The Fall of “Scientific American” By Brian Simpson

Scientific American has always been bad, in recent woke times on race, but now has embraced the gender agenda, or at least the radical trans branch of this tree. Western science invented the two sexes model to serve the interest of the white supremacist patriarchy. No matter that all other cultures on Earth, past and present, who are not part of Western liberalism, hold to the common-sense model. When Africans laugh at this, as depicted in a recent documentary by Matt Walsh, What is a Woman? does the Left dare call them … racists, or transphobe? And, do these cultures, which will exist when woke culture is dust, care a pickle?


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The Perfect Storm of Misery, Blowing Out Way By James Reed

I am keeping my peepers open for good material offering sensible approaches to the coming economic collapse. Most people do not see it coming, and perhaps, contrary to all the trends, they are right; however, I think the balance of evidence indicates that they are wrong. Many intellectual types from our side see the opportunity from the chaos for political and financial change, which is of course needed. But we little people need to survive first and do not exist as invulnerable beings, immune to the coming chaos. Michael Snyder at the ver pessimistic Economic Collapse, outlines the 12 factors indicating that we are being blown into economic collapse.

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Dr Richard Ebright on Support for the SARS-CoV-2 Lab Leak Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

It is hard times indeed for the mainstreams’ Covid bat soup hypothesis on the origin of Covid-19. As covered elsewhere today at this blog, the bat hypothesis has been refuted by an Israeli research team. Dr. Richard Ebright of Rutgers University, who is no anti-vaxxer, argued that natural origin hypotheses presuppose an amazing series of coincidences. “Pandemic caused by a bat SARS-like coronavirus emerged in Wuhan - a city 1,000 miles from nearest wild bats with SARS-like coronaviruses, but that contains labs conducting world's largest research program on bat SARS-like coronaviruses.”

He  noted that in 2015 to 2017 “scientists and science-policy specialists expressed concern that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was conducting and contemplating research that posed an unacceptable risk of lab accident and pandemic.”

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Covid King Dr Fauci: Covid Jabs, Forever By Chris Knight (Florida)

I suppose the outgoing Covid technocrat Dr Fauci will be seeking out some nice place to retire, which does not have an extradition treaty with the US. But, his parting shot was that the Covid vaxxes are forever, becoming an annual event, like the flu jab. No doubt this will ensure astronomical profits for Big Pharma, forever. But, may I suggest a libertarian economic response; let those wanting endless jabs pay for them. As a vaccine pure blood, I do not want to pay for other people’s drug addictions! My personal opinion of course.


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Is Justin Bieber a Vax Injury Victim? By Mrs Vera West

I recall reading that rock star Justin Bieber’s girlfriend, a young thing had a stroke. She had the Covid vax before it. Nothing to see here, of course. Then the vaxxed up Justin himself was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt syndrome, a rare neurological condition that left him with facial paralysis. I was curious enough to watch his YouTube where he explained this, and he had trouble speaking. He would definitely have problems singing. And, there is nothing said about the causes of this. And Bieber is quiet about it too, but he could speak up. And be cancelled. But, he may be cancelled already, so not much to lose here. 


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Bats are Off the Covid Hook! By Brian Simpson

 Fans of Batman will be pleased, as research from Tel Aviv University has shown that bats, which have their fair share of bad press and vampire concerns, let alone rabies, are at least off the hook regarding the spread of Covid, SASR-CoV-2. Many a bat will be breathing a gentle sigh of relief at the news, while patiently waiting to be made into bat soup. The claim that bats China spread Covid “was not based on sufficient compelling scientific proof and caused unnecessary stress and confusion worldwide. Bats have a highly effective immune system that enables them to deal relatively easily with viruses considered lethal for other mammals.” So, bats may have antibodies to al matter of diseases, but that shows immunity, not that they are reservoirs for the spread of any specific disease. No, there is only one creature responsible for Covid, and that is the human ruling elites.

