Bioweapons USA By Chris Knight (Florida)

Perhaps after the Covid plandemic, we should not be surprised at the extent of bioweapons produced by nation states such as China and the US. It is thus not surprising to learn that the US Department of Agriculture has been involved in bioweapons production for many decades. Plum Island was the epicentre for the creation of gain-of-function bioweapons to attack the agriculture of both the then USSR, and communist China. Lyme disease is hypothesed to be but one of the diseases that was produced. As well, mechanisms for poisoning USSR cattle were worked on, continuing research that was begun by the Nazi scientists, who were brought to the US after the end of World War II under Operation Paperclip. A seemingly innocent name, but a terrible legacy. Worse, the US Department of Agriculture is now dropping rabies vaccine food baits from the sky, which are dangerous to human if touched. What is to prevent children stumbling onto the baits?


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The Myth of the Green Revolution By James Reed

Being a Luddite myself, and something of a technophobe, and certainly anti-progressive, which may upset some conservatives who worship technology, I was delighted to read of the critique of the Green Revolution. The Green Revolution involved the use of new crops to increase productivity. The idea was that the Third World was facing a Malthusian trap, of population outstripping food production. However, the simplistic Malthusian theory does not account for the full facts, as food production and population increase are not unconnected variables, but depend upon each other. It was the crude Malthusian assumption that fuelled the Green Revolution.

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A Man Died from the Pfizer Covid-19 Vax; One of Many By Mrs Vera West

The sad story of the death of New Zealander, Rory Nairn, is told by the Epoch times, without the familiar pay wall kicking in, I think.  A coroner confirmed that he died from myocarditis stemming from the Pfizer Coviiid-19 vaccine. He received only one jab. He had not been informed of the risks. But, given New Zealand’s moral panic, it is doubtful whether that abstract point would have made any difference in a land ruled by a Great Reset socialist.

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For Covid Homework: The Evidence By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch has done some hard work putting together in one post a summary of the main arguments against the Covid vaxxes, base upon their level of danger. Not everything is covered, but it is a post which can be sent around to people who need to be educated about the vaxxes. I know it  is late in the day, but this vax business is not over and is just beginning, with a whole new range of mRNA vaxxes set to be unleashed.

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Vlad the Nuclear Impaler, Spits the Nuke Dummy By James Reed

In his latest diatribe Vlad Putin says that Russia will not hesitate to use nukes if Russia faces an existential threat from NATO. The problem is, that does seem to be the neo-con agenda, to destroy Russia, not taking any position on whether this is good or bad. No, it is bad. It will lead to Vlad getting boxed in and, the way things are going, having called up 300,000 reservists, he may ultimately be forced to use some of the weapons of mass destruction that the Kremlin Deep State no doubt are eager to use. I do not see any way that nuclear war can be avoided unless some sort of compromise, as proposed by Kissinger, is accepted by NATO, giving some territory to Russia, and the Ukraine not joining NATO. It is possible, but unlikely. We can, but hope and pray.


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Employed People are Getting Disabled at Alarming Rates (Hint: it’s the Vax) By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is another prong to the critique of the Covid vax ideology. Not only are young people collapsing with heart attacks, not seen previous to the Covid vax rollout, but working people are getting disabled at statistically significant numbers. The issue is, as argued in detail by the Vigilant Fox, that these people were likely forced by Covid mandate blackmail to be vaxxed, multiple times, or sacked. And now, the health toll begins. It is indeed the crime of the 21st century, perpetuated by infinitely corrupt governments against their people. I know it can be said that people should have stood up to this, but the economic consequences were too grim, and the ordinary punter did not know anything about toxic spike proteins.

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They Shoot Horses Don’t They, and Punish Heroes? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Whistle blowers, such as Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, get cancelled by the Deep State, unless they are quick enough to escape, as Snowden did, in his case to Russia. The latest Deep State Whistle-blower is FBI Special Agent Steve Friend who complained about the FBIU becoming an anti-conservative secret police force, something in all conscience he could not participate in. So, they kicked him out. We do not know exactly where this will go, but given other high profile whistle blower cases, if I was Friend, I would not trust any “friends” and disappear somewhere, maybe in the mountains, perhaps Alaska, or Canada, maybe the Nunavut Islands, close to Greenland. There, live on fish and hunting bears and seals, perhaps supplemented with moss.


