No Indigenous Voice Course; No Degree! By James Reed

“Monash University has introduced a compulsory module on Indigenous Australian Voices warning that students who do not complete the program will be unable to graduate.


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The Monkey Pox Agenda By Brian Simpson

Since monkeypox became localised in one particular community, not much popular press has been given to it. Sure, the WHO has declared it a global emergency, with on July 23, 2022, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus unilaterally overruling his panel of advisers and declared monkeypox a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC).  But as yet no nation is freaking out like was done with the dreaded Covid. Still, there are 16,000 cases of monkeypox had been recorded across 75 countries, and it is possible that the versions circulating in the West could mutate, or more likely newer and more deadly variants could be thrown out the back of some bioweapon’s unit, somewhere. Vaccines were under research even before the present outbreaks. Thus, it will be Covid 3.0, and monkeypox has the added property of being scary, in a genuine plague-like fashion, with oozing sores and the like. If it spreads, people will be only too glad to run to their previous home detention prisons, and shoot up with anything.

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Roosh V, a Non-White on White Racial Genocide By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Roosh V, whom we are covering today, has an interesting piece on the Great Replacement from a Dissent Right position. Roosh is by the modern definitions, non-white, but he makes it clear that US immigration since 1965, and across the West about the same time, was about replacing the Northern European majority, The Dispossessed Majority, with a people who would be more subservient to the elites. Given the level of social conformity and cowardice of our kind, it is all probably unnecessary, but no stone is left unturned in the Great Replacemen.t

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The Anti-Christian, Decadence and Degeneracy of Modern Culture By James Reed

Roosh V is a St. Augustine type, who in his early years led a decadent life, only to find God, and reform. Roosh has moved from chasing women (“game”) to following the Christian path, and setting a good example for others, because however low you go, with Christ’s forgiveness, one can bounce back from the depths of darkness. This darkness surrounds us, as orthodox priest Father Seraphim Rose details in his Letters, and plenty at the blog touches on this today.  I have not read Letters, but Roosh covers it with good quotes for those of us who need to buy food with dwindling finances, eaten away by inflation, rather than books. Really, one cannot eat the paper after reading the book. 


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Here Comes State “Assisted Dying” By Mrs Vera West

As I understand this, the move is to overturn a federal law that restricts the right of the territories to enact voluntary euthanasia laws, also called assisted dying. The attempt by the Northern Territory to pass such laws was made in 1997, but was defeated at the federal level. Now it seems, under Labor, this will sail through the lower house, and probably with token resistance, will pass in the Senate. What can I say, there are so many battles now, that just writing about them take up one’s fading energy, let alone fighting them.


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World War III for US Helen of Troy, Pelosi By James Reed

I was wondering, pondering, why US speaker Pelosi need to go to Taiwan so urgently. Then I saw this Tweet about the investment that she had made in the Nvidia chip factory, and all was clear. Yep, risk World War III for that, a typical Leftist narcissistic thing to do. Remember how she violated Covid lockdown mandates just to get her hair done?

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The Climate Change Brainwashing of Aussie Kids By James Reed

An article in the, does a good job in detailing the craziness in Australian schools over the climate change conspiracy. As one can see from reading the brief extract below, children are being conditioned to believe that the world will end soon unless radical changes are made to their lives, such as no more meat, and no cars, and maybe no energy for heating and cooling. All this while the ruling elite continue to live high carbon producing life styles, which they will do, with their private jets, even after the ordinary person has retreated to Stone Age living. No doubt the push is also made not to have children, completing the campaign which can be correctly depicted as genocidal. It is, along with Covid, and with mass immigration, multiculturalism and all the rest of the woke politically correct ideology, nails in the coffin of Western civilisation. If we continue to let it.

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The Legacy of the Covid Shots By Brian Simpson

The all-cause mortality for many jurisdictions increased after the Covid jab roll out. Correlation does not prove causation, it is true, but is evidence for it, along with further evidence of possible generative mechanisms, and theories of causation that can be tested. Then one makes a reason to he best explanation of the cause based upon the totality of evidence; what explains things the best, simplest and most comprehensive. Covid infections are at all-time highs in many highly vaccinated countries, and the elites still cling to the notion that it is the unvaccinated who are public enemies of society. It is clear that the same situation would exist even if 100 percent of people were vaxxed, as 4-5 percent is not significant, and cannot explain the present outbreaks of Covid infection among the triple and quadruple vaxxed.