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Machete and Other Melee Blade Fights in Diverse London! By Richard Miller (London)

One of the truly exciting things about living, and dying in multicult, diverse London is, that while guns are rare, or at least kept for the “higher” criminals, blades are common, and the cheaper and more readily disposable, the better. Knives used to be the thing, but the lads have moved to using machetes. Unlike swords, machetes are cheap, still available via any one who has some scrap spring steel and an angle grinder, and have a primitive feel to them; like being in your own The Walking Dead movie. I predict that in diverse London, machetes will become a fashion accessory among the thriving gangs and others who want to murder hard working  people like me, who pay for everything. London is a great place to live in, while one lives.


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Covid Vaxxes, A Licence to Print Money! By James Reed

Big Pharma is set to record profits from the whole Covid plandemic; $ 54 billion for Pfizer alone, and counting! Let us suppose, for the sake of argument that Mike Adams, Dr Mercola and other Covid critics are right in seeing the vaxxes as part of a depopulation agenda, intentional of not. How ironic then that such vast profits are made as our kind sinks into the mRNA dust; literally digging our own graves, with a little help from the state in the digging too. But, that’s modernity, sinking into the dust, one way or another.

 ow ironic

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Tested Only on Mice, But that’s Good Enough Now for Human Lab Rats! By Chris Knight (Florida)

A new Covid vax booster rollout, with no test upon humans at all, only mice, that were later killed. Dead mice, I suppose tell no tales. So, what could possibly go wrong? Well, the mice studies are based upon antibody levels alone, but these levels do not prove effectiveness, or safety for humans for that matter. Still, we can no longer complain that animal studies, of a sort, have not been done!

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Celibacy has Been My Way! By Uncle Len

I have been celibate, but not sober, for all of my life. Not even one girl friend; not even at the school dances. It has been speculated that not a single woman on earth, however ugly would give me a moment’s attention. About that I am proud, which I wear as a badge of honour; I will never be divorced! If I was more intellectual or spiritual, the life of a monk would be for me. But, I took the path of living low, now celebrated by my life in a tool shed, which I love, except in summer where I find myself sleeping outside with mosquitoes for company. Still, celibacy has an important social role as some very smart people have told us, in important high-status publications. I am in awe. Just cop this URL:     

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Aussie Government Ignores Covid Vax Adverse Events Study By Brian Simpson

A peer-reviewed study has concluded: “The excess risk of serious adverse events found in our study points to the need for formal harm-benefit analyses, particularly those that are stratified according to risk of serious COVID-19 outcomes. These analyses will require public release of participant level datasets.” While that should be investigated, the government answer is that the Covid vaxxes are safe, apparently whatever evidence of adverse events is forthcoming. The vaxxes allegedly saved lives. Did they? That counter-factual is hard to prove, since alternative treatments were banned, natural immunity degraded, and the mortality for the majority of the population, even with the early variants of Covid, was close to 99 + percent for most of the population, certainly for young people. The following exchange says it all; we live in a Covid cult.

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UK Bans Covid Vaccines for All Children Under 12 Years By Richard Miller

While many news sites, including Covid critics are saying the UK government has discontinued rolling out Covid vaccines for all children under 12 year, this is not correct. Rather, in the UK, now, Covid vaccines are banned for all children under 12-years. This is so even if brainwashed parents want their kiddies to be jabbed. So, the big question is, why? Is this a recognition that a backlash is coming when the extent of ill-health, as seen in the excess mortality figures, hits the public agenda? And, why haven’t other countries followed the UK?

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The Russian Nuclear Dead Hand By James Reed

Here is why even a first nuclear strike against Russia will not prevent a retaliatory nuclear holocaust. The Russians have developed a “dead man’s switch” defence system known as “Dead Hand,” that will automatically launch every available nuke should Russia face nuclear annihilation, or be destroyed. It is not clear when the system gets activated. And, that is the worry, since there may not be a reason to prevent an all-out launch even in a limited nuclear exchange. This seems infinitely dangerous, and all the more reason not to have war with Russia over the Ukraine. The chattering class interest in that place seems to have gone off the boil.