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Composting Human for the Green Communist “God” of Climate Change By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This has been the subject of sci fi dystopian movies, but now it is a reality. In the name of climate change mitigation, California, where else, will now be offering the option of human composting after death. This fits in well with the humanist philosophy of the New World Order, that people are just material objects, like rotting vegetables, their bodies’ having no intrinsic dignity.


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Google Rigged the 2020 Election By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The dirty water is all coming out in the wash. Senior Google engineer, Zach Vorhies, leaked 950 pages of internal documents showing that google set out to rig the 2020 election through censorship, blacklist, and machine learning algorithms. This is all of great historical interest, but the point remains that this is all set to happen again and little is being done to stop it. Surely some law suits might slow them up a bit?


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The Cheating, Evil Universities By James Reed

I have gone into my old university to work, and to keep up the fuels of my hatred for the Great White Replacement system. The diverse are getting their dollar degrees today, and I am one of the few white men around here, apart from administrators. I sit in a space which has a sign warning about academic cheating, by paying companies to do assignments, but most cheating is group collusion, done by teams. That is covered in an article featured in the, the highlights being that a ghost writer has written assignments for students who have never done any such assignments for themselves, some doing medicine, and no doubt to be our future doctors in the Great White Replacement. This cheat facilitator calls the Australian education system a “scam,” but he is being too generous. The international marketing ethos has made the universities even more corrupt than usual. The idea of educating our people has been lost to a corporate ideology of making money and creating new migrants, to take jobs. Apart from that, the mainstream university attacks all aspects of traditional Western culture. In short, these places are more than a “scam;” they are totally evil, and a major threat to Western civilisation. Close them all down, and replace them, now!

“A ghostwriter has exposed an extensive academic cheating scheme after writing thousands of assignments for students at major Australian universities.

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Behind the DeSantis Lawsuit, Lurks George Soros By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I wondered how long it would take for the illegals to sue DeSantis for dropping them off at the elites; playground of Martha’s Vineyard, and it did not take long for the Left, backed by the money of George Soros, to do so. But, hopefully, the case will get knocked over, and more illegals can be delivered to the homes of the elites. It is depressing to think that illegals can sue in this way; they should not even be in the country, being ILLEGAL.

“A left-wing non-governmental organization (NGO) partially funded by billionaire George Soros is behind a lawsuit targeting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) for flying illegal aliens to the elite coastal island of Martha’s Vineyard.

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From James Bond to JANE Bond, Transgender Fender Bender By James (“Bond”) Reed

John Nolte is spot on: the proposal to make James bond 007, the last outpost of masculinity in cinema “more sensitive,” will destroy Ian Fleming’s creation. Who knows where it will go; maybe a Bond who transitions, it could be done? Yes, a black Asian transgender disabled Bond would make a spy that no-one would notice! Daniel Craig was an appalling woke Bond, but things will get worse. But, it really does not matter much; hopefully Bond will be killed off financially this time rather than be given the Star Wars treatment, dying the death of a thousand woke light sabre cuts.


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Water Crisis: A REAL Environmental Problem By James Reed

Forget about global warming. The real environmental threats are much less abstract and it does not take any computer modelling to see them. The shortage of water is something that cannot be covered up; there is either a drink or not, the rivers flow, or are dry. Then, even if there is available water, it may be biologically, or chemically polluted with arsenic, fluoride, nitrate, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), microplastics and perhaps soon, radioactively, polluted. It presents a major problem once the collapse of civilisation occurs for survivors in the post-apocalyptic wastelands.

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Covid Vax Ill Effects May Echo to the Next Generation By Brain Simpson

There is evidence that the ill effects of the Covid mRNA vax may pass to the next generation. The main issue is that of weakened immunity. But, there is also the possibility of mRNA genetic material also being integrated into the DNA of gametes. There is not much available on that yet, just speculation, but it could well be yet another depopulation threat.