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Forty New Bills By Viv Forbes

There is an ominous buzz in the new Australian Parliament - Albo and the Greens are planning to pass 40 new bills, quick smart.

Each bill will probably need 100 new regulations and 200 new inspectors, auditors and enforcers plus many new taxes and fees. They will not deliver “Net-Zero” – they are “Net-Negative” – they will divert labour and capital from productive activities to bureaucracies and green energy speculators.Where are the 40 old bills that Green-Albo will REPEAL to make room for these 40 wordy additions to Australia’s already overflowing legislative sewer?

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Life in the Insane Asylum of the Covid New World Order By James Reed

An article at the very good site for sustained scholarly critiques of the Covid plandemic and narrative, The Brownstone Institute, deals in detail with a metaphor I have often employed; that the lunatics have now taken control of the asylum. It is indeed true that the Covid mania and cult has led to bizarre behaviour from the ordinary folk who have been enthusiastic to comply with the mandates, or simply forced to do so, although as time went on, there was dissent on this conformity due to fatigue, and perhaps a growing concern that the vaxxes that promised they would not get Covid were failing, when triple vaxxed, Covid they got. But the medical technocrats immediately changed the goal posts, as seen by Covid king Dr Fauci’s statements, that, when the vaxxes were first rolled out, there would be an end of transmission, to his present position, after getting Covid while fully vaxxed, that at least it takes the edge off of the severity of the infection, he supposes.

Thus, the Covid plandemic at one level has shown some of the sheep-like aspects of human nature, and it would be foolish for critics to ignore his. However, the ruling elites at the higher levels, the Gates’ and further up the food chain of the Great Reset New World Order, have seen all of this social madness and control as falling exactly into line, and they have moved on with other agendas that are going to be pushed through to the bitter end if they are not stopped, with climate change and the attack upon Western farming and industry now a key. Folks, the final grand battle is now on.

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Dutch Farmers Burn Manure and Hay in Protest Against Their Extinction! By Richard Miller (London)

We know this is serious endgame stuff, where the globalist elites are now playing for keeps. Take it as the final drive of a grand plan that has been in the works for centuries, to crush human freedom and everything of tradition, even to replace the human species in a Fourth Industrial Estate of transhumanism. Still, it is amusing that the Dutch farmers are fighting back, not with bullets, as the thugs of the system have done, firing live rounds in a warning show of force … but with manure. In one incident, heaps of the stuff that makes plants grow, but is full of carbon, was dumped on one politician’s lawn. Bet it made the lawn grow! Now farmers are burning the glorious stuff, making more carbon dioxide, to make plants grow, and for raising the blood pressure of the ruling elites. Long live manure! Long live farming!


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Post Truth: Changing the Definition of “Recession” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There have been many comments on this in even the mainstream media, how the Biden administration has changed the definition of a recession to simply define the present state of affairs away. A recession was once seen as is a prolonged downturn in economic activity, most often defined as two consecutive quarters of decline in a country’s GDP. There is unemployment and a decline in economic output. But old Joe Biden says that things are going according to plan. Yes, of course they are, if that plan is to sink America and raise communist China as the New World Order dictator.


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The Weekly Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Events Report By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data shows a total of 1,357,940 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and July 22, 2022, an increase of 6,990 adverse events over last week. The data included a total of 29,790 reports of deaths — an increase of 155 over last week — and 247,686 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 1,010 compared with last week. Of the 29,790 reported deaths, 19,236 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 7,917 cases to Moderna, 2,584 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J). There are not yet cases reported for Novavax.


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Why Viruses Exist By Brian Simpson

There is a small, but vocal minority within the Covid critical community who base their attacks upon the Covid narrative by either rejecting the idea that SARS-CoV-2 or even viruses exist. There is a strong scientific case now for the existence of viruses as biochemical mechanism to explain disease, much like atoms explain chemical phenomenon. Otherwise things in the world, just happen, without any deep structural causes. This is the basic realist philosophy of science argument for the existence of viruses, that is elaborated upon below in a great post by a Mid-Western Doctor. Why deny the existence of viruses? Certainly, one can raise various methodological issues in identification, but that occurs with everything. There is a problem in philosophy about the existence of the external world and other minds, but accepting solipsism is a pretty lonely position!


