UK Diversity, Not a Strength By Richard Miller (London)

Lance Welton gives an account of what is really going on in the UK globalist elites gem city of diversity, Leicester, majority non-white. Far from diversity making this city, dynamic and exciting, the India-Pakistan war has been imported, so I suppose in a way, this is “exciting.” Violence between Muslims and Hindus I suppose does constitute “diversity” in a technical sense. But compare this city to competing racially homogeneous cities in china to see that diversity is not a strength, but a profound weakness, and liability, regardless of colours.

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Sports Responsible for Men Being Stronger than Women? Nonsense! By Mrs Vera West

A Canadian feminist sociologist has claimed that sports are responsible for the common “belief” that men are inherently stronger … and also for the “belief” that gender is binary. For a start, men in general, even outside of sports are physically stronger than women, and there is an enormous amount of evidence of this:

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The Wine of Elite Hypocrisy is Sweet at Martha’s Vineyard By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ben Bartee, an independent Bangkok-based American journalist, who I started following after reading a James Reed article, gives his take on our governor Ron DeSantis sending crate loads of beaming illegals, complete with their latest mobile phones and nice running shoes to the elite’s playground of Martha’s Vineyard. As we know, the illegals did not last long there being shipped out mighty fast. The elites only want immigration if the ordinary white people suffer.


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Why Does the West Hate Itself? By James Reed


A new book by Benedict Beckeld, Western Self-Contempt: Oikophobia in the Decline of Civilizations (North Illinois University Press, 2022), may supply an answer to the question of Western suicide, if I could get the book, but I am too poor in this inflation-ravaged economy to buy anything but the basic food items, like dog food. How then to find out about such books? Why, read reviews, and what free info is available. Here are some crumbs from

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Powerless Times Ahead By Viv Forbes

It is a still winter night in Green-topia.

Wind turbines are idle; solar panels are in darkness; some are covered with snow.

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Red Pope Defends Commo China from Claims it is Not Democratic! By Peter West

Incredible comments coming from he Pope. He said that China’s communist regime cannot be described as “undemocratic”! Now wait, there is one ruling party, the CCP, and no elections, even the basics are not met. This is so absurd that it simply shows that the Pope is red to the core, and does not criticise his masters. Sorry my fellow Catholics, but what else could be reasonably concluded?

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The Incredible Laughing Illegals (Karma Harris Tickles Funny Bones of Millions) By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It was a great piece of political satire and refutation for DeSantis to drop off illegals outside of the Washington DC residence of vice president Kamal Harris. Earlier she had said that the border was closed, as tight as a drum. Ut the illegals themselves, straight from the horse’s mouths, so to speak, said: “The border is open, not closed. Everybody believes that the border is open. It is open because we enter. We come in free, no problem. We came illegally, not legally.” It is difficult to think of any political figure getting such a knock down refutation. But, she will not care, and just chuckle and giggle. Scary indeed to have such people in control.

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The Weekly US Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Events Report By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)  is the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. New data shows a total of 1,407,409 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and September 9, 2022,  including a total of 30,935 reports of deaths and 257,227 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period. Of the 30,935 reported deaths, 19,861 cases are attributed to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 8,344 cases to Moderna, 2,678 cases to Johnson & Johnson (J&J).  No cases yet have reported for Novavax.


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“Nature Human Behaviour” Goes Woke By Brian Simpson

While we are dealing with woke and academia, I note that the journal  Nature Human Behaviour now has the editorial and ethics guidelines has a ban on publishing research that even indirectly undermines human rights and the “misuse of information to threaten public health,” when research is used for unintended purposes. That just about includes any research that the woke does not like. But, beyond this absurdity, the policy is dictating what counts as truth. It defines out of existence research that challenges the dogmas of the present regime. Is it any reason that I hate academia and all its bs.  Glad I did not go on to do a PhD, keeping to a MA, which was bad enough.

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Theoretical Physicist Rejects Woke; May Get Cancelled By Brian Simpson

Leading theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss, has come out and attacked the cult of DEI, diversity, equity and inclusion, pointing out its effects in undermining scholarship and the pursuit of knowledge. Of course it does, as this Leftist movement is basically anti-science, real science, and is wallowing in sociology, which is a terrible thing. Naturally this ideology produces a cancel culture, which is merely a soft version of the executions leftist regimes of the past have delighted in delivering. The universities have become too corrupted to bother with and are merely wasting public money; close them down as James Reed says.

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The Elites Protect Their Own Turf By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is something Trump would never do, one being weak, and two applying his absurd “do a deal” strategy to politics, which opponents who are hard-line and uncompromising easily counter. Florida governor Ron DeSantis put the illegal cats among the rich folk pigeons by dumping migrants at Martha’s Vineyard, which is not some sort of orchard owned by Martha, but where the likes of the Obama’s have multi-million-dollar homes. The idea was to test if those who virtual signal about the need to take in endless “refugees” would actually take them in. No, quick smart the authorities removed them, showing the hypocrisy and deceit of the elites.

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Change the Seasons … White Racism! By James Reed

The woke must have plenty of time on their hands to think of things like changing the seasons to be consistent with indigenous interpretations of reality. But, why stop there? If we are going to go down that line, adopt indigenous dreamtime cosmology instead of modern astrophysics, and maybe indigenous medicine as well. Come to think of it, there may not be much difference, after the Covid mind rot, of replacing healthcare workers with the traditional kurdaitcha man.