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The Crimes of Covid By Chris Knight (Florida)

Michael Senger, author of Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World (2021), details the crimes, yes, crimes, following from the Covid mandate tyranny. The lockdowns were not part of any pandemic response program and the harms of any such lockdowns were known, including mass deaths due to delayed medical operations, a mental health crisis, drug overdoses, an economic recession, global poverty, hunger, and starvation. It was seen explicitly in communist China, which is still locking down tens of millions in a futile attempt to achieve “zero Covid.” People are starving and suiciding, but the Xi regime does not care; plenty to go around. But it was also seen across the West, particularly in the Australian state of Victoria, which has only dropped its mask mandate on public transport today. Justice requires that this all cannot be allowed to disappear into the past, for the elites will come back twice as nasty with the next plandemic.

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Following the Covid Paper Trial Back to Wuhan Bioweapons Lab By Chris Knight (Florida)

This will be interesting. Senator Rand Paul will pursue the Covid-19 origins issue, following the paper trial, which will lead, he believes, all the way back to the Wuhan virology lab, and its association with Covid king of the castle, Dr Fauci. But, it will be a test to see if the Republicans, if by some miracle they can overcome Democrat electoral fraud and regain the House, have the guts to go through with what is needed once the truth is out.


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Prepare for Nuclear War! By James Reed

Mike Adams could well be right, that the Ukraine fiasco could slide into nuclear war. I am reminded of a scene from the TV spy series Burn Notice where Sam has infiltrated a gang. It ultimately results in hostiles meeting in a Mexican standoff. Sam is standing away from the group on a lawn, and discharges his pistol. Immediately, this sets off the gunfire of the group who assumed that a fire fight had started. We do not see the carnage; Sam holsters his gun and walks away. China will be like Sam after the fire crackers go off. Likewise, the use of but one nuke will have the same kind of effect. After one, there could be a slippery nuclear slope to full-out war. This will certainly change the paradigms of us all.


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Covid Jabs More Dangerous than Covid! By Brian Simpson

A Harvard study has concluded that the Covid jabs are more dangerous than Covid itself, 98 times worse in fact. “Using CDC and sponsor-reported adverse event data, we find that booster mandates may cause a net expected harm: per COVID-19 hospitalisation prevented in previously uninfected young adults, we anticipate 18 to 98 serious adverse events, including 1.7 to 3.0 booster-associated myocarditis cases in males, and 1,373 to 3,234 cases of grade ≥3 reactogenicity which interferes with daily activities.” However, the boosters targeting the Omicron variants have not been tested on humans, only eight mice, who were swiftly executed after the experiment, so no longer-term effects are known. As Covid king Dr. Fauci has said: “It hasn’t been proven in a clinical trial, because we don’t have time to do a clinical trial because we need to get the vaccine out now because we have such a situation throughout the world and certainly in the United States, we’re having 400 deaths per day and up to 5,000 hospitalizations a day.” At least he was honest … about that.

Get ready, steady, for disaster.

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Excess Mortality in Europe By Richard Miller (London)

Although the mainstream media make no mention of the role of the vaxxes, the excess mortality here in Europe is hard to hide, something seen right across hyper-vaxxed Europe. Since April 2022, the death rate has risen by an average of 11 percent, and is not related to Covid, according to the mainstream narrative. In July 2022, Spain registered almost 10,000 more deaths than in the same month of 2019, a phenomenon seen to various degrees in other parts of Europe. However, rather than undertaking a detailed forensic investigation, health authorities are putting a tight lid on things, saying privacy concerns prevent such an investigation. Me thinketh they have something grave to hide.

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The Covid Vax Destroys Natural Immunity By Brian Simpson

A recent study published in the wold’s leading medical journal the New England Journal of Medicine, has shown that the Pfizer Covid vax becomes negative in effects after five months, so that the vaccinated are more likely to get Covid than the unvaccinated. This was an observational study looking at 887,193 children aged 5 to 11 years in North Carolina, of whom 273,157 (30.8%) received at least one dose of Pfizer vaccine between November 1st 2021 and June 3rd 2022. It appears that the vaxxes destroy natural immunity, and/or may produce Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), as another research paper, mentioned today hypotheses. It is good to see critical material, that once was suppressed, or not researched at all, now being published in the mainstream

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