. Politics was dirty, but is filthy in this era where the rule of law has been tossed out the window.

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Thailand Study of Heart Issues and the Pfizer Vax By Brian Simpson

Research out of Thailand has revealed that in 301 students in two Thai schools, where students aged 13 to 18 had received the second dose of the Pfizer mRNA vax, 29 percent of the students experienced cardiovascular effects, including heart palpitations, chest pain, and shortness of breath, fifty-four had abnormal electrocardiogram results and  six experienced mitral valve prolapse, a heart valve disease, six had high blood pressure, and seven were diagnosed with heart inflammation. I say, not a bad effort if the goal was to make the students sick. What was the vax for again?

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