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General Vax Scepticism By Mrs Vera West

In a challenging substack, Toby Rogers, “Why I’m an Abolitionist,” gives reasons for a more general vax scepticism. Most Covid critics, such as Dr Robert Malone, are not general vax sceptics, but have specific concerns related to the Covid vaxxes. Yet, there is more to the story, indeed. There is a case that vaccines change the immune system, making the immune system of being less capable to a robust response to other diseases, something which is being observed with the Covid vaxxes. Rogers discusses other vaccine cases, such the DTP vaccine, which kills 5 times more children than it saves from the three diseases it is designed to protect against.

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Professor Norman Fenton on the Failure of Reason and Integrity in the Scientific Community By James Reed

One of the few academics who raised critical concerns during the Covid freak-out was Professor Norman Fenton, Professor of Risk Information management at Queen Mary Universality of London. As a mathematician he has constantly debunked supposed mainstream “truths” about the epidemiology of Covid. After a while, others began to echo these sentiments, but not many. In general, the academics failed to engage in a critical evaluation of everything Covid, from its origin, right through to the mandates and their justification. Essentially, even those academics who had concerns did not voice them, as they were scared for their skins. It was the largest instance of intellectual cowardice that humanity has seen. The greatest medical experiment, performed on the majority of the human race, to profit Big Pharma, was conducted without critical scrutiny. In general, academics are as corrupt as doctors.

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Covid Vaxxed Athletes, Dying By Brian Simpson

We have covered the collapsing and dying athlete issue this year. Good has a comprehensive coverage, complete with deaths that have occurred over the past months. As we have said, the mainstream has no set answer to this phenomenon, and are simply leaving it unexplained. But clearly the common cause, something true science should seek, is the vax. But to admit this at any point would scare the sheeple who may come to feel that they have a ticking mRNA time bomb inside of them.

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Spying Facebook: Will Trump Jail Them, Close it Down? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A great bit of reporting by the mainstream media, at long last, detailing how Facebook spied on the private messages and data of users, then turned it all over to the FBI, the woke, less-than-secret police. But, it was not terrorists, as conventionally defined,  they were hunting for, but Trump supporters, and people expressing anti-government or anti-authority sentiments — or questioning the 2020 election. Needless to say, this was totally illegal, and contrary to people’s constitutional rights. One would hope that the Republicans will pursue this, and If Trump by some miracle gets elected, will at last seek justice. But, I have no faith. My guess is that he will simply let it all go, as he does his “deals” which really make him no more than the proverbial lamp post.

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Biden Regime Fabricating White Racism By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Biden regime is facing an embarrassment; basing its claim to fame upon its unending quest to root out white supremacism, by simply the Great Replacement of eliminating whites, well, at least conservative whites first, its rabid attack dog, the FBI, who now has the job of persecuting MAGA Trumpers, has found too few cases of white racism. That stands to reason, since unlike the opposing racial versions, there are not many whites with even the first base of a racial consciousness, the white race having had this beaten out of them over the past decades. Thus, it is necessary to fabricate cases. But, why bother?  Just call every white opposed to anything the Biden regime does not like, whatever, and do the foul deeds. After all, if as Biden said, Maga types are semi-fascist, why not classify them as full fascist? Frankly, all this is enough to make anyone a little more “radical” than conservative.

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Oxford Study: Vaxxes Cause Myocarditis Deaths By Mrs Vera West

Although giving the usual caveats, as mainstream medical publications do, that it is rare for SARS-CoV-2 infections to cause myocarditis, hear inflation, a recent study goes on to show that the Covid-19 vaccine is four times more likely to cause myocarditis in men under the age of 40 than a Covid-19 infection. The University of Oxford study is the first to acknowledged that people are actually dying from vaccine-induced myocarditis, something Covid critics have been discussing for some time now.

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Unvaxxed Doing Fine; No Burden on Healthcare Systems at All! By Brian Simpson

A study of the unvaxxed has found that these individuals had “broad and robust” immunity, with memory T cells being able to effectively respond to all variants of SAR-CoV-2. The study had around 18,300 participants from North America, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Asia, South America, Central America, and Africa, and ranged from 1 to 70 + years in age.  It was found that 54 percent of participants who had a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 had symptoms that lasted less than one week, and most of them experiencing mild symptoms, with only 0.4 percent hospitalized, 74 out of approximately 5,200 individuals. Further, 56 of them stayed for less than a week. It shows that the claim that unvaxxed are placing an intolerable burden upon the healthcare system, is quite untrue. In fact, there is a hypothesis that the unvaxxed, who are not reservoirs of a leaky vaccine that does not stop transmission, may aid in halting the evolutionary pressure upon SARS-CoV-2 to evolve new variants.

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Canada Purges Inconvenient Covid Vax Injury Data By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Vigilant Fox, who is always on Covid vax scam alert, has written that most Western governments are purging inconvenient Covid vax injury data, showing that ill-effects of the vaxxes. However, the British Columbia CDC was a little slow to respond to the globalist memo; they noted that  between March 20 and April 16, 2022, 63 percent of all people infected with COVID-19 had received a booster shot, and 73 percent of all people dying with/from COVID had received a booster, which was only 47 percent of the population. However, the Fox was as quick as his namesake to point out, “the boosted demographic was 34% MORE LIKELY to contract COVID and 55% MORE LIKELY to die with/from COVID than those who received two shots, one shot, or no shots at all.” But, then the data was gone; nothing to see here! Well, I smell a rat, a Covid vax scam rat.

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