The Good Guys Don’t Censor Speech By Chris Knight (Florida)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr has thrown his hat into the 2024 presidential elections, and is going hammer on thongs on the issues of freedom and liberation from the present tyranny. He has already made some priceless remarks, such as “There is no time in history where the people who were censoring speech were the good guys.” That must rate up there with Lord Acton, that power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is true that only the evil will censor, as they have something to hide, and hide it they do, even in plain sight, as we saw with the lies of the Covid regime, which continues to this day. With absolute power there will not only be complete censorship, but a total reconstruction of what are facts, as Orwell’s 1984 well showed.


“There is no time in history where the people who were censoring speech were the good guys,” Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told Breitbart News Sunday host Joel Pollak.

Pollak asked Kennedy about his championing of free speech over big tech censorship. The bestselling author, environmental lawyer, and child health advocate has experienced censorship firsthand. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of Kennedy’s social media posts questioning the wisdom of the lockdowns were labeled “misinformation.”

In his presidential announcement speech last week, the candidate said, “I’m in a lawsuit involving Amazon for censoring one of my books. They were censoring people who criticized the lockdowns while they were raking in money from the lockdowns.”

“I’m wondering if you can make a pitch to our audience about a common cause that you, running as a Democrat, may have with many conservatives who feel that they’ve been canceled or otherwise censored or marginalized in public discourse,” Pollak asked.

“It’s more than a personal aggrievement. It’s really just a direct assault on our democracy,” Kennedy stated.

Kennedy explained that in crafting the Bill of Rights, America’s Founders “put the right to free expression in the First Amendment because all the other rights depended on it—because the government that has the power to silence its critics has license for any kind of atrocity.”

“They also understood just theoretically that the whole basis for democracy was the free flow of information,” he said, adding that democracy’s advantage over “tyrannical and monarchical” systems of government is that “through the free flow of information, the best policies can triumph in the marketplace of ideas.”

We’re now in this situation where without free speech, democracy just withers and dies. Free speech is the fertilizer; it’s the sunlight; it’s the water for democracy,” he continued. “There is no time in history where the people who were censoring speech were the good guys. They’re always the bad guys because, of course, that is the first and last step of totalitarianism: silencing critics.”

Pollak noted that Breitbart News founder Andrew Breitbart “used to say we always need more voices, not fewer voices. The answer to speech you don’t agree with is more speech, not less speech.”

Kennedy argued that “misinformation” and even “lies” are still Constitutionally protected speech. “There are certain kinds of speech that are not protected. But, you know, those things are.”

“What we really ought to be looking at is why? What is the cause of this blizzard and tsunami of misinformation that everybody is worried about?” Kennedy asked. “And if you look at why this is happening, it’s clear that it’s happening because people don’t trust the government anymore, and they don’t trust it because the government lies, and the media lies.”

“Twenty-two percent of Americans now trust the government, and about 22 percent trust media. That’s the lowest level in our history,” he said. “And the reason they don’t—there’s a very good reason—is that the government and the media, the mainstream media, the corporate-owned media, they are now lying just as a matter of course. And because of that, people are looking for other sources of information. And when those other sources challenge government orthodoxies, the government’s response is to censor them or to label them as misinformation and say that they’re dangerous.”

“And so now you’ve got this terror, particularly on the left, that misinformation is somehow going to destroy our democracy,” he added. “And it’s kind of a bait and switch because the real threat to our democracy is that our government is lying to us. And people don’t trust the institutions of our democracy anymore and with very good reason.”

In his announcement speech, Kennedy explained that his father, Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., predicated his famous and tragically shortened 1968 presidential campaign on the belief that he could unite Americans from diverse backgrounds by telling them the truth.

“Every nation, every individual has a darker side and a lighter side,” Kennedy told Pollak. “The easiest thing for political leaders to do is to appeal to those darker instincts—the greed, the anger, the fear, the bigotry. But people are able to hear a different message if they’re spoken to honestly. And my father did that, and he was ruthlessly honest, and it allowed people—even people who did not agree with him on all the issues—it allowed them to take the risk of seeing themselves transcending their own narrow self-interests and their fear-driven lies and seeing themselves as part of a larger community, as part of this noble experiment that we have in this country of being in self-governance [and] of being the world’s exemplary democracy, and summoning people to find the hero in themselves and really feel like we are part of something bigger than ourselves.”







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