Ukraine’s Top General Contemplates Limited Nuclear War By James Reed

We have been warned. It may be a strategy to get the endless flow of billions in goods and weapons continuing, but if true, it is a worry. Commander-in-Chief of the Ukraine Armed Forces Gen. Valery Zaluzhny stated; There is a direct threat of the use, under certain circumstances, of tactical nuclear weapons by the Russian armed forces.” This has been also said by Russia in the context of existential threats to Russia. But, that shifts the problem to what exactly is such a threat? The danger is, that given this conflict we may not know what the limits are until it is too late. It will be a bad day for all of us.


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The Nasty Left Republican Attack Dogs By Richard Miller (London)

It was expected that the hordes of Leftist would come out of dark corners of the woodworks, rotting woodpiles at that, to attack the memory of our gracious Queen. Chief among the attack dogs here in Britain has been the socialist BBC Radio 4. According to them the monarchy was at odds with diversity. How exactly? Queen Elizabeth was head of the multiracial Commonwealth and was loved across the Commonwealth. How is this at odds with diversity, as it seems to support it in the essence? And “white privilege”? What about the elites of global finance, Big Tech and Big Pharma, most of whom are white, and rolling in loot, all of it in most ways detrimental to us, while the monarchy and Royalty acted only to uplift and enrich all of us. Yes, I an irritated by the Leftists attacking our Queen.

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Pauline Hanson Defends Her Majesty By James Reed

I do not support telling people, however annoying, to “go home;” for one thing in this crazy migration mixed up world, “home” is contested. Still, I agree that our girl Pauline has a point in pointing out that a whinging Greens Senator going on about all the supposed evil of the British Empire probably would not even exist, certainly not as a senator in a place called “Australia,” without said “evil” empire. And the senator has a good salary, plenty of food and comfort. How about giving it up and living in the world without modernity? It is easy to take the pseudo high moral ground when one has nothing to lose, as talk is always cheap.

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Dr Julie Sladden: The Government Made Her an “Anti-Vaxxer” By Mrs Vera West

Some of us were anti-vaxxers from the beginning, having doubts about an experimental vaccine that did not have the years, if not decades of testing. But some such as Dr Julie Sladden, as detailed in a recent article, were made so by the government, going from a pro-vax doctor to someone questioning the Covid narrative, “the government-endorsed segregation and dehumanisation of those who exercised their right to refuse the jab, has forced me to change my identity.” The government ignored early treatment options and the costs of the lockdowns, let alone arguments against their effectiveness, that although she does not argue this point, is well-shown by the failure of communist china to produce zero Covid, and now locks down again tens of millions of people. And, as for the vax: “I then looked to the mRNA vaccines. Early data from overseas showed some concerning safety signals and surprising evidence of similar transmission rates by both vaccinated and unvaccinated. I could only surmise: we had new drug technology, with limited data, worrying safety signals, and indications it didn’t prevent infection or transmission. For me, the risks did not outweigh the benefits, especially if it meant I could still infect my patients.”

Spot on, and a pity more doctors did not have the guts, collectively to stand up to the system. It is their eternal shame, and darkens medicine, which already lives under the shadow of Big Pharma.

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Renaming Australia for the Woke By James Reed

The woke, who have been awoken by the death of the Queen, and must therefore do what they are expected to do, have proclaimed that Australia should be renamed because … oppression … racism … colonialism … you know the tune, hum along. The group is named “Blockade Australia.”  Wait … if the name of Australia is changed to something like “Wokeustralia,” then is this something that the group, who had done the obligatory climate change blockades, will have to abandon, as they can’t then blockade their own creation, can they? As all the comfortable consumer stuff, like Leftist universities is part of the oppressive infrastructure, I guess these socialist folks are looking forward to hunting for their bush food in the scrub, having abandoned oppressive modernity. Good luck with that one.

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mRNA is Forever By Brian Simpson

Despite all the issues with the mRNA Covid vaxxes, the Big Pharma elites are on a roll, and now are pressing ahead with mRNA vaxxes for all sorts of diseases, including the pandemics of the future. There are said to be five virus families that could cause the next pandemic: Coronaviridae with COVID-19, MERS, and SARS being examples, Flaviviridae (e.g. Japanese encephalitis), Orthomyxoviridae (e.g. influenza), Paramyxoviridae (e.g. Nipah virus), and Togaviridae (e.g. Chikungunya fever). So, I imagine at least one, maybe all of them will be magically transferred from bats, or rats in the future, delivered via the global mass movement of people to our door. Then there will be the unending number of jabs, needed to be a part of the cesspool of modern society.