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Japanese Pathologists and Cardiologists Express Concern about the mRNA Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Japanese pathologists and cardiologists from the prestigious Nagano Red Cross Hospital, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Joetsu General Hospital, and the National Institute of Infectious Diseases of Japan, have reported in the peer-reviewed international journal, Pathology International, about the clinical case study of the death of a 61-year-old woman, otherwise healthy, after receiving the mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. The death was by myocarditis, usually a fate reserved for the vaccinated young. The article raised concern, given the acknowledgment of the novelty of the mRNA vaccine— “the first applied nucleic acid vaccine for humans,” with an “unclear” mechanism of efficacy and immune acquisition. Japan has been much more scientific in their approach to Covid than the blind faith, if not dog-like obedience, that the West has placed in Big Pharma.


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Covid Vaxxes and Neurological Injury By Chris Knight (Florida)

A US National Institutes of Health (NIH) observational study, has attracted little mainstream attention, which, given its results, may not be surprising. The  study involved patients with new onset paresthesias (abnormal sensations often caused by pressure or damage to peripheral nerves), with or without symptoms incident to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. It was found that all patients reported the onset of symptoms within three weeks of being jabbed with the covid-19 vaccine; 39% developed the symptoms after the second dose, completing the primary mRNA series; 17% reported mild-transient symptoms after the first jab. There was a full onset after the second dose, indicating the possibility of immune priming to the spike protein.

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Mainstream Science Comments on Adverse Events After mRNA Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Even in their own trials, Pfizer and Moderna showed more harm than benefit from their mRNA vaccines. This is now being stated in the mainstream science literature, as reported in the journal, Vaccine. Here is the kicker:

3.4. Harm-benefit considerations

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The Excess Mortality Rate, Post-Vax Rollout By Brian Simpson

The excess mortality issue is that a statistically significant number of people died after the covid vax rollout, then did prior to the vax during Covid. There is no controversy that there is an excess mortality; the issue lies in explaining it. The mainstream media pushes the line, which is not, at first glance implausible, that the excess mortality is due to the effects of the lockdowns, as people who should have received medical attention, say for cardio-vascular disease, and diabetes, for example, did not, and now are dying. But, the problem with this hypothesis as a complete explanation of the excess mortality, is that, to take one population example, during the Autumn of 2021, Millennials, aged 25 to 44, had an 84 percent increase in excess deaths, and a sizeable chunk of this population was healthy, without prior cardio-vascular problems. Cardio-vascular problems are some of the most common adverse effects of the Covid jabs, too. As hedge fund guru Ed Dowd has said: “Basically, Millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021. 58,000 people died in the Vietnam War, U.S. troops [over the course of 10 years], so this generation just experienced a Vietnam War [in 6 months] ...

We’ve had 1.1 million excess deaths since the pandemic began, many of which occurred in the second half of [2021] ...

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Welcome to the Police State; You Can Check Out But You Can Never Leave (In One Piece)! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This makes horrible reading, but it shows the extent of corruption in the US police, who openly torture, if not murder. Yes, there is elements of truth in BLM critique, although we reject their agenda. And, we saw the level of police brutality in opposing the lockdown demonstrators during the Covid madness. There is certainly a big problem here, with the police forces needing cleaning up, from the ground up.

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Heart Damage in Vaxxed Youth By Mrs Vera West

Alarming data is emerging about myocardial heart damage, in Covid vaccine youth. Research in Thailand by cardiologist Dr Anisha Koka  found that three of 301 children in the study developed developed myocarditis or pericarditis after their second Pfizer jab. One child developed myocarditis, and two developed pericarditis, and all three were hospitalized. Worse, cardiovascular manifestations were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia or palpitation to myopericarditis. This refutes the cosy myth that the adverse effects from the vaxxes are “exceeding rare.” Tell that to the injured Thaai children.


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Long-Lasting mRNA Spike Proteins By Brian Simpson

Japanese doctors have reported that the mRNA spike proteins do not disappear as the mainstream Covid narrative proposes, but do in fact linger in the body for at least several months after the initial jab. The claim was made after a 64-year-old patient was found to have developed skin lesions after the jab. Testing revealed the presence of mRNA spike proteins for many months, post-jab: “Immunostaining with anti-coronavirus spike protein (SP) antibody revealed the SP expression in the intravesicular cells in the epidermis and endothelial cells of the inflamed vessels in the dermis,” they wrote about their findings.

“In addition, the SP was also found in the endothelial cells of venules in the subcutaneous fat tissue underlying the herpetic vasculitis lesion.”

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