Germany’s Great Job Replacement By Richard Miller (London)

The following Great Replacement program is from the Greens in Germany, but it is racially suicidal enough to gain steam. The Green monsters in the city of Hanover plan to ban a third of native German citizens, that is whites, from applying for government jobs. These jobs will be given to migrants. “By the end of 2026, a third of all newly advertised positions in the city should be filled by applicants with a migration background,” wrote Hanover Mayor Belit   Polat, who is of Turkish heritage. I am surprised that the Mayor did not want 110 percent of jobs to go to migrants, but it is early days yet in the Great Replacement. I suppose Germans would love this discrimination.

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The Decline and Fall of the West? By James Reed

A nice piece appeared at International, comparing the fall of ancient Rome, and the state of the West today. There are alarming comparisons, as detailed, ranging from replacement immigration, hostile barbarians wanting to level societies (both internal and external hostiles), the cancer of debt eroding economic vitality, and the drive for military conflicts. Collapse, when it comes, will be surprisingly quick.


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Nasty, Undemocratic EU Globalists By Richard Miller (London)

This is worth noting. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, made threats that the EU technocrats have “tools’ to use if the election delivers the “wrong” result. Incredible stuff, showing that the conspiracy theorists were spot on about the anti-democratic nature of the EU and the mentality of its technocrats. Now that the nice Right-wing lady is in, let us see what Ursula has up her sleave. She may be surprised.

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Jacinda Ardern Goes After Free Speech; UN Globalists Cheer, Rattle Jewellery By Bruce Bennett

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, New World Order, Great Reset, World Economic Forum, socialist feminist, and that is just on a good day, was at the UN doing her thing to please the globalists. Climate change blah, blah, the usual, not as shrill as Greta the Great, but give her a few years and she will get there. Oh, and that little thing called free speech, remember that? That has to go, as “disinformation,” defined as anything her social class does not like, must go. What is important is that she is also saying that the “collectivist” actions that the elites practiced in the dummy run of Covid, will now be applied to climate change. If you thought the Covid mandates were bad, friend, you have not seen anything yet.

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God Save the King! God Save Us All! By James Reed

The second verse of the British national anthem is not often sung, but today it is more relevant than ever, especially with the traitors within:

O Lord our God arise,
Scatter his enemies,
And make them fall:
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix:
God save us all.

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Jordan Peterson Levels on the Ukraine War By James Reed

This is the most sense that I have read on the Ukraine War situation for some time. Psychologist Jordan Peterson notices the herd of elephants in the room, and points out the obvious, that when winter comes to Europe, Russia shuts off the energy supplies to the EU. Industries fall and people die. Europe would collapse, and be crushed. It is hard to see what the EU could do about this, with its crazed environmentalism leading, paradoxically to energy dependence upon Russia.

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She was 12; Biden was 30? You’re Kidding, Right? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is no doubt that false president Joe Biden is creepy; with the hair sniffing of young girls, and the allegations in his daughter’s diary of inappropriate showers with daddy. Mild though, compared to his son Hunter’s cocaine and prostitutes; this is the president and family. If this was Trump, the press would roast him alive, and in fact did many times for just a few “adult” remarks. But this senile guy old Joe, can, with Hunter, give away the country to China, and the lamestream press, does not care, going along for the ride, down.


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Australia's Covid Response Cost $934.8 Billion and resulted in 31 Times More Life Years Lost than were Saved: The Institute of Public Affairs By Mrs Vera West

A vast price has been paid across the world for the Covid mandates. Rather thn taking the Swedish and Japanese approach of not locking down the entire population, as is still being seen in communist China, Sweden and Japan moved to protect the most vulnerable people. The cost of the Covid madness has been estimated by a report from the Institute of Public Affairs, which concludes that the measures were a “humanitarian disaster.”  The stark conclusion is that the lockdowns cost cost $934.8 billion and resulted in 31 times more life years lost than were saved.

So, who is going to be accountable, and punished for this disaster that caused misery, wrecking the lives of so many?