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A Third of Working Families Can’t Afford Basic Needs By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is only the beginning of the hard times promised to us by the globalist elites of the New World Order Great Reset. The US may even be even “ahead” of the decline of Europe as far as the plunging standard of living goes. Over one third of full-time working families do not earn enough money to cover their basic living expenses, and are falling into debt, such as not meeting mortgage payments on time, and I expect that this will be the case soon in my old home, Australia. Not so long ago the horror statistic was that about the same number of people did not have $ 400 in reserve to meet expenses such as dental. It seems now that people may be forced to pull out their own teeth if in trouble or get Aunt Gertrude to do it with her pair of trusty, rusty, pliers, no improvised aesthetic such whiskey, that would be too expensive!


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DeSantis Shows the Way By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The elites need to be careful in efforts to knock out Trump, as it will mean that our Florida governor, Ron DeSantis will step up to the plate as presidential candidate. And, unlike the “let’s do a deal Trump,” DeSantis actually gets things done. Take his latest act of joy, sending the illegals to the home of the liberal Left elite, at Martha’s Vineyard. This upset them enormously, since what could they do but accept those that they invited, but never expected to arrive at their doorstep! Just imagine how many illegals could be put into all of those multi-million dollar homes, like the Obama’s!


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Will the Real Dole Bludgers Please Lay Down? By James Reed

I was just about to write my reply to these Leftoid university types who were celebrating the death of the Queen, calling her a “bludger,” when the ultimate refutation came up in my news feed in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. There was concern that there might be a falloff on money generated by the Royals for Britain, as the Queen, heading the Royal family generated billions for Britain in tourism, while what do the socialists give us? Why, not even a “happy” communist society, just millions of dead in their revolutions.


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Children Who Had Covid and were Then Vaccinated, were Much More Likely to get Reinfected than Their Peers Who Also had Covid, and were NOT Vaccinated By Brian Simpson

It seems that much of the alarmist claims made by Covid vax critics is coming true, unfortunately. One such claim was that the vax would distort natural immunity, leading to a type of canalisation effect, where the immune system became primed to deal with particular spike proteins, while variants escaped through the net. A recently published article in the leading medical journal in terms of impact factors, the New England Journal of Medicine, shows that children who had Covid and were then vaccinated, were much more likely to get reinfected than their peers who also had Covid, and were not vaccinated, so vaccination made them much more susceptible to reinfections. The mechanism at work here is not yet known, but it is possible that the Covid vax actually erodes the capacities of the immune system to deal with all diseases, which would explain the dramatic rise in cancers. Over to our mate Igor:

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The Sudden Death of Athletes By Mrs Vera West

At other posts my colleagues have discussed the death toll, and adverse effects of the Covid vaxxes, especially the 1,000 percent increase in some cancers which has been observed. Along with this, as reported many times here, is the phenomenon of the collapse of athletes. These are really the canaries  in the coal mine of the vax world, being the fitest people in society, and young, and have not been observed to have collapsed and died like this in such numbers before the vax rollout, with more athletes dying like this than occurred in total from 1966 to the vax rollout. The mainstream medical profession offers a variety of explanations, including the normality of such deaths, that everyone is open to heart attacks. True, but the issue is that an overwhelming statistically significant number of young athlete deaths have occurred since the vax rollout, and the principle of scientific parsimony in explanations dictates a common cause, and none suggest themselves except the vax.


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Skyrocketing Cancers … the Vax By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is another elephant in the room issue, much like the excess mortality observed across the West, and the collapse of young people with heart attacks, never seen in such numbers before the vax. According to some Covid critics, cancer rates have increased by1,000 percent after the Covid vax rollout. Jonathan Landsman blames the mRNA vax: ““These spike proteins are spreading and infecting all the cells in the body. This is allowing those infections to attach to the outside of the cell, and then inject themselves inside the cell, causing organ damage and severe illness … and is especially increasing the risk of advanced-stage cancers.” The  spike proteins do not stay at the injection site in the deltoid muscle, ,but migrate around the body, as early biodistribution studies, requested from Pfizer by the Japanese government showed.