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The Covid Jabs Just Keep on Coming! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The shape of Covid things to come has been revealed by the Biden administration spending almost $5 billion for 171 million mRNA shots this winter, with the    option to buy another 600 million shots. The mRNA vaccines will be updated to allegedly deal with the Omicron variants, BA.4 and BA.5. What this means is that it will be injections forever, with no end in sight of the perennial cycle of Covid infections, and jabs, repeat ad infinitum. We can anticipate that the same pattern will be pushed upon other countries such as Australia, which has the same type of politicians.


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The Supply Chain Crisis By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We have not had much reporting as of late, with all that is going on, of the US supply chain crisis, but rest assured it is continuing. While ships were cleared for a while, shipping queues are now back, with 153 ships now waiting to be unloaded. There does not seem to be any end to this, the crisis originally being caused in part by the Covid mandates, and now labour shortages are entrenched. Not much is being done, because it serves the agenda of the system to use this as yet another way to produce a resource crisis. Fortunately, this shipping lockdown is not occurring, yet, in Australia.


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The War Against Farming by the Globalist Elites By James Reed

What we are seeing is a war against farming, done under the pretence of a so-called climate emergency, a mythical “10 years to save the planet.” Yet, what these elites are doing, by breaking down food resources, as will be done by crushing Dutch farming, will be to make a world far more dangerous than any hypothetical climate emergency, one of food wars and a battle against starvation, with mass migration, and collapsing societies. But, most importantly, even given the elite’s paradigm of a looming climate catastrophe, if this was true, then farming should be one of the last things to cancel, since the hypothetical climate change will lower food production anyway. Efforts would go to eliminating high producing carbon endeavours, such as a lot of inessential consumer production such as cosmetics, fashion items, and even the pollution produced by making electric cars! Since more polluting industries are not under attack, we can be sure that this is but another Great Reset New World Order conspiracy.

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CDC and Big Tech Network for Information Suppression By Chris Knight (Florida)

Emails can be revealing, and it is a wonder that those who have something to hide do not quickly delete them. But, they do not. Thus, emails have revealed the the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) met with executives from Big Tech companies in an effort to control the narrative on Covid, namely to suppress the critique of said narrative. They targeted somewhat fringe ideas, such as the vaxxes making one magnetic, surely harmless enough as it could be readily tested. But, as well, the idea that fertility would be affected was also on the hit list, and that notion seems now to be supported by scientific evidence. That is the problem with censorship; it usually suppresses truth along with falsehood, but we can’t determine which without a wide-ranging debate, that the system fears, being based upon lies itself.


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Twitter, the Twit, Censors the Mighty Epoch Times By Chris Knight (Florida)

What took them so long? The Epoch Times does old school journalism, totally fearless of the establishment, and one of the few larger media outlets willing to take on communist China. It has done superb work on exposing the Covid plandemic, with top quality journalism at all times. Of course, Twitter would inevitably block them. In fact, I thought that they were blocked, like 10 years ago!  The Epoch Times has endured being attacked by communist agents burning the presses in the night, so I don’t see Twitter bothering them much. Maybe sue them. Let a thousand law suits bloom.

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Beware the Looming Aboriginal Voice Referendum By James Reed

The Aboriginal Voice referendum is coming, so we need to get ready. The political class are denying that the Voice committee will be a third chamber of parliament, but it could not be otherwise. Scrutiny by the committee of any law that they find objectionable will lead, in the present woke culture, to the law being rejected or changed, otherwise the weapon of mass cultural destruction, racism accusations, will be detonated, and white liberals will be irradiated with ethno-masochism. It is inevitable, and there is no reason why such a committee would exist via the constitutional referendum unless something like this was planned. Ask yourself, if there was a need for Aboriginal people to have a say via such a committee then why the referendum now, why wasn’t this set up in the past by an Act of parliament? The bottom line is that there is an agenda here to create treaties to break up Australia, and we need to fight this one as never before. That means individuals getting out, talking, handing out leaflets, going on talkback radio, and most of all, supporting the independents who speak out, something that even someone in a wheel chair could do. Be sure that the New Class will try and roll this one in, as they did in 1967, without a “NO” case being given. Recall the marriage equality vote, and do not think this will go away; the Left will be rolling over themselves proclaiming all opposition as … racist! We saw what they did with the gay marriage debate. Their communist agenda is to complete what mass migration and multiculturalism began, to bury tradition Australia. Fight back, everything is at stack now!


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