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Alex Berenson: The Vaccines of Failure By Brian Simpson

According to UK data, the Covid vaxxes nearly doubled the risk of hospitalisation after the first shot. “By mid-2021, fully vaccinated people had a higher risk of being infected with Covid, the study shows. They had only about 65 percent protection against hospitalization and death - after accounting for age, sex, and other risk factors.” This is the peak of vaccine protection; after a few months, what protection offered, diminished. It was hardly worth the effort – and risks

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The Brainwashing of the World; Menticide By James Reed

Dr Bruce Scott has a good piece at the highly informative site,, tracing the Covid freak-out as a form of menticide, the murder of the mind. I think this is very applicable, generalising on the Dr Robert Malone’s notion of mass formation psychosis. People were reduced to the level of Pavlov’s dogs, responding in a psychological behaviourist fashion to stimuli and responses. The parallel as well can be made with lab rats in the famous Skinner box, people’s own homes becoming their Skinnerian prison. As well, there are cognitive aspects of this, with mind control leading to people becoming obsessive compulsive attached to their masks, which served little purpose in disease prevention, being misused and not frequently replaced.

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Tucker Carlson on the Biden Regime’s Manic Drive for Nuclear War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Tucker Carlson is one of the few journalists calling out the crazed drive by the US neo cons and Deep State for war with Russia. The key point is that Putin is not going to back down, and has indicated that tactical nuclear weapons could be used at some point; he does not intend to lose as that means the end of him. But, even before that, he is likely to turn off energy supplies to Western Europe, who had moved to Russian energy out of misplaced environmentalism. Other posts will cover the European crisis, but with winter coming, people will face the threat of cold like never before; a freezing cold, dark winter, looms. As for the US neo cons, unless they are hoping for a Second Coming in the aftermath of nuclear war, they are unlikely to survive, or to keep living in the world as they know it. It is a death wish, but the entire West seems to be grounded upon this thrust to national/racial suicide now.

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The World Economic Forum’s Climate Change New World Order Transhumanist Agenda By James Reed

In a number of blog pieces, I have lamented that the lack of resistance, and indeed hearty compliance given by the majority of the population to all aspects of the Covid mandates was a worry, along the thin edge of a mighty thick wedge argument. If people, not all, but the majority, would comply for lockdowns that have now been shown not to fallen the curve, but in fact had strongly negative effects, as another paper will document, then they would be open to being locked down in some shape or form for the king of the ideologies of globalism, climate change hysteria. And, World Economic Forum transhumanist Yuval Noah Harari is thinking right along these lines. There are consequences for good men doing nothing, while evil flourishes.

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On Defeating the Indigenous Voice By James Reed

The media blitz is beginning, pushing the Indigenous Voice constitutional referendum. While there is a direct counter-attack approach, seen in viewing the move as a power drive by the elites behind the scene to gain even more control, and breakup Australia, there is an indirect strategy as well. This is suggested by the claim that the Voice will only be advising on issues directly related to Aboriginal issues, such as housing, childcare and land rights. However, areas such as defence and taxation will be out of bounds. That is where the champions of the “yes” case need to be pushed to generate a backlash from the elites. Issues such as taxation, national defence, and especially Centrelink benefits, do relate to indigenous people. Thus, they should push onto areas that the elites do not want them to, or at least be motivated to do so. It is much like the referendum on the Republic, where the elites are loath to meet the populations’ desire of having a peoples’ elected president. Thus, if the referendum looks like getting out of control, it may get shut down. So, let’s work to shut it down.

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Dark Days for the White Race By Richard Miller (London)

Giulio Meotti, Cultural Editor for Il Foglio, and an Italian journalist and author, outlines the grim demographic reality facing white Europeans, and by implication, whites right across the West. By 2050 over half the increase in the projected global population will be concentrated mainly in Africa. Nigeria alone will produce more babies than all of Europe, and the population of Nigeria will be greater that Europe and the United States combined. Further, Islam will have overtaken Christianity as the largest religion in the world. “The Islamic population of the European Union, depending on the migratory flows, could reach 75 million within a generation -- like an entire Muslim Germany or, if one prefers, like Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Belgium, Holland, Portugal and Sweden combined. Does that sound better? The population of Birmingham will soon be half Muslim.... [The Birmingham Mail reveals that] the number of Muslim children in the city has surpassed the number of Christian children. "In addition to Birmingham, Islam is now the dominant religion among children in Leicester, Bradford, Luton, Slough and the London boroughs of Newham, Redbridge and Tower Hamlets." — Quote from, September 21, 2014.