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Big Tech Turning Kids Trans By Abigail Knight (Florida)

Here is an interesting story from The American, my go-to blog, dealing with how Big Tech has pushed and politicised transgenderism, confusing youths who are at a stage where hey are easily confused. Unlike in the past, youth have only known a digital world, which defines existence for them. Thus, the power that this media can exercise is very strong. And, the real question is what is behind it all, why not just not promote anything in particular. Clearly a purpose is being served, the same purpose once served by feminism, which has now achieved all it can.

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The Bad Times are A ‘Coming By James Reed

We all have been reporting on the bad times to come, not to roll in pessimism, but to adequately deal with what is coming. If there was a plan to murder you in your sleep say, tomorrow night at 3 am, presumably one would take preventive action. Likewise, with the warnings of impending doom. Here is another take on this by The American The prediction below is that the coming chaos will come in the next few months, based upon alleged insider knowledge.  Stockpile food, water, medical supplies, toilet paper, and everything else that you think might be impacted by runaway inflation, or from the shortages generated by war. Even putting away from big tins of olive oil, rice, lentils and dry goods, not all that expensive would be a great help. The most important thing though is to get your spiritual house in order, as there is a chance that many of us will not survive the hardships to come, so it is best to sort our one’s spiritual issues now, rather than wake up in an even hotter place. Oh, I am an old school hell fire and brimstone kind of Christian, not a lily weak liberal.


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What is the Difference Between Electric Cars and Vege Burgers? By James Reed

It is a good question, since electric cars are for the climate New Class what artificial meat are for the same chatters. Both are devised to serve an ideological purpose rather than solve any particular problem. Thus, while both are promoted to somehow reduce the carbon foot print, they do not. There are costs behind each of them, making both impractical which are being seen now with the recharging problem for electric cars in woke California, where people are failing to be able to adequately recharge.

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Biden Silent on Democrat Kill Trumpers, Threat By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Apart from the FBI raids, which have been given the A-Okay by the Biden administration, we have Democrat senators calling for a need to “kill and confront” Donald Trump and his MAGA supporters. The comments came from Senator Tim Ryan, and was ambiguous enough to hide behind. But, it is clear that the rhetoric could incite violence, given that less inflammatory remarks led to one Leftist crazy seeking to kill a Supreme Court judge. Dangerous times are ahead, given the level of mental instability in many Leftists.

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Britons Want the Monarchy! By Richard Miller (London)

More good new! I know that there is a report at the blog by one of the Aussie writers on the poll showing that 60 percent want the monarchy to remain. The good thing is that even more people in Briton support the monarchy, 64 percent in fact. Although there is an aggressive republican movement here, led by raging Leftists, they will have to keep working away if they want to undermine this most noble of institutions. After all, with the US coverage, who wants to become like those guys?

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A War on the Population: Tucker Carlson By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Tucker Carlson has been on fire lately, tackling all of the hard questions, and really getting up the regime’s nose. He comes to the point in a program by saying what we have concluded, that civilisation as we knew it is being dismantled by the globalist elites, so that the world can be reconstructed as they want. Their plans are radical, taking in transhumanism, were most of us will become useless eaters, supposedly to be disposed of, or allowed to perish via food shortages, or engineered disease. In the US, there is a plan to allow the criminals to roam free, not needing bail, like something out of the TV shows, The Purge.


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Even the Pillow Guy was Not Safe from Deep State By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Now the FBI has gone after the pillow fellow, Mike Lindell, seizing his phone. Again, it is all part of a politically weaponised police force being used to target individuals the present tyrannical regime deems problematic. In reply, today, good old Mike is suing the FBI. Apparently like most people, he has everything on his phone. This is putting all of one’s eggs in the same basket, and is not a sensible strategy in a time of war. Maybe keep passwords on something else that the creeps can not access. Money and valuables used to be buried in river banks, hence the name “banks.”

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Australians Want King Charles to Long Reign Over Us By James Reed

Good news! Good news! While the Republican press delights in quoting bs surveys showing that an Australian republic is inevitable, here comes a survey to contradict this. A recent Roy Morgan found that 60 per cent of people want to remain in the monarchy which is an increase of five per cent since the last such poll in November 2021. Again, I say: long live the King!

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