This scenario assumes business as usual; but an economic collapse of the West will lead to mass starvation of the Third World, which is a populated as it is due to Western technology and resources, and promiscuous altruism.

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Venezuela Empties Prisons, Sends to US Border By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The ghouls of the White House, which is now an ironic name, say the border is protected, and closed as tight as a drum. Well, no it is not. It has been reported that Venezuela is now emptying its prisons and sending its very worst to the US. That, in a sane world, is more of a threat than Russia, and should be met with serious ramifications. Rather than defend the most corrupt country in Europe, the US should defend its own borders, using the US military as the “wall.” But, of course, the Biden administration does not want this, instead aiming to burn America down.

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Poisoned by the Modern World By Mrs Vera West

One of the lesser discussed aspects of modern decline is the chemical poisoning that is occurring, causing, for one thing, a crash in sperm quantity and quality, with the potential to lead to human extinction. But, there are many other toxins. One “forever chemical,” PFAS, has been found in every umbilical cord blood sample taken from 40 studies over the past five years. This is significant because these chemicals, used in many industrial applications, are linked to birth defects, cancer, kidney disease, liver problems and other ill-health issues. The US EPA recently found effectively no level of exposure to some types of PFAS in water is safe. Thus, it seems that the human race, in its technological hubris is busy poisoning its future, for short-term affluence, and corporate profit gain.

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Countdown to Hyper-Chernobyl Catastrophe By Richard Miller (London)

It is a concerning sign; Poland is now handing out iodine pills to emergency workers and first responders, starting with regional fire departments, who can give it to the general population, out of a well-grounded fear of a radiological accident at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, which has faced shelling. It is now held by Russian troops. It is a highly unstable, dangerous situation, and a major accident could dwarf the Chernobyl nuclear accident of April 1986.

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Italy Stands Up to the Globalists! By Richard Miller (London)

Hot from the press, Right wing, Giorgia Meloni, is set to become Italy’s first lady prime minister. After the victory of the Right in Sweden, formerly dominated by absurd Leftism, the globalists were frantic to defeat her, and no doubt Soros had a role to play.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that the EU has “the tools” to deal with a member state if things “go in a difficult direction.” The threat clearly was electoral interference, but nothing is likely to happen. The Italians did not cave in, having had enough of Leftism. Good for them. Meloni says she will address the migration issue and she is pro-family and anti-woke. What is there not to like?

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The British Empire: A Force for Western Civilisation, and the Good By James Reed

The death of Queen Elizabeth II, was the end of an era in British history, a connection to the former British empire, now disintegrating into a migrant holding zone, with all the crime, mass rapes of children and people smuggling. But, it was not always like this, and indeed is only like this now because there is an infrastructure created by the greatest empire on Earth, which is now being mined. While the Left groans about colonialism, the people who were introduced to Western civilisation had cultures and customs quite inconsistent with woke feminist philosophy and Leftism, as documented below. The British Empire, whatever its faults, had a civilising effect, giving the world, science, technology, industry and arts, never before seen, and unlike China, shared with the world. And now it is always open to those nations who whinge, to go back to how they once lived, or kneel to the CCP. Nothing is stopping them.


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The Science of Social Engineering: Patrick Wood By James Reed

Social engineering is the essence of the emerging global technocracy, the rule of so-called experts, who see their technical knowledge giving them the secular divine right to rule we plebs. Patrick Wood has a forthcoming book dealing with this agenda in detail, including transhumanism. In the extract below he outlines the basic premises of social engineering in the technocratic agenda, and how the covid mandates were just a dummy run for the main event which is now unfolding with the manifold of manufactured crises.

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